| # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying |
| # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. |
| |
| #[=======================================================================[.rst: |
| CheckCSourceRuns |
| ---------------- |
| |
| Check if given C source compiles and links into an executable and can |
| subsequently be run. |
| |
| .. command:: check_c_source_runs |
| |
| .. code-block:: cmake |
| |
| check_c_source_runs(<code> <resultVar>) |
| |
| Check that the source supplied in ``<code>`` can be compiled as a C source |
| file, linked as an executable and then run. The ``<code>`` must contain at |
| least a ``main()`` function. If the ``<code>`` could be built and run |
| successfully, the internal cache variable specified by ``<resultVar>`` will |
| be set to 1, otherwise it will be set to an value that evaluates to boolean |
| false (e.g. an empty string or an error message). |
| |
| The check is only performed once, with the result cached in the variable named |
| by ``<resultVar>``. Every subsequent CMake run will reuse this cached value |
| rather than performing the check again, even if the ``<code>`` changes. In |
| order to force the check to be re-evaluated, the variable named by |
| ``<resultVar>`` must be manually removed from the cache. |
| |
| The compile and link commands can be influenced by setting any of the |
| following variables prior to calling ``check_c_source_runs()``: |
| |
| .. include:: /module/CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS.txt |
| |
| .. include:: /module/CMAKE_REQUIRED_DEFINITIONS.txt |
| |
| .. include:: /module/CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES.txt |
| |
| .. include:: /module/CMAKE_REQUIRED_LINK_OPTIONS.txt |
| |
| .. include:: /module/CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES.txt |
| |
| .. include:: /module/CMAKE_REQUIRED_QUIET.txt |
| |
| #]=======================================================================] |
| |
| include_guard(GLOBAL) |
| include(Internal/CheckSourceRuns) |
| |
| set(_CheckSourceRuns_old_signature 1) |
| cmake_check_source_runs(C "${SOURCE}" ${VAR} ${ARGN}) |
| unset(_CheckSourceRuns_old_signature) |
| endmacro() |