blob: 2fd33845430175aabaa5b2b1c896362e747f3fe7 [file] [log] [blame]
"""The transition module contains the rule definitions to wrap py_binary and py_test and transition
them to the desired target platform.
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:dicts.bzl", "dicts")
load("//python:defs.bzl", _py_binary = "py_binary", _py_test = "py_test")
def _transition_python_version_impl(_, attr):
return {"//python/config_settings:python_version": str(attr.python_version)}
_transition_python_version = transition(
implementation = _transition_python_version_impl,
inputs = [],
outputs = ["//python/config_settings:python_version"],
def _transition_py_impl(ctx):
target =
windows_constraint = ctx.attr._windows_constraint[platform_common.ConstraintValueInfo]
target_is_windows = ctx.target_platform_has_constraint(windows_constraint)
executable = ctx.actions.declare_file( + (".exe" if target_is_windows else ""))
is_executable = True,
output = executable,
target_file = target[DefaultInfo].files_to_run.executable,
zipfile_symlink = None
if target_is_windows:
# Under Windows, the expected "<name>.zip" does not exist, so we have to
# create the symlink ourselves to achieve the same behaviour as in macOS
# and Linux.
zipfile = None
expected_target_path = target[DefaultInfo].files_to_run.executable.short_path[:-4] + ".zip"
for file in target[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles.files.to_list():
if file.short_path == expected_target_path:
zipfile = file
zipfile_symlink = ctx.actions.declare_file( + ".zip")
is_executable = True,
output = zipfile_symlink,
target_file = zipfile,
env = {}
for k, v in ctx.attr.env.items():
env[k] = ctx.expand_location(v)
providers = [
executable = executable,
files = depset([zipfile_symlink] if zipfile_symlink else [], transitive = [target[DefaultInfo].files]),
runfiles = ctx.runfiles([zipfile_symlink] if zipfile_symlink else []).merge(target[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles),
# Ensure that the binary we're wrapping is included in code coverage.
dependency_attributes = ["target"],
# testing.TestEnvironment is deprecated in favour of RunEnvironmentInfo but
# RunEnvironmentInfo is not exposed in Bazel < 5.3.
(RunEnvironmentInfo if hasattr(native, "RunEnvironmentInfo") else testing.TestEnvironment)(environment = env),
return providers
"deps": attr.label_list(
mandatory = False,
"env": attr.string_dict(
mandatory = False,
"python_version": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
"srcs": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
mandatory = False,
"target": attr.label(
executable = True,
cfg = "target",
mandatory = True,
providers = [PyInfo],
# "tools" is a hack here. It should be "data" but "data" is not included by default in the
# location expansion in the same way it is in the native Python rules. The difference on how
# the Bazel deals with those special attributes differ on the LocationExpander, e.g.:
# Since the default LocationExpander used by ctx.expand_location is not the same as the native
# rules (it doesn't set "allowDataAttributeEntriesInLabel"), we use "tools" temporarily while a
# proper fix in Bazel happens.
# A fix for this was proposed in
"tools": attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
mandatory = False,
# Required to Opt-in to the transitions feature.
"_allowlist_function_transition": attr.label(
default = "@bazel_tools//tools/allowlists/function_transition_allowlist",
"_windows_constraint": attr.label(
default = "@platforms//os:windows",
_transition_py_binary = rule(
attrs = _COMMON_ATTRS,
cfg = _transition_python_version,
executable = True,
_transition_py_test = rule(
attrs = _COMMON_ATTRS,
cfg = _transition_python_version,
test = True,
def _py_rule(rule_impl, transition_rule, name, python_version, **kwargs):
args = kwargs.pop("args", None)
data = kwargs.pop("data", None)
env = kwargs.pop("env", None)
srcs = kwargs.pop("srcs", None)
deps = kwargs.pop("deps", None)
# Attributes common to all build rules.
compatible_with = kwargs.pop("compatible_with", None)
deprecation = kwargs.pop("deprecation", None)
distribs = kwargs.pop("distribs", None)
exec_compatible_with = kwargs.pop("exec_compatible_with", None)
exec_properties = kwargs.pop("exec_properties", None)
features = kwargs.pop("features", None)
restricted_to = kwargs.pop("restricted_to", None)
tags = kwargs.pop("tags", None)
target_compatible_with = kwargs.pop("target_compatible_with", None)
testonly = kwargs.pop("testonly", None)
toolchains = kwargs.pop("toolchains", None)
visibility = kwargs.pop("visibility", None)
common_attrs = {
"compatible_with": compatible_with,
"deprecation": deprecation,
"distribs": distribs,
"exec_compatible_with": exec_compatible_with,
"exec_properties": exec_properties,
"features": features,
"restricted_to": restricted_to,
"target_compatible_with": target_compatible_with,
"testonly": testonly,
"toolchains": toolchains,
# Test-specific extra attributes.
if "env_inherit" in kwargs:
common_attrs["env_inherit"] = kwargs.pop("env_inherit")
if "size" in kwargs:
common_attrs["size"] = kwargs.pop("size")
if "timeout" in kwargs:
common_attrs["timeout"] = kwargs.pop("timeout")
if "flaky" in kwargs:
common_attrs["flaky"] = kwargs.pop("flaky")
if "shard_count" in kwargs:
common_attrs["shard_count"] = kwargs.pop("shard_count")
if "local" in kwargs:
common_attrs["local"] = kwargs.pop("local")
# Binary-specific extra attributes.
if "output_licenses" in kwargs:
common_attrs["output_licenses"] = kwargs.pop("output_licenses")
name = "_" + name,
args = args,
data = data,
deps = deps,
env = env,
srcs = srcs,
tags = ["manual"] + (tags if tags else []),
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
**dicts.add(common_attrs, kwargs)
return transition_rule(
name = name,
args = args,
deps = deps,
env = env,
python_version = python_version,
srcs = srcs,
tags = tags,
target = ":_" + name,
tools = data,
visibility = visibility,
def py_binary(name, python_version, **kwargs):
return _py_rule(_py_binary, _transition_py_binary, name, python_version, **kwargs)
def py_test(name, python_version, **kwargs):
return _py_rule(_py_test, _transition_py_test, name, python_version, **kwargs)