blob: 8a88920bbc9de08b615f29c89dc4a69c455fbabc [file] [log] [blame]
This template is used for including rule definitions as top-level sections in generated stardoc docstrings.
Workaround for markdownCellFormat() not allowing HTML (specifically lists) to be rendered in attribute table cells.
TODO: Once is merged, remove this macro and replace with call to
util.markdownCellFormatWithHtml($attribute.docString, true)
#macro( markdownCellFormatNoEscapeHtml $docString )#*
*##if ($docString.contains("<ul>"))#*
*#${docString.trim().replaceAll("\n(\\s*\n)+", "<br><br>").replaceAll("\n", " ")}#*
<a id="#${ruleName}"></a>
#[[##]]# ${ruleName}
${util.ruleSummary($ruleName, $ruleInfo)}
#[[###]]# **Attributes**
#if (!$ruleInfo.getAttributeList().isEmpty())
| Name | Description | Type | Mandatory | Default |
| :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- |
#foreach ($attribute in $ruleInfo.getAttributeList())
| <a id="${ruleName}-${}"></a>$ | #if(!$attribute.docString.isEmpty()) #markdownCellFormatNoEscapeHtml( $attribute.docString ) #else - #end | ${util.attributeTypeString($attribute)} | ${util.mandatoryString($attribute)} | $attribute.defaultValue |