FindTclsh: Drop Cygwin-specific behavior and use POSIX code path

Based on downstream patch from Cygwin package for CMake by Marco Atzeri:

diff --git a/Modules/FindTclsh.cmake b/Modules/FindTclsh.cmake
index 82be473..f306d5b 100644
--- a/Modules/FindTclsh.cmake
+++ b/Modules/FindTclsh.cmake
@@ -15,15 +15,8 @@
   TCLSH_FOUND = TRUE if tclsh has been found
   TCL_TCLSH = the path to the tclsh executable
-In cygwin, look for the cygwin version first.  Don't look for it later
-to avoid finding the cygwin version on a Win32 build.
-  find_program(TCL_TCLSH NAMES cygtclsh83 cygtclsh80)
 get_filename_component(TK_WISH_PATH "${TK_WISH}" PATH)
 get_filename_component(TK_WISH_PATH_PARENT "${TK_WISH_PATH}" PATH)