blob: c3db1fbadd2b2cd01546bedcd50fb1d6d4720ace [file] [log] [blame]
#pragma once
#include "VX/vx.h"
#include <VX/vx_khr_nn.h>
/** @brief Loads image from a file and converts it to float.
* supported formats: jpeg, png, bmp, psd, tga, gif, hdr, pic, ppm, pgm
* @param fileName - full path to the image file
* @param width - image width as it appears in the file (output)
* @param height - image height as it appears in the file (output)
* @param channels - the number of the image channels as it appears in the file (output)
* @return image in float
float* loadImageFromFile(const char* fileName, int* width, int* height, int* channels);
/** @brief Loads image from a file .
* supported formats: jpeg, png, bmp, psd, tga, gif, hdr, pic, ppm, pgm
* @param fileName - full path to the image file
* @param width - image width as it appears in the file (output)
* @param height - image height as it appears in the file (output)
* @param channels - the number of the image channels as it appears in the file (output)
* @return image in uint
unsigned char* loadImageFromFileUInt(const char* fileName, int* width, int* height, int* channels);
/** @brief Frees the image loaded by loadImageFromFile
* @param image - image loaded by loadImageFromFile
* @return void
void freeImage(float* image);
/** @brief Substracts mean image and then scale the image
* @param image - image in float
* @param width - image width
* @param height - image heigh
* @param channels - the number of the image channels
* @param meanValues - mean values to be subtracted from the image
* @param scale - scale factor
* @return void
void subtractMeanImageAndScale(float* image, int width, int height, int channels, const float* meanValues, float scale);
/** @brief Substracts mean image
* @param image - image in float
* @param width - image width
* @param height - image heigh
* @param channels - the number of the image channels
* @param meanValues - mean values to be subtracted from the image
* @return void
void subtractMeanImage(float* image, int width, int height, int channels, const float* meanValues);
/** @brief scale image
* @param image - image in float
* @param width - image width
* @param height - image heigh
* @param channels - the number of the image channels
* @param scale - scale factor
* @return void
void scaleImage(float* image, int width, int height, int channels, float scale);
/** @brief loads image into MDData/Tensor
* @param mddata - MDData/Tensor where to load the image
* @param image - image to be loaded into the MDData/Tensor
* @param width - image width in elements/pixels
* @param height - image height in elements/pixels
* @param channels - image channels number
* @return vx_status - VX_SUCCESS in case of success; other value in case of failure
vx_status imageToMDData(vx_tensor mddata, const float* image, int width, int height, int channels);
/** @brief loads classification text file. The file is a text file and has one class in each line
* @param fileFullPath - Full path to the classification file
* @param classesNum - Number of classes (lines) in the file (output).
* @return array of classes. class number is the index in the array
char** loadClassificationFile(const char* fileFullPath, size_t* classesNum);
/** @brief Deletes the classification data loaded by loadClassificationFile
* @param classArray - classification data to be deleted
* @return void
void deleteClassificationContect(char** classArray);
/** @brief Reads the probabilities from MDData/Tensor and store it in a matrix
* @param mddata - MDData/Tensor from where to read the probabilities
* @param classesNum - Number of available classes
* @param probSum - Sum of all the probabilities (output)
* @return matrix of probabilities
float** getProbabilitiesFromMDData(vx_tensor mddata, size_t classesNum, float* probSum);
/** @brief Deletes the probabilities matrix created by getProbabilitiesFromMDData
* @param prob - The probabilities matrix
* @return void
void deleteProbStructure(float** prob);
/** @brief Moves the highest sortNum probabilities to the beginning of the matrix
* @param prob - The probabilities matrix
* @param classesNum - The number of available classes
* @param sortNum - The number of the highest probabilities to be moved to the beginning
* @return void
void moveHighestProbToTheBegin(float** prob, size_t classesNum, size_t sortNum);