blob: 0e1768d9bdc739e882aef2ddd05805d3e5053a5e [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2023 The Khronos Group Inc.
# Copyright 2023 Valve Corporation
# Copyright 2023 LunarG, Inc.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import argparse
import os
import sys
import shutil
import common_ci
from xml.etree import ElementTree
def RunGenerators(api: str, registry: str, targetFilter: str) -> None:
has_clang_format = shutil.which('clang-format') is not None
if not has_clang_format:
print("WARNING: Unable to find clang-format!")
# These live in the Vulkan-Docs repo, but are pulled in via the
# Vulkan-Headers/registry folder
# At runtime we inject python path to find these helper scripts
scripts = os.path.dirname(registry)
scripts_directory_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
registry_headers_path = os.path.join(scripts_directory_path, scripts)
sys.path.insert(0, registry_headers_path)
from reg import Registry
from generators.base_generator import BaseGeneratorOptions
from generators.dispatch_table_generator import DispatchTableOutputGenerator
from generators.enum_string_helper_generator import EnumStringHelperOutputGenerator
from generators.format_utils_generator import FormatUtilsOutputGenerator
from generators.struct_helper_generator import StructHelperOutputGenerator
from generators.safe_struct_generator import SafeStructOutputGenerator
# These set fields that are needed by both OutputGenerator and BaseGenerator,
# but are uniform and don't need to be set at a per-generated file level
from generators.base_generator import (SetTargetApiName, SetMergedApiNames)
# Build up a list of all generators and custom options
generators = {
'vk_dispatch_table.h' : {
'generator' : DispatchTableOutputGenerator,
'genCombined': True,
'directory' : f'include/{api}/utility',
'vk_enum_string_helper.h' : {
'generator' : EnumStringHelperOutputGenerator,
'genCombined': True,
'directory' : f'include/{api}',
'vk_format_utils.h' : {
'generator' : FormatUtilsOutputGenerator,
'genCombined': True,
'directory' : f'include/{api}/utility',
'vk_struct_helper.hpp' : {
'generator' : StructHelperOutputGenerator,
'genCombined': True,
'directory' : f'include/{api}/utility',
'vk_safe_struct.hpp' : {
'generator' : SafeStructOutputGenerator,
'genCombined': True,
'directory' : f'include/{api}/utility',
'vk_safe_struct_utils.cpp' : {
'generator' : SafeStructOutputGenerator,
'genCombined': True,
'directory' : f'src/{api}',
'vk_safe_struct_core.cpp' : {
'generator' : SafeStructOutputGenerator,
'genCombined': True,
'regenerate' : True,
'directory' : f'src/{api}',
'vk_safe_struct_khr.cpp' : {
'generator' : SafeStructOutputGenerator,
'genCombined': True,
'directory' : f'src/{api}',
'vk_safe_struct_ext.cpp' : {
'generator' : SafeStructOutputGenerator,
'genCombined': True,
'directory' : f'src/{api}',
'vk_safe_struct_vendor.cpp' : {
'generator' : SafeStructOutputGenerator,
'genCombined': True,
'directory' : f'src/{api}',
unknownTargets = [x for x in (targetFilter if targetFilter else []) if x not in generators.keys()]
if unknownTargets:
print(f'ERROR: No generator options for unknown target(s): {", ".join(unknownTargets)}', file=sys.stderr)
return 1
# Filter if --target is passed in
targets = [x for x in generators.keys() if not targetFilter or x in targetFilter]
for index, target in enumerate(targets, start=1):
print(f'[{index}|{len(targets)}] Generating {target}')
# First grab a class contructor object and create an instance
generator = generators[target]['generator']
gen = generator()
# This code and the 'genCombined' generator metadata is used by downstream
# users to generate code with all Vulkan APIs merged into the target API variant
# (e.g. Vulkan SC) when needed. The constructed apiList is also used to filter
# out non-applicable extensions later below.
apiList = [api]
if api != 'vulkan' and generators[target]['genCombined']:
outDirectory = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', generators[target]['directory']))
options = BaseGeneratorOptions(
customFileName = target,
customDirectory = outDirectory)
# Create the registry object with the specified generator and generator
# options. The options are set before XML loading as they may affect it.
reg = Registry(gen, options)
# Parse the specified registry XML into an ElementTree object
tree = ElementTree.parse(registry)
# Filter out extensions that are not on the API list
[exts.remove(e) for exts in tree.findall('extensions') for e in exts.findall('extension') if (sup := e.get('supported')) is not None and all(api not in sup.split(',') for api in apiList)]
# Load the XML tree into the registry object
# Finally, use the output generator to create the requested target
# Run clang-format on the file
if has_clang_format:
common_ci.RunShellCmd(f'clang-format -i {os.path.join(outDirectory, target)}')
def main(argv):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate source code for this repository')
help='Specify API name to generate')
parser.add_argument('registry', metavar='REGISTRY_PATH', help='path to the Vulkan-Headers registry directory')
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument('--target', nargs='+', help='only generate file name passed in')
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
registry = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(args.registry, 'vk.xml'))
RunGenerators(args.api, registry,
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':