blob: d729ae91b552ebd2fb97548f92fd346c900acc51 [file] [log] [blame]
load("//python:repositories.bzl", "is_standalone_interpreter")
load("//python/pip_install:repositories.bzl", "all_requirements")
load("//python/pip_install/private:srcs.bzl", "PIP_INSTALL_PY_SRCS")
COMMAND_LINE_TOOLS_PATH_SLUG = "commandlinetools"
def _construct_pypath(rctx):
"""Helper function to construct a PYTHONPATH.
Contains entries for code in this repo as well as packages downloaded from //python/pip_install:repositories.bzl.
This allows us to run python code inside repository rule implementations.
rctx: Handle to the repository_context.
Returns: String of the PYTHONPATH.
# Get the root directory of these rules
rules_root = rctx.path(Label("//:BUILD")).dirname
thirdparty_roots = [
# Includes all the external dependencies from repositories.bzl
rctx.path(Label("@" + repo + "//:BUILD.bazel")).dirname
for repo in all_requirements
separator = ":" if not "windows" in else ";"
pypath = separator.join([str(p) for p in [rules_root] + thirdparty_roots])
return pypath
def _get_python_interpreter_attr(rctx):
"""A helper function for getting the `python_interpreter` attribute or it's default
rctx (repository_ctx): Handle to the rule repository context.
str: The attribute value or it's default
if rctx.attr.python_interpreter:
return rctx.attr.python_interpreter
if "win" in
return "python.exe"
return "python3"
def _resolve_python_interpreter(rctx):
"""Helper function to find the python interpreter from the common attributes
rctx: Handle to the rule repository context.
Returns: Python interpreter path.
python_interpreter = _get_python_interpreter_attr(rctx)
if rctx.attr.python_interpreter_target != None:
target = rctx.attr.python_interpreter_target
python_interpreter = rctx.path(target)
if "/" not in python_interpreter:
python_interpreter = rctx.which(python_interpreter)
if not python_interpreter:
fail("python interpreter `{}` not found in PATH".format(python_interpreter))
return python_interpreter
def _get_xcode_location_cflags(rctx):
"""Query the xcode sdk location to update cflags
Figure out if this interpreter target comes from rules_python, and patch the xcode sdk location if so.
Pip won't be able to compile c extensions from sdists with the pre built python distributions from indygreg
otherwise. See
# Only run on MacOS hosts
if not"mac os"):
return []
# Only update the location when using a hermetic toolchain.
if not is_standalone_interpreter(rctx, rctx.attr.python_interpreter_target):
return []
# Locate xcode-select
xcode_select = rctx.which("xcode-select")
xcode_sdk_location = rctx.execute([xcode_select, "--print-path"])
if xcode_sdk_location.return_code != 0:
return []
xcode_root = xcode_sdk_location.stdout.strip()
if COMMAND_LINE_TOOLS_PATH_SLUG not in xcode_root.lower():
# This is a full xcode installation somewhere like /Applications/
# so we need to change the path to to the macos specific tools which are in a different relative
# path than xcode installed command line tools.
xcode_root = "{}/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer".format(xcode_root)
return [
"-isysroot {}/SDKs/MacOSX.sdk".format(xcode_root),
def _get_toolchain_unix_cflags(rctx):
"""Gather cflags from a standalone toolchain for unix systems.
Pip won't be able to compile c extensions from sdists with the pre built python distributions from indygreg
otherwise. See
# Only run on Unix systems
if not"mac os", "linux")):
return []
# Only update the location when using a standalone toolchain.
if not is_standalone_interpreter(rctx, rctx.attr.python_interpreter_target):
return []
er = rctx.execute([
"import sys; print(f'{sys.version_info[0]}.{sys.version_info[1]}')",
if er.return_code != 0:
fail("could not get python version from interpreter (status {}): {}".format(er.return_code, er.stderr))
_python_version = er.stdout
include_path = "{}/include/python{}".format(
return ["-isystem {}".format(include_path)]
def _parse_optional_attrs(rctx, args):
"""Helper function to parse common attributes of pip_repository and whl_library repository rules.
This function also serializes the structured arguments as JSON
so they can be passed on the command line to subprocesses.
rctx: Handle to the rule repository context.
args: A list of parsed args for the rule.
Returns: Augmented args list.
# Determine whether or not to pass the pip `--isloated` flag to the pip invocation
use_isolated = rctx.attr.isolated
# The environment variable will take precedence over the attribute
isolated_env = rctx.os.environ.get("RULES_PYTHON_PIP_ISOLATED", None)
if isolated_env != None:
if isolated_env.lower() in ("0", "false"):
use_isolated = False
use_isolated = True
if use_isolated:
# Check for None so we use empty default types from our attrs.
# Some args want to be list, and some want to be dict.
if rctx.attr.extra_pip_args != None:
args += [
struct(arg = rctx.attr.extra_pip_args).to_json(),
if rctx.attr.download_only:
if rctx.attr.pip_data_exclude != None:
args += [
struct(arg = rctx.attr.pip_data_exclude).to_json(),
if rctx.attr.enable_implicit_namespace_pkgs:
if rctx.attr.environment != None:
args += [
struct(arg = rctx.attr.environment).to_json(),
return args
def _create_repository_execution_environment(rctx):
"""Create a environment dictionary for processes we spawn with rctx.execute.
rctx: The repository context.
Dictionary of environment variable suitable to pass to rctx.execute.
# Gather any available CPPFLAGS values
cppflags = []
env = {
"PYTHONPATH": _construct_pypath(rctx),
CPPFLAGS: " ".join(cppflags),
return env
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
# Ensure the `requirements.bzl` source can be accessed by stardoc, since users load() from it
def _locked_requirements(rctx):
os =
requirements_txt = rctx.attr.requirements_lock
if os.startswith("mac os") and rctx.attr.requirements_darwin != None:
requirements_txt = rctx.attr.requirements_darwin
elif os.startswith("linux") and rctx.attr.requirements_linux != None:
requirements_txt = rctx.attr.requirements_linux
elif "win" in os and rctx.attr.requirements_windows != None:
requirements_txt = rctx.attr.requirements_windows
if not requirements_txt:
Incremental mode requires a requirements_lock attribute be specified,
or a platform-specific lockfile using one of the requirements_* attributes.
return requirements_txt
def _pip_repository_impl(rctx):
python_interpreter = _resolve_python_interpreter(rctx)
# Write the annotations file to pass to the wheel maker
annotations = {package: json.decode(data) for (package, data) in rctx.attr.annotations.items()}
annotations_file = rctx.path("annotations.json")
rctx.file(annotations_file, json.encode_indent(annotations, indent = " " * 4))
if rctx.attr.incremental:
requirements_txt = _locked_requirements(rctx)
args = [
# pass quiet and timeout args through to child repos.
args += ["--python_interpreter", _get_python_interpreter_attr(rctx)]
if rctx.attr.python_interpreter_target:
args += ["--python_interpreter_target", str(rctx.attr.python_interpreter_target)]
progress_message = "Parsing requirements to starlark"
args = [
progress_message = "Extracting wheels"
args += ["--repo",, "--repo-prefix", rctx.attr.repo_prefix]
args = _parse_optional_attrs(rctx, args)
result = rctx.execute(
# Manually construct the PYTHONPATH since we cannot use the toolchain here
environment = _create_repository_execution_environment(rctx),
timeout = rctx.attr.timeout,
quiet = rctx.attr.quiet,
if result.return_code:
fail("rules_python failed: %s (%s)" % (result.stdout, result.stderr))
# We need a BUILD file to load the generated requirements.bzl
rctx.file("BUILD.bazel", _BUILD_FILE_CONTENTS + "\n# The requirements.bzl file was generated by running:\n# " + " ".join([str(a) for a in args]))
common_env = [
common_attrs = {
"download_only": attr.bool(
doc = """
Whether to use "pip download" instead of "pip wheel". Disables building wheels from source, but allows use of
--platform, --python-version, --implementation, and --abi in --extra_pip_args to download wheels for a different
platform from the host platform.
"enable_implicit_namespace_pkgs": attr.bool(
default = False,
doc = """
If true, disables conversion of native namespace packages into pkg-util style namespace packages. When set all py_binary
and py_test targets must specify either `legacy_create_init=False` or the global Bazel option
`--incompatible_default_to_explicit_init_py` to prevent `` being automatically generated in every directory.
This option is required to support some packages which cannot handle the conversion to pkg-util style.
"environment": attr.string_dict(
doc = """
Environment variables to set in the pip subprocess.
Can be used to set common variables such as `http_proxy`, `https_proxy` and `no_proxy`
Note that pip is run with "--isolated" on the CLI so PIP_<VAR>_<NAME>
style env vars are ignored, but env vars that control requests and urllib3
can be passed.
default = {},
"extra_pip_args": attr.string_list(
doc = "Extra arguments to pass on to pip. Must not contain spaces.",
"isolated": attr.bool(
doc = """\
Whether or not to pass the [--isolated]( flag to
the underlying pip command. Alternatively, the `RULES_PYTHON_PIP_ISOLATED` enviornment varaible can be used
to control this flag.
default = True,
"pip_data_exclude": attr.string_list(
doc = "Additional data exclusion parameters to add to the pip packages BUILD file.",
"python_interpreter": attr.string(
doc = """\
The python interpreter to use. This can either be an absolute path or the name
of a binary found on the host's `PATH` environment variable. If no value is set
`python3` is defaulted for Unix systems and `python.exe` for Windows.
# NOTE: This attribute should not have a default. See `_get_python_interpreter_attr`
# default = "python3"
"python_interpreter_target": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
doc = """
If you are using a custom python interpreter built by another repository rule,
use this attribute to specify its BUILD target. This allows pip_repository to invoke
pip using the same interpreter as your toolchain. If set, takes precedence over
"quiet": attr.bool(
default = True,
doc = "If True, suppress printing stdout and stderr output to the terminal.",
"repo_prefix": attr.string(
doc = """
Prefix for the generated packages. For non-incremental mode the
packages will be of the form
For incremental mode the packages will be of the form
# 600 is documented as default here:
default = 600,
doc = "Timeout (in seconds) on the rule's execution duration.",
"_py_srcs": attr.label_list(
doc = "Python sources used in the repository rule",
allow_files = True,
pip_repository_attrs = {
"annotations": attr.string_dict(
doc = "Optional annotations to apply to packages",
"incremental": attr.bool(
default = False,
doc = "Create the repository in incremental mode.",
"requirements": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
doc = "A 'requirements.txt' pip requirements file.",
"requirements_darwin": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
doc = "Override the requirements_lock attribute when the host platform is Mac OS",
"requirements_linux": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
doc = "Override the requirements_lock attribute when the host platform is Linux",
"requirements_lock": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
doc = """
A fully resolved 'requirements.txt' pip requirement file containing the transitive set of your dependencies. If this file is passed instead
of 'requirements' no resolve will take place and pip_repository will create individual repositories for each of your dependencies so that
wheels are fetched/built only for the targets specified by 'build/run/test'.
"requirements_windows": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
doc = "Override the requirements_lock attribute when the host platform is Windows",
pip_repository = repository_rule(
attrs = pip_repository_attrs,
doc = """A rule for importing `requirements.txt` dependencies into Bazel.
This rule imports a `requirements.txt` file and generates a new
`requirements.bzl` file. This is used via the `WORKSPACE` pattern:
name = "foo",
requirements = ":requirements.txt",
You can then reference imported dependencies from your `BUILD` file with:
load("@foo//:requirements.bzl", "requirement")
name = "bar",
deps = [
Or alternatively:
load("@foo//:requirements.bzl", "all_requirements")
name = "baz",
deps = [
] + all_requirements,
implementation = _pip_repository_impl,
environ = common_env,
def _whl_library_impl(rctx):
python_interpreter = _resolve_python_interpreter(rctx)
args = [
if rctx.attr.annotation:
args = _parse_optional_attrs(rctx, args)
result = rctx.execute(
# Manually construct the PYTHONPATH since we cannot use the toolchain here
environment = _create_repository_execution_environment(rctx),
quiet = rctx.attr.quiet,
timeout = rctx.attr.timeout,
if result.return_code:
fail("whl_library %s failed: %s (%s)" % (, result.stdout, result.stderr))
whl_library_attrs = {
"annotation": attr.label(
doc = (
"Optional json encoded file containing annotation to apply to the extracted wheel. " +
"See `package_annotation`"
allow_files = True,
"repo": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
doc = "Pointer to parent repo name. Used to make these rules rerun if the parent repo changes.",
"requirement": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
doc = "Python requirement string describing the package to make available",
whl_library = repository_rule(
attrs = whl_library_attrs,
doc = """
Download and extracts a single wheel based into a bazel repo based on the requirement string passed in.
Instantiated from pip_repository and inherits config options from there.""",
implementation = _whl_library_impl,
environ = common_env,
def package_annotation(
additive_build_content = None,
copy_files = {},
copy_executables = {},
data = [],
data_exclude_glob = [],
srcs_exclude_glob = []):
"""Annotations to apply to the BUILD file content from package generated from a `pip_repository` rule.
additive_build_content (str, optional): Raw text to add to the generated `BUILD` file of a package.
copy_files (dict, optional): A mapping of `src` and `out` files for [@bazel_skylib//rules:copy_file.bzl][cf]
copy_executables (dict, optional): A mapping of `src` and `out` files for
[@bazel_skylib//rules:copy_file.bzl][cf]. Targets generated here will also be flagged as
data (list, optional): A list of labels to add as `data` dependencies to the generated `py_library` target.
data_exclude_glob (list, optional): A list of exclude glob patterns to add as `data` to the generated
`py_library` target.
srcs_exclude_glob (list, optional): A list of labels to add as `srcs` to the generated `py_library` target.
str: A json encoded string of the provided content.
return json.encode(struct(
additive_build_content = additive_build_content,
copy_files = copy_files,
copy_executables = copy_executables,
data = data,
data_exclude_glob = data_exclude_glob,
srcs_exclude_glob = srcs_exclude_glob,