blob: 542985612427788e4d3d474de93bd83919724da3 [file] [log] [blame]
package python
import (
bzl ""
godsutils ""
// filepathx supports double-star glob patterns (the stdlib doesn't). This
// is necessary to match the behaviour from Bazel.
const languageName = "py"
const (
// resolvedDepsKey is the attribute key used to pass dependencies that don't
// need to be resolved by the dependency resolver in the Resolver step.
resolvedDepsKey = "_gazelle_python_resolved_deps"
// uuidKey is the attribute key used to uniquely identify a py_library
// target that should be imported by a py_test or py_binary in the same
// Bazel package.
uuidKey = "_gazelle_python_library_uuid"
// Resolver satisfies the resolve.Resolver interface. It resolves dependencies
// in rules generated by this extension.
type Resolver struct{}
// Name returns the name of the language. This is the prefix of the kinds of
// rules generated. E.g. py_library and py_binary.
func (*Resolver) Name() string { return languageName }
// Imports returns a list of ImportSpecs that can be used to import the rule
// r. This is used to populate RuleIndex.
// If nil is returned, the rule will not be indexed. If any non-nil slice is
// returned, including an empty slice, the rule will be indexed.
func (py *Resolver) Imports(c *config.Config, r *rule.Rule, f *rule.File) []resolve.ImportSpec {
srcsAttr := r.Attr("srcs")
if srcsAttr == nil {
return nil
srcs, err := evalSrcsExpr(c.RepoRoot, f.Pkg, srcsAttr)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to process imports for %q in %q: %v", r.Name(), f.Pkg, err)
imports := r.AttrStrings("imports")
if len(imports) == 0 {
imports = []string{""}
provides := make([]resolve.ImportSpec, 0, len(srcs)*len(imports)+1)
for _, src := range srcs {
ext := filepath.Ext(src)
if ext == ".py" {
for _, imp := range imports {
pythonpath := path.Clean(path.Join(f.Pkg, imp))
provide := importSpecFromSrc(pythonpath, f.Pkg, src)
provides = append(provides, provide)
if r.PrivateAttr(uuidKey) != nil {
provide := resolve.ImportSpec{
Lang: languageName,
Imp: r.PrivateAttr(uuidKey).(string),
provides = append(provides, provide)
if len(provides) == 0 {
return nil
return provides
// evalSrcsExpr returns the list of files in the srcs attribute. If the expr is
// a pure list expression, it's not evaluated as a starlark source. Otherwise,
// a starlark VM evaluates the expression, especially to resolve globs and other
// list arithmetic operations.
func evalSrcsExpr(
repoRoot string,
pkg string,
expr bzl.Expr,
) ([]string, error) {
if list, ok := expr.(*bzl.ListExpr); ok {
srcs := make([]string, 0, len(list.List))
for _, e := range list.List {
if str, ok := e.(*bzl.StringExpr); ok {
srcs = append(srcs, str.Value)
return srcs, nil
thread := &starlark.Thread{Load: repl.MakeLoad()}
globber := Globber{
repoRoot: repoRoot,
pkg: pkg,
env := starlark.StringDict{"glob": starlark.NewBuiltin("glob", globber.Glob)}
srcsSyntaxExpr, err := syntax.ParseExpr("", bzl.FormatString(expr), syntax.RetainComments)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to eval srcs expression: %w", err)
srcsVal, err := starlark.EvalExpr(thread, srcsSyntaxExpr, env)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("WARNING: failed to eval srcs expression: %v\n", err)
return []string{}, nil
srcsValList := srcsVal.(*starlark.List)
srcs := make([]string, 0, srcsValList.Len())
srcsValListIterator := srcsValList.Iterate()
var srcVal starlark.Value
for srcsValListIterator.Next(&srcVal) {
src := srcVal.(starlark.String)
srcs = append(srcs, string(src))
return srcs, nil
// Globber implements the glob built-in to evaluate the srcs attribute containing glob patterns.
type Globber struct {
repoRoot string
pkg string
// Glob expands the glob patterns and filters Bazel sub-packages from the tree.
// This is used to index manually created targets that contain globs so the
// resolution phase depends less on `gazelle:resolve` directives set by the
// user.
func (g *Globber) Glob(
_ *starlark.Thread,
_ *starlark.Builtin,
args starlark.Tuple,
kwargs []starlark.Tuple,
) (starlark.Value, error) {
if len(args) > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed glob: only 1 positional argument is allowed")
absPkg := path.Join(g.repoRoot, g.pkg)
var includeArg starlark.Value
if len(args) == 1 {
includeArg = args[0]
var excludeArg starlark.Value
allowEmpty := true
for _, kwarg := range kwargs {
switch kwarg[0] {
case starlark.String("include"):
if includeArg != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed glob: invalid syntax: cannot use include as kwarg and arg")
includeArg = kwarg[1]
case starlark.String("exclude"):
excludeArg = kwarg[1]
case starlark.String("exclude_directories"):
excludeDirectoriesArg := kwarg[1]
excludeDirectoriesInt, ok := excludeDirectoriesArg.(starlark.Int)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed glob: invalid syntax: exclude_directories must be 0 or 1")
excludeDirectories, ok := excludeDirectoriesInt.Int64()
if !ok || (excludeDirectories != 0 && excludeDirectories != 1) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed glob: invalid syntax: exclude_directories must be 0 or 1")
// TODO(f0rmiga): implement.
log.Println("WARNING: the 'exclude_directories' attribute of 'glob' was set but is not supported by Gazelle")
case starlark.String("allow_empty"):
allowEmptyArg := kwarg[1]
allowEmptyAssert, ok := allowEmptyArg.(starlark.Bool)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed glob: invalid syntax: allow_empty must be a boolean")
allowEmpty = bool(allowEmptyAssert)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed glob: invalid syntax: kwarg %q not recognized", kwarg[0])
excludeSet := make(map[string]struct{})
if excludeArg != nil {
excludePatterns, ok := excludeArg.(*starlark.List)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed glob: exclude is not a list")
excludeIterator := excludePatterns.Iterate()
var excludePatternVal starlark.Value
for excludeIterator.Next(&excludePatternVal) {
excludePattern, ok := excludePatternVal.(starlark.String)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed glob: exclude pattern must be a string")
absPattern := path.Join(absPkg, string(excludePattern))
matches, err := filepathx.Glob(absPattern)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed glob: %w", err)
for _, match := range matches {
exclude, _ := filepath.Rel(absPkg, match)
excludeSet[exclude] = struct{}{}
rootBazelPackageTree := NewBazelPackageTree(g.pkg)
includePatterns, ok := includeArg.(*starlark.List)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed glob: include is not a list")
includeIterator := includePatterns.Iterate()
var includePatternVal starlark.Value
for includeIterator.Next(&includePatternVal) {
includePattern, ok := includePatternVal.(starlark.String)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed glob: include pattern must be a string")
absPattern := path.Join(absPkg, string(includePattern))
matches, err := filepathx.Glob(absPattern)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed glob: %w", err)
for _, match := range matches {
src, _ := filepath.Rel(absPkg, match)
if _, excluded := excludeSet[src]; !excluded {
parts := strings.Split(src, string(filepath.Separator))
result := rootBazelPackageTree.Paths()
if !allowEmpty && len(result) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed glob: 'allow_empty' was set and the result was empty")
return starlark.NewList(result), nil
// BazelPackageTree is a representation of a filesystem tree specialized for
// filtering paths that are under a Bazel sub-package. It understands the
// file-based boundaries that represent a sub-package (a nested BUILD file).
// The nature of this data structure also enables us to remove duplicated paths.
type BazelPackageTree struct {
// pkg is the Bazel package this tree represents.
pkg *string
// branches is the connected branches of this tree, which is a recursive
// field.
branches map[string]*BazelPackageTree
// isBazelPackage indicates whether this tree (which can also be considered
// a "node" in the whole tree) is a Bazel package or not. This is used to
// filter out sub-packages.
isBazelPackage bool
// isFile indicates whether this node is a leaf or not, so, when returning
// the list of paths, we know append the part without joining it to the
// child branches. This also enables constructing the paths without
// returning partial paths during the recursion.
isFile bool
// NewBazelPackageTree constructs a new BazelPackageTree.
func NewBazelPackageTree(pkg string) *BazelPackageTree {
return &BazelPackageTree{
pkg: &pkg,
branches: make(map[string]*BazelPackageTree),
// AddPath adds a path to the package tree.
func (pt *BazelPackageTree) AddPath(parts []string) {
branches := pt.branches
for i, part := range parts {
branch, exists := branches[part]
if !exists {
isFile := (i == len(parts)-1)
var isBazelPkg bool
if !isFile {
dir := path.Join(parts[:i+1]...)
dir = path.Join(*pt.pkg, dir)
isBazelPkg = isBazelPackage(dir)
branch = &BazelPackageTree{
pkg: pt.pkg,
branches: make(map[string]*BazelPackageTree),
isBazelPackage: isBazelPkg,
isFile: isFile,
branches[part] = branch
branches = branch.branches
// Paths returns the list of paths in the tree, filtering Bazel sub-packages.
func (pt *BazelPackageTree) Paths() []starlark.Value {
paths := make([]starlark.Value, 0)
for part, branch := range pt.branches {
if branch.isBazelPackage {
if branch.isFile {
paths = append(paths, starlark.String(part))
for _, branchPath := range branch.Paths() {
paths = append(paths, starlark.String(path.Join(part, string(branchPath.(starlark.String)))))
return paths
// importSpecFromSrc determines the ImportSpec based on the target that contains the src so that
// the target can be indexed for import statements that match the calculated src relative to the its
// Python project root.
func importSpecFromSrc(pythonProjectRoot, bzlPkg, src string) resolve.ImportSpec {
pythonPkgDir := filepath.Join(bzlPkg, filepath.Dir(src))
relPythonPkgDir, err := filepath.Rel(pythonProjectRoot, pythonPkgDir)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Errorf("unexpected failure: %v", err))
if relPythonPkgDir == "." {
relPythonPkgDir = ""
pythonPkg := strings.ReplaceAll(relPythonPkgDir, "/", ".")
filename := filepath.Base(src)
if filename == pyLibraryEntrypointFilename {
if pythonPkg != "" {
return resolve.ImportSpec{
Lang: languageName,
Imp: pythonPkg,
moduleName := strings.TrimSuffix(filename, ".py")
var imp string
if pythonPkg == "" {
imp = moduleName
} else {
imp = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", pythonPkg, moduleName)
return resolve.ImportSpec{
Lang: languageName,
Imp: imp,
// Embeds returns a list of labels of rules that the given rule embeds. If
// a rule is embedded by another importable rule of the same language, only
// the embedding rule will be indexed. The embedding rule will inherit
// the imports of the embedded rule.
func (py *Resolver) Embeds(r *rule.Rule, from label.Label) []label.Label {
// TODO(f0rmiga): implement.
return make([]label.Label, 0)
// Resolve translates imported libraries for a given rule into Bazel
// dependencies. Information about imported libraries is returned for each
// rule generated by language.GenerateRules in
// language.GenerateResult.Imports. Resolve generates a "deps" attribute (or
// the appropriate language-specific equivalent) for each import according to
// language-specific rules and heuristics.
func (py *Resolver) Resolve(
c *config.Config,
ix *resolve.RuleIndex,
rc *repo.RemoteCache,
r *rule.Rule,
modulesRaw interface{},
from label.Label,
) {
// TODO(f0rmiga): may need to be defensive here once this Gazelle extension
// join with the main Gazelle binary with other rules. It may conflict with
// other generators that generate py_* targets.
deps := treeset.NewWith(godsutils.StringComparator)
if modulesRaw != nil {
cfgs := c.Exts[languageName].(pythonconfig.Configs)
cfg := cfgs[from.Pkg]
pythonProjectRoot := cfg.PythonProjectRoot()
modules := modulesRaw.(*treeset.Set)
it := modules.Iterator()
explainDependency := os.Getenv("EXPLAIN_DEPENDENCY")
hasFatalError := false
for it.Next() {
mod := it.Value().(module)
imp := resolve.ImportSpec{Lang: languageName, Imp: mod.Name}
if override, ok := resolve.FindRuleWithOverride(c, imp, languageName); ok {
if override.Repo == "" {
override.Repo = from.Repo
if !override.Equal(from) {
if override.Repo == from.Repo {
override.Repo = ""
dep := override.String()
if explainDependency == dep {
log.Printf("Explaining dependency (%s): "+
"in the target %q, the file %q imports %q at line %d, "+
"which resolves using the \"gazelle:resolve\" directive.\n",
explainDependency, from.String(), mod.Filepath, mod.Name, mod.LineNumber)
} else {
if dep, ok := cfg.FindThirdPartyDependency(mod.Name); ok {
if explainDependency == dep {
log.Printf("Explaining dependency (%s): "+
"in the target %q, the file %q imports %q at line %d, "+
"which resolves from the third-party module %q from the wheel %q.\n",
explainDependency, from.String(), mod.Filepath, mod.Name, mod.LineNumber, mod.Name, dep)
} else {
matches := ix.FindRulesByImportWithConfig(c, imp, languageName)
if len(matches) == 0 {
// Check if the imported module is part of the standard library.
if isStd, err := isStdModule(mod); err != nil {
log.Println("ERROR: ", err)
hasFatalError = true
continue MODULE_LOOP
} else if isStd {
continue MODULE_LOOP
if cfg.ValidateImportStatements() {
err := fmt.Errorf(
"%[1]q at line %[2]d from %[3]q is an invalid dependency: possible solutions:\n"+
"\t1. Add it as a dependency in the requirements.txt file.\n"+
"\t2. Instruct Gazelle to resolve to a known dependency using the gazelle:resolve directive.\n"+
"\t3. Ignore it with a comment '# gazelle:ignore %[1]s' in the Python file.\n",
mod.Name, mod.LineNumber, mod.Filepath,
log.Printf("ERROR: failed to validate dependencies for target %q: %v\n", from.String(), err)
hasFatalError = true
continue MODULE_LOOP
filteredMatches := make([]resolve.FindResult, 0, len(matches))
for _, match := range matches {
if match.IsSelfImport(from) {
// Prevent from adding itself as a dependency.
continue MODULE_LOOP
filteredMatches = append(filteredMatches, match)
if len(filteredMatches) == 0 {
if len(filteredMatches) > 1 {
sameRootMatches := make([]resolve.FindResult, 0, len(filteredMatches))
for _, match := range filteredMatches {
if strings.HasPrefix(match.Label.Pkg, pythonProjectRoot) {
sameRootMatches = append(sameRootMatches, match)
if len(sameRootMatches) != 1 {
err := fmt.Errorf(
"multiple targets (%s) may be imported with %q at line %d in %q "+
"- this must be fixed using the \"gazelle:resolve\" directive",
targetListFromResults(filteredMatches), mod.Name, mod.LineNumber, mod.Filepath)
log.Println("ERROR: ", err)
hasFatalError = true
continue MODULE_LOOP
filteredMatches = sameRootMatches
matchLabel := filteredMatches[0].Label.Rel(from.Repo, from.Pkg)
dep := matchLabel.String()
if explainDependency == dep {
log.Printf("Explaining dependency (%s): "+
"in the target %q, the file %q imports %q at line %d, "+
"which resolves from the first-party indexed labels.\n",
explainDependency, from.String(), mod.Filepath, mod.Name, mod.LineNumber)
if hasFatalError {
resolvedDeps := r.PrivateAttr(resolvedDepsKey).(*treeset.Set)
if !resolvedDeps.Empty() {
it := resolvedDeps.Iterator()
for it.Next() {
if !deps.Empty() {
r.SetAttr("deps", convertDependencySetToExpr(deps))
// targetListFromResults returns a string with the human-readable list of
// targets contained in the given results.
func targetListFromResults(results []resolve.FindResult) string {
list := make([]string, len(results))
for i, result := range results {
list[i] = result.Label.String()
return strings.Join(list, ", ")
// convertDependencySetToExpr converts the given set of dependencies to an
// expression to be used in the deps attribute.
func convertDependencySetToExpr(set *treeset.Set) bzl.Expr {
deps := make([]bzl.Expr, set.Size())
it := set.Iterator()
for it.Next() {
dep := it.Value().(string)
deps[it.Index()] = &bzl.StringExpr{Value: dep}
return &bzl.ListExpr{List: deps}