blob: 2b0dd5e2cee4680765ccb1d50f6eaf28716bee44 [file] [log] [blame]
package client
import (
log ""
regrpc ""
repb ""
gerrors ""
oppb ""
const (
containerImagePropertyName = "container-image"
// Action encodes the full details of an action to be sent to the remote execution service for
// execution. It corresponds roughly, but not exactly, to the Action proto used by the Remote
// Execution API.
type Action struct {
// Args are the command-line arguments to start the process. The first argument is the process
// name, and the rest are its arguments.
Args []string
// EnvVars are the variables to add to the process's environment.
EnvVars map[string]string
// InputRoot and InputFiles contain the details of the input tree, in remote execution format.
// They should normally be constructed through the PackageTree function.
InputRoot digest.Digest
InputFiles map[digest.Digest][]byte
// OutputFiles is a list of output files requested (full paths).
OutputFiles []string
// OutputDirs is a list of output directories requested (full paths).
OutputDirs []string
// Docker image is a docker:// URL to the docker image in which execution will take place.
DockerImage string
// Timeout is the maximum execution time for the action. Note that it's not an overall timeout on
// the process, since there may be additional time for transferring files, waiting for a worker to
// become available, or other overhead.
// If 0, the server's default timeout is used.
Timeout time.Duration
// DoNotCache, if true, indicates that the result of this action should never be cached. It
// implies SkipCache.
DoNotCache bool
// SkipCache, if true, indicates that this action should be executed even if there is a copy of
// its result in the action cache that could be used instead.
SkipCache bool
// ExecuteAction performs all of the steps necessary to execute an action, including checking the
// cache if applicable, uploading necessary protos and inputs to the CAS, queueing the action, and
// waiting for the result.
// Execute may block for a long time while the action is in progress. Currently, two-phase
// queue-wait is not supported; the token necessary to query the job is not provided to users.
// This method MAY return a non-nil ActionResult along with a non-nil error if the action failed.
// The ActionResult may include, for example, the stdout/stderr digest from the attempt.
// ExecuteAction is a convenience method which wraps both PrepAction and ExecuteAndWait, along with
// other steps such as uploading extra inputs and parsing Operation protos.
func (c *Client) ExecuteAction(ctx context.Context, ac *Action) (*repb.ActionResult, error) {
log.V(1).Infof("Executing action: %v", ac.Args)
// Construct the action we're trying to run.
acDg, res, err := c.PrepAction(ctx, ac)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// If we found a result in the cache, return that.
if res != nil {
return res, nil
// Upload any remaining inputs.
if err := c.WriteBlobs(ctx, ac.InputFiles); err != nil {
return nil, gerrors.WithMessage(err, "uploading input files to the CAS")
log.V(1).Info("Executing job")
res, err = c.executeJob(ctx, ac.SkipCache, acDg)
if err != nil {
return res, gerrors.WithMessage(err, "executing an action")
return res, nil
// CheckActionCache queries remote action cache, returning an ActionResult or nil if it doesn't exist.
func (c *Client) CheckActionCache(ctx context.Context, acDg *repb.Digest) (*repb.ActionResult, error) {
res, err := c.GetActionResult(ctx, &repb.GetActionResultRequest{
InstanceName: c.InstanceName,
ActionDigest: acDg,
switch st, _ := status.FromError(err); st.Code() {
case codes.OK:
return res, nil
case codes.NotFound:
return nil, nil
return nil, gerrors.WithMessage(err, "checking the action cache")
func (c *Client) executeJob(ctx context.Context, skipCache bool, acDg *repb.Digest) (*repb.ActionResult, error) {
execReq := &repb.ExecuteRequest{
InstanceName: c.InstanceName,
SkipCacheLookup: skipCache,
ActionDigest: acDg,
op, err := c.ExecuteAndWait(ctx, execReq)
if err != nil {
return nil, gerrors.WithMessage(err, "execution error")
switch r := op.Result.(type) {
case *oppb.Operation_Error:
return nil, StatusDetailedError(status.FromProto(r.Error))
case *oppb.Operation_Response:
res := new(repb.ExecuteResponse)
if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(r.Response, res); err != nil {
return nil, gerrors.WithMessage(err, "extracting ExecuteResponse from execution operation")
if st := status.FromProto(res.Status); st.Code() != codes.OK {
return res.Result, gerrors.WithMessage(StatusDetailedError(st), "job failed with error")
return res.Result, nil
return nil, errors.New("unexpected operation result type")
// PrepAction constructs the Command and Action protos, checks the action cache if appropriate, and
// uploads the action if the cache was not checked or if there was no cache hit. If successful,
// PrepAction returns the digest of the Action and a (possibly nil) pointer to an ActionResult
// representing the result of the cache check, if any.
func (c *Client) PrepAction(ctx context.Context, ac *Action) (*repb.Digest, *repb.ActionResult, error) {
comDg, err := c.WriteProto(ctx, buildCommand(ac))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, gerrors.WithMessage(err, "storing Command proto")
reAc := &repb.Action{
CommandDigest: comDg.ToProto(),
InputRootDigest: ac.InputRoot.ToProto(),
DoNotCache: ac.DoNotCache,
// Only set timeout if it's non-zero, because Timeout needs to be nil for the server to use a
// default.
if ac.Timeout != 0 {
reAc.Timeout = ptypes.DurationProto(ac.Timeout)
acBlob, err := proto.Marshal(reAc)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, gerrors.WithMessage(err, "marshalling Action proto")
acDg := digest.NewFromBlob(acBlob).ToProto()
// If the result is cacheable, check if it's already in the cache.
if !ac.DoNotCache || !ac.SkipCache {
log.V(1).Info("Checking cache")
res, err := c.CheckActionCache(ctx, acDg)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if res != nil {
return acDg, res, nil
// No cache hit, or we didn't check. Upload the action instead.
if _, err := c.WriteBlob(ctx, acBlob); err != nil {
return nil, nil, gerrors.WithMessage(err, "uploading action to the CAS")
return acDg, nil, nil
func buildCommand(ac *Action) *repb.Command {
cmd := &repb.Command{
Arguments: ac.Args,
// Do not use OutputFiles and OutputDirs directly from the Action, as we need to sort them which
// implies modification.
OutputFiles: make([]string, len(ac.OutputFiles)),
OutputDirectories: make([]string, len(ac.OutputDirs)),
Platform: &repb.Platform{
Properties: []*repb.Platform_Property{{Name: containerImagePropertyName, Value: ac.DockerImage}},
copy(cmd.OutputFiles, ac.OutputFiles)
copy(cmd.OutputDirectories, ac.OutputDirs)
for name, val := range ac.EnvVars {
cmd.EnvironmentVariables = append(cmd.EnvironmentVariables, &repb.Command_EnvironmentVariable{Name: name, Value: val})
sort.Slice(cmd.EnvironmentVariables, func(i, j int) bool { return cmd.EnvironmentVariables[i].Name < cmd.EnvironmentVariables[j].Name })
return cmd
// ExecuteAndWait calls Execute on the underlying client and WaitExecution if necessary. It returns
// the completed operation or an error.
// The retry logic is complicated. Assuming retries are enabled, we want the retry to call
// WaitExecution if there's an Operation "in progress", and to call Execute otherwise. In practice
// that means:
// 1) If an error occurs before the first operation is returned, or after the final operation is
// returned (i.e. the one with op.Done==true), retry by calling Execute again.
// 2) Otherwise, retry by calling WaitExecution with the last operation name.
// In addition, we want the retrier to trigger based on certain operation statuses as well as on
// explicit errors. (The shouldRetry function knows which statuses.) We do this by mapping statuses,
// if present, to errors inside the closure and then throwing away such "fake" errors outside the
// closure (if we ran out of retries or if there was never a retrier enabled). The exception is
// deadline-exceeded statuses, which we never give to the retrier (and hence will always propagate
// directly to the caller).
func (c *Client) ExecuteAndWait(ctx context.Context, req *repb.ExecuteRequest) (op *oppb.Operation, err error) {
return c.ExecuteAndWaitProgress(ctx, req, nil)
// ExecuteAndWaitProgress calls Execute on the underlying client and WaitExecution if necessary. It returns
// the completed operation or an error.
// The supplied callback function is called for each message received to update the state of
// the remote action.
func (c *Client) ExecuteAndWaitProgress(ctx context.Context, req *repb.ExecuteRequest, progress func(metadata *repb.ExecuteOperationMetadata)) (op *oppb.Operation, err error) {
wait := false // Should we retry by calling WaitExecution instead of Execute?
opError := false // Are we propagating an Operation status as an error for the retrier's benefit?
lastOp := &oppb.Operation{}
closure := func(ctx context.Context) (e error) {
var res regrpc.Execution_ExecuteClient
if wait {
res, e = c.WaitExecution(ctx, &repb.WaitExecutionRequest{Name: lastOp.Name})
} else {
res, e = c.Execute(ctx, req)
if e != nil {
return e
for {
op, e := res.Recv()
if e == io.EOF {
if e != nil {
return e
wait = !op.Done
lastOp = op
if progress != nil {
metadata := &repb.ExecuteOperationMetadata{}
if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(op.Metadata, metadata); err == nil {
st := OperationStatus(lastOp)
if st != nil {
opError = true
if st.Code() == codes.DeadlineExceeded {
return nil
return st.Err()
return nil
err = c.Retrier.Do(ctx, func() error { return c.CallWithTimeout(ctx, "Execute", closure) })
if err != nil && !opError {
if st, ok := status.FromError(err); ok {
err = StatusDetailedError(st)
return nil, err
// In the off chance that the server closes the stream immediately without returning any Operation
// values and without returning an error, then lastOp will never be modified. Alternatively
// the server could return an empty operation explicitly prior to closing the stream. Either
// case is a server error.
if proto.Equal(lastOp, &oppb.Operation{}) {
return nil, errors.New("unexpected server behaviour: an empty Operation was returned, or no operation was returned")
return lastOp, nil
// OperationStatus returns an operation error status, if it is present, and nil otherwise.
func OperationStatus(op *oppb.Operation) *status.Status {
var r *oppb.Operation_Response
var ok bool
if r, ok = op.Result.(*oppb.Operation_Response); !ok || r == nil {
return nil
respv2 := &repb.ExecuteResponse{}
if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(r.Response, respv2); err != nil {
return nil
if s, ok := status.FromError(status.FromProto(respv2.Status).Err()); ok {
return s
return nil