blob: 0c1fc01af626660c02fd915faa36d701ab323a93 [file] [log] [blame]
package client
// This module provides functionality for constructing a Merkle tree of uploadable inputs.
import (
repb ""
log ""
// treeNode represents a file tree, which is an intermediate representation used to encode a Merkle
// tree later. It corresponds roughly to a *repb.Directory, but with pointers, not digests, used to
// refer to other nodes.
type treeNode struct {
files map[string]*fileNode
dirs map[string]*treeNode
symlinks map[string]*symlinkNode
type fileNode struct {
ue *uploadinfo.Entry
isExecutable bool
type symlinkNode struct {
target string
type fileSysNode struct {
file *fileNode
emptyDirectoryMarker bool
symlink *symlinkNode
// TreeStats contains various stats/metadata of the constructed Merkle tree.
// Note that these stats count the overall input tree, even if some parts of it are not unique.
// For example, if a file "foo" of 10 bytes occurs 5 times in the tree, it will be counted as 5
// InputFiles and 50 TotalInputBytes.
type TreeStats struct {
// The total number of input files.
InputFiles int
// The total number of input directories.
InputDirectories int
// The total number of input symlinks
InputSymlinks int
// The overall number of bytes from all the inputs.
TotalInputBytes int64
// TODO(olaola): number of FileMetadata cache hits/misses go here.
// TreeSymlinkOpts controls how symlinks are handled when constructing a tree.
type TreeSymlinkOpts struct {
// By default, a symlink is converted into its targeted file.
// If true, preserve the symlink.
Preserved bool
// If true, the symlink target (if not dangling) is followed.
FollowsTarget bool
// DefaultTreeSymlinkOpts returns a default DefaultTreeSymlinkOpts object.
func DefaultTreeSymlinkOpts() *TreeSymlinkOpts {
return &TreeSymlinkOpts{
FollowsTarget: true,
// treeSymlinkOpts returns a TreeSymlinkOpts object based on the given SymlinkBehaviorType.
func treeSymlinkOpts(opts *TreeSymlinkOpts, sb command.SymlinkBehaviorType) *TreeSymlinkOpts {
if opts == nil {
opts = DefaultTreeSymlinkOpts()
switch sb {
case command.ResolveSymlink:
opts.Preserved = false
case command.PreserveSymlink:
opts.Preserved = true
return opts
// shouldIgnore returns whether a given input should be excluded based on the given InputExclusions,
func shouldIgnore(inp string, t command.InputType, excl []*command.InputExclusion) bool {
for _, r := range excl {
if r.Type != command.UnspecifiedInputType && r.Type != t {
if m, _ := regexp.MatchString(r.Regex, inp); m {
return true
return false
func getRelPath(base, path string) (string, error) {
rel, err := filepath.Rel(base, path)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if strings.HasPrefix(rel, "..") {
return "", fmt.Errorf("path %v is not under %v", path, base)
return rel, nil
// getTargetRelPath returns both the target's path relative to exec root
// and relative to the symlink's dir, iff the target is under execRoot.
// Otherwise it returns an error.
func getTargetRelPath(execRoot, path string, symMeta *filemetadata.SymlinkMetadata) (relExecRoot string, relSymlinkDir string, err error) {
symlinkAbsDir := filepath.Join(execRoot, filepath.Dir(path))
target := symMeta.Target
if !filepath.IsAbs(target) {
target = filepath.Join(symlinkAbsDir, target)
relExecRoot, err = getRelPath(execRoot, target)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
relSymlinkDir, err = filepath.Rel(symlinkAbsDir, target)
return relExecRoot, relSymlinkDir, err
// getRemotePath generates a remote path for a given local path
// by replacing workingDir component with remoteWorkingDir
func getRemotePath(path, workingDir, remoteWorkingDir string) (string, error) {
workingDirRelPath, err := filepath.Rel(workingDir, path)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("getRemotePath failed while trying to get working dir relative path of %q, err: %v", path, err)
remotePath := filepath.Join(remoteWorkingDir, workingDirRelPath)
return remotePath, nil
// getExecRootRelPaths returns local and remote exec-root-relative paths for a given local absolute path
func getExecRootRelPaths(absPath, execRoot, workingDir, remoteWorkingDir string) (relPath string, remoteRelPath string, err error) {
if relPath, err = getRelPath(execRoot, absPath); err != nil {
return "", "", err
if remoteWorkingDir == "" || remoteWorkingDir == workingDir {
return relPath, relPath, nil
if remoteRelPath, err = getRemotePath(relPath, workingDir, remoteWorkingDir); err != nil {
return relPath, "", err
log.V(3).Infof("getExecRootRelPaths(%q, %q, %q, %q)=(%q, %q)", absPath, execRoot, workingDir, remoteWorkingDir, relPath, remoteRelPath)
return relPath, remoteRelPath, nil
// loadFiles reads all files specified by the given InputSpec (descending into subdirectories
// recursively), and loads their contents into the provided map.
func loadFiles(execRoot, localWorkingDir, remoteWorkingDir string, excl []*command.InputExclusion, filesToProcess []string, fs map[string]*fileSysNode, cache filemetadata.Cache, opts *TreeSymlinkOpts) error {
if opts == nil {
opts = DefaultTreeSymlinkOpts()
for len(filesToProcess) != 0 {
path := filesToProcess[0]
filesToProcess = filesToProcess[1:]
if path == "" {
return errors.New("empty Input, use \".\" for entire exec root")
absPath := filepath.Join(execRoot, path)
normPath, remoteNormPath, err := getExecRootRelPaths(absPath, execRoot, localWorkingDir, remoteWorkingDir)
if err != nil {
return err
meta := cache.Get(absPath)
switch {
// An implication of this is that, if a path is a symlink to a
// directory, then the symlink attribute takes precedence.
case meta.Symlink != nil && meta.Symlink.IsDangling && !opts.Preserved:
// For now, we do not treat a dangling symlink as an error. In the case
// where the symlink is not preserved (i.e. needs to be converted to a
// file), we simply ignore this path in the finalized tree.
case meta.Symlink != nil && opts.Preserved:
if shouldIgnore(absPath, command.SymlinkInputType, excl) {
targetExecRoot, targetSymDir, err := getTargetRelPath(execRoot, normPath, meta.Symlink)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to determine the target of symlink %q as a child of %q", normPath, execRoot)
fs[remoteNormPath] = &fileSysNode{
// We cannot directly use meta.Symlink.Target, because it could be
// an absolute path. Since the remote worker will map the exec root
// to a different directory, we must strip away the local exec root.
// See
symlink: &symlinkNode{target: targetSymDir},
if !meta.Symlink.IsDangling && opts.FollowsTarget {
// getTargetRelPath validates this target is under execRoot,
// and the iteration loop will get the relative path to execRoot,
filesToProcess = append(filesToProcess, targetExecRoot)
case meta.IsDirectory:
if shouldIgnore(absPath, command.DirectoryInputType, excl) {
} else if meta.Err != nil {
return meta.Err
f, err := os.Open(absPath)
if err != nil {
return err
files, err := f.Readdirnames(-1)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(files) == 0 {
if normPath != "." {
fs[remoteNormPath] = &fileSysNode{emptyDirectoryMarker: true}
for _, f := range files {
filesToProcess = append(filesToProcess, filepath.Join(normPath, f))
if shouldIgnore(absPath, command.FileInputType, excl) {
} else if meta.Err != nil {
return meta.Err
fs[remoteNormPath] = &fileSysNode{
file: &fileNode{
ue: uploadinfo.EntryFromFile(meta.Digest, absPath),
isExecutable: meta.IsExecutable,
return nil
// ComputeMerkleTree packages an InputSpec into uploadable inputs, returned as uploadinfo.Entrys
func (c *Client) ComputeMerkleTree(execRoot, workingDir, remoteWorkingDir string, is *command.InputSpec, cache filemetadata.Cache) (root digest.Digest, inputs []*uploadinfo.Entry, stats *TreeStats, err error) {
stats = &TreeStats{}
fs := make(map[string]*fileSysNode)
for _, i := range is.VirtualInputs {
if i.Path == "" {
return digest.Empty, nil, nil, errors.New("empty Path in VirtualInputs")
absPath := filepath.Join(execRoot, i.Path)
normPath, remoteNormPath, err := getExecRootRelPaths(absPath, execRoot, workingDir, remoteWorkingDir)
if err != nil {
return digest.Empty, nil, nil, err
if i.IsEmptyDirectory {
if normPath != "." {
fs[remoteNormPath] = &fileSysNode{emptyDirectoryMarker: true}
fs[remoteNormPath] = &fileSysNode{
file: &fileNode{
ue: uploadinfo.EntryFromBlob(i.Contents),
isExecutable: i.IsExecutable,
if err := loadFiles(execRoot, workingDir, remoteWorkingDir, is.InputExclusions, is.Inputs, fs, cache, treeSymlinkOpts(c.TreeSymlinkOpts, is.SymlinkBehavior)); err != nil {
return digest.Empty, nil, nil, err
ft, err := buildTree(fs)
if err != nil {
return digest.Empty, nil, nil, err
var blobs map[digest.Digest]*uploadinfo.Entry
root, blobs, err = packageTree(ft, stats)
if err != nil {
return digest.Empty, nil, nil, err
for _, ue := range blobs {
inputs = append(inputs, ue)
return root, inputs, stats, nil
func buildTree(files map[string]*fileSysNode) (*treeNode, error) {
root := &treeNode{}
for name, fn := range files {
segs := strings.Split(name, string(filepath.Separator))
// The last segment is the filename, so split it off.
segs, base := segs[0:len(segs)-1], segs[len(segs)-1]
node := root
for _, s := range segs {
if node.dirs == nil {
node.dirs = make(map[string]*treeNode)
child := node.dirs[s]
if child == nil {
child = &treeNode{}
node.dirs[s] = child
node = child
if fn.emptyDirectoryMarker {
if node.dirs == nil {
node.dirs = make(map[string]*treeNode)
if node.dirs[base] == nil {
node.dirs[base] = &treeNode{}
if fn.file != nil {
if node.files == nil {
node.files = make(map[string]*fileNode)
node.files[base] = fn.file
} else {
if node.symlinks == nil {
node.symlinks = make(map[string]*symlinkNode)
node.symlinks[base] = fn.symlink
return root, nil
func packageTree(t *treeNode, stats *TreeStats) (root digest.Digest, blobs map[digest.Digest]*uploadinfo.Entry, err error) {
dir := &repb.Directory{}
blobs = make(map[digest.Digest]*uploadinfo.Entry)
for name, child := range t.dirs {
dg, childBlobs, err := packageTree(child, stats)
if err != nil {
return digest.Empty, nil, err
dir.Directories = append(dir.Directories, &repb.DirectoryNode{Name: name, Digest: dg.ToProto()})
for d, b := range childBlobs {
blobs[d] = b
sort.Slice(dir.Directories, func(i, j int) bool { return dir.Directories[i].Name < dir.Directories[j].Name })
for name, fn := range t.files {
dg := fn.ue.Digest
dir.Files = append(dir.Files, &repb.FileNode{Name: name, Digest: dg.ToProto(), IsExecutable: fn.isExecutable})
blobs[dg] = fn.ue
stats.TotalInputBytes += dg.Size
sort.Slice(dir.Files, func(i, j int) bool { return dir.Files[i].Name < dir.Files[j].Name })
for name, sn := range t.symlinks {
dir.Symlinks = append(dir.Symlinks, &repb.SymlinkNode{Name: name, Target:})
sort.Slice(dir.Symlinks, func(i, j int) bool { return dir.Symlinks[i].Name < dir.Symlinks[j].Name })
ue, err := uploadinfo.EntryFromProto(dir)
if err != nil {
return digest.Empty, nil, err
dg := ue.Digest
blobs[dg] = ue
stats.TotalInputBytes += dg.Size
return dg, blobs, nil
// TreeOutput represents a leaf output node in a nested directory structure (a file, a symlink, or an empty directory).
type TreeOutput struct {
Digest digest.Digest
Path string
IsExecutable bool
IsEmptyDirectory bool
SymlinkTarget string
// FlattenTree takes a Tree message and calculates the relative paths of all the files to
// the tree root. Note that only files/symlinks/empty directories are included in the returned slice,
// not the intermediate directories. Directories containing only other directories will be omitted.
func (c *Client) FlattenTree(tree *repb.Tree, rootPath string) (map[string]*TreeOutput, error) {
root, err := digest.NewFromMessage(tree.Root)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
dirs := make(map[digest.Digest]*repb.Directory)
dirs[root] = tree.Root
for _, ue := range tree.Children {
dg, e := digest.NewFromMessage(ue)
if e != nil {
return nil, e
dirs[dg] = ue
return flattenTree(root, rootPath, dirs)
func flattenTree(root digest.Digest, rootPath string, dirs map[digest.Digest]*repb.Directory) (map[string]*TreeOutput, error) {
// Create a queue of unprocessed directories, along with their flattened
// path names.
type queueElem struct {
d digest.Digest
p string
queue := []*queueElem{}
queue = append(queue, &queueElem{d: root, p: rootPath})
// Process the queue, recording all flattened TreeOutputs as we go.
flatFiles := make(map[string]*TreeOutput)
for len(queue) > 0 {
flatDir := queue[0]
queue = queue[1:]
dir, ok := dirs[flatDir.d]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("couldn't find directory %s with digest %s", flatDir.p, flatDir.d)
// Check whether this is an empty directory.
if len(dir.Files)+len(dir.Directories)+len(dir.Symlinks) == 0 {
flatFiles[flatDir.p] = &TreeOutput{
Path: flatDir.p,
Digest: digest.Empty,
IsEmptyDirectory: true,
// Add files to the set to return
for _, file := range dir.Files {
out := &TreeOutput{
Path: filepath.Join(flatDir.p, file.Name),
Digest: digest.NewFromProtoUnvalidated(file.Digest),
IsExecutable: file.IsExecutable,
flatFiles[out.Path] = out
// Add symlinks to the set to return
for _, sm := range dir.Symlinks {
out := &TreeOutput{
Path: filepath.Join(flatDir.p, sm.Name),
SymlinkTarget: sm.Target,
flatFiles[out.Path] = out
// Add subdirectories to the queue
for _, subdir := range dir.Directories {
digest := digest.NewFromProtoUnvalidated(subdir.Digest)
name := filepath.Join(flatDir.p, subdir.Name)
queue = append(queue, &queueElem{d: digest, p: name})
return flatFiles, nil
func packageDirectories(t *treeNode) (root *repb.Directory, files map[digest.Digest]*uploadinfo.Entry, treePb *repb.Tree, err error) {
root = &repb.Directory{}
files = make(map[digest.Digest]*uploadinfo.Entry)
childDirs := make([]string, 0, len(t.dirs))
treePb = &repb.Tree{}
for name := range t.dirs {
childDirs = append(childDirs, name)
for _, name := range childDirs {
child := t.dirs[name]
chRoot, childFiles, chTree, err := packageDirectories(child)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
ue, err := uploadinfo.EntryFromProto(chRoot)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
dg := ue.Digest
root.Directories = append(root.Directories, &repb.DirectoryNode{Name: name, Digest: dg.ToProto()})
for d, b := range childFiles {
files[d] = b
treePb.Children = append(treePb.Children, chRoot)
treePb.Children = append(treePb.Children, chTree.Children...)
sort.Slice(root.Directories, func(i, j int) bool { return root.Directories[i].Name < root.Directories[j].Name })
for name, fn := range t.files {
dg := fn.ue.Digest
root.Files = append(root.Files, &repb.FileNode{Name: name, Digest: dg.ToProto(), IsExecutable: fn.isExecutable})
files[dg] = fn.ue
sort.Slice(root.Files, func(i, j int) bool { return root.Files[i].Name < root.Files[j].Name })
return root, files, treePb, nil
// ComputeOutputsToUpload transforms the provided local output paths into uploadable Chunkers.
// The paths have to be relative to execRoot.
// It also populates the remote ActionResult, packaging output directories as trees where required.
func (c *Client) ComputeOutputsToUpload(execRoot, workingDir string, paths []string, cache filemetadata.Cache, sb command.SymlinkBehaviorType) (map[digest.Digest]*uploadinfo.Entry, *repb.ActionResult, error) {
outs := make(map[digest.Digest]*uploadinfo.Entry)
resPb := &repb.ActionResult{}
for _, path := range paths {
absPath := filepath.Join(execRoot, workingDir, path)
if _, err := getRelPath(execRoot, absPath); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
meta := cache.Get(absPath)
if meta.Err != nil {
if e, ok := meta.Err.(*filemetadata.FileError); ok && e.IsNotFound {
continue // Ignore missing outputs.
return nil, nil, meta.Err
normPath, err := filepath.Rel(filepath.Join(execRoot, workingDir), absPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if !meta.IsDirectory {
// A regular file.
ue := uploadinfo.EntryFromFile(meta.Digest, absPath)
outs[meta.Digest] = ue
resPb.OutputFiles = append(resPb.OutputFiles, &repb.OutputFile{Path: normPath, Digest: meta.Digest.ToProto(), IsExecutable: meta.IsExecutable})
// A directory.
fs := make(map[string]*fileSysNode)
if e := loadFiles(absPath, "", "", nil, []string{"."}, fs, cache, treeSymlinkOpts(c.TreeSymlinkOpts, sb)); e != nil {
return nil, nil, e
ft, err := buildTree(fs)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
rootDir, files, treePb, err := packageDirectories(ft)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
ue, err := uploadinfo.EntryFromProto(rootDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
outs[ue.Digest] = ue
treePb.Root = rootDir
ue, err = uploadinfo.EntryFromProto(treePb)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
outs[ue.Digest] = ue
for _, ue := range files {
outs[ue.Digest] = ue
resPb.OutputDirectories = append(resPb.OutputDirectories, &repb.OutputDirectory{Path: normPath, TreeDigest: ue.Digest.ToProto()})
// Upload the child directories individually as well
ueRoot, _ := uploadinfo.EntryFromProto(treePb.Root)
outs[ueRoot.Digest] = ueRoot
for _, child := range treePb.Children {
ueChild, _ := uploadinfo.EntryFromProto(child)
outs[ueChild.Digest] = ueChild
return outs, resPb, nil