blob: 81800fed690116e1671fe7a6b8ca16981e303494 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// compilepkg compiles a complete Go package from Go, C, and assembly files. It
// supports cgo, coverage, and nogo. It is invoked by the Go rules as an action.
package main
import (
type nogoResult int
const (
nogoNotRun nogoResult = iota
func compilePkg(args []string) error {
// Parse arguments.
args, _, err := expandParamsFiles(args)
if err != nil {
return err
fs := flag.NewFlagSet("GoCompilePkg", flag.ExitOnError)
goenv := envFlags(fs)
var unfilteredSrcs, coverSrcs, embedSrcs, embedLookupDirs, embedRoots, recompileInternalDeps multiFlag
var deps archiveMultiFlag
var importPath, packagePath, nogoPath, packageListPath, coverMode string
var outPath, outFactsPath, cgoExportHPath string
var testFilter string
var gcFlags, asmFlags, cppFlags, cFlags, cxxFlags, objcFlags, objcxxFlags, ldFlags quoteMultiFlag
var coverFormat string
var pgoprofile string
fs.Var(&unfilteredSrcs, "src", ".go, .c, .cc, .m, .mm, .s, or .S file to be filtered and compiled")
fs.Var(&coverSrcs, "cover", ".go file that should be instrumented for coverage (must also be a -src)")
fs.Var(&embedSrcs, "embedsrc", "file that may be compiled into the package with a //go:embed directive")
fs.Var(&embedLookupDirs, "embedlookupdir", "Root-relative paths to directories relative to which //go:embed directives are resolved")
fs.Var(&embedRoots, "embedroot", "Bazel output root under which a file passed via -embedsrc resides")
fs.Var(&deps, "arc", "Import path, package path, and file name of a direct dependency, separated by '='")
fs.StringVar(&importPath, "importpath", "", "The import path of the package being compiled. Not passed to the compiler, but may be displayed in debug data.")
fs.StringVar(&packagePath, "p", "", "The package path (importmap) of the package being compiled")
fs.Var(&gcFlags, "gcflags", "Go compiler flags")
fs.Var(&asmFlags, "asmflags", "Go assembler flags")
fs.Var(&cppFlags, "cppflags", "C preprocessor flags")
fs.Var(&cFlags, "cflags", "C compiler flags")
fs.Var(&cxxFlags, "cxxflags", "C++ compiler flags")
fs.Var(&objcFlags, "objcflags", "Objective-C compiler flags")
fs.Var(&objcxxFlags, "objcxxflags", "Objective-C++ compiler flags")
fs.Var(&ldFlags, "ldflags", "C linker flags")
fs.StringVar(&nogoPath, "nogo", "", "The nogo binary. If unset, nogo will not be run.")
fs.StringVar(&packageListPath, "package_list", "", "The file containing the list of standard library packages")
fs.StringVar(&coverMode, "cover_mode", "", "The coverage mode to use. Empty if coverage instrumentation should not be added.")
fs.StringVar(&outPath, "o", "", "The output archive file to write compiled code")
fs.StringVar(&outFactsPath, "x", "", "The output archive file to write export data and nogo facts")
fs.StringVar(&cgoExportHPath, "cgoexport", "", "The _cgo_exports.h file to write")
fs.StringVar(&testFilter, "testfilter", "off", "Controls test package filtering")
fs.StringVar(&coverFormat, "cover_format", "", "Emit source file paths in coverage instrumentation suitable for the specified coverage format")
fs.Var(&recompileInternalDeps, "recompile_internal_deps", "The import path of the direct dependencies that needs to be recompiled.")
fs.StringVar(&pgoprofile, "pgoprofile", "", "The pprof profile to consider for profile guided optimization.")
if err := fs.Parse(args); err != nil {
return err
if err := goenv.checkFlags(); err != nil {
return err
if importPath == "" {
importPath = packagePath
cgoEnabled := os.Getenv("CGO_ENABLED") == "1"
cc := os.Getenv("CC")
outPath = abs(outPath)
for i := range unfilteredSrcs {
unfilteredSrcs[i] = abs(unfilteredSrcs[i])
for i := range embedSrcs {
embedSrcs[i] = abs(embedSrcs[i])
if pgoprofile != "" {
pgoprofile = abs(pgoprofile)
// Filter sources.
srcs, err := filterAndSplitFiles(unfilteredSrcs)
if err != nil {
return err
// TODO(jayconrod): remove -testfilter flag. The test action should compile
// the main, internal, and external packages by calling compileArchive
// with the correct sources for each.
switch testFilter {
case "off":
case "only":
testSrcs := make([]fileInfo, 0, len(srcs.goSrcs))
for _, f := range srcs.goSrcs {
if strings.HasSuffix(f.pkg, "_test") {
testSrcs = append(testSrcs, f)
srcs.goSrcs = testSrcs
case "exclude":
libSrcs := make([]fileInfo, 0, len(srcs.goSrcs))
for _, f := range srcs.goSrcs {
if !strings.HasSuffix(f.pkg, "_test") {
libSrcs = append(libSrcs, f)
srcs.goSrcs = libSrcs
return fmt.Errorf("invalid test filter %q", testFilter)
return compileArchive(
func compileArchive(
goenv *env,
importPath string,
packagePath string,
srcs archiveSrcs,
deps []archive,
coverMode string,
coverSrcs []string,
embedSrcs []string,
embedLookupDirs []string,
embedRoots []string,
cgoEnabled bool,
cc string,
gcFlags []string,
asmFlags []string,
cppFlags []string,
cFlags []string,
cxxFlags []string,
objcFlags []string,
objcxxFlags []string,
ldFlags []string,
nogoPath string,
packageListPath string,
outPath string,
outXPath string,
cgoExportHPath string,
coverFormat string,
recompileInternalDeps []string,
pgoprofile string,
) error {
workDir, cleanup, err := goenv.workDir()
if err != nil {
return err
defer cleanup()
emptyGoFilePath := ""
if len(srcs.goSrcs) == 0 {
// We need to run the compiler to create a valid archive, even if there's nothing in it.
// Otherwise, GoPack will complain if we try to add assembly or cgo objects.
// A truly empty archive does not include any references to source file paths, which
// ensures hermeticity even though the temp file path is random.
emptyGoFile, err := os.CreateTemp(filepath.Dir(outPath), "*.go")
if err != nil {
return err
defer os.Remove(emptyGoFile.Name())
defer emptyGoFile.Close()
if _, err := emptyGoFile.WriteString("package empty\n"); err != nil {
return err
if err := emptyGoFile.Close(); err != nil {
return err
srcs.goSrcs = append(srcs.goSrcs, fileInfo{
filename: emptyGoFile.Name(),
ext: goExt,
matched: true,
pkg: "empty",
emptyGoFilePath = emptyGoFile.Name()
packageName := srcs.goSrcs[0].pkg
var goSrcs, cgoSrcs []string
for _, src := range srcs.goSrcs {
if src.isCgo {
cgoSrcs = append(cgoSrcs, src.filename)
} else {
goSrcs = append(goSrcs, src.filename)
cSrcs := make([]string, len(srcs.cSrcs))
for i, src := range srcs.cSrcs {
cSrcs[i] = src.filename
cxxSrcs := make([]string, len(srcs.cxxSrcs))
for i, src := range srcs.cxxSrcs {
cxxSrcs[i] = src.filename
objcSrcs := make([]string, len(srcs.objcSrcs))
for i, src := range srcs.objcSrcs {
objcSrcs[i] = src.filename
objcxxSrcs := make([]string, len(srcs.objcxxSrcs))
for i, src := range srcs.objcxxSrcs {
objcxxSrcs[i] = src.filename
sSrcs := make([]string, len(srcs.sSrcs))
for i, src := range srcs.sSrcs {
sSrcs[i] = src.filename
hSrcs := make([]string, len(srcs.hSrcs))
for i, src := range srcs.hSrcs {
hSrcs[i] = src.filename
// haveCgo is true if the package contains Cgo files.
haveCgo := len(cgoSrcs)+len(cSrcs)+len(cxxSrcs)+len(objcSrcs)+len(objcxxSrcs) > 0
// compilingWithCgo is true if the package contains Cgo files AND Cgo is enabled. A package
// containing Cgo files can also be built with Cgo disabled, and will work if there are build
// constraints.
compilingWithCgo := haveCgo && cgoEnabled
filterForNogo := func(slice []string) []string {
filtered := make([]string, 0, len(slice))
for _, s := range slice {
// Do not subject the generated empty .go file to nogo checks.
if s != emptyGoFilePath {
filtered = append(filtered, s)
return filtered
// When coverage is set, source files will be modified during instrumentation. We should only run static analysis
// over original source files and not the modified ones.
// goSrcsNogo and cgoSrcsNogo are copies of the original source files for nogo to run static analysis.
goSrcsNogo := filterForNogo(goSrcs)
cgoSrcsNogo := append([]string{}, cgoSrcs...)
// Instrument source files for coverage.
if coverMode != "" {
relCoverPath := make(map[string]string)
for _, s := range coverSrcs {
relCoverPath[abs(s)] = s
combined := append([]string{}, goSrcs...)
if cgoEnabled {
combined = append(combined, cgoSrcs...)
for i, origSrc := range combined {
if _, ok := relCoverPath[origSrc]; !ok {
var srcName string
switch coverFormat {
case "go_cover":
srcName = origSrc
if importPath != "" {
srcName = path.Join(importPath, filepath.Base(origSrc))
case "lcov":
// Bazel merges lcov reports across languages and thus assumes
// that the source file paths are relative to the exec root.
srcName = relCoverPath[origSrc]
return fmt.Errorf("invalid value for -cover_format: %q", coverFormat)
stem := filepath.Base(origSrc)
if ext := filepath.Ext(stem); ext != "" {
stem = stem[:len(stem)-len(ext)]
coverVar := fmt.Sprintf("Cover_%s_%d_%s", sanitizePathForIdentifier(importPath), i, sanitizePathForIdentifier(stem))
coverVar = strings.ReplaceAll(coverVar, "_", "Z")
coverSrc := filepath.Join(workDir, fmt.Sprintf("cover_%d.go", i))
if err := instrumentForCoverage(goenv, origSrc, srcName, coverVar, coverMode, coverSrc); err != nil {
return err
if i < len(goSrcs) {
goSrcs[i] = coverSrc
cgoSrcs[i-len(goSrcs)] = coverSrc
// If we have cgo, generate separate C and go files, and compile the
// C files.
var objFiles []string
if compilingWithCgo {
// If the package uses Cgo, compile .s and .S files with cgo2, not the Go assembler.
// Otherwise: the .s/.S files will be compiled with the Go assembler later
var srcDir string
srcDir, goSrcs, objFiles, err = cgo2(goenv, goSrcs, cgoSrcs, cSrcs, cxxSrcs, objcSrcs, objcxxSrcs, sSrcs, hSrcs, packagePath, packageName, cc, cppFlags, cFlags, cxxFlags, objcFlags, objcxxFlags, ldFlags, cgoExportHPath)
if err != nil {
return err
if coverMode != "" && nogoPath != "" {
// Compile original source files, not coverage instrumented, for nogo
_, goSrcsNogo, _, err = cgo2(goenv, goSrcsNogo, cgoSrcsNogo, cSrcs, cxxSrcs, objcSrcs, objcxxSrcs, sSrcs, hSrcs, packagePath, packageName, cc, cppFlags, cFlags, cxxFlags, objcFlags, objcxxFlags, ldFlags, cgoExportHPath)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
goSrcsNogo = goSrcs
gcFlags = append(gcFlags, createTrimPath(gcFlags, srcDir))
} else {
if cgoExportHPath != "" {
if err := ioutil.WriteFile(cgoExportHPath, nil, 0o666); err != nil {
return err
gcFlags = append(gcFlags, createTrimPath(gcFlags, "."))
// Check that the filtered sources don't import anything outside of
// the standard library and the direct dependencies.
imports, err := checkImports(srcs.goSrcs, deps, packageListPath, importPath, recompileInternalDeps)
if err != nil {
return err
if compilingWithCgo {
// cgo generated code imports some extra packages.
imports["runtime/cgo"] = nil
imports["syscall"] = nil
imports["unsafe"] = nil
if coverMode != "" {
if coverMode == "atomic" {
imports["sync/atomic"] = nil
const coverdataPath = ""
var coverdata *archive
for i := range deps {
if deps[i].importPath == coverdataPath {
coverdata = &deps[i]
if coverdata == nil {
return errors.New("coverage requested but coverdata dependency not provided")
imports[coverdataPath] = coverdata
// Build an importcfg file for the compiler.
importcfgPath, err := buildImportcfgFileForCompile(imports, goenv.installSuffix, filepath.Dir(outPath))
if err != nil {
return err
if !goenv.shouldPreserveWorkDir {
defer os.Remove(importcfgPath)
// Build an embedcfg file mapping embed patterns to filenames.
// Embed patterns are relative to any one of a list of root directories
// that may contain embeddable files. Source files containing embed patterns
// must be in one of these root directories so the pattern appears to be
// relative to the source file. Due to transitions, source files can reside
// under Bazel roots different from both those of the go srcs and those of
// the compilation output. Thus, we have to consider all combinations of
// Bazel roots embedsrcs and root-relative paths of source files and the
// output binary.
var embedRootDirs []string
for _, root := range embedRoots {
for _, lookupDir := range embedLookupDirs {
embedRootDir := abs(filepath.Join(root, lookupDir))
// Since we are iterating over all combinations of roots and
// root-relative paths, some resulting paths may not exist and
// should be filtered out before being passed to buildEmbedcfgFile.
// Since Bazel uniquified both the roots and the root-relative
// paths, the combinations are automatically unique.
if _, err := os.Stat(embedRootDir); err == nil {
embedRootDirs = append(embedRootDirs, embedRootDir)
embedcfgPath, err := buildEmbedcfgFile(srcs.goSrcs, embedSrcs, embedRootDirs, workDir)
if err != nil {
return err
if embedcfgPath != "" {
if !goenv.shouldPreserveWorkDir {
defer os.Remove(embedcfgPath)
// Run nogo concurrently.
var nogoChan chan error
outFactsPath := filepath.Join(workDir, nogoFact)
if nogoPath != "" && len(goSrcsNogo) > 0 {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
nogoChan = make(chan error)
go func() {
nogoChan <- runNogo(ctx, workDir, nogoPath, goSrcsNogo, deps, packagePath, importcfgPath, outFactsPath)
defer func() {
if nogoChan != nil {
// If there are Go assembly files and this is go1.12+: generate symbol ABIs.
// This excludes Cgo packages: they use the C compiler for assembly.
asmHdrPath := ""
if len(srcs.sSrcs) > 0 {
asmHdrPath = filepath.Join(workDir, "go_asm.h")
var symabisPath string
if !haveCgo {
symabisPath, err = buildSymabisFile(goenv, srcs.sSrcs, srcs.hSrcs, asmHdrPath)
if symabisPath != "" {
if !goenv.shouldPreserveWorkDir {
defer os.Remove(symabisPath)
if err != nil {
return err
// Compile the filtered .go files.
if err := compileGo(goenv, goSrcs, packagePath, importcfgPath, embedcfgPath, asmHdrPath, symabisPath, gcFlags, pgoprofile, outPath); err != nil {
return err
// Compile the .s files with Go's assembler, if this is not a cgo package.
// Cgo is assembled by cc above.
if len(srcs.sSrcs) > 0 && !haveCgo {
includeSet := map[string]struct{}{
filepath.Join(os.Getenv("GOROOT"), "pkg", "include"): {},
workDir: {},
for _, hdr := range srcs.hSrcs {
includeSet[filepath.Dir(hdr.filename)] = struct{}{}
includes := make([]string, len(includeSet))
for inc := range includeSet {
includes = append(includes, inc)
for _, inc := range includes {
asmFlags = append(asmFlags, "-I", inc)
for i, sSrc := range srcs.sSrcs {
obj := filepath.Join(workDir, fmt.Sprintf("s%d.o", i))
if err := asmFile(goenv, sSrc.filename, packagePath, asmFlags, obj); err != nil {
return err
objFiles = append(objFiles, obj)
// Pack .o files into the archive. These may come from cgo generated code,
// cgo dependencies (cdeps), or assembly.
if len(objFiles) > 0 {
if err := appendFiles(goenv, outPath, objFiles); err != nil {
return err
// Check results from nogo.
nogoStatus := nogoNotRun
if nogoChan != nil {
err := <-nogoChan
nogoChan = nil // no cancellation needed
if err != nil {
nogoStatus = nogoFailed
// TODO: should we still create the .x file without nogo facts in this case?
return err
nogoStatus = nogoSucceeded
// Extract the export data file and pack it in an .x archive together with the
// nogo facts file (if there is one). This allows compile actions to depend
// on .x files only, so we don't need to recompile a package when one of its
// imports changes in a way that doesn't affect export data.
// TODO(golang/go#33820): After Go 1.16 is the minimum supported version,
// use -linkobj to tell the compiler to create separate .a and .x files for
// compiled code and export data. Before that version, the linker needed
// export data in the .a file when building a plugin. To work around that,
// we copy the export data into .x ourselves.
if err = extractFileFromArchive(outPath, workDir, pkgDef); err != nil {
return err
pkgDefPath := filepath.Join(workDir, pkgDef)
if nogoStatus == nogoSucceeded {
return appendFiles(goenv, outXPath, []string{pkgDefPath, outFactsPath})
return appendFiles(goenv, outXPath, []string{pkgDefPath})
func compileGo(goenv *env, srcs []string, packagePath, importcfgPath, embedcfgPath, asmHdrPath, symabisPath string, gcFlags []string, pgoprofile string, outPath string) error {
args := goenv.goTool("compile")
args = append(args, "-p", packagePath, "-importcfg", importcfgPath, "-pack")
if embedcfgPath != "" {
args = append(args, "-embedcfg", embedcfgPath)
if asmHdrPath != "" {
args = append(args, "-asmhdr", asmHdrPath)
if symabisPath != "" {
args = append(args, "-symabis", symabisPath)
if pgoprofile != "" {
args = append(args, "-pgoprofile", pgoprofile)
args = append(args, gcFlags...)
args = append(args, "-o", outPath)
args = append(args, "--")
args = append(args, srcs...)
absArgs(args, []string{"-I", "-o", "-trimpath", "-importcfg"})
return goenv.runCommand(args)
func runNogo(ctx context.Context, workDir string, nogoPath string, srcs []string, deps []archive, packagePath, importcfgPath, outFactsPath string) error {
args := []string{nogoPath}
args = append(args, "-p", packagePath)
args = append(args, "-importcfg", importcfgPath)
for _, dep := range deps {
args = append(args, "-fact", fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", dep.importPath, dep.file))
args = append(args, "-x", outFactsPath)
args = append(args, srcs...)
paramsFile := filepath.Join(workDir, "nogo.param")
if err := writeParamsFile(paramsFile, args[1:]); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error writing nogo params file: %v", err)
cmd := exec.CommandContext(ctx, args[0], "-param="+paramsFile)
out := &bytes.Buffer{}
cmd.Stdout, cmd.Stderr = out, out
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
if exitErr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
if !exitErr.Exited() {
cmdLine := strings.Join(args, " ")
return fmt.Errorf("nogo command '%s' exited unexpectedly: %s", cmdLine, exitErr.String())
return errors.New(string(relativizePaths(out.Bytes())))
} else {
if out.Len() != 0 {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, out.String())
return fmt.Errorf("error running nogo: %v", err)
return nil
func createTrimPath(gcFlags []string, path string) string {
for _, flag := range gcFlags {
if strings.HasPrefix(flag, "-trimpath=") {
return flag + ":" + path
return "-trimpath=" + path
func sanitizePathForIdentifier(path string) string {
return strings.Map(func(r rune) rune {
if 'A' <= r && r <= 'Z' ||
'a' <= r && r <= 'z' ||
'0' <= r && r <= '9' ||
r == '_' {
return r
return '_'
}, path)