blob: 3171bc9551cb9590e5930e721b1a33bca60e4a1d [file] [log] [blame]
load("@bazel_skylib//:bzl_library.bzl", "bzl_library")
load("@bazel_skylib//rules:common_settings.bzl", "bool_flag", "string_flag")
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
# A flag controlling whether to rename first-party crates such that their names
# encode the Bazel package and target name, instead of just the target name.
# First-party vs. third-party crates are identified using the value of
# //settings:third_party_dir.
name = "rename_first_party_crates",
build_setting_default = False,
# A flag specifying the location of vendored third-party rust crates within this
# repository that must not be renamed when `rename_first_party_crates` is enabled.
# Must be specified as a Bazel package, e.g. "//some/location/in/repo".
name = "third_party_dir",
build_setting_default = "//third_party/rust",
# A flag to control whether rust_library and rust_binary targets should
# implicitly depend on the *real* import macro, or on a no-op target.
name = "use_real_import_macro",
build_setting_default = False,
# When set, this flag causes rustc to emit .rmeta files and use them for rlib -> rlib dependencies.
# While this involves one extra (short) rustc invocation to build the rmeta file,
# it allows library dependencies to be unlocked much sooner, increasing parallelism during compilation.
name = "pipelined_compilation",
build_setting_default = False,
# A flag to control whether to link rust_binary and rust_test targets using
# instead of rustc.
name = "experimental_use_cc_common_link",
build_setting_default = False,
name = "bzl_lib",
srcs = glob(["**/*.bzl"]),