blob: 490480a542351a6f44a2b79d23a01990287a72ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Package digest contains functions to simplify handling content digests.
package digest
import (
repb ""
var (
// hexStringRegex doesn't contain the size because that's checked separately.
hexStringRegex = regexp.MustCompile("^[a-f0-9]+$")
// The digest function used.
HashFn = crypto.SHA256
// Empty is the digest of the empty blob.
Empty = NewFromBlob([]byte{})
// copyBufs is a pool of 32KiB []byte slices, used to compute hashes.
copyBufs = sync.Pool{
New: func() interface{} {
buf := make([]byte, 32*1024)
return &buf
// Digest is a Go type to mirror the repb.Digest message.
type Digest struct {
Hash string
Size int64
// GetDigestFunction returns the digest function used by the client.
func GetDigestFunction() repb.DigestFunction_Value {
// TODO: replace this line after all clients support Go 1.15 where .String() is defined:
// name := strings.ReplaceAll(HashFn.String(), "-", "")
name := "SHA256"
if val, ok := repb.DigestFunction_Value_value[name]; ok {
return repb.DigestFunction_Value(val)
return repb.DigestFunction_UNKNOWN
// ToProto converts a Digest into a repb.Digest. No validation is performed!
func (d Digest) ToProto() *repb.Digest {
return &repb.Digest{Hash: d.Hash, SizeBytes: d.Size}
// String returns a hash in a canonical form of hash/size.
func (d Digest) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", d.Hash, d.Size)
// IsEmpty returns true iff digest is of an empty blob.
func (d Digest) IsEmpty() bool {
return d.Size == 0 && d.Hash == Empty.Hash
// Validate returns nil if a digest appears to be valid, or a descriptive error
// if it is not. All functions accepting digests directly from clients should
// call this function, whether it's via an RPC call or by reading a serialized
// proto message that contains digests that was uploaded directly from the
// client.
func (d Digest) Validate() error {
length := len(d.Hash)
if length != HashFn.Size()*2 {
return fmt.Errorf("valid hash length is %d, got length %d (%s)", HashFn.Size()*2, length, d.Hash)
if !hexStringRegex.MatchString(d.Hash) {
return fmt.Errorf("hash is not a lowercase hex string (%s)", d.Hash)
if d.Size < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("expected non-negative size, got %d", d.Size)
return nil
// New creates a new digest from a string and size. It does some basic
// validation, which makes it marginally superior to constructing a Digest
// yourself. It returns an error if the hash/size are invalid.
func New(hash string, size int64) (Digest, error) {
d := Digest{Hash: hash, Size: size}
return d, d.Validate()
// NewFromBlob takes a blob (in the form of a byte array) and returns the
// Digest for that blob. Changing this function will lead to cache
// invalidations (execution cache and potentially others).
// This cannot return an error, since the result is valid by definition.
func NewFromBlob(blob []byte) Digest {
h := HashFn.New()
arr := h.Sum(nil)
return Digest{Hash: hex.EncodeToString(arr[:]), Size: int64(len(blob))}
// NewFromMessage calculates the digest of a protobuf in SHA-256 mode.
// It returns an error if the proto marshalling failed.
func NewFromMessage(msg proto.Message) (Digest, error) {
blob, err := proto.Marshal(msg)
if err != nil {
return Empty, err
return NewFromBlob(blob), nil
// NewFromProto converts a proto digest to a Digest.
// It returns an error if the hash/size are invalid.
func NewFromProto(dg *repb.Digest) (Digest, error) {
d := NewFromProtoUnvalidated(dg)
return d, d.Validate()
// NewFromProtoUnvalidated converts a proto digest to a Digest, skipping validation.
func NewFromProtoUnvalidated(dg *repb.Digest) Digest {
return Digest{Hash: dg.Hash, Size: dg.SizeBytes}
// NewFromString returns a digest from a canonical digest string.
// It returns an error if the hash/size are invalid.
func NewFromString(s string) (Digest, error) {
pair := strings.Split(s, "/")
if len(pair) != 2 {
return Empty, fmt.Errorf("expected digest in the form hash/size, got %s", s)
size, err := strconv.ParseInt(pair[1], 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return Empty, fmt.Errorf("invalid size in digest %s: %s", s, err)
return New(pair[0], size)
// NewFromFile computes a file digest from a path.
// It returns an error if there was a problem accessing the file.
func NewFromFile(path string) (Digest, error) {
f, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return Empty, err
defer f.Close()
return NewFromReader(f)
// NewFromReader computes a file digest from a reader.
// It returns an error if there was a problem reading the file.
func NewFromReader(r io.Reader) (Digest, error) {
h := HashFn.New()
buf := copyBufs.Get().(*[]byte)
defer copyBufs.Put(buf)
size, err := io.CopyBuffer(h, r, *buf)
if err != nil {
return Empty, err
return Digest{
Hash: hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)),
Size: size,
}, nil
// CheckCapabilities returns an error if the digest function is not supported
// by the server.
func CheckCapabilities(caps *repb.ServerCapabilities) error {
fn := GetDigestFunction()
if caps.ExecutionCapabilities != nil {
if serverFn := caps.ExecutionCapabilities.DigestFunction; serverFn != fn {
return fmt.Errorf("server requires %v, client uses %v", serverFn, fn)
if caps.CacheCapabilities != nil {
cc := caps.CacheCapabilities
found := false
for _, serverFn := range cc.DigestFunctions {
if serverFn == fn {
found = true
if !found {
return fmt.Errorf("server requires one of %v, client uses %v", cc.DigestFunctions, fn)
return nil
// TestNew is like New but also pads your hash with zeros if it is shorter than the required length,
// and panics on error rather than returning the error.
func TestNew(hash string, size int64) Digest {
hashLen := HashFn.Size() * 2
if len(hash) < hashLen {
hash = strings.Repeat("0", hashLen-len(hash)) + hash
digest, err := New(hash, size)
if err != nil {
return digest
// TestNewFromMessage is only suitable for testing and panics on error.
func TestNewFromMessage(msg proto.Message) Digest {
digest, err := NewFromMessage(msg)
if err != nil {
return digest