blob: ee290f231c3dcfc1b4014655b3b5df1b185ae5af [file] [log] [blame]
.. versionadded:: 3.12
.. include:: ENV_VAR.txt
On UNIX one can use the ``DESTDIR`` mechanism in order to relocate the
whole installation. ``DESTDIR`` means DESTination DIRectory. It is
commonly used by makefile users in order to install software at
non-default location. It is usually invoked like this:
make DESTDIR=/home/john install
which will install the concerned software using the installation
prefix, e.g. ``/usr/local`` prepended with the ``DESTDIR`` value which
finally gives ``/home/john/usr/local``.
WARNING: ``DESTDIR`` may not be used on Windows because installation
prefix usually contains a drive letter like in ``C:/Program Files``
which cannot be prepended with some other prefix.