blob: 2429d7e0269e709aad83e0a2d60ca009dfac0b31 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""This file contains macros to be called during WORKSPACE evaluation.
For historic reasons, pip_repositories() is defined in //python:pip.bzl.
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", _http_archive = "http_archive")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:utils.bzl", "maybe")
load("//python/private:coverage_deps.bzl", "coverage_dep")
def http_archive(**kwargs):
maybe(_http_archive, **kwargs)
def py_repositories():
"""Runtime dependencies that users must install.
This function should be loaded and called in the user's WORKSPACE.
With bzlmod enabled, this function is not needed since MODULE.bazel handles transitive deps.
name = "bazel_skylib",
sha256 = "74d544d96f4a5bb630d465ca8bbcfe231e3594e5aae57e1edbf17a6eb3ca2506",
urls = [
# Remaining content of the file is only used to support toolchains.
def get_interpreter_dirname(rctx, python_interpreter_target):
"""Get a python interpreter target dirname.
rctx (repository_ctx): The repository rule's context object.
python_interpreter_target (Target): A target representing a python interpreter.
str: The Python interpreter directory.
return rctx.path(Label("{}//:WORKSPACE".format(str(python_interpreter_target).split("//")[0]))).dirname
def is_standalone_interpreter(rctx, python_interpreter_target):
"""Query a python interpreter target for whether or not it's a rules_rust provided toolchain
rctx (repository_ctx): The repository rule's context object.
python_interpreter_target (Target): A target representing a python interpreter.
bool: Whether or not the target is from a rules_python generated toolchain.
# Only update the location when using a hermetic toolchain.
if not python_interpreter_target:
return False
# This is a rules_python provided toolchain.
return rctx.execute([
get_interpreter_dirname(rctx, python_interpreter_target),
]).return_code == 0
def _python_repository_impl(rctx):
if rctx.attr.distutils and rctx.attr.distutils_content:
fail("Only one of (distutils, distutils_content) should be set.")
if bool(rctx.attr.url) == bool(rctx.attr.urls):
fail("Exactly one of (url, urls) must be set.")
platform = rctx.attr.platform
python_version = rctx.attr.python_version
python_short_version = python_version.rpartition(".")[0]
release_filename = rctx.attr.release_filename
url = rctx.attr.urls or [rctx.attr.url]
if release_filename.endswith(".zst"):
url = url,
sha256 = rctx.attr.sha256,
output = release_filename,
unzstd = rctx.which("unzstd")
if not unzstd:
url = rctx.attr.zstd_url.format(version = rctx.attr.zstd_version)
url = url,
sha256 = rctx.attr.zstd_sha256,
working_directory = "zstd-{version}".format(version = rctx.attr.zstd_version)
make_result = rctx.execute(
["make", "--jobs=4"],
timeout = 600,
quiet = True,
working_directory = working_directory,
if make_result.return_code:
fail_msg = (
"Failed to compile 'zstd' from source for use in Python interpreter extraction. " +
"'make' error message: {}".format(make_result.stderr)
zstd = "{working_directory}/zstd".format(working_directory = working_directory)
unzstd = "./unzstd"
rctx.symlink(zstd, unzstd)
exec_result = rctx.execute([
"--use-compress-program={unzstd}".format(unzstd = unzstd),
if exec_result.return_code:
fail_msg = (
"Failed to extract Python interpreter from '{}'. ".format(release_filename) +
"'tar' error message: {}".format(exec_result.stderr)
url = url,
sha256 = rctx.attr.sha256,
stripPrefix = rctx.attr.strip_prefix,
patches = rctx.attr.patches
if patches:
for patch in patches:
# Should take the strip as an attr, but this is fine for the moment
rctx.patch(patch, strip = 1)
# Write distutils.cfg to the Python installation.
if "windows" in
distutils_path = "Lib/distutils/distutils.cfg"
distutils_path = "lib/python{}/distutils/distutils.cfg".format(python_short_version)
if rctx.attr.distutils:
elif rctx.attr.distutils_content:
rctx.file(distutils_path, rctx.attr.distutils_content)
# Make the Python installation read-only.
if not rctx.attr.ignore_root_user_error:
if "windows" not in
lib_dir = "lib" if "windows" not in platform else "Lib"
exec_result = rctx.execute(["chmod", "-R", "ugo-w", lib_dir])
if exec_result.return_code != 0:
fail_msg = "Failed to make interpreter installation read-only. 'chmod' error msg: {}".format(
exec_result = rctx.execute(["touch", "{}/.test".format(lib_dir)])
if exec_result.return_code == 0:
exec_result = rctx.execute(["id", "-u"])
if exec_result.return_code != 0:
fail("Could not determine current user ID. 'id -u' error msg: {}".format(
uid = int(exec_result.stdout.strip())
if uid == 0:
fail("The current user is root, please run as non-root when using the hermetic Python interpreter. See")
fail("The current user has CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE set, please drop this capability when using the hermetic Python interpreter. See")
python_bin = "python.exe" if ("windows" in platform) else "bin/python3"
glob_include = []
glob_exclude = [
"**/* *", # Bazel does not support spaces in file names.
# Unused shared libraries. `python` executable and the `:libpython` target
# depend on `libpython{python_version}.so.1.0`.
# static libraries
# tests for the standard libraries.
if rctx.attr.ignore_root_user_error:
glob_exclude += [
# These pycache files are created on first use of the associated python files.
# Exclude them from the glob because otherwise between the first time and second time a python toolchain is used,"
# the definition of this filegroup will change, and depending rules will get invalidated."
# See for unconditionally adding these to toolchains so we can stop ignoring them."
if "windows" in platform:
glob_include += [
glob_include += [
if rctx.attr.coverage_tool:
if "windows" in
coverage_tool = None
coverage_tool = '"{}"'.format(rctx.attr.coverage_tool)
coverage_attr_text = """\
coverage_tool = select({{
":coverage_enabled": {coverage_tool},
"//conditions:default": None
""".format(coverage_tool = coverage_tool)
coverage_attr_text = " # coverage_tool attribute not supported by this Bazel version"
build_content = """\
# Generated by python/repositories.bzl
load("@bazel_tools//tools/python:toolchain.bzl", "py_runtime_pair")
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "files",
srcs = glob(
include = {glob_include},
# Platform-agnostic filegroup can't match on all patterns.
allow_empty = True,
exclude = {glob_exclude},
name = "interface",
interface_library = "libs/python{python_version_nodot}.lib",
system_provided = True,
name = "includes",
srcs = glob(["include/**/*.h"]),
name = "python_headers",
deps = select({{
"@bazel_tools//src/conditions:windows": [":interface"],
"//conditions:default": None,
hdrs = [":includes"],
includes = [
name = "libpython",
hdrs = [":includes"],
srcs = select({{
"@platforms//os:windows": ["python3.dll", "libs/python{python_version_nodot}.lib"],
"@platforms//os:macos": ["lib/libpython{python_version}.dylib"],
"@platforms//os:linux": ["lib/libpython{python_version}.so", "lib/libpython{python_version}.so.1.0"],
exports_files(["python", "{python_path}"])
# Used to only download coverage toolchain when the coverage is collected by
# bazel.
name = "coverage_enabled",
values = {{"collect_code_coverage": "true"}},
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
name = "py3_runtime",
files = [":files"],
interpreter = "{python_path}",
python_version = "PY3",
name = "python_runtimes",
py2_runtime = None,
py3_runtime = ":py3_runtime",
glob_exclude = repr(glob_exclude),
glob_include = repr(glob_include),
python_path = python_bin,
python_version = python_short_version,
python_version_nodot = python_short_version.replace(".", ""),
coverage_attr = coverage_attr_text,
rctx.symlink(python_bin, "python")
rctx.file(STANDALONE_INTERPRETER_FILENAME, "# File intentionally left blank. Indicates that this is an interpreter repo created by rules_python.")
rctx.file("BUILD.bazel", build_content)
return {
"coverage_tool": rctx.attr.coverage_tool,
"distutils": rctx.attr.distutils,
"distutils_content": rctx.attr.distutils_content,
"ignore_root_user_error": rctx.attr.ignore_root_user_error,
"patches": rctx.attr.patches,
"platform": platform,
"python_version": python_version,
"release_filename": release_filename,
"sha256": rctx.attr.sha256,
"strip_prefix": rctx.attr.strip_prefix,
"url": url,
python_repository = repository_rule(
doc = "Fetches the external tools needed for the Python toolchain.",
attrs = {
"coverage_tool": attr.label(
# Mirrors the definition at
allow_files = False,
doc = """
This is a target to use for collecting code coverage information from `py_binary`
and `py_test` targets.
If set, the target must either produce a single file or be an executable target.
The path to the single file, or the executable if the target is executable,
determines the entry point for the python coverage tool. The target and its
runfiles will be added to the runfiles when coverage is enabled.
The entry point for the tool must be loadable by a Python interpreter (e.g. a
`.py` or `.pyc` file). It must accept the command line arguments
of (, at least including
the `run` and `lcov` subcommands.
For more information see the official bazel docs
"distutils": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
doc = "A distutils.cfg file to be included in the Python installation. " +
"Either distutils or distutils_content can be specified, but not both.",
mandatory = False,
"distutils_content": attr.string(
doc = "A distutils.cfg file content to be included in the Python installation. " +
"Either distutils or distutils_content can be specified, but not both.",
mandatory = False,
"ignore_root_user_error": attr.bool(
default = False,
doc = "Whether the check for root should be ignored or not. This causes cache misses with .pyc files.",
mandatory = False,
"patches": attr.label_list(
doc = "A list of patch files to apply to the unpacked interpreter",
mandatory = False,
"platform": attr.string(
doc = "The platform name for the Python interpreter tarball.",
mandatory = True,
values = PLATFORMS.keys(),
"python_version": attr.string(
doc = "The Python version.",
mandatory = True,
"release_filename": attr.string(
doc = "The filename of the interpreter to be downloaded",
mandatory = True,
"sha256": attr.string(
doc = "The SHA256 integrity hash for the Python interpreter tarball.",
mandatory = True,
"strip_prefix": attr.string(
doc = "A directory prefix to strip from the extracted files.",
"url": attr.string(
doc = "The URL of the interpreter to download. Exactly one of url and urls must be set.",
"urls": attr.string_list(
doc = "The URL of the interpreter to download. Exactly one of url and urls must be set.",
"zstd_sha256": attr.string(
default = "7c42d56fac126929a6a85dbc73ff1db2411d04f104fae9bdea51305663a83fd0",
"zstd_url": attr.string(
default = "{version}/zstd-{version}.tar.gz",
"zstd_version": attr.string(
default = "1.5.2",
# Wrapper macro around everything above, this is the primary API.
def python_register_toolchains(
distutils = None,
distutils_content = None,
register_toolchains = True,
register_coverage_tool = False,
set_python_version_constraint = False,
tool_versions = TOOL_VERSIONS,
bzlmod = False,
"""Convenience macro for users which does typical setup.
- Create a repository for each built-in platform like "python_linux_amd64" -
this repository is lazily fetched when Python is needed for that platform.
- Create a repository exposing toolchains for each platform like
- Register a toolchain pointing at each platform.
Users can avoid this macro and do these steps themselves, if they want more
name: base name for all created repos, like "python38".
python_version: the Python version.
distutils: see the distutils attribute in the python_repository repository rule.
distutils_content: see the distutils_content attribute in the python_repository repository rule.
register_toolchains: Whether or not to register the downloaded toolchains.
register_coverage_tool: Whether or not to register the downloaded coverage tool to the toolchains.
NOTE: Coverage support using the toolchain is only supported in Bazel 6 and higher.
set_python_version_constraint: When set to true, target_compatible_with for the toolchains will include a version constraint.
tool_versions: a dict containing a mapping of version with SHASUM and platform info. If not supplied, the defaults
in python/versions.bzl will be used.
bzlmod: Whether this rule is being run under a bzlmod module extension.
**kwargs: passed to each python_repositories call.
base_url = kwargs.pop("base_url", DEFAULT_RELEASE_BASE_URL)
if python_version in MINOR_MAPPING:
python_version = MINOR_MAPPING[python_version]
toolchain_repo_name = "{name}_toolchains".format(name = name)
# When using unreleased Bazel versions, the version is an empty string
if native.bazel_version:
bazel_major = int(native.bazel_version.split(".")[0])
if bazel_major < 6:
if register_coverage_tool:
# buildifier: disable=print
"WARNING: ignoring register_coverage_tool=True when " +
"registering @{name}: Bazel 6+ required, got {version}"
name = name,
version = native.bazel_version,
register_coverage_tool = False
for platform in PLATFORMS.keys():
sha256 = tool_versions[python_version]["sha256"].get(platform, None)
if not sha256:
(release_filename, urls, strip_prefix, patches) = get_release_info(platform, python_version, base_url, tool_versions)
# allow passing in a tool version
coverage_tool = None
coverage_tool = tool_versions[python_version].get("coverage_tool", {}).get(platform, None)
if register_coverage_tool and coverage_tool == None:
coverage_tool = coverage_dep(
name = "{name}_{platform}_coverage".format(
name = name,
platform = platform,
python_version = python_version,
platform = platform,
visibility = ["@@{name}_{platform}//:__subpackages__".format(
name = name,
platform = platform,
install = not bzlmod,
name = "{name}_{platform}".format(
name = name,
platform = platform,
sha256 = sha256,
patches = patches,
platform = platform,
python_version = python_version,
release_filename = release_filename,
urls = urls,
distutils = distutils,
distutils_content = distutils_content,
strip_prefix = strip_prefix,
coverage_tool = coverage_tool,
if register_toolchains:
toolchain_repo_name = toolchain_repo_name,
platform = platform,
name = toolchain_repo_name,
python_version = python_version,
set_python_version_constraint = set_python_version_constraint,
user_repository_name = name,
name = name,
python_version = python_version,
user_repository_name = name,
def python_register_multi_toolchains(
default_version = None,
"""Convenience macro for registering multiple Python toolchains.
name: base name for each name in python_register_toolchains call.
python_versions: the Python version.
default_version: the default Python version. If not set, the first version in
python_versions is used.
**kwargs: passed to each python_register_toolchains call.
if len(python_versions) == 0:
fail("python_versions must not be empty")
if not default_version:
default_version = python_versions.pop(0)
for python_version in python_versions:
if python_version == default_version:
# We register the default version lastly so that it's not picked first when --platforms
# is set with a constraint during toolchain resolution. This is due to the fact that
# Bazel will match the unconstrained toolchain if we register it before the constrained
# ones.
name = name + "_" + python_version.replace(".", "_"),
python_version = python_version,
set_python_version_constraint = True,
name = name + "_" + default_version.replace(".", "_"),
python_version = default_version,
set_python_version_constraint = False,
name = name,
python_versions = {
python_version: name + "_" + python_version.replace(".", "_")
for python_version in (python_versions + [default_version])