blob: 073f6989dd27f10655e09144c12f876d2d8e218a [file] [log] [blame]
# NB: Last matching rule takes precedence in CODEOWNERS.
# Fall-through to community maintainers.
* @thundergolfer
# Core Python rules belong to the Bazel team.
/python/ @brandjon @lberki
# But not everything under python/ is the core Python rules.
/python/pip.bzl @thundergolfer
/python/requirements.txt @thundergolfer
# Directory containing the Gazelle extension and Go code.
/gazelle/ @f0rmiga
# The proposals dir corresponds to the Bazel proposals process, documented
# here:
/proposals/ @brandjon @lberki
# Certain repo metadata files should stay as-is, particularly these.
/LICENSE @brandjon @lberki
/ @brandjon @lberki