blob: 4699cdd84a5c79372c11cd6567bade253dd251ae [file] [log] [blame]
"Module extensions for use with bzlmod"
load("@rules_python//python:pip.bzl", "pip_parse")
load("@rules_python//python:repositories.bzl", "python_register_toolchains")
load("@rules_python//python/pip_install:pip_repository.bzl", "locked_requirements_label", "pip_repository_attrs", "use_isolated", "whl_library")
load("@rules_python//python/pip_install:repositories.bzl", "pip_install_dependencies")
load("@rules_python//python/pip_install:requirements_parser.bzl", parse_requirements = "parse")
def _python_impl(module_ctx):
for mod in module_ctx.modules:
for attr in mod.tags.toolchain:
name =,
python_version = attr.python_version,
# Toolchain registration in bzlmod is done in MODULE file
register_toolchains = False,
python = module_extension(
implementation = _python_impl,
tag_classes = {
"toolchain": tag_class(attrs = dict({"name": attr.string(mandatory = True), "python_version": attr.string(mandatory = True)})),
# buildifier: disable=unused-variable
def _internal_deps_impl(module_ctx):
internal_deps = module_extension(
implementation = _internal_deps_impl,
tag_classes = {
"install": tag_class(attrs = dict()),
def _pip_impl(module_ctx):
for mod in module_ctx.modules:
for attr in mod.tags.parse:
requrements_lock = locked_requirements_label(module_ctx, attr)
# Parse the requirements file directly in starlark to get the information
# needed for the whl_libary declarations below. This is needed to contain
# the pip_parse logic to a single module extension.
requirements_lock_content =
parse_result = parse_requirements(requirements_lock_content)
requirements = parse_result.requirements
extra_pip_args = attr.extra_pip_args + parse_result.options
# Create the repository where users load the `requirement` macro. Under bzlmod
# this does not create the install_deps() macro.
name =,
requirements_lock = attr.requirements_lock,
bzlmod = True,
timeout = attr.timeout,
python_interpreter = attr.python_interpreter,
python_interpreter_target = attr.python_interpreter_target,
quiet = attr.quiet,
for name, requirement_line in requirements:
name = "%s_%s" % (, _sanitize_name(name)),
requirement = requirement_line,
repo =,
repo_prefix = + "_",
annotation = attr.annotations.get(name),
python_interpreter = attr.python_interpreter,
python_interpreter_target = attr.python_interpreter_target,
quiet = attr.quiet,
timeout = attr.timeout,
isolated = use_isolated(module_ctx, attr),
extra_pip_args = extra_pip_args,
download_only = attr.download_only,
pip_data_exclude = attr.pip_data_exclude,
enable_implicit_namespace_pkgs = attr.enable_implicit_namespace_pkgs,
environment = attr.environment,
# Keep in sync with python/pip_install/extract_wheels/
def _sanitize_name(name):
return name.replace("-", "_").replace(".", "_").lower()
def _pip_parse_ext_attrs():
attrs = dict({
"name": attr.string(mandatory = True),
}, **pip_repository_attrs)
# Like the pip_parse macro, we end up setting this manually so
# don't allow users to override it.
return attrs
pip = module_extension(
implementation = _pip_impl,
tag_classes = {
"parse": tag_class(attrs = _pip_parse_ext_attrs()),