blob: d393b63f87c77967a4308717ae5b02be5725aa9c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 Joe Wilm, The Alacritty Project Contributors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
//! Rasterization powered by FreeType and Fontconfig.
use std::cmp::{min, Ordering};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::{self, Display, Formatter};
use std::rc::Rc;
use freetype::tt_os2::TrueTypeOS2Table;
use freetype::{self, Library};
use freetype::{freetype_sys, Face as FTFace};
use libc::c_uint;
use log::{debug, trace};
pub mod fc;
use fc::{CharSet, FTFaceLocation, Pattern, PatternHash, PatternRef};
use super::{
BitmapBuffer, FontDesc, FontKey, GlyphKey, Metrics, Rasterize, RasterizedGlyph, Size, Slant,
Style, Weight,
struct FallbackFont {
pattern: Pattern,
key: FontKey,
impl FallbackFont {
fn new(pattern: Pattern, key: FontKey) -> FallbackFont {
Self { pattern, key }
impl FontKey {
fn from_pattern_hashes(lhs: PatternHash, rhs: PatternHash) -> Self {
// XOR two hashes to get a font ID
Self { token: lhs.0.rotate_left(1) ^ rhs.0 }
struct FallbackList {
list: Vec<FallbackFont>,
coverage: CharSet,
struct FaceLoadingProperties {
load_flags: freetype::face::LoadFlag,
render_mode: freetype::RenderMode,
lcd_filter: c_uint,
non_scalable: Option<f32>,
colored: bool,
pixelsize_fixup_factor: Option<f64>,
ft_face: Rc<FTFace>,
impl fmt::Debug for FaceLoadingProperties {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
.field("ft_face", &self.ft_face)
.field("load_flags", &self.load_flags)
.field("render_mode", &match self.render_mode {
freetype::RenderMode::Normal => "Normal",
freetype::RenderMode::Light => "Light",
freetype::RenderMode::Mono => "Mono",
freetype::RenderMode::Lcd => "Lcd",
freetype::RenderMode::LcdV => "LcdV",
freetype::RenderMode::Max => "Max",
.field("lcd_filter", &self.lcd_filter)
/// Rasterizes glyphs for a single font face.
pub struct FreeTypeRasterizer {
library: Library,
faces: HashMap<FontKey, FaceLoadingProperties>,
ft_faces: HashMap<FTFaceLocation, Rc<FTFace>>,
fallback_lists: HashMap<FontKey, FallbackList>,
device_pixel_ratio: f32,
fn to_freetype_26_6(f: f32) -> isize {
((1i32 << 6) as f32 * f) as isize
impl Rasterize for FreeTypeRasterizer {
type Err = Error;
fn new(device_pixel_ratio: f32, _: bool) -> Result<FreeTypeRasterizer, Error> {
let library = Library::init()?;
Ok(FreeTypeRasterizer {
faces: HashMap::new(),
ft_faces: HashMap::new(),
fallback_lists: HashMap::new(),
fn metrics(&self, key: FontKey, _size: Size) -> Result<Metrics, Error> {
let face = &mut self.faces.get(&key).ok_or(Error::FontNotLoaded)?;
let full = self.full_metrics(&face)?;
let height = (full.size_metrics.height / 64) as f64;
let descent = (full.size_metrics.descender / 64) as f32;
// Get underline position and thickness in device pixels
let x_scale = full.size_metrics.x_scale as f32 / 65536.0;
let mut underline_position = f32::from(face.ft_face.underline_position()) * x_scale / 64.;
let mut underline_thickness = f32::from(face.ft_face.underline_thickness()) * x_scale / 64.;
// Fallback for bitmap fonts which do not provide underline metrics
if underline_position == 0. {
underline_thickness = (descent.abs() / 5.).round();
underline_position = descent / 2.;
// Get strikeout position and thickness in device pixels
let (strikeout_position, strikeout_thickness) =
match TrueTypeOS2Table::from_face(&mut (*face.ft_face).clone()) {
Some(os2) => {
let strikeout_position = f32::from(os2.y_strikeout_position()) * x_scale / 64.;
let strikeout_thickness = f32::from(os2.y_strikeout_size()) * x_scale / 64.;
(strikeout_position, strikeout_thickness)
_ => {
// Fallback if font doesn't provide info about strikeout
trace!("Using fallback strikeout metrics");
let strikeout_position = height as f32 / 2. + descent;
(strikeout_position, underline_thickness)
Ok(Metrics {
average_advance: full.cell_width,
line_height: height,
fn load_font(&mut self, desc: &FontDesc, size: Size) -> Result<FontKey, Error> {
self.get_face(desc, size)
fn get_glyph(&mut self, glyph_key: GlyphKey) -> Result<RasterizedGlyph, Error> {
fn update_dpr(&mut self, device_pixel_ratio: f32) {
self.device_pixel_ratio = device_pixel_ratio;
pub trait IntoFontconfigType {
type FcType;
fn into_fontconfig_type(&self) -> Self::FcType;
impl IntoFontconfigType for Slant {
type FcType = fc::Slant;
fn into_fontconfig_type(&self) -> Self::FcType {
match *self {
Slant::Normal => fc::Slant::Roman,
Slant::Italic => fc::Slant::Italic,
Slant::Oblique => fc::Slant::Oblique,
impl IntoFontconfigType for Weight {
type FcType = fc::Weight;
fn into_fontconfig_type(&self) -> Self::FcType {
match *self {
Weight::Normal => fc::Weight::Regular,
Weight::Bold => fc::Weight::Bold,
struct FullMetrics {
size_metrics: freetype::ffi::FT_Size_Metrics,
cell_width: f64,
impl FreeTypeRasterizer {
/// Load a font face according to `FontDesc`
fn get_face(&mut self, desc: &FontDesc, size: Size) -> Result<FontKey, Error> {
// Adjust for DPI
let size = f64::from(size.as_f32_pts() * self.device_pixel_ratio * 96. / 72.);
let config = fc::Config::get_current();
let mut pattern = Pattern::new();
// Add style to a pattern
match {
Style::Description { slant, weight } => {
// Match nearest font
Style::Specific(ref style) => {
// If a name was specified, try and load specifically that font
// Hash requested pattern
let hash = pattern.hash();
pattern.config_substitute(config, fc::MatchKind::Pattern);
// Get font list using pattern. First font is the primary one while the rest are fallbacks
let matched_fonts =
fc::font_sort(&config, &pattern).ok_or_else(|| Error::MissingFont(desc.to_owned()))?;
let mut matched_fonts = matched_fonts.into_iter();
let primary_font =|| Error::MissingFont(desc.to_owned()))?;
// We should render patterns to get values like `pixelsizefixupfactor`
let primary_font = pattern.render_prepare(config, primary_font);
// Hash pattern together with request pattern to include requested font size in the hash
let primary_font_key = FontKey::from_pattern_hashes(hash, primary_font.hash());
// Return if we already have the same primary font
if self.fallback_lists.contains_key(&primary_font_key) {
return Ok(primary_font_key);
// Load font if we haven't loaded it yet
if !self.faces.contains_key(&primary_font_key) {
self.face_from_pattern(&primary_font, primary_font_key)
.and_then(|pattern| pattern.ok_or_else(|| Error::MissingFont(desc.to_owned())))?;
// Coverage for fallback fonts
let coverage = CharSet::new();
let empty_charset = CharSet::new();
let list: Vec<FallbackFont> = matched_fonts
.map(|fallback_font| {
let charset = fallback_font.get_charset().unwrap_or(&empty_charset);
// Use original pattern to preserve loading flags
let fallback_font = pattern.render_prepare(config, fallback_font);
let fallback_font_key = FontKey::from_pattern_hashes(hash, fallback_font.hash());
let _ = coverage.merge(&charset);
FallbackFont::new(fallback_font, fallback_font_key)
self.fallback_lists.insert(primary_font_key, FallbackList { list, coverage });
fn full_metrics(&self, face_load_props: &FaceLoadingProperties) -> Result<FullMetrics, Error> {
let ft_face = &face_load_props.ft_face;
let size_metrics = ft_face.size_metrics().ok_or(Error::MissingSizeMetrics)?;
let width = match ft_face.load_char('0' as usize, face_load_props.load_flags) {
Ok(_) => ft_face.glyph().metrics().horiAdvance / 64,
Err(_) => size_metrics.max_advance / 64,
} as f64;
Ok(FullMetrics { size_metrics, cell_width: width })
fn load_ft_face(&mut self, ft_face_location: FTFaceLocation) -> Result<Rc<FTFace>, Error> {
let mut ft_face = self.library.new_face(&ft_face_location.path, ft_face_location.index)?;
if ft_face.has_color() {
unsafe {
// Select the colored bitmap size to use from the array of available sizes
freetype_sys::FT_Select_Size(ft_face.raw_mut(), 0);
let ft_face = Rc::new(ft_face);
self.ft_faces.insert(ft_face_location, Rc::clone(&ft_face));
fn face_from_pattern(
&mut self,
pattern: &PatternRef,
font_key: FontKey,
) -> Result<Option<FontKey>, Error> {
if let Some(ft_face_location) = pattern.ft_face_location(0) {
if self.faces.get(&font_key).is_some() {
return Ok(Some(font_key));
trace!("Got font path={:?}, index={:?}", ft_face_location.path, ft_face_location.index);
let ft_face = match self.ft_faces.get(&ft_face_location) {
Some(ft_face) => Rc::clone(ft_face),
None => self.load_ft_face(ft_face_location)?,
let non_scalable = if pattern.scalable().next().unwrap_or(true) {
} else {
Some(pattern.pixelsize().next().expect("has 1+ pixelsize") as f32)
let pixelsize_fixup_factor = pattern.pixelsizefixupfactor().next();
let face = FaceLoadingProperties {
load_flags: Self::ft_load_flags(pattern),
render_mode: Self::ft_render_mode(pattern),
lcd_filter: Self::ft_lcd_filter(pattern),
colored: ft_face.has_color(),
debug!("Loaded Face {:?}", face);
self.faces.insert(font_key, face);
} else {
fn face_for_glyph(&mut self, glyph_key: GlyphKey) -> Result<FontKey, Error> {
if let Some(face) = self.faces.get(&glyph_key.font_key) {
let index = face.ft_face.get_char_index(glyph_key.c as usize);
if index != 0 {
return Ok(glyph_key.font_key);
fn load_face_with_glyph(&mut self, glyph: GlyphKey) -> Result<FontKey, Error> {
let fallback_list = self.fallback_lists.get(&glyph.font_key).unwrap();
// Check whether glyph is presented in any fallback font
if !fallback_list.coverage.has_char(glyph.c) {
return Ok(glyph.font_key);
for fallback_font in &fallback_list.list {
let font_key = fallback_font.key;
let font_pattern = &fallback_font.pattern;
match self.faces.get(&font_key) {
Some(face) => {
let index = face.ft_face.get_char_index(glyph.c as usize);
// We found something in a current face, so let's use it
if index != 0 {
return Ok(font_key);
None => {
if font_pattern.get_charset().map(|cs| cs.has_char(glyph.c)) != Some(true) {
let pattern = font_pattern.clone();
let key = self.face_from_pattern(&pattern, font_key)?.unwrap();
return Ok(key);
// You can hit this return, if you're failing to get charset from a pattern
fn get_rendered_glyph(&mut self, glyph_key: GlyphKey) -> Result<RasterizedGlyph, Error> {
// Render a normal character if it's not a cursor
let font_key = self.face_for_glyph(glyph_key)?;
let face = &self.faces[&font_key];
let index = face.ft_face.get_char_index(glyph_key.c as usize);
let pixelsize = face
.unwrap_or_else(|| glyph_key.size.as_f32_pts() * self.device_pixel_ratio * 96. / 72.);
if !face.colored {
face.ft_face.set_char_size(to_freetype_26_6(pixelsize), 0, 0, 0)?;
unsafe {
let ft_lib = self.library.raw();
freetype::ffi::FT_Library_SetLcdFilter(ft_lib, face.lcd_filter);
face.ft_face.load_glyph(index as u32, face.load_flags)?;
let glyph = face.ft_face.glyph();
let (pixel_height, pixel_width, buf) = Self::normalize_buffer(&glyph.bitmap())?;
let rasterized_glyph = RasterizedGlyph {
c: glyph_key.c,
top: glyph.bitmap_top(),
left: glyph.bitmap_left(),
width: pixel_width,
height: pixel_height,
if face.colored {
let fixup_factor = if let Some(pixelsize_fixup_factor) = face.pixelsize_fixup_factor {
} else {
// Fallback if user has bitmap scaling disabled
let metrics = face.ft_face.size_metrics().ok_or(Error::MissingSizeMetrics)?;
f64::from(pixelsize) / f64::from(metrics.y_ppem)
Ok(downsample_bitmap(rasterized_glyph, fixup_factor))
} else {
fn ft_load_flags(pattern: &PatternRef) -> freetype::face::LoadFlag {
let antialias = pattern.antialias().next().unwrap_or(true);
let hinting = pattern.hintstyle().next().unwrap_or(fc::HintStyle::Slight);
let rgba = pattern.rgba().next().unwrap_or(fc::Rgba::Unknown);
let embedded_bitmaps = pattern.embeddedbitmap().next().unwrap_or(true);
let scalable = pattern.scalable().next().unwrap_or(true);
let color = pattern.color().next().unwrap_or(false);
use freetype::face::LoadFlag;
let mut flags = match (antialias, hinting, rgba) {
(false, fc::HintStyle::None, _) => LoadFlag::NO_HINTING | LoadFlag::MONOCHROME,
(false, ..) => LoadFlag::TARGET_MONO | LoadFlag::MONOCHROME,
(true, fc::HintStyle::None, _) => LoadFlag::NO_HINTING | LoadFlag::TARGET_NORMAL,
// hintslight does *not* use LCD hinting even when a subpixel mode
// is selected.
// According to the FreeType docs,
// > You can use a hinting algorithm that doesn't correspond to the
// > same rendering mode. As an example, it is possible to use the
// > ‘light’ hinting algorithm and have the results rendered in
// > horizontal LCD pixel mode.
// In practice, this means we can have `FT_LOAD_TARGET_LIGHT` with
// subpixel render modes like `FT_RENDER_MODE_LCD`. Libraries like
// cairo take the same approach and consider `hintslight` to always
(true, fc::HintStyle::Slight, _) => LoadFlag::TARGET_LIGHT,
// If LCD hinting is to be used, must select hintmedium or hintfull,
// have AA enabled, and select a subpixel mode.
(true, _, fc::Rgba::Rgb) | (true, _, fc::Rgba::Bgr) => LoadFlag::TARGET_LCD,
(true, _, fc::Rgba::Vrgb) | (true, _, fc::Rgba::Vbgr) => LoadFlag::TARGET_LCD_V,
// For non-rgba modes with either Medium or Full hinting, just use
// the default hinting algorithm.
// TODO should Medium/Full control whether to use the auto hinter?
(true, _, fc::Rgba::Unknown) => LoadFlag::TARGET_NORMAL,
(true, _, fc::Rgba::None) => LoadFlag::TARGET_NORMAL,
// Non scalable fonts only have bitmaps, so disabling them entirely is likely not a
// desirable thing. Colored fonts aren't scalable, but also only have bitmaps.
if !embedded_bitmaps && scalable && !color {
flags |= LoadFlag::NO_BITMAP;
if color {
flags |= LoadFlag::COLOR;
fn ft_render_mode(pat: &PatternRef) -> freetype::RenderMode {
let antialias = pat.antialias().next().unwrap_or(true);
let rgba = pat.rgba().next().unwrap_or(fc::Rgba::Unknown);
match (antialias, rgba) {
(false, _) => freetype::RenderMode::Mono,
(_, fc::Rgba::Rgb) | (_, fc::Rgba::Bgr) => freetype::RenderMode::Lcd,
(_, fc::Rgba::Vrgb) | (_, fc::Rgba::Vbgr) => freetype::RenderMode::LcdV,
(true, _) => freetype::RenderMode::Normal,
fn ft_lcd_filter(pat: &PatternRef) -> c_uint {
match pat.lcdfilter().next().unwrap_or(fc::LcdFilter::Default) {
fc::LcdFilter::None => freetype::ffi::FT_LCD_FILTER_NONE,
fc::LcdFilter::Default => freetype::ffi::FT_LCD_FILTER_DEFAULT,
fc::LcdFilter::Light => freetype::ffi::FT_LCD_FILTER_LIGHT,
fc::LcdFilter::Legacy => freetype::ffi::FT_LCD_FILTER_LEGACY,
/// Given a FreeType `Bitmap`, returns packed buffer with 1 byte per LCD channel.
/// The i32 value in the return type is the number of pixels per row.
fn normalize_buffer(
bitmap: &freetype::bitmap::Bitmap,
) -> freetype::FtResult<(i32, i32, BitmapBuffer)> {
use freetype::bitmap::PixelMode;
let buf = bitmap.buffer();
let mut packed = Vec::with_capacity((bitmap.rows() * bitmap.width()) as usize);
let pitch = bitmap.pitch().abs() as usize;
match bitmap.pixel_mode()? {
PixelMode::Lcd => {
for i in 0..bitmap.rows() {
let start = (i as usize) * pitch;
let stop = start + bitmap.width() as usize;
Ok((bitmap.rows(), bitmap.width() / 3, BitmapBuffer::RGB(packed)))
PixelMode::LcdV => {
for i in 0..bitmap.rows() / 3 {
for j in 0..bitmap.width() {
for k in 0..3 {
let offset = ((i as usize) * 3 + k) * pitch + (j as usize);
Ok((bitmap.rows() / 3, bitmap.width(), BitmapBuffer::RGB(packed)))
// Mono data is stored in a packed format using 1 bit per pixel.
PixelMode::Mono => {
fn unpack_byte(res: &mut Vec<u8>, byte: u8, mut count: u8) {
// Mono stores MSBit at top of byte
let mut bit = 7;
while count != 0 {
let value = ((byte >> bit) & 1) * 255;
// Push value 3x since result buffer should be 1 byte
// per channel
count -= 1;
bit -= 1;
for i in 0..(bitmap.rows() as usize) {
let mut columns = bitmap.width();
let mut byte = 0;
let offset = i * bitmap.pitch().abs() as usize;
while columns != 0 {
let bits = min(8, columns);
unpack_byte(&mut packed, buf[offset + byte], bits as u8);
columns -= bits;
byte += 1;
Ok((bitmap.rows(), bitmap.width(), BitmapBuffer::RGB(packed)))
// Gray data is stored as a value between 0 and 255 using 1 byte per pixel.
PixelMode::Gray => {
for i in 0..bitmap.rows() {
let start = (i as usize) * pitch;
let stop = start + bitmap.width() as usize;
for byte in &buf[start..stop] {
Ok((bitmap.rows(), bitmap.width(), BitmapBuffer::RGB(packed)))
PixelMode::Bgra => {
let buf_size = (bitmap.rows() * bitmap.width() * 4) as usize;
let mut i = 0;
while i < buf_size {
packed.push(buf[i + 2]);
packed.push(buf[i + 1]);
packed.push(buf[i + 3]);
i += 4;
Ok((bitmap.rows(), bitmap.width(), BitmapBuffer::RGBA(packed)))
mode => panic!("unhandled pixel mode: {:?}", mode),
/// Downscale a bitmap by a fixed factor.
/// This will take the `bitmap_glyph` as input and return the glyph's content downscaled by
/// `fixup_factor`.
fn downsample_bitmap(mut bitmap_glyph: RasterizedGlyph, fixup_factor: f64) -> RasterizedGlyph {
// Only scale colored buffers which are bigger than required
let bitmap_buffer = match (&bitmap_glyph.buf, fixup_factor.partial_cmp(&1.0)) {
(BitmapBuffer::RGBA(buffer), Some(Ordering::Less)) => buffer,
_ => return bitmap_glyph,
let bitmap_width = bitmap_glyph.width as usize;
let bitmap_height = bitmap_glyph.height as usize;
let target_width = (bitmap_width as f64 * fixup_factor) as usize;
let target_height = (bitmap_height as f64 * fixup_factor) as usize;
// Number of pixels in the input buffer, per pixel in the output buffer
let downsampling_step = 1.0 / fixup_factor;
let mut downsampled_buffer = Vec::<u8>::with_capacity(target_width * target_height * 4);
for line_index in 0..target_height {
// Get the first and last line which will be consolidated in the current output pixel
let line_index = line_index as f64;
let source_line_start = (line_index * downsampling_step).round() as usize;
let source_line_end = ((line_index + 1.) * downsampling_step).round() as usize;
for column_index in 0..target_width {
// Get the first and last column which will be consolidated in the current output pixel
let column_index = column_index as f64;
let source_column_start = (column_index * downsampling_step).round() as usize;
let source_column_end = ((column_index + 1.) * downsampling_step).round() as usize;
let (mut r, mut g, mut b, mut a) = (0u32, 0u32, 0u32, 0u32);
let mut pixels_picked: u32 = 0;
// Consolidate all pixels within the source rectangle into a single averaged pixel
for source_line in source_line_start..source_line_end {
let source_pixel_index = source_line * bitmap_width;
for source_column in source_column_start..source_column_end {
let offset = (source_pixel_index + source_column) * 4;
r += u32::from(bitmap_buffer[offset]);
g += u32::from(bitmap_buffer[offset + 1]);
b += u32::from(bitmap_buffer[offset + 2]);
a += u32::from(bitmap_buffer[offset + 3]);
pixels_picked += 1;
// Add a single pixel to the output buffer for the downscaled source rectangle
downsampled_buffer.push((r / pixels_picked) as u8);
downsampled_buffer.push((g / pixels_picked) as u8);
downsampled_buffer.push((b / pixels_picked) as u8);
downsampled_buffer.push((a / pixels_picked) as u8);
bitmap_glyph.buf = BitmapBuffer::RGBA(downsampled_buffer);
// Downscale the metrics = (f64::from( * fixup_factor) as i32;
bitmap_glyph.left = (f64::from(bitmap_glyph.left) * fixup_factor) as i32;
bitmap_glyph.width = target_width as i32;
bitmap_glyph.height = target_height as i32;
/// Errors occurring when using the freetype rasterizer
pub enum Error {
/// Error occurred within the FreeType library
/// Couldn't find font matching description
/// Tried to get size metrics from a Face that didn't have a size
/// Requested an operation with a FontKey that isn't known to the rasterizer
impl std::error::Error for Error {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn std::error::Error + 'static)> {
match self {
Error::FreeType(err) => err.source(),
_ => None,
impl Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Error::FreeType(err) => err.fmt(f),
Error::MissingFont(err) => write!(
"Couldn't find a font with {}\n\tPlease check the font config in your \
Error::FontNotLoaded => f.write_str("Tried to use a font that hasn't been loaded"),
Error::MissingSizeMetrics => {
f.write_str("Tried to get size metrics from a face without a size")
impl From<freetype::Error> for Error {
fn from(val: freetype::Error) -> Error {
unsafe impl Send for FreeTypeRasterizer {}