blob: 1b89067043e0f7f412fc4ef8d356f9aef62fe755 [file] [log] [blame]
# Example of automated license policy definitions.
load("@rules_license//examples/policy_checker:license_policy.bzl", "license_policy")
load("@rules_license//examples/policy_checker:license_policy_check.bzl", "license_policy_check")
package(default_package_metadata = ["//:license", "//:package_info"])
# license_policy rules generally appear in a central location per workspace. That
# should be access controlled by the policy team.
# A production service can use licenses with most conditions
name = "production_service",
conditions = [
# A mobile application usually can not allow end-user replacable libraries.
# So LGPL code (which is restricted_if_statically_linked) can not be used.
name = "mobile_application",
conditions = [
name = "special_allowlisted_app",
# There could be a allowlist of targets here.
conditions = [
# Now we might build checks of critical applications against policies
# Questions to consider?
# - Your organization migth want to fold these kinds of checks into
# wrapper macros around the rules which generate services and apps
# - You might want to distribute checks to rules alongside the products
# - Or, you might want to consolidate them in a single place where your
# compliance team owns them, as this example does
name = "check_server",
policy = ":production_service",
targets = ["//examples/src:my_server"],
# This is marked manual, so bazel test ... does not fail. Try it yourself with
# bazel build :check_violating_server
name = "check_violating_server",
policy = ":production_service",
tags = [
targets = ["//examples/src:my_violating_server"],