blob: 5b1785777f1c30d3fdd7deaf3dd9b17e0d6b00ae [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
go_exts = [
asm_exts = [
".h", # may be included by .s
# be consistent to cc_library.
hdr_exts = [
c_exts = [
cxx_exts = [
objc_exts = [
cgo_exts = [
def pkg_dir(workspace_root, package_name):
"""Returns a path to a package directory from the root of the sandbox."""
if workspace_root and package_name:
return workspace_root + "/" + package_name
if workspace_root:
return workspace_root
if package_name:
return package_name
return "."
def split_srcs(srcs):
"""Returns a struct of sources, divided by extension."""
sources = struct(
go = [],
asm = [],
headers = [],
c = [],
cxx = [],
objc = [],
ext_pairs = (
(sources.go, go_exts),
(sources.headers, hdr_exts),
(sources.asm, asm_exts),
(sources.c, c_exts),
(sources.cxx, cxx_exts),
(sources.objc, objc_exts),
extmap = {}
for outs, exts in ext_pairs:
for ext in exts:
ext = ext[1:] # strip the dot
if ext in extmap:
extmap[ext] = outs
for src in as_iterable(srcs):
extouts = extmap.get(src.extension)
if extouts == None:
fail("Unknown source type {0}".format(src.basename))
return sources
def join_srcs(source):
"""Combines source from a split_srcs struct into a single list."""
return source.go + source.headers + source.asm + source.c + source.cxx + source.objc
def env_execute(ctx, arguments, environment = {}, **kwargs):
"""Executes a command in for a repository rule.
It prepends "env -i" to "arguments" before calling "ctx.execute".
Variables that aren't explicitly mentioned in "environment"
are removed from the environment. This should be preferred to "ctx.execute"
in most situations.
return ctx.execute(arguments, environment = environment, **kwargs)
env_args = ["env", "-i"]
environment = dict(environment)
for var in ["TMP", "TMPDIR"]:
if var in ctx.os.environ and not var in environment:
environment[var] = ctx.os.environ[var]
for k, v in environment.items():
env_args.append("%s=%s" % (k, v))
arguments = env_args + arguments
return ctx.execute(arguments, **kwargs)
def os_path(ctx, path):
path = str(path) # maybe convert from path type
path = path.replace("/", "\\")
return path
def executable_path(ctx, path):
path = os_path(ctx, path)
path += ".exe"
return path
def executable_extension(ctx):
extension = ""
extension = ".exe"
return extension
def goos_to_extension(goos):
if goos == "windows":
return ".exe"
return ""
SHARED_LIB_EXTENSIONS = [".dll", ".dylib", ".so"]
def goos_to_shared_extension(goos):
return {
"windows": ".dll",
"darwin": ".dylib",
}.get(goos, ".so")
def has_shared_lib_extension(path):
Matches filenames of shared libraries, with or without a version number extension.
return (has_simple_shared_lib_extension(path) or
def has_simple_shared_lib_extension(path):
Matches filenames of shared libraries, without a version number extension.
return any([path.endswith(ext) for ext in SHARED_LIB_EXTENSIONS])
def get_versioned_shared_lib_extension(path):
"""If appears to be an versioned .so or .dylib file, return the extension; otherwise empty"""
parts = path.split("/")[-1].split(".")
if not parts[-1].isdigit():
return ""
# only iterating to 1 because parts[0] has to be the lib name
for i in range(len(parts) - 1, 0, -1):
if not parts[i].isdigit():
if parts[i] == "dylib" or parts[i] == "so":
return ".".join(parts[i:])
# something like or dylib.1.2
return ""
# something like 1.2.3, or so.1.2, or dylib.1.2, or foo.1.2
return ""
def as_list(v):
"""Returns a list, tuple, or depset as a list."""
if type(v) == "list":
return v
if type(v) == "tuple":
return list(v)
if type(v) == "depset":
return v.to_list()
fail("as_list failed on {}".format(v))
def as_iterable(v):
"""Returns a list, tuple, or depset as something iterable."""
if type(v) == "list":
return v
if type(v) == "tuple":
return v
if type(v) == "depset":
return v.to_list()
fail("as_iterator failed on {}".format(v))
def as_tuple(v):
"""Returns a list, tuple, or depset as a tuple."""
if type(v) == "tuple":
return v
if type(v) == "list":
return tuple(v)
if type(v) == "depset":
return tuple(v.to_list())
fail("as_tuple failed on {}".format(v))
def as_set(v):
"""Returns a list, tuple, or depset as a depset."""
if type(v) == "depset":
return v
if type(v) == "list":
return depset(v)
if type(v) == "tuple":
return depset(v)
fail("as_tuple failed on {}".format(v))
_STRUCT_TYPE = type(struct())
def is_struct(v):
"""Returns true if v is a struct."""
return type(v) == _STRUCT_TYPE
def count_group_matches(v, prefix, suffix):
"""Counts reluctant substring matches between prefix and suffix.
Equivalent to the number of regular expression matches "prefix.+?suffix"
in the string v.
count = 0
idx = 0
for i in range(0, len(v)):
if idx > i:
idx = v.find(prefix, idx)
if idx == -1:
# If there is another prefix before the next suffix, the previous prefix is discarded.
# This is OK; it does not affect our count.
idx = v.find(suffix, idx)
if idx == -1:
count = count + 1
return count