blob: 2b95a7a26a4ed324850ad0b073ad741fdbc19a32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Package command defines common types to be used with command execution.
package command
import (
cpb ""
repb ""
tspb ""
// InputType can be specified to narrow down the matching for a given input path.
type InputType int
const (
// UnspecifiedInputType means any input type will match.
UnspecifiedInputType InputType = iota
// DirectoryInputType means only directories match.
// FileInputType means only files match.
// SymlinkInputType means only symlink match.
var inputTypes = [...]string{"UnspecifiedInputType", "DirectoryInputType", "FileInputType"}
func (s InputType) String() string {
if UnspecifiedInputType <= s && s <= FileInputType {
return inputTypes[s]
return fmt.Sprintf("InvalidInputType(%d)", s)
// SymlinkBehaviorType represents how symlinks are handled.
type SymlinkBehaviorType int
const (
// UnspecifiedSymlinkBehavior means following clients.TreeSymlinkOpts
// or DefaultTreeSymlinkOpts if clients.TreeSymlinkOpts is null.
UnspecifiedSymlinkBehavior SymlinkBehaviorType = iota
// ResolveSymlink means symlinks are resolved.
// PreserveSymlink means symlinks are kept as-is.
var symlinkBehaviorType = [...]string{"UnspecifiedSymlinkBehavior", "ResolveSymlink", "PreserveSymlink"}
func (s SymlinkBehaviorType) String() string {
if UnspecifiedSymlinkBehavior <= s && s <= PreserveSymlink {
return symlinkBehaviorType[s-UnspecifiedSymlinkBehavior]
return fmt.Sprintf("InvalidSymlinkBehaviorType(%d)", s)
// InputExclusion represents inputs to be excluded from being considered for command execution.
type InputExclusion struct {
// Required: the path regular expression to match for exclusion.
Regex string
// The input type to match for exclusion.
Type InputType
// VirtualInput represents an input that does not actually exist on disk, but we want
// to stage it on disk for the command execution.
type VirtualInput struct {
// The path for the input to be staged at, relative to the ExecRoot.
Path string
// The byte contents of the file to be staged.
Contents []byte
// Whether the file should be staged as executable.
IsExecutable bool
// Whether the file is actually an empty directory. This is used to provide
// empty directory inputs. When this is set, Contents and IsExecutable are
// ignored.
IsEmptyDirectory bool
// InputSpec represents all the required inputs to a remote command.
type InputSpec struct {
// Input paths (files or directories) that need to be present for the command execution.
Inputs []string
// Inputs not present on the local file system, but should be staged for command execution.
VirtualInputs []*VirtualInput
// Inputs matching these patterns will be excluded.
InputExclusions []*InputExclusion
// Environment variables the command relies on.
EnvironmentVariables map[string]string
// SymlinkBehavior represents the way symlinks will be handled.
SymlinkBehavior SymlinkBehaviorType
// String returns the string representation of the VirtualInput.
func (s *VirtualInput) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%+v", *s)
// String returns the string representation of the InputExclusion.
func (s *InputExclusion) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%+v", *s)
// Identifiers is a group of identifiers of a command.
type Identifiers struct {
// CommandID is an optional id to use to identify a command.
CommandID string
// InvocationID is an optional id to use to identify an invocation spanning multiple commands.
InvocationID string
// CorrelatedInvocationID is an optional id to use to identify a build spanning multiple invocations.
CorrelatedInvocationID string
// ToolName is an optional tool name to pass to the remote server for logging.
ToolName string
// ToolVersion is an optional tool version to pass to the remote server for logging.
ToolVersion string
// ExecutionID is a UUID generated for a particular execution of this command.
ExecutionID string
// Command encompasses the complete information required to execute a command remotely.
// To make sure to initialize a valid Command object, call FillDefaultFieldValues on the created
// struct.
type Command struct {
// Identifiers used to identify this command to be passed to RE.
Identifiers *Identifiers
// Args (required): command line elements to execute.
Args []string
// ExecRoot is an absolute path to the execution root of the command. All the other paths are
// specified relatively to this path.
ExecRoot string
// WorkingDir is the working directory, relative to the exec root, for the command to run
// in. It must be a directory which exists in the input tree. If it is left empty, then the
// action is run from the exec root.
WorkingDir string
// RemoteWorkingDir is the working directory when executing the command on RE server.
// It's relative to exec root and, if provided, needs to have the same number of levels
// as WorkingDir. If not provided, the remote command is run from the WorkingDir
RemoteWorkingDir string
// InputSpec: the command inputs.
InputSpec *InputSpec
// OutputFiles are the command output files.
OutputFiles []string
// OutputDirs are the command output directories.
// The files and directories will likely be merged into a single Outputs field in the future.
OutputDirs []string
// Timeout is an optional duration to wait for command execution before timing out.
Timeout time.Duration
// Platform is the platform to use for the execution.
Platform map[string]string
func marshallMap(m map[string]string, buf *[]byte) {
var pkeys []string
for k := range m {
pkeys = append(pkeys, k)
for _, k := range pkeys {
*buf = append(*buf, []byte(k)...)
*buf = append(*buf, []byte(m[k])...)
func marshallSlice(s []string, buf *[]byte) {
for _, i := range s {
*buf = append(*buf, []byte(i)...)
func marshallSortedSlice(s []string, buf *[]byte) {
ss := make([]string, len(s))
copy(ss, s)
marshallSlice(ss, buf)
// Validate checks whether all required command fields have been specified.
func (c *Command) Validate() error {
if c == nil {
return nil
if len(c.Args) == 0 {
return errors.New("missing command arguments")
if c.ExecRoot == "" {
return errors.New("missing command exec root")
if c.InputSpec == nil {
return errors.New("missing command input spec")
if c.Identifiers == nil {
return errors.New("missing command identifiers")
if c.RemoteWorkingDir != "" && levels(c.RemoteWorkingDir) != levels(c.WorkingDir) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid RemoteWorkingDir=%q[%v level(s)], it's expected to have the same depth as WorkingDir=%q[%v level(s)]",
c.RemoteWorkingDir, levels(c.RemoteWorkingDir), c.WorkingDir, levels(c.WorkingDir))
// TODO(olaola): make Platform required?
return nil
// Generates a stable id for the command.
func (c *Command) stableID() string {
var buf []byte
marshallSlice(c.Args, &buf)
buf = append(buf, []byte(c.ExecRoot)...)
buf = append(buf, []byte(c.WorkingDir)...)
marshallSortedSlice(c.OutputFiles, &buf)
marshallSortedSlice(c.OutputDirs, &buf)
buf = append(buf, []byte(c.Timeout.String())...)
marshallMap(c.Platform, &buf)
if c.InputSpec != nil {
marshallMap(c.InputSpec.EnvironmentVariables, &buf)
marshallSortedSlice(c.InputSpec.Inputs, &buf)
inputExclusions := make([]*InputExclusion, len(c.InputSpec.InputExclusions))
copy(inputExclusions, c.InputSpec.InputExclusions)
sort.Slice(inputExclusions, func(i, j int) bool {
e1 := inputExclusions[i]
e2 := inputExclusions[j]
return e1.Regex > e2.Regex || e1.Regex == e2.Regex && e1.Type > e2.Type
for _, e := range inputExclusions {
buf = append(buf, []byte(e.Regex)...)
buf = append(buf, []byte(e.Type.String())...)
sha256Arr := sha256.Sum256(buf)
return hex.EncodeToString(sha256Arr[:])[:8]
// FillDefaultFieldValues initializes valid default values to inner Command fields.
// This function should be called on every new Command object before use.
func (c *Command) FillDefaultFieldValues() {
if c == nil {
if c.Identifiers == nil {
c.Identifiers = &Identifiers{}
if c.Identifiers.CommandID == "" {
c.Identifiers.CommandID = c.stableID()
if c.Identifiers.ToolName == "" {
c.Identifiers.ToolName = "remote-client"
if c.Identifiers.InvocationID == "" {
c.Identifiers.InvocationID = uuid.New()
if c.Identifiers.ExecutionID == "" {
c.Identifiers.ExecutionID = uuid.New()
if c.InputSpec == nil {
c.InputSpec = &InputSpec{}
func levels(path string) int {
return len(strings.Split(path, string(os.PathSeparator)))
// ExecutionOptions specify how to execute a given Command.
type ExecutionOptions struct {
// Whether to accept cached action results. Defaults to true.
AcceptCached bool
// When set, this execution results will not be cached.
DoNotCache bool
// Download command outputs after execution. Defaults to true.
DownloadOutputs bool
// Download command stdout and stderr. Defaults to true.
DownloadOutErr bool
// DefaultExecutionOptions returns the recommended ExecutionOptions.
func DefaultExecutionOptions() *ExecutionOptions {
return &ExecutionOptions{
AcceptCached: true,
DoNotCache: false,
DownloadOutputs: true,
DownloadOutErr: true,
// ResultStatus represents the options for a finished command execution.
type ResultStatus int
const (
// UnspecifiedResultStatus is an invalid value, should not be used.
UnspecifiedResultStatus ResultStatus = iota
// SuccessResultStatus indicates that the command executed successfully.
// CacheHitResultStatus indicates that the command was a cache hit.
// NonZeroExitResultStatus indicates that the command executed with a non zero exit code.
// TimeoutResultStatus indicates that the command exceeded its specified deadline.
// InterruptedResultStatus indicates that the command execution was interrupted.
// RemoteErrorResultStatus indicates that an error occurred on the remote server.
// LocalErrorResultStatus indicates that an error occurred locally.
var resultStatuses = [...]string{
// IsOk returns whether the status indicates a successful action.
func (s ResultStatus) IsOk() bool {
return s == SuccessResultStatus || s == CacheHitResultStatus
func (s ResultStatus) String() string {
if UnspecifiedResultStatus <= s && s <= LocalErrorResultStatus {
return resultStatuses[s]
return fmt.Sprintf("InvalidResultStatus(%d)", s)
// Result is the result of a finished command execution.
type Result struct {
// Command exit code.
ExitCode int
// Status of the finished run.
Status ResultStatus
// Any error encountered.
Err error
// IsOk returns whether the result was successful.
func (r *Result) IsOk() bool {
return r.Status.IsOk()
// LocalErrorExitCode is an exit code corresponding to a local error.
const LocalErrorExitCode = 35
// TimeoutExitCode is an exit code corresponding to the command timing out remotely.
const TimeoutExitCode = /*SIGNAL_BASE=*/ 128 + /*SIGALRM=*/ 14
// RemoteErrorExitCode is an exit code corresponding to a remote server error.
const RemoteErrorExitCode = 45
// InterruptedExitCode is an exit code corresponding to an execution interruption by the user.
const InterruptedExitCode = 8
// NewLocalErrorResult constructs a Result from a local error.
func NewLocalErrorResult(err error) *Result {
return &Result{
ExitCode: LocalErrorExitCode,
Status: LocalErrorResultStatus,
Err: err,
// NewRemoteErrorResult constructs a Result from a remote error.
func NewRemoteErrorResult(err error) *Result {
return &Result{
ExitCode: RemoteErrorExitCode,
Status: RemoteErrorResultStatus,
Err: err,
// NewResultFromExitCode constructs a Result from a given command exit code.
func NewResultFromExitCode(exitCode int) *Result {
st := SuccessResultStatus
if exitCode != 0 {
st = NonZeroExitResultStatus
return &Result{
ExitCode: exitCode,
Status: st,
// NewTimeoutResult constructs a new result for a timeout-exceeded command.
func NewTimeoutResult() *Result {
return &Result{
ExitCode: TimeoutExitCode,
Status: TimeoutResultStatus,
// TimeInterval is a time window for an event.
type TimeInterval struct {
From, To time.Time
// These are the events that we export time metrics on:
const (
// EventServerQueued: Queued time on the remote server.
EventServerQueued = "ServerQueued"
// EventServerWorker: The total remote worker (bot) time.
EventServerWorker = "ServerWorker"
// EventServerWorkerInputFetch: Time to fetch inputs to the remote bot.
EventServerWorkerInputFetch = "ServerWorkerInputFetch"
// EventServerWorkerExecution: The actual execution on the remote bot.
EventServerWorkerExecution = "ServerWorkerExecution"
// EventServerWorkerOutputUpload: Uploading outputs to the CAS on the bot.
EventServerWorkerOutputUpload = "ServerWorkerOutputUpload"
// EventDownloadResults: Downloading action results from CAS.
EventDownloadResults = "DownloadResults"
// EventComputeMerkleTree: Computing the input Merkle tree.
EventComputeMerkleTree = "ComputeMerkleTree"
// EventCheckActionCache: Checking the action cache.
EventCheckActionCache = "CheckActionCache"
// EventUpdateCachedResult: Uploading local outputs to CAS and updating cached
// action result.
EventUpdateCachedResult = "UpdateCachedResult"
// EventUploadInputs: Uploading action inputs to CAS for remote execution.
EventUploadInputs = "UploadInputs"
// EventExecuteRemotely: Total time to execute remotely.
EventExecuteRemotely = "ExecuteRemotely"
// Metadata is general information associated with a Command execution.
type Metadata struct {
// CommandDigest is a digest of the command being executed. It can be used
// to detect changes in the command between builds.
CommandDigest digest.Digest
// ActionDigest is a digest of the action being executed. It can be used
// to detect changes in the action between builds.
ActionDigest digest.Digest
// The total number of input files.
InputFiles int
// The total number of input directories.
InputDirectories int
// The overall number of bytes from all the inputs.
TotalInputBytes int64
// Event times for remote events, by event name.
EventTimes map[string]*TimeInterval
// The total number of output files (incl symlinks).
OutputFiles int
// The total number of output directories (incl symlinks, but not recursive).
OutputDirectories int
// The overall number of bytes from all the output files (incl. stdout/stderr, but not symlinks).
TotalOutputBytes int64
// Output File digests.
OutputFileDigests map[string]digest.Digest
// Output Directory digests.
OutputDirectoryDigests map[string]digest.Digest
// Missing digests that are uploaded to CAS.
MissingDigests []digest.Digest
// LogicalBytesUploaded is the sum of sizes in bytes of the blobs that were uploaded. It should be
// the same value as the sum of digest sizes in MissingDigests.
LogicalBytesUploaded int64
// RealBytesUploaded is the number of bytes that were put on the wire for upload (exclusing metadata).
// It may differ from LogicalBytesUploaded due to compression.
RealBytesUploaded int64
// LogicalBytesDownloaded is the sum of sizes in bytes of the blobs that were downloaded. It should be
// the same value as the sum of digest sizes in OutputDigests.
LogicalBytesDownloaded int64
// RealBytesDownloaded is the number of bytes that were put on the wire for download (exclusing metadata).
// It may differ from LogicalBytesDownloaded due to compression.
RealBytesDownloaded int64
// TODO(olaola): Add a lot of other fields.
// ToREProto converts the Command to an RE API Command proto.
// `useOutputPathsField` selects what field/s to fill with the paths of outputs,
// which will depend on the RE API version.
func (c *Command) ToREProto(useOutputPathsField bool) *repb.Command {
workingDir := c.RemoteWorkingDir
if workingDir == "" {
workingDir = c.WorkingDir
cmdPb := &repb.Command{
Arguments: c.Args,
WorkingDirectory: workingDir,
// In v2.1 of the RE API the `output_{files, directories}` fields were
// replaced by a single field: `output_paths`.
if useOutputPathsField {
cmdPb.OutputPaths = append(c.OutputFiles, c.OutputDirs...)
} else {
cmdPb.OutputFiles = make([]string, len(c.OutputFiles))
copy(cmdPb.OutputFiles, c.OutputFiles)
cmdPb.OutputDirectories = make([]string, len(c.OutputDirs))
copy(cmdPb.OutputDirectories, c.OutputDirs)
for name, val := range c.InputSpec.EnvironmentVariables {
cmdPb.EnvironmentVariables = append(cmdPb.EnvironmentVariables, &repb.Command_EnvironmentVariable{Name: name, Value: val})
sort.Slice(cmdPb.EnvironmentVariables, func(i, j int) bool { return cmdPb.EnvironmentVariables[i].Name < cmdPb.EnvironmentVariables[j].Name })
if len(c.Platform) > 0 {
cmdPb.Platform = &repb.Platform{}
for name, val := range c.Platform {
cmdPb.Platform.Properties = append(cmdPb.Platform.Properties, &repb.Platform_Property{Name: name, Value: val})
sort.Slice(cmdPb.Platform.Properties, func(i, j int) bool { return cmdPb.Platform.Properties[i].Name < cmdPb.Platform.Properties[j].Name })
return cmdPb
// FromProto parses a Command struct from a proto message.
func FromProto(p *cpb.Command) *Command {
ids := &Identifiers{
CommandID: p.GetIdentifiers().GetCommandId(),
InvocationID: p.GetIdentifiers().GetInvocationId(),
CorrelatedInvocationID: p.GetIdentifiers().GetCorrelatedInvocationsId(),
ToolName: p.GetIdentifiers().GetToolName(),
ToolVersion: p.GetIdentifiers().GetToolVersion(),
ExecutionID: p.GetIdentifiers().GetExecutionId(),
is := inputSpecFromProto(p.GetInput())
return &Command{
Identifiers: ids,
ExecRoot: p.ExecRoot,
Args: p.Args,
WorkingDir: p.WorkingDirectory,
RemoteWorkingDir: p.RemoteWorkingDirectory,
InputSpec: is,
OutputFiles: p.GetOutput().GetOutputFiles(),
OutputDirs: p.GetOutput().GetOutputDirectories(),
Timeout: time.Duration(p.ExecutionTimeout) * time.Second,
Platform: p.Platform,
func inputSpecFromProto(is *cpb.InputSpec) *InputSpec {
var excl []*InputExclusion
for _, ex := range is.GetExcludeInputs() {
excl = append(excl, &InputExclusion{
Regex: ex.Regex,
Type: inputTypeFromProto(ex.Type),
var vis []*VirtualInput
for _, vi := range is.GetVirtualInputs() {
contents := make([]byte, len(vi.Contents))
copy(contents, vi.Contents)
vis = append(vis, &VirtualInput{
Path: vi.Path,
Contents: contents,
IsExecutable: vi.IsExecutable,
IsEmptyDirectory: vi.IsEmptyDirectory,
return &InputSpec{
Inputs: is.GetInputs(),
VirtualInputs: vis,
InputExclusions: excl,
EnvironmentVariables: is.GetEnvironmentVariables(),
SymlinkBehavior: symlinkBehaviorFromProto(is.GetSymlinkBehavior()),
func inputSpecToProto(is *InputSpec) *cpb.InputSpec {
var excl []*cpb.ExcludeInput
for _, ex := range is.InputExclusions {
excl = append(excl, &cpb.ExcludeInput{
Regex: ex.Regex,
Type: inputTypeToProto(ex.Type),
var vis []*cpb.VirtualInput
for _, vi := range is.VirtualInputs {
contents := make([]byte, len(vi.Contents))
copy(contents, vi.Contents)
vis = append(vis, &cpb.VirtualInput{
Path: vi.Path,
Contents: contents,
IsExecutable: vi.IsExecutable,
IsEmptyDirectory: vi.IsEmptyDirectory,
return &cpb.InputSpec{
Inputs: is.Inputs,
VirtualInputs: vis,
ExcludeInputs: excl,
EnvironmentVariables: is.EnvironmentVariables,
SymlinkBehavior: symlinkBehaviorToProto(is.SymlinkBehavior),
func inputTypeFromProto(t cpb.InputType_Value) InputType {
switch t {
case cpb.InputType_DIRECTORY:
return DirectoryInputType
case cpb.InputType_FILE:
return FileInputType
return UnspecifiedInputType
func inputTypeToProto(t InputType) cpb.InputType_Value {
switch t {
case DirectoryInputType:
return cpb.InputType_DIRECTORY
case FileInputType:
return cpb.InputType_FILE
return cpb.InputType_UNSPECIFIED
func symlinkBehaviorFromProto(t cpb.SymlinkBehaviorType_Value) SymlinkBehaviorType {
switch t {
case cpb.SymlinkBehaviorType_RESOLVE:
return ResolveSymlink
case cpb.SymlinkBehaviorType_PRESERVE:
return PreserveSymlink
return UnspecifiedSymlinkBehavior
func symlinkBehaviorToProto(t SymlinkBehaviorType) cpb.SymlinkBehaviorType_Value {
switch t {
case ResolveSymlink:
return cpb.SymlinkBehaviorType_RESOLVE
case PreserveSymlink:
return cpb.SymlinkBehaviorType_PRESERVE
return cpb.SymlinkBehaviorType_UNSPECIFIED
func protoStatusFromResultStatus(s ResultStatus) cpb.CommandResultStatus_Value {
switch s {
case SuccessResultStatus:
return cpb.CommandResultStatus_SUCCESS
case CacheHitResultStatus:
return cpb.CommandResultStatus_CACHE_HIT
case NonZeroExitResultStatus:
return cpb.CommandResultStatus_NON_ZERO_EXIT
case TimeoutResultStatus:
return cpb.CommandResultStatus_TIMEOUT
case InterruptedResultStatus:
return cpb.CommandResultStatus_INTERRUPTED
case RemoteErrorResultStatus:
return cpb.CommandResultStatus_REMOTE_ERROR
case LocalErrorResultStatus:
return cpb.CommandResultStatus_LOCAL_ERROR
return cpb.CommandResultStatus_UNKNOWN
func protoStatusToResultStatus(s cpb.CommandResultStatus_Value) ResultStatus {
switch s {
case cpb.CommandResultStatus_SUCCESS:
return SuccessResultStatus
case cpb.CommandResultStatus_CACHE_HIT:
return CacheHitResultStatus
case cpb.CommandResultStatus_NON_ZERO_EXIT:
return NonZeroExitResultStatus
case cpb.CommandResultStatus_TIMEOUT:
return TimeoutResultStatus
case cpb.CommandResultStatus_INTERRUPTED:
return InterruptedResultStatus
case cpb.CommandResultStatus_REMOTE_ERROR:
return RemoteErrorResultStatus
case cpb.CommandResultStatus_LOCAL_ERROR:
return LocalErrorResultStatus
return UnspecifiedResultStatus
// ToProto serializes a Command struct into a proto message.
func ToProto(cmd *Command) *cpb.Command {
if cmd == nil {
return nil
cPb := &cpb.Command{
ExecRoot: cmd.ExecRoot,
Input: inputSpecToProto(cmd.InputSpec),
Output: &cpb.OutputSpec{OutputFiles: cmd.OutputFiles, OutputDirectories: cmd.OutputDirs},
Args: cmd.Args,
ExecutionTimeout: int32(cmd.Timeout.Seconds()),
WorkingDirectory: cmd.WorkingDir,
RemoteWorkingDirectory: cmd.RemoteWorkingDir,
Platform: cmd.Platform,
if cmd.Identifiers != nil {
cPb.Identifiers = &cpb.Identifiers{
CommandId: cmd.Identifiers.CommandID,
InvocationId: cmd.Identifiers.InvocationID,
ToolName: cmd.Identifiers.ToolName,
ExecutionId: cmd.Identifiers.ExecutionID,
return cPb
// ResultToProto serializes a command.Result struct into a proto message.
func ResultToProto(res *Result) *cpb.CommandResult {
if res == nil {
return nil
resPb := &cpb.CommandResult{
Status: protoStatusFromResultStatus(res.Status),
ExitCode: int32(res.ExitCode),
if res.Err != nil {
resPb.Msg = res.Err.Error()
return resPb
// ResultFromProto parses a command.Result struct from a proto message.
func ResultFromProto(res *cpb.CommandResult) *Result {
if res == nil {
return nil
var err error
if res.Msg != "" {
err = errors.New(res.Msg)
return &Result{
Status: protoStatusToResultStatus(res.Status),
ExitCode: int(res.ExitCode),
Err: err,
// TimeToProto converts a valid time.Time into a proto Timestamp.
func TimeToProto(t time.Time) *tspb.Timestamp {
if t.IsZero() {
return nil
return tspb.New(t)
// TimeFromProto converts a valid Timestamp proto into a time.Time.
func TimeFromProto(tPb *tspb.Timestamp) time.Time {
if tPb == nil {
return time.Time{}
return tPb.AsTime()
// TimeIntervalToProto serializes the SDK TimeInterval into a proto.
func TimeIntervalToProto(t *TimeInterval) *cpb.TimeInterval {
if t == nil {
return nil
return &cpb.TimeInterval{
From: TimeToProto(t.From),
To: TimeToProto(t.To),
// TimeIntervalFromProto parses the SDK TimeInterval from a proto.
func TimeIntervalFromProto(t *cpb.TimeInterval) *TimeInterval {
if t == nil {
return nil
return &TimeInterval{
From: TimeFromProto(t.From),
To: TimeFromProto(t.To),