blob: ea2adbaba3c923757cf87de7a109be9cc8420a09 [file] [log] [blame]
use std::fs;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::process::Command;
fn main() {
// Gather all and environment settings
let options = parse_args();
// Perform rustfmt for each manifest available
/// Run rustfmt on a set of Bazel targets
fn run_rustfmt(options: &Config) {
// In order to ensure the test parses all sources, we separately
// track whether or not a failure has occured when checking formatting.
let mut is_failure: bool = false;
for manifest in options.manifests.iter() {
// Ignore any targets which do not have source files. This can
// occur in cases where all source files are generated.
if manifest.sources.is_empty() {
// Run rustfmt
let status = Command::new(&options.rustfmt_config.rustfmt)
.expect("Failed to run rustfmt");
if !status.success() {
is_failure = true;
if is_failure {
/// A struct containing details used for executing rustfmt.
struct Config {
/// Information about the current rustfmt binary to run.
pub rustfmt_config: rustfmt_lib::RustfmtConfig,
/// A list of manifests containing information about sources
/// to check using rustfmt.
pub manifests: Vec<rustfmt_lib::RustfmtManifest>,
/// Parse the runfiles of the current executable for manifests generated
/// but the `rustfmt_aspect` aspect.
fn find_manifests(dir: &Path, manifests: &mut Vec<PathBuf>) {
if dir.is_dir() {
for entry in fs::read_dir(dir).expect("Failed to read directory contents") {
let entry = entry.expect("Failed to read directory entry");
let path = entry.path();
if path.is_dir() {
find_manifests(&path, manifests);
} else if let Some(ext) = path.extension() {
if ext == rustfmt_lib::RUSTFMT_MANIFEST_EXTENSION {
/// Parse settings from the environment into a config struct
fn parse_args() -> Config {
let mut manifests: Vec<PathBuf> = Vec::new();
&runfiles::find_runfiles_dir().expect("Failed to find runfiles directory"),
&mut manifests,
if manifests.is_empty() {
panic!("No manifests were found");
Config {
rustfmt_config: rustfmt_lib::parse_rustfmt_config(),
manifests: manifests
.map(|manifest| rustfmt_lib::parse_rustfmt_manifest(manifest))