blob: 2ed27accd95db2aa890c931329731a1e15cc5047 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Command line interface entry points and utilities
mod generate;
mod query;
mod splice;
mod vendor;
use clap::Parser;
use self::generate::GenerateOptions;
use self::query::QueryOptions;
use self::splice::SpliceOptions;
use self::vendor::VendorOptions;
// Entrypoints
pub use generate::generate;
pub use query::query;
pub use splice::splice;
pub use vendor::vendor;
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
#[clap(name = "cargo-bazel", about, version)]
pub enum Options {
/// Generate Bazel Build files from a Cargo manifest.
/// Splice together disjoint Cargo and Bazel info into a single Cargo workspace manifest.
/// Query workspace info to determine whether or not a repin is needed.
/// Vendor BUILD files to the workspace with either repository definitions or `cargo vendor` generated sources.
// Convenience wrappers to avoid dependencies in the binary
pub type Result<T> = anyhow::Result<T>;
pub fn parse_args() -> Options {