blob: 26ffedaca2ebe029909f3d5fa7165a07290ce4c6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package python
import (
godsutils ""
const (
pyLibraryEntrypointFilename = ""
pyBinaryEntrypointFilename = ""
pyTestEntrypointFilename = ""
pyTestEntrypointTargetname = "__test__"
conftestFilename = ""
conftestTargetname = "conftest"
var (
buildFilenames = []string{"BUILD", "BUILD.bazel"}
// GenerateRules extracts build metadata from source files in a directory.
// GenerateRules is called in each directory where an update is requested
// in depth-first post-order.
func (py *Python) GenerateRules(args language.GenerateArgs) language.GenerateResult {
cfgs := args.Config.Exts[languageName].(pythonconfig.Configs)
cfg := cfgs[args.Rel]
if !cfg.ExtensionEnabled() {
return language.GenerateResult{}
if !isBazelPackage(args.Dir) {
if cfg.CoarseGrainedGeneration() {
// Determine if the current directory is the root of the coarse-grained
// generation. If not, return without generating anything.
parent := cfg.Parent()
if parent != nil && parent.CoarseGrainedGeneration() {
return language.GenerateResult{}
} else if !hasEntrypointFile(args.Dir) {
return language.GenerateResult{}
pythonProjectRoot := cfg.PythonProjectRoot()
packageName := filepath.Base(args.Dir)
pyLibraryFilenames := treeset.NewWith(godsutils.StringComparator)
pyTestFilenames := treeset.NewWith(godsutils.StringComparator)
pyFileNames := treeset.NewWith(godsutils.StringComparator)
// hasPyBinary controls whether a py_binary target should be generated for
// this package or not.
hasPyBinary := false
// hasPyTestEntryPointFile and hasPyTestEntryPointTarget control whether a py_test target should
// be generated for this package or not.
hasPyTestEntryPointFile := false
hasPyTestEntryPointTarget := false
hasConftestFile := false
for _, f := range args.RegularFiles {
if cfg.IgnoresFile(filepath.Base(f)) {
ext := filepath.Ext(f)
if ext == ".py" {
if !hasPyBinary && f == pyBinaryEntrypointFilename {
hasPyBinary = true
} else if !hasPyTestEntryPointFile && f == pyTestEntrypointFilename {
hasPyTestEntryPointFile = true
} else if f == conftestFilename {
hasConftestFile = true
} else if strings.HasSuffix(f, "") || strings.HasPrefix(f, "test_") {
} else {
// If a file was not found on disk, search for targets that are
// named __test__.
if !hasPyTestEntryPointFile && args.File != nil {
for _, rule := range args.File.Rules {
if rule.Name() == pyTestEntrypointTargetname {
hasPyTestEntryPointTarget = true
// Add files from subdirectories if they meet the criteria.
for _, d := range args.Subdirs {
// boundaryPackages represents child Bazel packages that are used as a
// boundary to stop processing under that tree.
boundaryPackages := make(map[string]struct{})
err := filepath.WalkDir(
filepath.Join(args.Dir, d),
func(path string, entry fs.DirEntry, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
// Ignore the path if it crosses any boundary package. Walking
// the tree is still important because subsequent paths can
// represent files that have not crossed any boundaries.
for bp := range boundaryPackages {
if strings.HasPrefix(path, bp) {
return nil
if entry.IsDir() {
// If we are visiting a directory, we determine if we should
// halt digging the tree based on a few criterias:
// 1. The directory has a BUILD or BUILD.bazel files. Then
// it doesn't matter at all what it has since it's a
// separate Bazel package.
// 2. (only for fine-grained generation) The directory has
// an, or, meaning
// a BUILD file will be generated.
if isBazelPackage(path) {
boundaryPackages[path] = struct{}{}
return nil
if !cfg.CoarseGrainedGeneration() && hasEntrypointFile(path) {
return fs.SkipDir
return nil
if filepath.Ext(path) == ".py" {
if cfg.CoarseGrainedGeneration() || !isEntrypointFile(path) {
srcPath, _ := filepath.Rel(args.Dir, path)
repoPath := filepath.Join(args.Rel, srcPath)
excludedPatterns := cfg.ExcludedPatterns()
if excludedPatterns != nil {
it := excludedPatterns.Iterator()
for it.Next() {
excludedPattern := it.Value().(string)
isExcluded, err := doublestar.Match(excludedPattern, repoPath)
if err != nil {
return err
if isExcluded {
return nil
baseName := filepath.Base(path)
if strings.HasSuffix(baseName, "") || strings.HasPrefix(baseName, "test_") {
} else {
return nil
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ERROR: %v\n", err)
return language.GenerateResult{}
parser := newPython3Parser(args.Config.RepoRoot, args.Rel, cfg.IgnoresDependency)
visibility := fmt.Sprintf("//%s:__subpackages__", pythonProjectRoot)
var result language.GenerateResult
result.Gen = make([]*rule.Rule, 0)
collisionErrors := singlylinkedlist.New()
var pyLibrary *rule.Rule
if !pyLibraryFilenames.Empty() {
deps, err := parser.parse(pyLibraryFilenames)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("ERROR: %v\n", err)
pyLibraryTargetName := cfg.RenderLibraryName(packageName)
// Check if a target with the same name we are generating already
// exists, and if it is of a different kind from the one we are
// generating. If so, we have to throw an error since Gazelle won't
// generate it correctly.
if args.File != nil {
for _, t := range args.File.Rules {
if t.Name() == pyLibraryTargetName && t.Kind() != pyLibraryKind {
fqTarget := label.New("", args.Rel, pyLibraryTargetName)
err := fmt.Errorf("failed to generate target %q of kind %q: "+
"a target of kind %q with the same name already exists. "+
"Use the '# gazelle:%s' directive to change the naming convention.",
fqTarget.String(), pyLibraryKind, t.Kind(), pythonconfig.LibraryNamingConvention)
pyLibrary = newTargetBuilder(pyLibraryKind, pyLibraryTargetName, pythonProjectRoot, args.Rel, pyFileNames).
result.Gen = append(result.Gen, pyLibrary)
result.Imports = append(result.Imports, pyLibrary.PrivateAttr(config.GazelleImportsKey))
if hasPyBinary {
deps, err := parser.parseSingle(pyBinaryEntrypointFilename)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("ERROR: %v\n", err)
pyBinaryTargetName := cfg.RenderBinaryName(packageName)
// Check if a target with the same name we are generating already
// exists, and if it is of a different kind from the one we are
// generating. If so, we have to throw an error since Gazelle won't
// generate it correctly.
if args.File != nil {
for _, t := range args.File.Rules {
if t.Name() == pyBinaryTargetName && t.Kind() != pyBinaryKind {
fqTarget := label.New("", args.Rel, pyBinaryTargetName)
err := fmt.Errorf("failed to generate target %q of kind %q: "+
"a target of kind %q with the same name already exists. "+
"Use the '# gazelle:%s' directive to change the naming convention.",
fqTarget.String(), pyBinaryKind, t.Kind(), pythonconfig.BinaryNamingConvention)
pyBinaryTarget := newTargetBuilder(pyBinaryKind, pyBinaryTargetName, pythonProjectRoot, args.Rel, pyFileNames).
pyBinary :=
result.Gen = append(result.Gen, pyBinary)
result.Imports = append(result.Imports, pyBinary.PrivateAttr(config.GazelleImportsKey))
var conftest *rule.Rule
if hasConftestFile {
deps, err := parser.parseSingle(conftestFilename)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("ERROR: %v\n", err)
// Check if a target with the same name we are generating already
// exists, and if it is of a different kind from the one we are
// generating. If so, we have to throw an error since Gazelle won't
// generate it correctly.
if args.File != nil {
for _, t := range args.File.Rules {
if t.Name() == conftestTargetname && t.Kind() != pyLibraryKind {
fqTarget := label.New("", args.Rel, conftestTargetname)
err := fmt.Errorf("failed to generate target %q of kind %q: "+
"a target of kind %q with the same name already exists.",
fqTarget.String(), pyLibraryKind, t.Kind())
conftestTarget := newTargetBuilder(pyLibraryKind, conftestTargetname, pythonProjectRoot, args.Rel, pyFileNames).
conftest =
result.Gen = append(result.Gen, conftest)
result.Imports = append(result.Imports, conftest.PrivateAttr(config.GazelleImportsKey))
var pyTestTargets []*targetBuilder
newPyTestTargetBuilder := func(srcs *treeset.Set, pyTestTargetName string) *targetBuilder {
deps, err := parser.parse(srcs)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("ERROR: %v\n", err)
// Check if a target with the same name we are generating already
// exists, and if it is of a different kind from the one we are
// generating. If so, we have to throw an error since Gazelle won't
// generate it correctly.
if args.File != nil {
for _, t := range args.File.Rules {
if t.Name() == pyTestTargetName && t.Kind() != pyTestKind {
fqTarget := label.New("", args.Rel, pyTestTargetName)
err := fmt.Errorf("failed to generate target %q of kind %q: "+
"a target of kind %q with the same name already exists. "+
"Use the '# gazelle:%s' directive to change the naming convention.",
fqTarget.String(), pyTestKind, t.Kind(), pythonconfig.TestNamingConvention)
return newTargetBuilder(pyTestKind, pyTestTargetName, pythonProjectRoot, args.Rel, pyFileNames).
if hasPyTestEntryPointFile || hasPyTestEntryPointTarget {
if hasPyTestEntryPointFile {
// Only add the pyTestEntrypointFilename to the pyTestFilenames if
// the file exists on disk.
pyTestTargetName := cfg.RenderTestName(packageName)
pyTestTarget := newPyTestTargetBuilder(pyTestFilenames, pyTestTargetName)
if hasPyTestEntryPointTarget {
entrypointTarget := fmt.Sprintf(":%s", pyTestEntrypointTargetname)
main := fmt.Sprintf(":%s", pyTestEntrypointFilename)
} else {
pyTestTargets = append(pyTestTargets, pyTestTarget)
} else {
// Create one py_test target per file
pyTestFilenames.Each(func(index int, testFile interface{}) {
srcs := treeset.NewWith(godsutils.StringComparator, testFile)
pyTestTargetName := strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(testFile.(string)), ".py")
pyTestTargets = append(pyTestTargets, newPyTestTargetBuilder(srcs, pyTestTargetName))
for _, pyTestTarget := range pyTestTargets {
if conftest != nil {
pyTestTarget.addModuleDependency(module{Name: strings.TrimSuffix(conftestFilename, ".py")})
pyTest :=
result.Gen = append(result.Gen, pyTest)
result.Imports = append(result.Imports, pyTest.PrivateAttr(config.GazelleImportsKey))
if !collisionErrors.Empty() {
it := collisionErrors.Iterator()
for it.Next() {
log.Printf("ERROR: %v\n", it.Value())
return result
// isBazelPackage determines if the directory is a Bazel package by probing for
// the existence of a known BUILD file name.
func isBazelPackage(dir string) bool {
for _, buildFilename := range buildFilenames {
path := filepath.Join(dir, buildFilename)
if _, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil {
return true
return false
// hasEntrypointFile determines if the directory has any of the established
// entrypoint filenames.
func hasEntrypointFile(dir string) bool {
for _, entrypointFilename := range []string{
} {
path := filepath.Join(dir, entrypointFilename)
if _, err := os.Stat(path); err == nil {
return true
return false
// isEntrypointFile returns whether the given path is an entrypoint file. The
// given path can be absolute or relative.
func isEntrypointFile(path string) bool {
basePath := filepath.Base(path)
switch basePath {
case pyLibraryEntrypointFilename,
return true
return false