blob: 09e381bebd81d37300921cec089f4005b1f641f7 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Defines parsing functions used by isort for parsing import definitions"""
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from itertools import chain
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Tuple
from warnings import warn
from isort.settings import DEFAULT_CONFIG, Config
from .comments import parse as parse_comments
from .finders import FindersManager
from mypy_extensions import TypedDict
CommentsAboveDict = TypedDict(
"CommentsAboveDict", {"straight": Dict[str, Any], "from": Dict[str, Any]}
CommentsDict = TypedDict(
"from": Dict[str, Any],
"straight": Dict[str, Any],
"nested": Dict[str, Any],
"above": CommentsAboveDict,
def _infer_line_separator(file_contents: str) -> str:
if "\r\n" in file_contents:
return "\r\n"
elif "\r" in file_contents:
return "\r"
return "\n"
def _normalize_line(raw_line: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
"""Normalizes import related statements in the provided line.
Returns (normalized_line: str, raw_line: str)
line = raw_line.replace("from.import ", "from . import ")
line = line.replace("from.cimport ", "from . cimport ")
line = line.replace("import*", "import *")
line = line.replace(" .import ", " . import ")
line = line.replace(" .cimport ", " . cimport ")
line = line.replace("\t", " ")
return (line, raw_line)
def import_type(line: str) -> Optional[str]:
"""If the current line is an import line it will return its type (from or straight)"""
if "isort:skip" in line or "isort: skip" in line or "NOQA" in line:
return None
elif line.startswith(("import ", "cimport ")):
return "straight"
elif line.startswith("from "):
return "from"
return None
def _strip_syntax(import_string: str) -> str:
import_string = import_string.replace("_import", "[[i]]")
import_string = import_string.replace("_cimport", "[[ci]]")
for remove_syntax in ["\\", "(", ")", ","]:
import_string = import_string.replace(remove_syntax, " ")
import_list = import_string.split()
for key in ("from", "import", "cimport"):
if key in import_list:
import_string = " ".join(import_list)
import_string = import_string.replace("[[i]]", "_import")
import_string = import_string.replace("[[ci]]", "_cimport")
return import_string.replace("{ ", "{|").replace(" }", "|}")
def skip_line(
line: str, in_quote: str, index: int, section_comments: List[str]
) -> Tuple[bool, str]:
"""Determine if a given line should be skipped.
Returns back a tuple containing:
(skip_line: bool,
in_quote: str,)
skip_line = bool(in_quote)
if '"' in line or "'" in line:
char_index = 0
while char_index < len(line):
if line[char_index] == "\\":
char_index += 1
elif in_quote:
if line[char_index : char_index + len(in_quote)] == in_quote:
in_quote = ""
elif line[char_index] in ("'", '"'):
long_quote = line[char_index : char_index + 3]
if long_quote in ('"""', "'''"):
in_quote = long_quote
char_index += 2
in_quote = line[char_index]
elif line[char_index] == "#":
char_index += 1
if ";" in line:
for part in (part.strip() for part in line.split(";")):
if (
and not part.startswith("from ")
and not part.startswith(("import ", "cimport "))
skip_line = True
return (bool(skip_line or in_quote), in_quote)
class ParsedContent(NamedTuple):
in_lines: List[str]
lines_without_imports: List[str]
import_index: int
place_imports: Dict[str, List[str]]
import_placements: Dict[str, str]
as_map: Dict[str, List[str]]
imports: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]
categorized_comments: "CommentsDict"
change_count: int
original_line_count: int
line_separator: str
sections: Any
section_comments: List[str]
def file_contents(contents: str, config: Config = DEFAULT_CONFIG) -> ParsedContent:
"""Parses a python file taking out and categorizing imports."""
line_separator: str = config.line_ending or _infer_line_separator(contents)
in_lines = contents.split(line_separator)
out_lines = []
original_line_count = len(in_lines)
section_comments = [f"# {heading}" for heading in config.import_headings.values()]
finder = FindersManager(config=config)
line_count = len(in_lines)
place_imports: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
import_placements: Dict[str, str] = {}
as_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = defaultdict(list)
imports: OrderedDict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = OrderedDict()
for section in chain(config.sections, config.forced_separate):
imports[section] = {"straight": OrderedDict(), "from": OrderedDict()}
categorized_comments: CommentsDict = {
"from": {},
"straight": {},
"nested": {},
"above": {"straight": {}, "from": {}},
index = 0
import_index = -1
in_quote = ""
while index < line_count:
line = in_lines[index]
index += 1
statement_index = index
(skipping_line, in_quote) = skip_line(
line, in_quote=in_quote, index=index, section_comments=section_comments
if line in section_comments and not skipping_line:
if import_index == -1:
import_index = index - 1
if "isort:imports-" in line and line.startswith("#"):
section = line.split("isort:imports-")[-1].split()[0].upper()
place_imports[section] = []
import_placements[line] = section
elif "isort: imports-" in line and line.startswith("#"):
section = line.split("isort: imports-")[-1].split()[0].upper()
place_imports[section] = []
import_placements[line] = section
if skipping_line:
for line in (
(line.strip() for line in line.split(";")) if ";" in line else (line,) # type: ignore
line, raw_line = _normalize_line(line)
type_of_import = import_type(line) or ""
if not type_of_import:
if import_index == -1:
import_index = index - 1
nested_comments = {}
import_string, comment = parse_comments(line)
comments = [comment] if comment else []
line_parts = [part for part in _strip_syntax(import_string).strip().split(" ") if part]
if (
type_of_import == "from"
and len(line_parts) == 2
and line_parts[1] != "*"
and comments
nested_comments[line_parts[-1]] = comments[0]
if "(" in line.split("#")[0] and index < line_count:
while not line.strip().endswith(")") and index < line_count:
line, new_comment = parse_comments(in_lines[index])
index += 1
if new_comment:
stripped_line = _strip_syntax(line).strip()
if (
type_of_import == "from"
and stripped_line
and " " not in stripped_line
and new_comment
nested_comments[stripped_line] = comments[-1]
import_string += line_separator + line
while line.strip().endswith("\\"):
line, new_comment = parse_comments(in_lines[index])
index += 1
if new_comment:
# Still need to check for parentheses after an escaped line
if (
"(" in line.split("#")[0]
and ")" not in line.split("#")[0]
and index < line_count
stripped_line = _strip_syntax(line).strip()
if (
type_of_import == "from"
and stripped_line
and " " not in stripped_line
and new_comment
nested_comments[stripped_line] = comments[-1]
import_string += line_separator + line
while not line.strip().endswith(")") and index < line_count:
line, new_comment = parse_comments(in_lines[index])
index += 1
if new_comment:
stripped_line = _strip_syntax(line).strip()
if (
type_of_import == "from"
and stripped_line
and " " not in stripped_line
and new_comment
nested_comments[stripped_line] = comments[-1]
import_string += line_separator + line
stripped_line = _strip_syntax(line).strip()
if (
type_of_import == "from"
and stripped_line
and " " not in stripped_line
and new_comment
nested_comments[stripped_line] = comments[-1]
if import_string.strip().endswith(
(" import", " cimport")
) or line.strip().startswith(("import ", "cimport ")):
import_string += line_separator + line
import_string = import_string.rstrip().rstrip("\\") + " " + line.lstrip()
if type_of_import == "from":
cimports: bool
import_string = import_string.replace("import(", "import (")
if " cimport " in import_string:
parts = import_string.split(" cimport ")
cimports = True
parts = import_string.split(" import ")
cimports = False
from_import = parts[0].split(" ")
import_string = (" cimport " if cimports else " import ").join(
[from_import[0] + " " + "".join(from_import[1:])] + parts[1:]
just_imports = [
item.replace("{|", "{ ").replace("|}", " }")
for item in _strip_syntax(import_string).split()
straight_import = True
if "as" in just_imports and (just_imports.index("as") + 1) < len(just_imports):
straight_import = False
while "as" in just_imports:
as_index = just_imports.index("as")
if type_of_import == "from":
module = just_imports[0] + "." + just_imports[as_index - 1]
as_map[module].append(just_imports[as_index + 1])
module = just_imports[as_index - 1]
as_map[module].append(just_imports[as_index + 1])
if not config.combine_as_imports:
categorized_comments["straight"][module] = comments
comments = []
del just_imports[as_index : as_index + 2]
if type_of_import == "from":
import_from = just_imports.pop(0)
placed_module = finder.find(import_from)
if config.verbose:
print(f"from-type place_module for {import_from} returned {placed_module}")
if placed_module == "":
f"could not place module {import_from} of line {line} --"
" Do you need to define a default section?"
root = imports[placed_module][type_of_import] # type: ignore
for import_name in just_imports:
associated_comment = nested_comments.get(import_name)
if associated_comment:
categorized_comments["nested"].setdefault(import_from, {})[
] = associated_comment
if associated_comment in comments:
if comments:
categorized_comments["from"].setdefault(import_from, []).extend(comments)
if len(out_lines) > max(import_index, 1) - 1:
last = out_lines and out_lines[-1].rstrip() or ""
while (
and not last.endswith('"""')
and not last.endswith("'''")
and "isort:imports-" not in last
and "isort: imports-" not in last
categorized_comments["above"]["from"].setdefault(import_from, []).insert(
0, out_lines.pop(-1)
if len(out_lines) > max(import_index - 1, 1) - 1:
last = out_lines[-1].rstrip()
last = ""
if statement_index - 1 == import_index:
import_index -= len(
categorized_comments["above"]["from"].get(import_from, [])
if import_from not in root:
root[import_from] = OrderedDict(
(module, straight_import) for module in just_imports
(module, straight_import | root[import_from].get(module, False))
for module in just_imports
for module in just_imports:
if comments:
categorized_comments["straight"][module] = comments
comments = []
if len(out_lines) > max(import_index, +1, 1) - 1:
last = out_lines and out_lines[-1].rstrip() or ""
while (
and not last.endswith('"""')
and not last.endswith("'''")
and "isort:imports-" not in last
and "isort: imports-" not in last
categorized_comments["above"]["straight"].setdefault(module, []).insert(
0, out_lines.pop(-1)
if len(out_lines) > 0 and len(out_lines):
last = out_lines[-1].rstrip()
last = ""
if index - 1 == import_index:
import_index -= len(
categorized_comments["above"]["straight"].get(module, [])
placed_module = finder.find(module)
if config.verbose:
print(f"else-type place_module for {module} returned {placed_module}")
if placed_module == "":
f"could not place module {import_from} of line {line} --"
" Do you need to define a default section?"
straight_import |= imports[placed_module][type_of_import].get( # type: ignore
module, False
imports[placed_module][type_of_import][module] = straight_import # type: ignore
change_count = len(out_lines) - original_line_count
return ParsedContent(