blob: b5a85295e3ffc5d4c0e919b341499b5796808651 [file] [log] [blame]
load("@bazel_skylib//rules:diff_test.bzl", "diff_test")
load("@bazel_skylib//rules:write_file.bzl", "write_file")
load("@rules_python//python:pip.bzl", "compile_pip_requirements")
# This rule adds a convenient way to update the requirements.txt
# lockfile based on the
compile_pip_requirements(name = "requirements")
# The requirements.bzl file is generated with a reference to the interpreter for the host platform.
# In order to check in a platform-agnostic file, we have to replace that reference with the symbol
# loaded from our python toolchain.
name = "make_platform_agnostic",
srcs = ["@pip//:requirements.bzl"],
outs = ["requirements.clean.bzl"],
cmd = " | ".join([
"cat $<",
# Insert our load statement after the existing one so we don't produce a file with buildifier warnings
"""sed -e '/^load.*/i\\'$$'\\n''load("@python39//:defs.bzl", "interpreter")'""",
"""tr "'" '"' """,
"""sed 's#"@python39_.*//:bin/python3"#interpreter#' >$@""",
name = "gen_update",
out = "",
content = [
# This depends on bash, would need tweaks for Windows
"#!/usr/bin/env bash",
# Bazel gives us a way to access the source folder!
"cp -fv bazel-bin/requirements.clean.bzl requirements.bzl",
name = "vendor_requirements",
srcs = [""],
data = [":make_platform_agnostic"],
# Similarly ensures that the requirements.bzl file is updated
# based on the requirements.txt lockfile.
name = "test_vendored",
failure_message = "Please run: bazel run //:vendor_requirements",
file1 = "requirements.bzl",
file2 = ":make_platform_agnostic",