blob: b93f9689ec3c63b95786fe997a554d550b9076e1 [file] [log] [blame]
import json
import pathlib
import sys
import zipfile
# Generator is the modules_mapping.json file generator.
class Generator:
stderr = None
output_file = None
def __init__(self, stderr, output_file):
self.stderr = stderr
self.output_file = output_file
# dig_wheel analyses the wheel .whl file determining the modules it provides
# by looking at the directory structure.
def dig_wheel(self, whl):
mapping = {}
wheel_name = get_wheel_name(whl)
with zipfile.ZipFile(whl, "r") as zip_file:
for path in zip_file.namelist():
if is_metadata(path):
ext = pathlib.Path(path).suffix
if ext == ".py" or ext == ".so":
# Note the '/' here means that the is not in the
# root of the wheel, therefore we can index the directory
# where this file is as an importable package.
if path.endswith("/"):
module = path[: -len("/")].replace("/", ".")
mapping[module] = wheel_name
# Always index the module file.
if ext == ".so":
# Also remove extra metadata that is embeded as part of
# the file name as an extra extension.
ext = "".join(pathlib.Path(path).suffixes)
module = path[: -len(ext)].replace("/", ".")
mapping[module] = wheel_name
return mapping
# run is the entrypoint for the generator.
def run(self, wheels):
mapping = {}
for whl in wheels:
except AssertionError as error:
print(error, file=self.stderr)
return 1
mapping_json = json.dumps(mapping)
with open(self.output_file, "w") as f:
return 0
def get_wheel_name(path):
pp = pathlib.PurePath(path)
if pp.suffix != ".whl":
raise RuntimeError(
"{} is not a valid wheel file name: the wheel doesn't follow ".format(
+ ""
# is_metadata checks if the path is in a metadata directory.
# Ref:
def is_metadata(path):
top_level = path.split("/")[0].lower()
return top_level.endswith(".dist-info") or top_level.endswith(".data")
if __name__ == "__main__":
output_file = sys.argv[1]
wheels = sys.argv[2:]
generator = Generator(sys.stderr, output_file)