blob: 3b4aad2af5a55acaac129419c3ac7ab8802c1398 [file] [log] [blame]
# This file contains Bazel settings to apply on CI only.
# It is referenced with a --bazelrc option in the call to bazel in ci.yaml
# Debug where options came from
build --announce_rc
# This directory is configured in GitHub actions to be persisted between runs.
# We do not enable the repository cache to cache downloaded external artifacts
# as these are generally faster to download again than to fetch them from the
# GitHub actions cache.
build --disk_cache=~/.cache/bazel
# Don't rely on test logs being easily accessible from the test runner,
# though it makes the log noisier.
test --test_output=errors
# Allows tests to run bazelisk-in-bazel, since this is the cache folder used
test --test_env=XDG_CACHE_HOME