Merge topic 'refactor_language_mapping_logic'

c4e890946a try_compile: consistently add language properties
0e16da8233 cmCoreTryCompile use anonymous namespace instead of static

Acked-by: Kitware Robot <>
Merge-request: !4895
diff --git a/Help/release/dev/FindSDL-update.rst b/Help/release/dev/FindSDL-update.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a85d2b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Help/release/dev/FindSDL-update.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+* The :module:`FindSDL` module now provides:
+  * imported target ``SDL::SDL``,
+  * result variables ``SDL_LIBRARIES`` and ``SDL_INCLUDE_DIRS``,
+  * version variables ``SDL_VERSION``, ``SDL_VERSION_MAJOR``
diff --git a/Modules/CMakeDetermineCUDACompiler.cmake b/Modules/CMakeDetermineCUDACompiler.cmake
index e12da45..692ce20 100644
--- a/Modules/CMakeDetermineCUDACompiler.cmake
+++ b/Modules/CMakeDetermineCUDACompiler.cmake
@@ -51,146 +51,139 @@
-  # Try to identify the compiler.
-  file(READ ${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/
-  set(CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_ID_VENDOR_REGEX_NVIDIA "nvcc: NVIDIA \\(R\\) Cuda compiler driver")
-  set(CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_ID_VENDOR_REGEX_Clang "(clang version)")
-  set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID_TOOL_MATCH_REGEX "\nLd[^\n]*(\n[ \t]+[^\n]*)*\n[ \t]+([^ \t\r\n]+)[^\r\n]*-o[^\r\n]*CompilerIdCUDA/(\\./)?(CompilerIdCUDA.xctest/)?CompilerIdCUDA[ \t\n\\\"]")
-  # We determine the vendor to help with find the toolkit and use the right flags for detection right away.
-  # in CMakeCUDACompiler.cmake, so FindCUDAToolkit can avoid searching on future runs and the toolkit stays the same.
-  # This is very similar to FindCUDAToolkit, but somewhat simplified since we can issue fatal errors
-  # if we fail to find things we need and we don't need to account for searching the libraries.
+  if(${CMAKE_GENERATOR} MATCHES "Visual Studio")
+    # We will not know CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER until the main compiler id step
+    # below extracts it, but we do know that the compiler id will be NVIDIA.
+  else()
+    # We determine the vendor to help with find the toolkit and use the right flags for detection right away.
+    # The main compiler identification is still needed below to extract other information.
+    set(CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_ID_VENDOR_REGEX_NVIDIA "nvcc: NVIDIA \\(R\\) Cuda compiler driver")
+    set(CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_ID_VENDOR_REGEX_Clang "(clang version)")
-  # For NVCC we can easily deduce the SDK binary directory from the compiler path.
-    get_filename_component(_CUDA_BIN_DIR "${CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER}" DIRECTORY)
-    find_program(CUDAToolkit_NVCC_EXECUTABLE
-      NAMES nvcc nvcc.exe
-    )
-    unset(_CUDA_BIN_DIR)
-  endif()
+    # in CMakeCUDACompiler.cmake, so FindCUDAToolkit can avoid searching on future runs and the toolkit stays the same.
+    # This is very similar to FindCUDAToolkit, but somewhat simplified since we can issue fatal errors
+    # if we fail to find things we need and we don't need to account for searching the libraries.
-  # Search using CUDAToolkit_ROOT and then CUDA_PATH for equivalence with FindCUDAToolkit.
-  # In FindCUDAToolkit CUDAToolkit_ROOT is searched automatically due to being in a find_package().
-  # First we search candidate non-default paths to give them priority.
-  find_program(_CUDA_NVCC_EXECUTABLE
-    NAMES nvcc nvcc.exe
-    PATHS ${CUDAToolkit_ROOT}
-    ENV CUDAToolkit_ROOT
-  )
-  # If we didn't find NVCC, then try the default paths.
-  find_program(_CUDA_NVCC_EXECUTABLE
-    NAMES nvcc nvcc.exe
-  )
-  # If the user specified CUDAToolkit_ROOT but nvcc could not be found, this is an error.
-    set(fail_base "Could not find nvcc executable in path specified by")
-    if(DEFINED CUDAToolkit_ROOT)
-      message(FATAL_ERROR "${fail_base} CUDAToolkit_ROOT=${CUDAToolkit_ROOT}")
-    elseif(DEFINED ENV{CUDAToolkit_ROOT})
-      message(FATAL_ERROR "${fail_base} environment variable CUDAToolkit_ROOT=$ENV{CUDAToolkit_ROOT}")
-    endif()
-  endif()
-  # CUDAToolkit_ROOT cmake/env variable not specified, try platform defaults.
-  #
-  # - Linux: /usr/local/cuda-X.Y
-  # - macOS: /Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-X.Y
-  # - Windows: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\vX.Y
-  #
-  # We will also search the default symlink location /usr/local/cuda first since
-  # if CUDAToolkit_ROOT is not specified, it is assumed that the symlinked
-  # directory is the desired location.
-    if(UNIX)
-      if(NOT APPLE)
-        set(platform_base "/usr/local/cuda-")
-      else()
-        set(platform_base "/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-")
-      endif()
+    # For NVCC we can easily deduce the SDK binary directory from the compiler path.
-      set(platform_base "C:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\\CUDA\\v")
-    endif()
+      # Search using CUDAToolkit_ROOT and then CUDA_PATH for equivalence with FindCUDAToolkit.
+      # In FindCUDAToolkit CUDAToolkit_ROOT is searched automatically due to being in a find_package().
+      # First we search candidate non-default paths to give them priority.
+      find_program(_CUDA_NVCC_EXECUTABLE
+        NAMES nvcc nvcc.exe
+        PATHS ${CUDAToolkit_ROOT}
+        ENV CUDAToolkit_ROOT
+        ENV CUDA_PATH
+        PATH_SUFFIXES bin
+      )
-    # Build out a descending list of possible cuda installations, e.g.
-    file(GLOB possible_paths "${platform_base}*")
-    # Iterate the glob results and create a descending list.
-    set(versions)
-    foreach(p ${possible_paths})
-      # Extract version number from end of string
-      string(REGEX MATCH "[0-9][0-9]?\\.[0-9]$" p_version ${p})
-      if(IS_DIRECTORY ${p} AND p_version)
-        list(APPEND versions ${p_version})
+      # If we didn't find NVCC, then try the default paths.
+      find_program(_CUDA_NVCC_EXECUTABLE
+        NAMES nvcc nvcc.exe
+        PATH_SUFFIXES bin
+      )
+      # If the user specified CUDAToolkit_ROOT but nvcc could not be found, this is an error.
+        set(fail_base "Could not find nvcc executable in path specified by")
+        if(DEFINED CUDAToolkit_ROOT)
+          message(FATAL_ERROR "${fail_base} CUDAToolkit_ROOT=${CUDAToolkit_ROOT}")
+        elseif(DEFINED ENV{CUDAToolkit_ROOT})
+          message(FATAL_ERROR "${fail_base} environment variable CUDAToolkit_ROOT=$ENV{CUDAToolkit_ROOT}")
+        endif()
-    endforeach()
-    # Sort numerically in descending order, so we try the newest versions first.
+      # CUDAToolkit_ROOT cmake/env variable not specified, try platform defaults.
+      #
+      # - Linux: /usr/local/cuda-X.Y
+      # - macOS: /Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-X.Y
+      # - Windows: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\vX.Y
+      #
+      # We will also search the default symlink location /usr/local/cuda first since
+      # if CUDAToolkit_ROOT is not specified, it is assumed that the symlinked
+      # directory is the desired location.
+        if(UNIX)
+          if(NOT APPLE)
+            set(platform_base "/usr/local/cuda-")
+          else()
+            set(platform_base "/Developer/NVIDIA/CUDA-")
+          endif()
+        else()
+          set(platform_base "C:\\Program Files\\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\\CUDA\\v")
+        endif()
-    # With a descending list of versions, populate possible paths to search.
-    set(search_paths)
-    foreach(v ${versions})
-      list(APPEND search_paths "${platform_base}${v}")
-    endforeach()
+        # Build out a descending list of possible cuda installations, e.g.
+        file(GLOB possible_paths "${platform_base}*")
+        # Iterate the glob results and create a descending list.
+        set(versions)
+        foreach(p ${possible_paths})
+          # Extract version number from end of string
+          string(REGEX MATCH "[0-9][0-9]?\\.[0-9]$" p_version ${p})
+          if(IS_DIRECTORY ${p} AND p_version)
+            list(APPEND versions ${p_version})
+          endif()
+        endforeach()
-    # Force the global default /usr/local/cuda to the front on Unix.
-    if(UNIX)
-      list(INSERT search_paths 0 "/usr/local/cuda")
+        # Sort numerically in descending order, so we try the newest versions first.
+        # With a descending list of versions, populate possible paths to search.
+        set(search_paths)
+        foreach(v ${versions})
+          list(APPEND search_paths "${platform_base}${v}")
+        endforeach()
+        # Force the global default /usr/local/cuda to the front on Unix.
+        if(UNIX)
+          list(INSERT search_paths 0 "/usr/local/cuda")
+        endif()
+        # Now search for nvcc again using the platform default search paths.
+        find_program(_CUDA_NVCC_EXECUTABLE
+          NAMES nvcc nvcc.exe
+          PATHS ${search_paths}
+          PATH_SUFFIXES bin
+        )
+        # We are done with these variables now, cleanup.
+        unset(platform_base)
+        unset(possible_paths)
+        unset(versions)
+        unset(search_paths)
+          message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find nvcc, please set CUDAToolkit_ROOT.")
+        endif()
+      endif()
-    # Now search for nvcc again using the platform default search paths.
-    find_program(_CUDA_NVCC_EXECUTABLE
-      NAMES nvcc nvcc.exe
-      PATHS ${search_paths}
-      PATH_SUFFIXES bin
-    )
-    # We are done with these variables now, cleanup.
-    unset(platform_base)
-    unset(possible_paths)
-    unset(versions)
-    unset(search_paths)
-      message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find nvcc, please set CUDAToolkit_ROOT.")
+    # CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_LIBRARY_ROOT contains the device library and version file.
+    # In a non-scattered installation this is equivalent to CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_TOOLKIT_ROOT.
+    # We first check for a non-scattered installation to prefer it over a scattered installation.
+    elseif(CMAKE_SYSROOT_LINK AND EXISTS "${CMAKE_SYSROOT_LINK}/usr/lib/cuda/version.txt")
+    elseif(EXISTS "${CMAKE_SYSROOT}/usr/lib/cuda/version.txt")
-  # CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_LIBRARY_ROOT contains the device library and version file.
-  # In a non-scattered installation this is equivalent to CMAKE_CUDA_COMPILER_TOOLKIT_ROOT.
-  # We first check for a non-scattered installation to prefer it over a scattered installation.
-  elseif(CMAKE_SYSROOT_LINK AND EXISTS "${CMAKE_SYSROOT_LINK}/usr/lib/cuda/version.txt")
-  elseif(EXISTS "${CMAKE_SYSROOT}/usr/lib/cuda/version.txt")
-  endif()
     set(nvcc_test_flags "--keep --keep-dir tmp")
@@ -242,10 +235,20 @@
   # We also use it to verify that CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES and additionaly on Clang that CUDA toolkit path works.
   # The latter could be done during compiler testing in the future to avoid doing this for Clang.
   # We need to unset the compiler ID otherwise CMAKE_DETERMINE_COMPILER_ID() doesn't work.
+  file(READ ${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/
+  if(${CMAKE_GENERATOR} MATCHES "Visual Studio")
+    # Now that we have the path to nvcc, we can compute the toolkit root.
+  endif()
diff --git a/Modules/ b/Modules/
index 64a00b3..40668a3 100644
--- a/Modules/
+++ b/Modules/
@@ -87,6 +87,9 @@
 # elif defined(__WINDOWS__)
 #  define PLATFORM_ID "Windows3x"
+# elif defined(__VXWORKS__)
+#  define PLATFORM_ID "VxWorks"
 # else /* unknown platform */
 #  define PLATFORM_ID
 # endif
diff --git a/Modules/FindBISON.cmake b/Modules/FindBISON.cmake
index 6b5828e..1e1a5a3 100644
--- a/Modules/FindBISON.cmake
+++ b/Modules/FindBISON.cmake
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
   add_executable(Foo main.cpp ${BISON_MyParser_OUTPUTS})
-find_program(BISON_EXECUTABLE NAMES bison win_bison DOC "path to the bison executable")
+find_program(BISON_EXECUTABLE NAMES bison win-bison win_bison DOC "path to the bison executable")
diff --git a/Modules/FindCUDA.cmake b/Modules/FindCUDA.cmake
index e1af2d6..a93d4fd 100644
--- a/Modules/FindCUDA.cmake
+++ b/Modules/FindCUDA.cmake
@@ -357,7 +357,8 @@
   CUDA_nppicc_LIBRARY   -- NVIDIA Performance Primitives lib (image processing).
                            Only available for CUDA version 9.0.
   CUDA_nppicom_LIBRARY  -- NVIDIA Performance Primitives lib (image processing).
-                           Only available for CUDA version 9.0.
+                           Only available for CUDA version 9.0 - 10.2.
+                           Replaced by nvjpeg.
   CUDA_nppidei_LIBRARY  -- NVIDIA Performance Primitives lib (image processing).
                            Only available for CUDA version 9.0.
   CUDA_nppif_LIBRARY    -- NVIDIA Performance Primitives lib (image processing).
@@ -1002,7 +1003,9 @@
-  find_cuda_helper_libs(nppicom)
+    find_cuda_helper_libs(nppicom)
+  endif()
diff --git a/Modules/FindCUDAToolkit.cmake b/Modules/FindCUDAToolkit.cmake
index 00d1a50..47bc546 100644
--- a/Modules/FindCUDAToolkit.cmake
+++ b/Modules/FindCUDAToolkit.cmake
@@ -154,6 +154,8 @@
 - ``CUDA::cublas``
 - ``CUDA::cublas_static``
+- ``CUDA::cublasLt`` starting in CUDA 10.1
+- ``CUDA::cublasLt_static`` starting in CUDA 10.1
 .. _`cuda_toolkit_cuFFT`:
@@ -240,6 +242,7 @@
   - ``CUDA::nppicc_static``
 - `nppicom`: JPEG compression and decompression functions in `nppi_compression_functions.h`
+  Removed starting in CUDA 11.0, use :ref:`nvJPEG<cuda_toolkit_nvJPEG>` instead.
   - ``CUDA::nppicom``
   - ``CUDA::nppicom_static``
@@ -302,6 +305,7 @@
 The `nvGRAPH <>`_ library.
+Removed starting in CUDA 11.0
 Targets Created:
@@ -821,7 +825,7 @@
   _CUDAToolkit_find_and_add_import_lib(culibos) # it's a static library
-  foreach (cuda_lib cublas cufft curand cusparse nppc nvjpeg)
+  foreach (cuda_lib cublasLt cublas cufft curand cusparse nppc nvjpeg)
     _CUDAToolkit_find_and_add_import_lib(${cuda_lib}_static DEPS culibos)
diff --git a/Modules/FindFLEX.cmake b/Modules/FindFLEX.cmake
index 90e5f86..1384736 100644
--- a/Modules/FindFLEX.cmake
+++ b/Modules/FindFLEX.cmake
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
-find_program(FLEX_EXECUTABLE NAMES flex win_flex DOC "path to the flex executable")
+find_program(FLEX_EXECUTABLE NAMES flex win-flex win_flex DOC "path to the flex executable")
 find_library(FL_LIBRARY NAMES fl
diff --git a/Modules/FindSDL.cmake b/Modules/FindSDL.cmake
index 8d793a9..59eddbb 100644
--- a/Modules/FindSDL.cmake
+++ b/Modules/FindSDL.cmake
@@ -5,24 +5,54 @@
-Locate SDL library
-This module defines
-  SDL_LIBRARY, the name of the library to link against
-  SDL_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to SDL
-  SDL_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find SDL.h
-  SDL_VERSION_STRING, human-readable string containing the version of SDL
+Locate the SDL library
+Imported targets
+This module defines the following :prop_tgt:`IMPORTED` target:
+  The SDL library, if found
+Result variables
+This module will set the following variables in your project:
+  where to find SDL.h
+  the name of the library to link against
+  if false, do not try to link to SDL
+  the human-readable string containing the version of SDL if found
+  SDL major version
+  SDL minor version
+  SDL patch version
+Cache variables
+These variables may optionally be set to help this module find the correct files:
+  where to find SDL.h
+  the name of the library to link against
+Variables for locating SDL
 This module responds to the flag:
     If this is defined, then no SDL_main will be linked in because
     only applications need main().
     Otherwise, it is assumed you are building an application and this
@@ -30,6 +60,15 @@
     as part of the returned SDL_LIBRARY variable.
+Obsolete variables
+These variables are obsolete and provided for backwards compatibility:
+  the human-readable string containing the version of SDL if found.
+  Identical to SDL_VERSION
 Don't forget to include SDLmain.h and SDLmain.m your project for the
 OS X framework based version.  (Other versions link to -lSDLmain which
@@ -52,15 +91,6 @@
 $SDLDIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the
 ./configure --prefix=$SDLDIR used in building SDL.  l.e.galup 9-20-02
-Modified by Eric Wing.  Added code to assist with automated building
-by using environmental variables and providing a more
-controlled/consistent search behavior.  Added new modifications to
-recognize OS X frameworks and additional Unix paths (FreeBSD, etc).
-Also corrected the header search path to follow "proper" SDL
-guidelines.  Added a search for SDLmain which is needed by some
-platforms.  Added a search for threads which is needed by some
-platforms.  Added needed compile switches for MinGW.
 On OSX, this will prefer the Framework version (if found) over others.
 People will have to manually change the cache values of SDL_LIBRARY to
 override this selection or set the CMake environment
@@ -174,13 +204,11 @@
   string(REGEX REPLACE "^#define[ \t]+SDL_MAJOR_VERSION[ \t]+([0-9]+)$" "\\1" SDL_VERSION_MAJOR "${SDL_VERSION_MAJOR_LINE}")
   string(REGEX REPLACE "^#define[ \t]+SDL_MINOR_VERSION[ \t]+([0-9]+)$" "\\1" SDL_VERSION_MINOR "${SDL_VERSION_MINOR_LINE}")
   string(REGEX REPLACE "^#define[ \t]+SDL_PATCHLEVEL[ \t]+([0-9]+)$" "\\1" SDL_VERSION_PATCH "${SDL_VERSION_PATCH_LINE}")
@@ -188,3 +216,14 @@
                                   REQUIRED_VARS SDL_LIBRARY SDL_INCLUDE_DIR
                                   VERSION_VAR SDL_VERSION_STRING)
+    set_target_properties(SDL::SDL PROPERTIES
+  endif()
diff --git a/Source/CMakeVersion.cmake b/Source/CMakeVersion.cmake
index 10ac7fe..f3c7db0 100644
--- a/Source/CMakeVersion.cmake
+++ b/Source/CMakeVersion.cmake
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # CMake version number components.
 set(CMake_VERSION_MINOR 18)
-set(CMake_VERSION_PATCH 20200618)
+set(CMake_VERSION_PATCH 20200623)
 #set(CMake_VERSION_RC 0)
diff --git a/Source/cmCoreTryCompile.cxx b/Source/cmCoreTryCompile.cxx
index 5d11995..7fbe90e 100644
--- a/Source/cmCoreTryCompile.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmCoreTryCompile.cxx
@@ -983,7 +983,9 @@
   std::set<std::string> deletedFiles;
   for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dir.GetNumberOfFiles(); ++i) {
     const char* fileName = dir.GetFile(i);
-    if (strcmp(fileName, ".") != 0 && strcmp(fileName, "..") != 0) {
+    if (strcmp(fileName, ".") != 0 && strcmp(fileName, "..") != 0 &&
+        // Do not delete NFS temporary files.
+        !cmHasPrefix(fileName, ".nfs")) {
       if (deletedFiles.insert(fileName).second) {
         std::string const fullPath =
diff --git a/Source/cmGetFilenameComponentCommand.cxx b/Source/cmGetFilenameComponentCommand.cxx
index 811421a..38bffbf 100644
--- a/Source/cmGetFilenameComponentCommand.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmGetFilenameComponentCommand.cxx
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
   if (args.size() < 3) {
     status.SetError("called with incorrect number of arguments");
+    cmSystemTools::SetFatalErrorOccured();
     return false;
@@ -114,6 +115,7 @@
   } else {
     std::string err = "unknown component " + args[2];
+    cmSystemTools::SetFatalErrorOccured();
     return false;
diff --git a/Source/cmLinkItemGraphVisitor.cxx b/Source/cmLinkItemGraphVisitor.cxx
index acc23c8..b13def8 100644
--- a/Source/cmLinkItemGraphVisitor.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmLinkItemGraphVisitor.cxx
@@ -24,10 +24,6 @@
 void cmLinkItemGraphVisitor::VisitLinks(cmLinkItem const& item,
                                         cmLinkItem const& rootItem)
-  if (this->LinkVisited(item, rootItem)) {
-    return;
-  }
   if (item.Target == nullptr) {
diff --git a/Source/cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3.cxx b/Source/cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3.cxx
index 4545a8e..de1461a 100644
--- a/Source/cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmLocalUnixMakefileGenerator3.cxx
@@ -713,9 +713,10 @@
     // "VERBOSE=1" to be added as a make variable which will change the
     // name of this special target.  This gives a make-time choice to
     // the user.
-    this->WriteMakeRule(makefileStream,
-                        "Suppress display of executed commands.",
-                        "$(VERBOSE).SILENT", no_depends, no_commands, false);
+    // Write directly to the stream since WriteMakeRule escapes '$'.
+    makefileStream << "#Suppress display of executed commands.\n"
+                      "$(VERBOSE).SILENT:\n"
+                      "\n";
   // Work-around for makes that drop rules that have no dependencies
diff --git a/Source/cmake.cxx b/Source/cmake.cxx
index 162e807..62a7fcb 100644
--- a/Source/cmake.cxx
+++ b/Source/cmake.cxx
@@ -64,10 +64,6 @@
 #  include "cmVariableWatch.h"
-#if !defined(CMAKE_BOOTSTRAP)
 #if defined(__MINGW32__) && defined(CMAKE_BOOTSTRAP)
@@ -101,16 +97,13 @@
 #if !defined(CMAKE_BOOTSTRAP)
 #  include "cmGlobalNinjaGenerator.h"
-#include "cmExtraCodeLiteGenerator.h"
-#if !defined(CMAKE_BOOT_MINGW)
+#if !defined(CMAKE_BOOTSTRAP)
 #  include "cmExtraCodeBlocksGenerator.h"
-#include "cmExtraKateGenerator.h"
-#include "cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator.h"
+#  include "cmExtraCodeLiteGenerator.h"
 #  include "cmExtraEclipseCDT4Generator.h"
+#  include "cmExtraKateGenerator.h"
+#  include "cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator.h"
 #if defined(__linux__) || defined(_WIN32)
@@ -1137,13 +1130,9 @@
 #if !defined(CMAKE_BOOTSTRAP)
-  this->ExtraGenerators.push_back(cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator::GetFactory());
-  this->ExtraGenerators.push_back(cmExtraKateGenerator::GetFactory());
-#  endif
+  this->ExtraGenerators.push_back(cmExtraKateGenerator::GetFactory());
+  this->ExtraGenerators.push_back(cmExtraSublimeTextGenerator::GetFactory());
diff --git a/Tests/CMakeLists.txt b/Tests/CMakeLists.txt
index b771ff5..1c88cd5 100644
--- a/Tests/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Tests/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -349,7 +349,6 @@
   # add a bunch of standard build-and-test style tests
   ADD_TEST_MACRO(CommandLineTest CommandLineTest)
   ADD_TEST_MACRO(FindPackageTest FindPackageTest)
-  ADD_TEST_MACRO(FindModulesExecuteAll FindModulesExecuteAll)
   ADD_TEST_MACRO(StringFileTest StringFileTest)
   ADD_TEST_MACRO(TryCompile TryCompile)
   ADD_TEST_MACRO(SystemInformation SystemInformation)
@@ -698,38 +697,28 @@
   # build the "Simple" test with the ExtraGenerators, if available
   # This doesn't test whether the generated project files work (unfortunately),
   # mainly it tests that cmake doesn't crash when generating these project files.
-    # check which generators we have
-    execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_CMAKE_COMMAND} --help
-      OUTPUT_VARIABLE cmakeOutput ERROR_VARIABLE cmakeOutput)
-    set(extraGenerators
-      "CodeBlocks"
-      "CodeLite"
-      "Eclipse CDT4"
-      "Kate"
-      "Sublime Text 2")
-    foreach(extraGenerator ${extraGenerators})
-      if ("${cmakeOutput}" MATCHES "${extraGenerator} - ${CMAKE_GENERATOR}")
-        set(extraGeneratorTestName "Simple_${extraGenerator}Generator")
-        string(REPLACE " " "" extraGeneratorTestName ${extraGeneratorTestName})
-        add_test(${extraGeneratorTestName} ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND}
-          --build-and-test
-          "${CMake_SOURCE_DIR}/Tests/Simple"
-          "${CMake_BINARY_DIR}/Tests/${extraGeneratorTestName}"
-          --build-two-config
-          --build-generator "${extraGenerator} - ${CMAKE_GENERATOR}"
-          --build-generator-platform "${CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM}"
-          --build-generator-toolset "${CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET}"
-          --build-project Simple
-          --test-command Simple)
-        list(APPEND TEST_BUILD_DIRS "${CMake_BINARY_DIR}/Tests/${extraGeneratorTestName}")
-      endif ()
-    endforeach(extraGenerator)
+  if(CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "^(Unix Makefiles|Ninja)$"
+    foreach(extraGenerator
+        "CodeBlocks"
+        "CodeLite"
+        "Eclipse CDT4"
+        "Kate"
+        "Sublime Text 2"
+        )
+      string(REPLACE " " "" extraGeneratorTestName "Simple_${extraGenerator}Generator")
+      add_test(${extraGeneratorTestName} ${CMAKE_CTEST_COMMAND}
+        --build-and-test
+        "${CMake_SOURCE_DIR}/Tests/Simple"
+        "${CMake_BINARY_DIR}/Tests/${extraGeneratorTestName}"
+        --build-two-config
+        --build-generator "${extraGenerator} - ${CMAKE_GENERATOR}"
+        --build-generator-platform "${CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM}"
+        --build-generator-toolset "${CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET}"
+        --build-project Simple
+        --test-command Simple)
+      list(APPEND TEST_BUILD_DIRS "${CMake_BINARY_DIR}/Tests/${extraGeneratorTestName}")
+    endforeach()
   # test for correct sub-project generation
@@ -1452,6 +1441,7 @@
+            SDL
diff --git a/Tests/Cuda/Toolkit/CMakeLists.txt b/Tests/Cuda/Toolkit/CMakeLists.txt
index 86b4652..00125e3 100644
--- a/Tests/Cuda/Toolkit/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Tests/Cuda/Toolkit/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -14,15 +14,29 @@
-# Verify that all the CUDA:: targets exist even when the CUDA language isn't enabled
+set(cuda_libs cudart cuda_driver cublas cufft cufftw curand cusolver cusparse)
+  list(APPEND cuda_libs cublasLt)
+  list(APPEND cuda_libs nvgraph)
-foreach (cuda_lib cudart cuda_driver cublas cufft cufftw curand cusolver cusparse nvgraph)
+# Verify that all the CUDA:: targets exist even when the CUDA language isn't enabled
+foreach (cuda_lib IN LISTS cuda_libs)
+  if(NOT CUDA_${cuda_lib}_LIBRARY)
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "expected CUDAToolkit variable CUDA_${cuda_lib}_LIBRARY not found")
+  endif()
   if(NOT TARGET CUDA::${cuda_lib})
-    message(FATAL_ERROR "The CUDA::${cuda_lib} target was expected but couldn't be found")
+    message(FATAL_ERROR "expected CUDAToolkit target CUDA::${cuda_lib} not found")
-foreach (cuda_lib nppc nppial nppicc nppidei nppif nppig nppim nppist nppitc npps nppicom nppisu)
+set(npp_libs nppc nppial nppicc nppidei nppif nppig nppim nppist nppitc npps nppisu)
+  list(APPEND npp_libs nppicom)
+foreach (cuda_lib IN LISTS npp_libs)
   if(NOT TARGET CUDA::${cuda_lib})
     message(FATAL_ERROR "The CUDA::${cuda_lib} target was expected but couldn't be found")
diff --git a/Tests/CudaOnly/Toolkit/CMakeLists.txt b/Tests/CudaOnly/Toolkit/CMakeLists.txt
index 0d5d574..bb06ba8 100644
--- a/Tests/CudaOnly/Toolkit/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/Tests/CudaOnly/Toolkit/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -11,8 +11,17 @@
+set(cuda_libs cudart cuda_driver cublas cufft cufftw curand cusolver cusparse)
+  list(APPEND cuda_libs cublasLt)
+  list(APPEND cuda_libs nvgraph)
 # Verify that all the CUDA:: targets and variables exist
-foreach (cuda_lib cudart cuda_driver cublas cufft cufftw curand cusolver cusparse nvgraph)
+foreach (cuda_lib IN LISTS cuda_libs)
   if(NOT CUDA_${cuda_lib}_LIBRARY)
     message(FATAL_ERROR "expected CUDAToolkit variable CUDA_${cuda_lib}_LIBRARY not found")
@@ -21,7 +30,11 @@
-foreach (cuda_lib nppc nppial nppicc nppidei nppif nppig nppim nppist nppitc npps nppicom nppisu)
+set(npp_libs nppc nppial nppicc nppidei nppif nppig nppim nppist nppitc npps nppisu)
+  list(APPEND npp_libs nppicom)
+foreach (cuda_lib )
   if(NOT CUDA_${cuda_lib}_LIBRARY)
     message(FATAL_ERROR "expected CUDAToolkit variable CUDA_${cuda_lib}_LIBRARY not found")
diff --git a/Tests/FindModulesExecuteAll/CMakeLists.txt b/Tests/FindModulesExecuteAll/CMakeLists.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4893bb3..0000000
--- a/Tests/FindModulesExecuteAll/CMakeLists.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-# This file includes all FindXXX.cmake modules, so they are all executed.
-# As it is it doesn't test a lot.
-# It makes sure that the modules don't contain basic syntax errors.
-# It also makes sure that modules don't fail with an error if something
-# wasn't found but REQUIRED was not given.
-# I guess more things could be added, like checking whether variables are
-# defined after running the modules (e.g. FOO_FOUND etc.).
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.4) # new enough for CMP0017
-file(GLOB all_modules "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../Modules/Find*cmake")
-foreach(module ${all_modules})
-  message(STATUS "module: ${module}")
-  include("${module}")
-  # get the "basename" of the package, so the existence of variables like
-  # FOO_FOUND could be tested later on, Alex
-  string(REGEX REPLACE ".+Find([^\\.]+)\\.cmake" "\\1" packageName "${module}")
-  string(TOUPPER "${packageName}" packageNameUpper)
-# disabled for now, since too many modules break:
-#  if(NOT DEFINED ${packageNameUpper}_FOUND)
-#    message(SEND_ERROR "${packageNameUpper}_FOUND not defined !")
-#  endif()
-add_executable(FindModulesExecuteAll main.c)
diff --git a/Tests/FindModulesExecuteAll/main.c b/Tests/FindModulesExecuteAll/main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index f8b643a..0000000
--- a/Tests/FindModulesExecuteAll/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-int main()
-  return 0;
diff --git a/Tests/FindSDL/CMakeLists.txt b/Tests/FindSDL/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e786204
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/FindSDL/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+add_test(NAME FindSDL.Test COMMAND
+  --build-and-test
+  "${CMake_SOURCE_DIR}/Tests/FindSDL/Test"
+  "${CMake_BINARY_DIR}/Tests/FindSDL/Test"
+  ${build_generator_args}
+  --build-project TestFindSDL
+  --build-options ${build_options}
+  )
diff --git a/Tests/FindSDL/Test/CMakeLists.txt b/Tests/FindSDL/Test/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..61d4f4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/FindSDL/Test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
+project(TestFindSDL C)
+add_executable(test_sdl_tgt main.c)
+target_link_libraries(test_sdl_tgt SDL::SDL)
+add_test(NAME test_sdl_tgt COMMAND test_sdl_tgt)
+add_executable(test_sdl_var main.c)
+target_include_directories(test_sdl_var PRIVATE ${SDL_INCLUDE_DIRS})
+target_link_libraries(test_sdl_var PRIVATE ${SDL_LIBRARIES})
+add_test(NAME test_sdl_var COMMAND test_sdl_var)
diff --git a/Tests/FindSDL/Test/main.c b/Tests/FindSDL/Test/main.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..057289c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/FindSDL/Test/main.c
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#include <SDL.h>
+int main()
+  // Test 1 requires headers only.
+  SDL_version compiled;
+  SDL_VERSION(&compiled);
+  if (compiled.major != CMAKE_EXPECTED_SDL_VERSION_MAJOR ||
+      compiled.minor != CMAKE_EXPECTED_SDL_VERSION_MINOR ||
+      compiled.patch != CMAKE_EXPECTED_SDL_VERSION_PATCH)
+    return 1;
+  // Test 2 requires to link to the library.
+    return 2;
+  return 0;
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/GraphvizTestProject.cmake b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/GraphvizTestProject.cmake
index 10cd2bc..4ce6b5c 100644
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/GraphvizTestProject.cmake
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/GraphvizTestProject.cmake
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #   - All library depend on a common INTERFACE library holding compiler flags
 #   - We have a custom target to generate a man page
 #   - Someone has added an UNKNOWN, IMPORTED crypto mining library!
+#   - We have a circular dependency between two libraries
@@ -23,6 +24,13 @@
 target_link_libraries(CoreLibrary PRIVATE SeriousLoggingLibrary)
+add_library(SystemLibrary STATIC test_project/system_library.c)
+# Create a circular dependency.
+# See
+target_link_libraries(CoreLibrary PRIVATE SystemLibrary)
+target_link_libraries(SystemLibrary PRIVATE CoreLibrary)
 add_library(GraphicLibraryObjects OBJECT test_project/graphic_library.c)
 add_library(GraphicLibrary SHARED)
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
index 8b0365a..31d88df 100644
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
@@ -28,25 +28,28 @@
     "node2" -> "node0"  // CoreLibrary -> CompilerFlags
     "node3" [ label = "GoofyLoggingLibrary\n(SeriousLoggingLibrary)\n(TheBestLoggingLibrary)", shape = pentagon ];
     "node2" -> "node3" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> GoofyLoggingLibrary
+    "node4" [ label = "SystemLibrary", shape = octagon ];
+    "node4" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // SystemLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node2" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> SystemLibrary
     "node1" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node4" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
-    "node1" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
-    "node5" [ label = "GenerateManPage", shape = box ];
-    "node1" -> "node5"  // ConsoleApplication -> GenerateManPage
-    "node6" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
-    "node6" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node7" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
-    "node8" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
-    "node7" -> "node8" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
-    "node7" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
-    "node7" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
-    "node9" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
-    "node7" -> "node9" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
-    "node6" -> "node7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
-    "node10" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node10" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
-    "node10" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
-    "node11" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node11" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
-    "node11" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
+    "node5" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
+    "node1" -> "node5" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
+    "node6" [ label = "GenerateManPage", shape = box ];
+    "node1" -> "node6"  // ConsoleApplication -> GenerateManPage
+    "node7" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
+    "node7" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
+    "node8" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
+    "node9" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
+    "node8" -> "node9" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
+    "node8" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
+    "node8" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node10" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
+    "node8" -> "node10" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
+    "node7" -> "node8" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
+    "node11" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node11" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
+    "node11" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
+    "node12" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node12" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
+    "node12" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
index 1bbf25a..26f2f64 100644
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
@@ -28,23 +28,26 @@
     "node2" -> "node0"  // CoreLibrary -> CompilerFlags
     "node3" [ label = "GoofyLoggingLibrary\n(SeriousLoggingLibrary)\n(TheBestLoggingLibrary)", shape = pentagon ];
     "node2" -> "node3" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> GoofyLoggingLibrary
+    "node4" [ label = "SystemLibrary", shape = octagon ];
+    "node4" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // SystemLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node2" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> SystemLibrary
     "node1" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node4" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
-    "node1" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
-    "node5" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
-    "node5" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node6" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
-    "node7" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
-    "node6" -> "node7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
-    "node6" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
-    "node6" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
-    "node8" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
-    "node6" -> "node8" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
-    "node5" -> "node6" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
-    "node9" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node9" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
-    "node9" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
-    "node10" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node10" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
-    "node10" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
+    "node5" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
+    "node1" -> "node5" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
+    "node6" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
+    "node6" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
+    "node7" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
+    "node8" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
+    "node7" -> "node8" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
+    "node7" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
+    "node7" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node9" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
+    "node7" -> "node9" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
+    "node6" -> "node7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
+    "node10" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node10" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
+    "node10" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
+    "node11" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node11" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
+    "node11" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
index 1bbf25a..26f2f64 100644
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
@@ -28,23 +28,26 @@
     "node2" -> "node0"  // CoreLibrary -> CompilerFlags
     "node3" [ label = "GoofyLoggingLibrary\n(SeriousLoggingLibrary)\n(TheBestLoggingLibrary)", shape = pentagon ];
     "node2" -> "node3" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> GoofyLoggingLibrary
+    "node4" [ label = "SystemLibrary", shape = octagon ];
+    "node4" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // SystemLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node2" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> SystemLibrary
     "node1" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node4" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
-    "node1" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
-    "node5" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
-    "node5" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node6" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
-    "node7" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
-    "node6" -> "node7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
-    "node6" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
-    "node6" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
-    "node8" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
-    "node6" -> "node8" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
-    "node5" -> "node6" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
-    "node9" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node9" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
-    "node9" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
-    "node10" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node10" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
-    "node10" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
+    "node5" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
+    "node1" -> "node5" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
+    "node6" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
+    "node6" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
+    "node7" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
+    "node8" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
+    "node7" -> "node8" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
+    "node7" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
+    "node7" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node9" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
+    "node7" -> "node9" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
+    "node6" -> "node7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
+    "node10" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node10" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
+    "node10" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
+    "node11" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node11" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
+    "node11" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
index 558a470..7f2e01c 100644
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
@@ -27,18 +27,21 @@
     "node1" -> "node0"  // CoreLibrary -> CompilerFlags
     "node2" [ label = "GoofyLoggingLibrary\n(SeriousLoggingLibrary)\n(TheBestLoggingLibrary)", shape = pentagon ];
     "node1" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> GoofyLoggingLibrary
-    "node3" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
-    "node4" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
-    "node5" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
-    "node4" -> "node5" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
-    "node4" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
-    "node4" -> "node1" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
-    "node6" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
-    "node4" -> "node6" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
-    "node7" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node7" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
-    "node7" -> "node1" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
-    "node8" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node8" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
-    "node8" -> "node1" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
+    "node3" [ label = "SystemLibrary", shape = octagon ];
+    "node3" -> "node1" [ style = dotted ] // SystemLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node1" -> "node3" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> SystemLibrary
+    "node4" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
+    "node5" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
+    "node6" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
+    "node5" -> "node6" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
+    "node5" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
+    "node5" -> "node1" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node7" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
+    "node5" -> "node7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
+    "node8" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node8" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
+    "node8" -> "node1" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
+    "node9" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node9" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
+    "node9" -> "node1" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
index 660af37..db675a8 100644
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
@@ -28,19 +28,22 @@
     "node2" -> "node0"  // CoreLibrary -> CompilerFlags
     "node3" [ label = "GoofyLoggingLibrary\n(SeriousLoggingLibrary)\n(TheBestLoggingLibrary)", shape = pentagon ];
     "node2" -> "node3" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> GoofyLoggingLibrary
+    "node4" [ label = "SystemLibrary", shape = octagon ];
+    "node4" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // SystemLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node2" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> SystemLibrary
     "node1" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node4" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
-    "node4" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node5" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
-    "node5" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
-    "node5" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
-    "node6" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
-    "node5" -> "node6" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
-    "node4" -> "node5" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
-    "node7" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node7" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
-    "node7" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
-    "node8" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node8" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
-    "node8" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
+    "node5" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
+    "node5" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
+    "node6" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
+    "node6" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
+    "node6" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node7" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
+    "node6" -> "node7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
+    "node5" -> "node6" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
+    "node8" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node8" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
+    "node8" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
+    "node9" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node9" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
+    "node9" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
index 5af7fec..234ee39 100644
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
@@ -28,8 +28,11 @@
     "node2" -> "node0"  // CoreLibrary -> CompilerFlags
     "node3" [ label = "GoofyLoggingLibrary\n(SeriousLoggingLibrary)\n(TheBestLoggingLibrary)", shape = pentagon ];
     "node2" -> "node3" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> GoofyLoggingLibrary
+    "node4" [ label = "SystemLibrary", shape = octagon ];
+    "node4" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // SystemLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node2" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> SystemLibrary
     "node1" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node4" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
-    "node1" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
-    "node5" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
+    "node5" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
+    "node1" -> "node5" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
+    "node6" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
index 94ec41c..6dea88c 100644
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
@@ -24,20 +24,23 @@
     "node0" [ label = "ConsoleApplication", shape = egg ];
     "node1" [ label = "CoreLibrary", shape = octagon ];
+    "node2" [ label = "SystemLibrary", shape = octagon ];
+    "node2" -> "node1" [ style = dotted ] // SystemLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node1" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> SystemLibrary
     "node0" -> "node1" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node2" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
-    "node0" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
-    "node3" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
-    "node3" -> "node1" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node4" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
-    "node5" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
-    "node4" -> "node5" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
-    "node4" -> "node1" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
-    "node6" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
-    "node4" -> "node6" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
-    "node3" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
-    "node7" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node7" -> "node1" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
-    "node8" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node8" -> "node1" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
+    "node3" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
+    "node0" -> "node3" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
+    "node4" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
+    "node4" -> "node1" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
+    "node5" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
+    "node6" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
+    "node5" -> "node6" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
+    "node5" -> "node1" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node7" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
+    "node5" -> "node7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
+    "node4" -> "node5" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
+    "node8" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node8" -> "node1" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
+    "node9" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node9" -> "node1" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
index 65b7a71..df3d10a 100644
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
@@ -28,17 +28,20 @@
     "node2" -> "node0"  // CoreLibrary -> CompilerFlags
     "node3" [ label = "GoofyLoggingLibrary\n(SeriousLoggingLibrary)\n(TheBestLoggingLibrary)", shape = pentagon ];
     "node2" -> "node3" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> GoofyLoggingLibrary
+    "node4" [ label = "SystemLibrary", shape = octagon ];
+    "node4" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // SystemLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node2" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> SystemLibrary
     "node1" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node4" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
-    "node1" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
-    "node5" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
-    "node5" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node6" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
-    "node7" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
-    "node6" -> "node7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
-    "node6" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
-    "node6" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
-    "node8" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
-    "node6" -> "node8" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
-    "node5" -> "node6" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
+    "node5" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
+    "node1" -> "node5" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
+    "node6" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
+    "node6" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
+    "node7" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
+    "node8" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
+    "node7" -> "node8" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
+    "node7" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
+    "node7" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node9" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
+    "node7" -> "node9" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
+    "node6" -> "node7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
index 8116bc9..8f832a8 100644
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
@@ -28,21 +28,24 @@
     "node2" -> "node0"  // CoreLibrary -> CompilerFlags
     "node3" [ label = "GoofyLoggingLibrary\n(SeriousLoggingLibrary)\n(TheBestLoggingLibrary)", shape = pentagon ];
     "node2" -> "node3" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> GoofyLoggingLibrary
+    "node4" [ label = "SystemLibrary", shape = octagon ];
+    "node4" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // SystemLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node2" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> SystemLibrary
     "node1" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node4" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
-    "node1" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
-    "node5" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
-    "node5" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node6" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
-    "node7" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
-    "node6" -> "node7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
-    "node6" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
-    "node6" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
-    "node5" -> "node6" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
-    "node8" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node8" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
-    "node8" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
-    "node9" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node9" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
-    "node9" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
+    "node5" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
+    "node1" -> "node5" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
+    "node6" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
+    "node6" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
+    "node7" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
+    "node8" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
+    "node7" -> "node8" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
+    "node7" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
+    "node7" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node6" -> "node7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
+    "node9" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node9" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
+    "node9" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
+    "node10" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node10" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
+    "node10" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
index 1bbf25a..26f2f64 100644
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
@@ -28,23 +28,26 @@
     "node2" -> "node0"  // CoreLibrary -> CompilerFlags
     "node3" [ label = "GoofyLoggingLibrary\n(SeriousLoggingLibrary)\n(TheBestLoggingLibrary)", shape = pentagon ];
     "node2" -> "node3" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> GoofyLoggingLibrary
+    "node4" [ label = "SystemLibrary", shape = octagon ];
+    "node4" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // SystemLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node2" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> SystemLibrary
     "node1" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node4" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
-    "node1" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
-    "node5" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
-    "node5" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node6" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
-    "node7" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
-    "node6" -> "node7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
-    "node6" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
-    "node6" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
-    "node8" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
-    "node6" -> "node8" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
-    "node5" -> "node6" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
-    "node9" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node9" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
-    "node9" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
-    "node10" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node10" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
-    "node10" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
+    "node5" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
+    "node1" -> "node5" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
+    "node6" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
+    "node6" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
+    "node7" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
+    "node8" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
+    "node7" -> "node8" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
+    "node7" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
+    "node7" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node9" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
+    "node7" -> "node9" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
+    "node6" -> "node7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
+    "node10" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node10" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
+    "node10" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
+    "node11" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node11" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
+    "node11" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
index 439d1f7..e127daa 100644
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
@@ -28,17 +28,20 @@
     "node2" -> "node0"  // CoreLibrary -> CompilerFlags
     "node3" [ label = "GoofyLoggingLibrary\n(SeriousLoggingLibrary)\n(TheBestLoggingLibrary)", shape = pentagon ];
     "node2" -> "node3" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> GoofyLoggingLibrary
+    "node4" [ label = "SystemLibrary", shape = octagon ];
+    "node4" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // SystemLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node2" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> SystemLibrary
     "node1" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node4" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
-    "node1" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
-    "node5" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
-    "node5" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node6" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
-    "node7" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
-    "node8" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node8" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
-    "node8" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
-    "node9" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node9" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
-    "node9" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
+    "node5" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
+    "node1" -> "node5" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
+    "node6" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
+    "node6" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
+    "node7" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
+    "node8" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
+    "node9" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node9" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
+    "node9" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
+    "node10" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node10" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
+    "node10" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
index 1be6550..4f242bb 100644
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
@@ -28,21 +28,24 @@
     "node2" -> "node0"  // CoreLibrary -> CompilerFlags
     "node3" [ label = "GoofyLoggingLibrary\n(SeriousLoggingLibrary)\n(TheBestLoggingLibrary)", shape = pentagon ];
     "node2" -> "node3" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> GoofyLoggingLibrary
+    "node4" [ label = "SystemLibrary", shape = octagon ];
+    "node4" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // SystemLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node2" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> SystemLibrary
     "node1" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node4" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
-    "node4" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node5" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
-    "node6" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
-    "node5" -> "node6" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
-    "node5" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
-    "node5" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
-    "node7" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
-    "node5" -> "node7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
-    "node4" -> "node5" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
-    "node8" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node8" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
-    "node8" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
-    "node9" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node9" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
-    "node9" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
+    "node5" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
+    "node5" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
+    "node6" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
+    "node7" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
+    "node6" -> "node7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
+    "node6" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
+    "node6" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node8" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
+    "node6" -> "node8" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
+    "node5" -> "node6" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
+    "node9" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node9" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
+    "node9" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
+    "node10" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node10" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
+    "node10" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
index 1cfbe0f..c664af8 100644
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
@@ -28,23 +28,26 @@
     "node2" -> "node0"  // CoreLibrary -> CompilerFlags
     "node3" [ label = "GoofyLoggingLibrary\n(SeriousLoggingLibrary)\n(TheBestLoggingLibrary)", shape = pentagon ];
     "node2" -> "node3" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> GoofyLoggingLibrary
+    "node4" [ label = "SystemLibrary", shape = octagon ];
+    "node4" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // SystemLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node2" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> SystemLibrary
     "node1" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node4" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
-    "node1" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
-    "node5" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
-    "node5" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node6" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
-    "node7" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
-    "node6" -> "node7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
-    "node6" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
-    "node6" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
-    "node8" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
-    "node6" -> "node8" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
-    "node5" -> "node6" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
-    "node9" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node9" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
-    "node9" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
-    "node10" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node10" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
-    "node10" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
+    "node5" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
+    "node1" -> "node5" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
+    "node6" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
+    "node6" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
+    "node7" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
+    "node8" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
+    "node7" -> "node8" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
+    "node7" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
+    "node7" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node9" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
+    "node7" -> "node9" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
+    "node6" -> "node7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
+    "node10" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node10" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
+    "node10" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
+    "node11" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node11" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
+    "node11" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
index 9653c33..5579306 100644
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
@@ -28,23 +28,26 @@
     "node2" -> "node0"  // CoreLibrary -> CompilerFlags
     "node3" [ label = "GoofyLoggingLibrary\n(SeriousLoggingLibrary)\n(TheBestLoggingLibrary)", shape = pentagon ];
     "node2" -> "node3" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> GoofyLoggingLibrary
+    "node4" [ label = "SystemLibrary", shape = octagon ];
+    "node4" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // SystemLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node2" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> SystemLibrary
     "node1" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node4" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
-    "node1" -> "node4" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
-    "node5" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
-    "node5" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "node6" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
-    "node7" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
-    "node6" -> "node7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
-    "node6" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
-    "node6" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
-    "node8" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
-    "node6" -> "node8" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
-    "node5" -> "node6" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
-    "node9" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node9" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
-    "node9" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
-    "node10" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "node10" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
-    "node10" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
+    "node5" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
+    "node1" -> "node5" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
+    "node6" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
+    "node6" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
+    "node7" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
+    "node8" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
+    "node7" -> "node8" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
+    "node7" -> "node0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
+    "node7" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "node9" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
+    "node7" -> "node9" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
+    "node6" -> "node7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
+    "node10" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node10" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
+    "node10" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
+    "node11" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "node11" -> "node0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
+    "node11" -> "node2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
index 82d96d0..3bf20ec 100644
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/expected_outputs/
@@ -28,23 +28,26 @@
     "point2" -> "point0"  // CoreLibrary -> CompilerFlags
     "point3" [ label = "GoofyLoggingLibrary\n(SeriousLoggingLibrary)\n(TheBestLoggingLibrary)", shape = pentagon ];
     "point2" -> "point3" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> GoofyLoggingLibrary
+    "point4" [ label = "SystemLibrary", shape = octagon ];
+    "point4" -> "point2" [ style = dotted ] // SystemLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "point2" -> "point4" [ style = dotted ] // CoreLibrary -> SystemLibrary
     "point1" -> "point2" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "point4" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
-    "point1" -> "point4" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
-    "point5" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
-    "point5" -> "point2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
-    "point6" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
-    "point7" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
-    "point6" -> "point7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
-    "point6" -> "point0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
-    "point6" -> "point2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
-    "point8" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
-    "point6" -> "point8" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
-    "point5" -> "point6" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
-    "point9" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "point9" -> "point0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
-    "point9" -> "point2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
-    "point10" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
-    "point10" -> "point0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
-    "point10" -> "point2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
+    "point5" [ label = "CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary", shape = septagon ];
+    "point1" -> "point5" [ style = dotted ] // ConsoleApplication -> CryptoCurrencyMiningLibrary
+    "point6" [ label = "GraphicApplication", shape = egg ];
+    "point6" -> "point2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> CoreLibrary
+    "point7" [ label = "GraphicLibrary", shape = doubleoctagon ];
+    "point8" [ label = "\"-lm\"", shape = septagon ];
+    "point7" -> "point8" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> "-lm"
+    "point7" -> "point0"  // GraphicLibrary -> CompilerFlags
+    "point7" -> "point2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> CoreLibrary
+    "point9" [ label = "GraphicLibraryObjects", shape = hexagon ];
+    "point7" -> "point9" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicLibrary -> GraphicLibraryObjects
+    "point6" -> "point7" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicApplication -> GraphicLibrary
+    "point10" [ label = "GraphicDriverOpenGL", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "point10" -> "point0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CompilerFlags
+    "point10" -> "point2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverOpenGL -> CoreLibrary
+    "point11" [ label = "GraphicDriverVulkan", shape = tripleoctagon ];
+    "point11" -> "point0" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CompilerFlags
+    "point11" -> "point2" [ style = dotted ] // GraphicDriverVulkan -> CoreLibrary
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/test_project/system_library.c b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/test_project/system_library.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d67079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/Graphviz/test_project/system_library.c
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+void initialize_system()
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/get_filename_component/IncorrectArguments-result.txt b/Tests/RunCMake/get_filename_component/IncorrectArguments-result.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d00491f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/get_filename_component/IncorrectArguments-result.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/get_filename_component/IncorrectArguments-stderr.txt b/Tests/RunCMake/get_filename_component/IncorrectArguments-stderr.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af08afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/get_filename_component/IncorrectArguments-stderr.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+^CMake Error at IncorrectArguments.cmake:1 \(get_filename_component\):
+  get_filename_component called with incorrect number of arguments
+Call Stack \(most recent call first\):
+  CMakeLists.txt:[0-9]+ \(include\)$
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/get_filename_component/IncorrectArguments.cmake b/Tests/RunCMake/get_filename_component/IncorrectArguments.cmake
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e329e29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/get_filename_component/IncorrectArguments.cmake
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+message("The error is fatal, so this should not print")
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/get_filename_component/RunCMakeTest.cmake b/Tests/RunCMake/get_filename_component/RunCMakeTest.cmake
index 156fc8f..a7820a0 100644
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/get_filename_component/RunCMakeTest.cmake
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/get_filename_component/RunCMakeTest.cmake
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/get_filename_component/UnknownComponent-stderr.txt b/Tests/RunCMake/get_filename_component/UnknownComponent-stderr.txt
index b146e5b..f86a688 100644
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/get_filename_component/UnknownComponent-stderr.txt
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/get_filename_component/UnknownComponent-stderr.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-CMake Error at UnknownComponent.cmake:1 \(get_filename_component\):
+^CMake Error at UnknownComponent.cmake:1 \(get_filename_component\):
   get_filename_component unknown component BOGUS
 Call Stack \(most recent call first\):
-  CMakeLists.txt:[0-9]+ \(include\)
+  CMakeLists.txt:[0-9]+ \(include\)$
diff --git a/Tests/RunCMake/get_filename_component/UnknownComponent.cmake b/Tests/RunCMake/get_filename_component/UnknownComponent.cmake
index 06abc51..19521ba 100644
--- a/Tests/RunCMake/get_filename_component/UnknownComponent.cmake
+++ b/Tests/RunCMake/get_filename_component/UnknownComponent.cmake
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
 get_filename_component(var "/path/to/" BOGUS)
+message("The error is fatal, so this should not print")