blob: 9242da513337eb00c2b5c3a29a2094008af4c8af [file] [log] [blame]
// Package filemetadata contains types of metadata for files, to be used for caching.
package filemetadata
import (
// SymlinkMetadata contains details if the given path is a symlink.
type SymlinkMetadata struct {
Target string
IsDangling bool
// Metadata contains details for a particular file.
type Metadata struct {
Digest digest.Digest
IsExecutable bool
IsDirectory bool
MTime time.Time
Err error
Symlink *SymlinkMetadata
// FileError is the error returned by the Compute function.
type FileError struct {
IsNotFound bool
Err error
// Error returns the error message.
func (e *FileError) Error() string {
return e.Err.Error()
func isSymlink(filename string) (bool, error) {
file, err := os.Lstat(filename)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return file.Mode()&os.ModeSymlink != 0, nil
// Compute computes a Metadata from a given file path.
// If an error is returned, it will be of type *FileError.
func Compute(filename string) *Metadata {
md := &Metadata{Digest: digest.Empty}
file, err := os.Stat(filename)
if isSym, _ := isSymlink(filename); isSym {
md.Symlink = &SymlinkMetadata{}
dest, rlErr := os.Readlink(filename)
if rlErr != nil {
md.Err = &FileError{Err: rlErr}
return md
// If Readlink was OK, we set Target, even if this could be a dangling symlink.
md.Symlink.Target = dest
if err != nil {
md.Err = &FileError{Err: err}
md.Symlink.IsDangling = true
return md
if err != nil {
fe := &FileError{Err: err}
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
fe.IsNotFound = true
md.Err = fe
return md
mode := file.Mode()
md.MTime = file.ModTime()
md.IsExecutable = (mode & 0100) != 0
if mode.IsDir() {
md.IsDirectory = true
return md
md.Digest, md.Err = digest.NewFromFile(filename)
return md
// Cache is a cache for file contents->Metadata.
type Cache interface {
Get(path string) *Metadata
Delete(filename string) error
Update(path string, cacheEntry *Metadata) error
GetCacheHits() uint64
GetCacheMisses() uint64
type noopCache struct{}
// Get computes the metadata from the file contents.
// If an error is returned, it will be in Metadata.Err of type *FileError.
func (c *noopCache) Get(path string) *Metadata {
return Compute(path)
// Delete removes an entry from the cache. It is a noop for the Noop cache.
func (c *noopCache) Delete(string) error {
return nil
// Update updates a cache entry with the given value. It is a noop for Noop cache.
func (c *noopCache) Update(string, *Metadata) error {
return nil
// GetCacheHits returns the number of cache hits. It returns 0 for Noop cache.
func (c *noopCache) GetCacheHits() uint64 {
return 0
// GetCacheMisses returns the number of cache misses.
// It returns 0 for Noop cache.
func (c *noopCache) GetCacheMisses() uint64 {
return 0
// NewNoopCache returns a cache that doesn't cache (evaluates on every Get).
func NewNoopCache() Cache {
return &noopCache{}