blob: 3dbb19570825a9d0356ef628ad4636397694199b [file] [log] [blame]
import sys
from datetime import datetime
from difflib import unified_diff
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, TextIO
import colorama
except ImportError:
colorama_unavailable = True
colorama_unavailable = False
def format_simplified(import_line: str) -> str:
import_line = import_line.strip()
if import_line.startswith("from "):
import_line = import_line.replace("from ", "")
import_line = import_line.replace(" import ", ".")
elif import_line.startswith("import "):
import_line = import_line.replace("import ", "")
return import_line
def format_natural(import_line: str) -> str:
import_line = import_line.strip()
if not import_line.startswith("from ") and not import_line.startswith("import "):
if "." not in import_line:
return f"import {import_line}"
parts = import_line.split(".")
end = parts.pop(-1)
return f"from {'.'.join(parts)} import {end}"
return import_line
def show_unified_diff(
*, file_input: str, file_output: str, file_path: Optional[Path], output: Optional[TextIO] = None
"""Shows a unified_diff for the provided input and output against the provided file path.
- **file_input**: A string that represents the contents of a file before changes.
- **file_output**: A string that represents the contents of a file after changes.
- **file_path**: A Path object that represents the file path of the file being changed.
- **output**: A stream to output the diff to. If non is provided uses sys.stdout.
output = sys.stdout if output is None else output
file_name = "" if file_path is None else str(file_path)
file_mtime = str( if file_path is None else datetime.fromtimestamp(file_path.stat().st_mtime)
unified_diff_lines = unified_diff(
fromfile=file_name + ":before",
tofile=file_name + ":after",
for line in unified_diff_lines:
def ask_whether_to_apply_changes_to_file(file_path: str) -> bool:
answer = None
while answer not in ("yes", "y", "no", "n", "quit", "q"):
answer = input(f"Apply suggested changes to '{file_path}' [y/n/q]? ") # nosec
answer = answer.lower()
if answer in ("no", "n"):
return False
if answer in ("quit", "q"):
return True
def remove_whitespace(content: str, line_separator: str = "\n") -> str:
content = content.replace(line_separator, "").replace(" ", "").replace("\x0c", "")
return content
class BasicPrinter:
def success(self, message: str) -> None:
print(f"{self.SUCCESS}: {message}")
def error(self, message: str) -> None:
f"{self.ERROR}: {message}",
# TODO this should print to stderr, but don't want to make it backward incompatible now
# file=sys.stderr
class ColoramaPrinter(BasicPrinter):
def __init__(self):
self.ERROR = self.style_text("ERROR", colorama.Fore.RED)
self.SUCCESS = self.style_text("SUCCESS", colorama.Fore.GREEN)
def style_text(text: str, style: str) -> str:
return style + text + colorama.Style.RESET_ALL
def create_terminal_printer(color: bool):
if color and colorama_unavailable:
no_colorama_message = (
"Sorry, but to use --color (color_output) the colorama python package is required.\n\n"
"You can either install it separately on your system or as the colors extra "
"for isort. Ex: \n\n"
"$ pip install isort[colors]\n"
print(no_colorama_message, file=sys.stderr)
return ColoramaPrinter() if color else BasicPrinter()