blob: c79545f135a858ee7e8b6eb7646284433077483d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Rules for declaring metadata about a package."""
# package_info()
def _package_info_impl(ctx):
provider = PackageInfo(
# Metadata providers must include a type discriminator. We don't need it
# to collect the providers, but we do need it to write the JSON. We
# key on the type field to look up the correct block of code to pull
# data out and format it. We can't to the lookup on the provider class.
type = "package_info",
label = ctx.label,
package_name = ctx.attr.package_name or ctx.build_file_path.rstrip("/BUILD"),
package_url = ctx.attr.package_url,
package_version = ctx.attr.package_version,
# Experimental alternate design, using a generic 'data' back to hold things
generic_provider = ExperimentalMetadataInfo(
type = "package_info_alt",
label = ctx.label,
data = {
"package_name": ctx.attr.package_name or ctx.build_file_path.rstrip("/BUILD"),
"package_url": ctx.attr.package_url,
"package_version": ctx.attr.package_version
return [provider, generic_provider]
_package_info = rule(
implementation = _package_info_impl,
attrs = {
"package_name": attr.string(
doc = "A human readable name identifying this package." +
" This may be used to produce an index of OSS packages used by" +
" an applicatation.",
"package_url": attr.string(
doc = "The URL this instance of the package was download from." +
" This may be used to produce an index of OSS packages used by" +
" an applicatation.",
"package_version": attr.string(
doc = "A human readable version string identifying this package." +
" This may be used to produce an index of OSS packages used" +
" by an applicatation. It should be a value that" +
" increases over time, rather than a commit hash."
# buildifier: disable=function-docstring-args
def package_info(
package_name = None,
package_url = None,
package_version = None,
"""Wrapper for package_info rule.
name: str target name.
package_name: str A human readable name identifying this package. This
may be used to produce an index of OSS packages used by
an application.
package_url: str The canoncial URL this package distribution was retrieved from.
Note that, because of local mirroring, that might not be the
physical URL it was retrieved from.
package_version: str A human readable name identifying version of this package.
kwargs: other args. Most are ignored.
visibility = kwargs.get("visibility") or ["//visibility:public"]
name = name,
package_name = package_name,
package_url = package_url,
package_version = package_version,
applicable_licenses = [],
visibility = visibility,
tags = [],
testonly = 0,