blob: 82c3655628b92ea460167f981055af7841f262ed [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from sphinx.ext.intersphinx import fetch_inventory
URL = "{}/objects.inv"
PATH = "isort/stdlibs/py{}.py"
VERSIONS = [("2", "7"), ("3", "6"), ("3", "7"), ("3", "8"), ("3", "9"), ("3", "10"), ("3", "11")]
File contains the standard library of Python {}.
DO NOT EDIT. If the standard library changes, a new list should be created
using the script.
class FakeConfig:
intersphinx_timeout = None
tls_verify = True
user_agent = ""
class FakeApp:
srcdir = ""
config = FakeConfig()
for version_info in VERSIONS:
version = ".".join(version_info)
url = URL.format(version)
invdata = fetch_inventory(FakeApp(), "", url)
# Any modules we want to enforce across Python versions stdlib can be included in set init
modules = {"_ast", "posixpath", "ntpath", "sre_constants", "sre_parse", "sre_compile", "sre"}
for module in invdata["py:module"]:
root, *_ = module.split(".")
if root not in ["__future__", "__main__"]:
path = PATH.format("".join(version_info))
with open(path, "w") as stdlib_file:
docstring = DOCSTRING.format(version)
stdlib_file.write("stdlib = {\n")
for module in sorted(modules):
stdlib_file.write(f' "{module}",\n')