blob: a385cab3831855bff9d6c6b3b6c092e2308aa89c [file] [log] [blame]
.. _#2067:
.. _#2622:
Basic cgo functionality
Checks that different sets of options are passed to C and C++ sources in a
``go_library`` with ``cgo = True``.
Checks that Go binaries can link against dynamic C libraries. Some libraries
(especially those provided with ``cc_import``) may only have dynamic versions,
and we should be able to link against them and find them at run-time.
The non ``generated_`` tests are manual. The ````
script must be run before running the tests themselves.
The ``generated_`` variants check that Go binaries can link against dynamic C
libraries that are generated by another rule, rather than being included in the
source tree.
The ``versioned_`` variants check that Go binaries can link against dynamic C
libraries that are only available as a versioned shared library, like
````, as used on Linux.
Checks that Go binaries that include cgo code may or may not link against
libstdc++, depending on how they're linked. This tests several binaries:
* ``pure_bin`` - built in ``"pure"`` mode, should not depend on libstdc++.
* ``c_srcs`` - has no C++ code in sources, should not depend on libstdc++.
* ``cc_srcs`` - has some C++ code in sources, should depend on libstdc++.
* ``cc_deps`` - depends on a ``cc_library``, should depend on libstdc++
because we don't know what's in it.
Checks that cgo code in a binary with ``race = "on"`` is compiled in race mode.
Verifies #1592.
Checks that sources with ``// +build cgo`` are built when cgo is enabled
(whether or not ``cgo = True`` is set), and sources with ``// +build !cgo``
are only built in pure mode.
Checks that libraries in ``cdeps`` are linked into the generated ``_cgo_.o``
executable used to produce ``_cgo_imports.go``. Verifies `#2067`_.
Checks that when a package with ``cdeps`` is recompiled due to a split test,
the input files from ``cdeps`` are included in the recompilation and are passed
to the linker. Verifies `#2622`_.