| # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying |
| # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. |
| |
| |
| function(_readFile file) |
| include(${file}) |
| get_filename_component(name ${file} NAME_WE) |
| string(REGEX REPLACE "-.*" "" CompilerId ${name}) |
| set(_compiler_id_version_compute_${CompilerId} ${_compiler_id_version_compute} PARENT_SCOPE) |
| set(_compiler_id_simulate_${CompilerId} ${_compiler_id_simulate} PARENT_SCOPE) |
| set(_compiler_id_pp_test_${CompilerId} ${_compiler_id_pp_test} PARENT_SCOPE) |
| endfunction() |
| |
| function(compiler_id_detection outvar lang) |
| |
| if (NOT lang STREQUAL Fortran AND NOT lang STREQUAL CSharp) |
| file(GLOB lang_files |
| "${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/Compiler/*-DetermineCompiler.cmake") |
| set(nonlang CXX) |
| if (lang STREQUAL CXX) |
| set(nonlang C) |
| endif() |
| |
| file(GLOB nonlang_files |
| "${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/Compiler/*-${nonlang}-DetermineCompiler.cmake") |
| list(REMOVE_ITEM lang_files ${nonlang_files}) |
| endif() |
| |
| set(files ${lang_files}) |
| if (files) |
| foreach(file ${files}) |
| _readFile(${file}) |
| endforeach() |
| |
| set(oneValueArgs PREFIX) |
| cmake_parse_arguments(CID "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN}) |
| message(FATAL_ERROR "Unrecognized arguments: \"${CID_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}\"") |
| endif() |
| |
| # Order is relevant here. For example, compilers which pretend to be |
| # GCC must appear before the actual GCC. |
| if (lang STREQUAL CXX) |
| list(APPEND ordered_compilers |
| Comeau |
| ) |
| endif() |
| list(APPEND ordered_compilers |
| Intel |
| PathScale |
| Embarcadero |
| Borland |
| Watcom |
| OpenWatcom |
| SunPro |
| HP |
| Compaq |
| zOS |
| XL |
| VisualAge |
| PGI |
| Cray |
| TI |
| Fujitsu |
| ) |
| if (lang STREQUAL C) |
| list(APPEND ordered_compilers |
| TinyCC |
| Bruce |
| ) |
| endif() |
| list(APPEND ordered_compilers |
| SCO |
| AppleClang |
| Clang |
| GNU |
| MSVC |
| ADSP |
| IAR |
| ) |
| if (lang STREQUAL C) |
| list(APPEND ordered_compilers |
| SDCC |
| ) |
| endif() |
| list(APPEND ordered_compilers |
| MIPSpro) |
| |
| #Currently the only CUDA compilers are NVIDIA |
| if(lang STREQUAL CUDA) |
| set(ordered_compilers NVIDIA) |
| endif() |
| |
| foreach(Id ${ordered_compilers}) |
| string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER_ID_CONTENT "# define ${CID_PREFIX}COMPILER_IS_${Id} 0\n") |
| endforeach() |
| endif() |
| |
| set(pp_if "#if") |
| string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER_ID_CONTENT "\n/* Version number components: V=Version, R=Revision, P=Patch |
| Version date components: YYYY=Year, MM=Month, DD=Day */\n") |
| endif() |
| |
| foreach(Id ${ordered_compilers}) |
| if (NOT _compiler_id_pp_test_${Id}) |
| message(FATAL_ERROR "No preprocessor test for \"${Id}\"") |
| endif() |
| set(id_content "${pp_if} ${_compiler_id_pp_test_${Id}}\n") |
| if (CID_ID_STRING) |
| string(CONFIGURE "${_compiler_id_simulate_${Id}}" SIMULATE_BLOCK @ONLY) |
| string(APPEND id_content "# define ${CID_PREFIX}COMPILER_ID \"${Id}\"${SIMULATE_BLOCK}") |
| endif() |
| if (CID_ID_DEFINE) |
| string(APPEND id_content "# undef ${CID_PREFIX}COMPILER_IS_${Id}\n") |
| string(APPEND id_content "# define ${CID_PREFIX}COMPILER_IS_${Id} 1\n") |
| endif() |
| set(MACRO_DEC DEC) |
| set(MACRO_HEX HEX) |
| string(CONFIGURE "${_compiler_id_version_compute_${Id}}" VERSION_BLOCK @ONLY) |
| string(APPEND id_content "${VERSION_BLOCK}\n") |
| endif() |
| string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER_ID_CONTENT "\n${id_content}") |
| set(pp_if "#elif") |
| endforeach() |
| |
| set(platform_compiler_detection " |
| /* These compilers are either not known or too old to define an |
| identification macro. Try to identify the platform and guess that |
| it is the native compiler. */ |
| #elif defined(__sgi) |
| # define ${CID_PREFIX}COMPILER_ID \"MIPSpro\" |
| |
| #elif defined(__hpux) || defined(__hpua) |
| # define ${CID_PREFIX}COMPILER_ID \"HP\" |
| |
| #else /* unknown compiler */ |
| # define ${CID_PREFIX}COMPILER_ID \"\"") |
| endif() |
| |
| string(APPEND CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER_ID_CONTENT "\n${platform_compiler_detection}\n#endif") |
| endif() |
| |
| set(${outvar} ${CMAKE_${lang}_COMPILER_ID_CONTENT} PARENT_SCOPE) |
| endfunction() |