blob: a0939cb65beef5df37e2953ce3e4dcfac994dc81 [file] [log] [blame]
load("@python_versions//3.9:defs.bzl", py_console_script_binary_3_9 = "py_console_script_binary")
load("@rules_python//python/entry_points:py_console_script_binary.bzl", "py_console_script_binary")
# This is how you can define a `pylint` entrypoint which uses the default python version.
name = "pylint",
pkg = "@pip//pylint",
visibility = ["//entry_points:__subpackages__"],
# We can also specify extra dependencies for the binary, which is useful for
# tools like flake8, pylint, pytest, which have plugin discovery methods.
name = "pylint_with_deps",
pkg = "@pip//pylint",
# Because `pylint` has multiple console_scripts available, we have to
# specify which we want if the name of the target name 'pylint_with_deps'
# cannot be used to guess the entry_point script.
script = "pylint",
visibility = ["//entry_points:__subpackages__"],
deps = [
# One can add extra dependencies to the entry point.
# A specific Python version can be forced by using the generated version-aware
# wrappers, e.g. to force Python 3.9:
name = "yamllint",
pkg = "@pip//yamllint:pkg",
visibility = ["//entry_points:__subpackages__"],