blob: 71f538c9a05c754d14114dce4ffb0f4a01194ebc [file] [log] [blame]
"""Unittests for rust rules."""
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:unittest.bzl", "analysistest", "asserts")
load("//rust:defs.bzl", "rust_binary", "rust_library", "rust_proc_macro")
load("//test/unit:common.bzl", "assert_argv_contains", "assert_list_contains_adjacent_elements", "assert_list_contains_adjacent_elements_not")
load(":wrap.bzl", "wrap")
NOT_WINDOWS = select({
"@platforms//os:linux": [],
"@platforms//os:macos": [],
"//conditions:default": ["@platforms//:incompatible"],
"@//rust/settings:pipelined_compilation": True,
def _second_lib_test_impl(ctx):
env = analysistest.begin(ctx)
tut = analysistest.target_under_test(env)
rlib_action = [act for act in tut.actions if act.mnemonic == "Rustc"][0]
metadata_action = [act for act in tut.actions if act.mnemonic == "RustcMetadata"][0]
# Both actions should use the same --emit=
assert_argv_contains(env, rlib_action, "--emit=dep-info,link,metadata")
assert_argv_contains(env, metadata_action, "--emit=dep-info,link,metadata")
# The metadata action should have a .rmeta as output and the rlib action a .rlib
path = rlib_action.outputs.to_list()[0].path
"expected Rustc to output .rlib, got " + path,
path = metadata_action.outputs.to_list()[0].path
"expected RustcMetadata to output .rmeta, got " + path,
# Only the action building metadata should contain --rustc-quit-on-rmeta
assert_list_contains_adjacent_elements_not(env, rlib_action.argv, ["--rustc-quit-on-rmeta", "true"])
assert_list_contains_adjacent_elements(env, metadata_action.argv, ["--rustc-quit-on-rmeta", "true"])
# Check that both actions refer to the metadata of :first, not the rlib
extern_metadata = [arg for arg in metadata_action.argv if arg.startswith("--extern=first=") and "libfirst" in arg and arg.endswith(".rmeta")]
len(extern_metadata) == 1,
"did not find a --extern=first=*.rmeta but expected one",
extern_rlib = [arg for arg in rlib_action.argv if arg.startswith("--extern=first=") and "libfirst" in arg and arg.endswith(".rmeta")]
len(extern_rlib) == 1,
"did not find a --extern=first=*.rlib but expected one",
# Check that the input to both actions is the metadata of :first
input_metadata = [i for i in metadata_action.inputs.to_list() if i.basename.startswith("libfirst")]
asserts.true(env, len(input_metadata) == 1, "expected only one libfirst input, found " + str([i.path for i in input_metadata]))
asserts.true(env, input_metadata[0].extension == "rmeta", "expected libfirst dependency to be rmeta, found " + input_metadata[0].path)
input_rlib = [i for i in rlib_action.inputs.to_list() if i.basename.startswith("libfirst")]
asserts.true(env, len(input_rlib) == 1, "expected only one libfirst input, found " + str([i.path for i in input_rlib]))
asserts.true(env, input_rlib[0].extension == "rmeta", "expected libfirst dependency to be rmeta, found " + input_rlib[0].path)
return analysistest.end(env)
def _bin_test_impl(ctx):
env = analysistest.begin(ctx)
tut = analysistest.target_under_test(env)
bin_action = [act for act in tut.actions if act.mnemonic == "Rustc"][0]
# Check that no inputs to this binary are .rmeta files.
metadata_inputs = [i.path for i in bin_action.inputs.to_list() if i.path.endswith(".rmeta")]
asserts.false(env, metadata_inputs, "expected no metadata inputs, found " + str(metadata_inputs))
return analysistest.end(env)
bin_test = analysistest.make(_bin_test_impl, config_settings = ENABLE_PIPELINING)
second_lib_test = analysistest.make(_second_lib_test_impl, config_settings = ENABLE_PIPELINING)
def _pipelined_compilation_test():
name = "my_macro",
edition = "2021",
srcs = [""],
name = "first",
edition = "2021",
srcs = [""],
name = "second",
edition = "2021",
srcs = [""],
deps = [":first"],
proc_macro_deps = [":my_macro"],
name = "bin",
edition = "2021",
srcs = [""],
deps = [":second"],
second_lib_test(name = "second_lib_test", target_under_test = ":second", target_compatible_with = NOT_WINDOWS)
bin_test(name = "bin_test", target_under_test = ":bin", target_compatible_with = NOT_WINDOWS)
def _rmeta_is_propagated_through_custom_rule_test_impl(ctx):
env = analysistest.begin(ctx)
tut = analysistest.target_under_test(env)
# This is the metadata-generating action. It should depend on metadata for the library and, if generate_metadata is set
# also depend on metadata for 'wrapper'.
rust_action = [act for act in tut.actions if act.mnemonic == "RustcMetadata"][0]
metadata_inputs = [i for i in rust_action.inputs.to_list() if i.path.endswith(".rmeta")]
rlib_inputs = [i for i in rust_action.inputs.to_list() if i.path.endswith(".rlib")]
seen_wrapper_metadata = False
seen_to_wrap_metadata = False
for mi in metadata_inputs:
if "libwrapper" in mi.path:
seen_wrapper_metadata = True
if "libto_wrap" in mi.path:
seen_to_wrap_metadata = True
seen_wrapper_rlib = False
seen_to_wrap_rlib = False
for ri in rlib_inputs:
if "libwrapper" in ri.path:
seen_wrapper_rlib = True
if "libto_wrap" in ri.path:
seen_to_wrap_rlib = True
if ctx.attr.generate_metadata:
asserts.true(env, seen_wrapper_metadata, "expected dependency on metadata for 'wrapper' but not found")
asserts.false(env, seen_wrapper_rlib, "expected no dependency on object for 'wrapper' but it was found")
asserts.true(env, seen_wrapper_rlib, "expected dependency on object for 'wrapper' but not found")
asserts.false(env, seen_wrapper_metadata, "expected no dependency on metadata for 'wrapper' but it was found")
asserts.true(env, seen_to_wrap_metadata, "expected dependency on metadata for 'to_wrap' but not found")
asserts.false(env, seen_to_wrap_rlib, "expected no dependency on object for 'to_wrap' but it was found")
return analysistest.end(env)
def _rmeta_is_used_when_building_custom_rule_test_impl(ctx):
env = analysistest.begin(ctx)
tut = analysistest.target_under_test(env)
# This is the custom rule invocation of rustc.
rust_action = [act for act in tut.actions if act.mnemonic == "Rustc"][0]
# We want to check that the action depends on metadata, regardless of ctx.attr.generate_metadata
seen_to_wrap_rlib = False
seen_to_wrap_rmeta = False
for act in rust_action.inputs.to_list():
if "libto_wrap" in act.path and act.path.endswith(".rlib"):
seen_to_wrap_rlib = True
elif "libto_wrap" in act.path and act.path.endswith(".rmeta"):
seen_to_wrap_rmeta = True
asserts.true(env, seen_to_wrap_rmeta, "expected dependency on metadata for 'to_wrap' but not found")
asserts.false(env, seen_to_wrap_rlib, "expected no dependency on object for 'to_wrap' but it was found")
return analysistest.end(env)
rmeta_is_propagated_through_custom_rule_test = analysistest.make(_rmeta_is_propagated_through_custom_rule_test_impl, attrs = {"generate_metadata": attr.bool()}, config_settings = ENABLE_PIPELINING)
rmeta_is_used_when_building_custom_rule_test = analysistest.make(_rmeta_is_used_when_building_custom_rule_test_impl, config_settings = ENABLE_PIPELINING)
def _rmeta_not_produced_if_pipelining_disabled_test_impl(ctx):
env = analysistest.begin(ctx)
tut = analysistest.target_under_test(env)
rust_action = [act for act in tut.actions if act.mnemonic == "RustcMetadata"]
asserts.true(env, len(rust_action) == 0, "expected no metadata to be produced, but found a metadata action")
return analysistest.end(env)
rmeta_not_produced_if_pipelining_disabled_test = analysistest.make(_rmeta_not_produced_if_pipelining_disabled_test_impl, config_settings = ENABLE_PIPELINING)
def _disable_pipelining_test():
name = "lib",
srcs = ["custom_rule_test/"],
edition = "2021",
disable_pipelining = True,
name = "rmeta_not_produced_if_pipelining_disabled_test",
target_compatible_with = NOT_WINDOWS,
target_under_test = ":lib",
def _custom_rule_test(generate_metadata, suffix):
name = "to_wrap" + suffix,
crate_name = "to_wrap",
srcs = ["custom_rule_test/"],
edition = "2021",
name = "wrapper" + suffix,
crate_name = "wrapper",
target = ":to_wrap" + suffix,
generate_metadata = generate_metadata,
name = "uses_wrapper" + suffix,
srcs = ["custom_rule_test/"],
deps = [":wrapper" + suffix],
edition = "2021",
name = "rmeta_is_propagated_through_custom_rule_test" + suffix,
generate_metadata = generate_metadata,
target_compatible_with = NOT_WINDOWS,
target_under_test = ":uses_wrapper" + suffix,
name = "rmeta_is_used_when_building_custom_rule_test" + suffix,
target_compatible_with = NOT_WINDOWS,
target_under_test = ":wrapper" + suffix,
def pipelined_compilation_test_suite(name):
"""Entry-point macro called from the BUILD file.
name: Name of the macro.
_custom_rule_test(generate_metadata = True, suffix = "_with_metadata")
_custom_rule_test(generate_metadata = False, suffix = "_without_metadata")
name = name,
tests = [