blob: 54676a8d4f6d66037432b4b779e4098f777a26a5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "test_engine/test.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <VX/vx.h>
#include <VX/vxu.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifndef _MSC_VER
#define min(a,b) (a<b?a:b)
TESTCASE(HogCells, CT_VXContext, ct_setup_vx_context, 0)
TEST(HogCells, testNodeCreation)
vx_context context = context_->vx_context_;
vx_image input = 0;
vx_uint32 src_width = 640;
vx_uint32 src_height = 320;
vx_int32 cell_width = 8;
vx_int32 cell_height = 8;
vx_int32 num_bins = 9;
const vx_size mag_dims[2] = { 80, 40 };
const vx_size bins_dims[3] = { 80, 40, 9 };
vx_tensor magnitudes;
vx_tensor bins;
vx_graph graph = 0;
vx_node node = 0;
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(input = vxCreateImage(context, src_width, src_height, VX_DF_IMAGE_U8), VX_TYPE_IMAGE);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(magnitudes = vxCreateTensor(context, 2, mag_dims, VX_TYPE_INT16, 8), VX_TYPE_TENSOR);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(bins = vxCreateTensor(context, 3, bins_dims, VX_TYPE_INT8, 0), VX_TYPE_TENSOR);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(graph = vxCreateGraph(context), VX_TYPE_GRAPH);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(node = vxHOGCellsNode(graph, input, cell_width, cell_height, num_bins, magnitudes, bins), VX_TYPE_NODE);
ASSERT(node == 0);
ASSERT(graph == 0);
ASSERT(input == 0);
static CT_Image hog_read_image(const char *fileName, int width, int height)
CT_Image image = NULL;
ASSERT_(return 0, width == 0 && height == 0);
image = ct_read_image(fileName, 1);
ASSERT_(return 0, image);
ASSERT_(return 0, image->format == VX_DF_IMAGE_U8);
return image;
static vx_status hogcells_ref(CT_Image img, vx_int32 cell_width, vx_int32 cell_height, vx_int32 bins_num, vx_tensor magnitudes, vx_tensor bins)
vx_status status = 0;
vx_int32 width, height;
void* p_ct_base = ct_image_get_plane_base(img, 0);
vx_float32 gx;
vx_float32 gy;
vx_float32 orientation;
vx_float32 magnitude;
vx_int8 bin;
width = img->width;
height = img->height;
vx_int16* mag_ref = (vx_int16 *)malloc(height / cell_height * width / cell_width * sizeof(vx_int16));
vx_int8* bins_ref = (vx_int8 *)malloc(height / cell_height * width / cell_width * bins_num );
vx_int16* mag = (vx_int16 *)malloc(height / cell_height * width / cell_width *sizeof(vx_int16));
vx_int8* bins_p = (vx_int8 *)malloc(height / cell_height * width / cell_width * bins_num);
memset(mag_ref, 0, height / cell_height * width / cell_width * sizeof(vx_int16));
memset(bins_ref, 0, height / cell_height * width / cell_width * bins_num);
float num_div_360 = (float)bins_num / 360.0f;
vx_size magnitudes_dim_num = 2, magnitudes_dims[6] = { width/cell_width, height/cell_height,0 }, magnitudes_strides[6] = { 2, 2 * width / cell_width };
vx_size bins_dim_num = 3, bins_dims[6] = { width / cell_width, height / cell_height, bins_num }, bins_strides[6] = { 1, width / cell_width, height / cell_height * width / cell_width };
const size_t view_start[6] = { 0 };
vxCopyTensorPatch(magnitudes, magnitudes_dim_num, view_start, magnitudes_dims, magnitudes_strides, mag, VX_READ_ONLY, VX_MEMORY_TYPE_HOST);
vxCopyTensorPatch(bins, bins_dim_num, view_start, bins_dims, bins_strides, bins_p, VX_READ_ONLY, VX_MEMORY_TYPE_HOST);
vx_int32 num_cellw = (vx_int32)floor(((vx_float64)width) / ((vx_float64)cell_width));
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
int x1 = i - 1 < 0 ? 0 : i - 1;
int x2 = i + 1 >= width ? width - 1 : i + 1;
vx_uint8 *gx1 = (vx_uint8*)((vx_uint8*)p_ct_base + j * img->stride + x1);
vx_uint8 *gx2 = (vx_uint8*)((vx_uint8*)p_ct_base + j * img->stride + x2);
gx = *gx2 - *gx1;
int y1 = j - 1 < 0 ? 0 : j - 1;
int y2 = j + 1 >= height ? height - 1 : j + 1;
vx_uint8 *gy1 = (vx_uint8*)((vx_uint8*)p_ct_base + y1 * img->stride + i);
vx_uint8 *gy2 = (vx_uint8*)((vx_uint8*)p_ct_base + y2 * img->stride + i);
gy = *gy2 - *gy1;
magnitude = sqrtf(powf(gx, 2) + powf(gy, 2));
orientation = fmod(atan2f(gy, gx + 0.00000000000001)
* (180 / 3.14159265), 360);
if (orientation < 0) {
orientation += 360;
bin = (vx_int8)floor(orientation * num_div_360);
vx_int32 cellx = i / cell_width;
vx_int32 celly = j / cell_height;
vx_int32 magnitudes_index = celly * num_cellw + cellx;
vx_int32 bins_index = (celly * num_cellw + cellx) * bins_num + bin;
*(mag_ref + magnitudes_index) += magnitude / (cell_width * cell_height);
*(bins_ref + bins_index) += magnitude / (cell_width * cell_height);
for (int i = 0; i < height / cell_height * width / cell_width; i++)
vx_float32 mag_ref_data = *(mag_ref + i);
vx_float32 mag_data = *(mag + i);
if (mag_ref_data / mag_data < 0.95 || mag_ref_data / mag_data > 1.05)
status = VX_FAILURE;
if (status == VX_SUCCESS)
for (int i = 0; i < height / cell_height * width / cell_width * bins_num; i++)
vx_float32 bins_ref_data = *(bins_ref + i);
vx_float32 bins_data = *(bins_p + i);
if (bins_ref_data / bins_data < 0.95 || bins_ref_data / bins_data > 1.05)
status = VX_FAILURE;
return status;
typedef struct {
const char* testName;
CT_Image(*generator)(const char* fileName, int width, int height);
const char* fileName;
vx_int32 cell_width;
vx_int32 cell_height;
vx_int32 bins_num;
const char* result_filename;
} Arg;
#define PARAMETERS \
ARG("case_cells8x8_9_Hogcells", hog_read_image, "lena_gray.bmp", 8, 8, 9, "hogcells_8x8_9.txt"), \
ARG("case_cells8x8_9_Hogcells", hog_read_image, "lena_gray.bmp", 8, 8, 6, "hogcells_8x8_6.txt"), \
ARG("case_cells8x8_9_Hogcells", hog_read_image, "lena_gray.bmp", 8, 8, 3, "hogcells_8x8_3.txt"), \
ARG("case_cells8x8_9_Hogcells", hog_read_image, "lena_gray.bmp", 4, 4, 9, "hogcells_8x8_9.txt"), \
ARG("case_cells8x8_9_Hogcells", hog_read_image, "lena_gray.bmp", 4, 4, 6, "hogcells_8x8_6.txt"), \
TEST_WITH_ARG(HogCells, testGraphProcessing, Arg,
vx_context context = context_->vx_context_;
vx_image src_image = 0;
vx_graph graph = 0;
vx_node node = 0;
vx_int32 cell_width = arg_->cell_width;
vx_int32 cell_height = arg_->cell_height;
vx_int32 bins_num = arg_->bins_num;
CT_Image src = NULL;
vx_status status;
vx_uint32 src_width;
vx_uint32 src_height;
ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(src = arg_->generator(arg_->fileName, 0, 0));
src_width = src->width;
src_height = src->height;
const vx_size mag_dims[2] = { src_width / cell_width, src_height / cell_height };
const vx_size bins_dims[3] = { src_width / cell_width, src_height / cell_height, bins_num };
vx_tensor magnitudes;
vx_tensor bins;
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(src_image = ct_image_to_vx_image(src, context), VX_TYPE_IMAGE);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(magnitudes = vxCreateTensor(context, 2, mag_dims, VX_TYPE_INT16, 8), VX_TYPE_TENSOR);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(bins = vxCreateTensor(context, 3, bins_dims, VX_TYPE_INT8, 0), VX_TYPE_TENSOR);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(graph = vxCreateGraph(context), VX_TYPE_GRAPH);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(node = vxHOGCellsNode(graph, src_image, cell_width, cell_height, bins_num, magnitudes, bins), VX_TYPE_NODE);
VX_CALL(status = hogcells_ref(src, cell_width, cell_height, bins_num, magnitudes, bins));
ASSERT(node == 0);
ASSERT(graph == 0);
ASSERT(src_image == 0);
TEST_WITH_ARG(HogCells, testImmediateProcessing, Arg,
vx_context context = context_->vx_context_;
vx_image src_image = 0;
vx_int32 cell_width = arg_->cell_width;
vx_int32 cell_height = arg_->cell_height;
vx_int32 bins_num = arg_->bins_num;
CT_Image src = NULL;
vx_status status;
vx_uint32 src_width;
vx_uint32 src_height;
ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(src = arg_->generator(arg_->fileName, 0, 0));
src_width = src->width;
src_height = src->height;
const vx_size mag_dims[2] = { src_width / cell_width, src_height / cell_height };
const vx_size bins_dims[3] = { src_width / cell_width, src_height / cell_height, bins_num };
vx_tensor magnitudes;
vx_tensor bins;
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(src_image = ct_image_to_vx_image(src, context), VX_TYPE_IMAGE);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(magnitudes = vxCreateTensor(context, 2, mag_dims, VX_TYPE_INT16, 8), VX_TYPE_TENSOR);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(bins = vxCreateTensor(context, 3, bins_dims, VX_TYPE_INT8, 0), VX_TYPE_TENSOR);
VX_CALL(vxuHOGCells(context, src_image, cell_width, cell_width, bins_num, magnitudes, bins));
ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(status = hogcells_ref(src, cell_width, cell_height, bins_num, magnitudes, bins));
ASSERT(src_image == 0);
TESTCASE(HogFeatures, CT_VXContext, ct_setup_vx_context, 0)
TEST(HogFeatures, testNodeCreation)
vx_context context = context_->vx_context_;
vx_image input = 0;
vx_uint32 src_width = 640;
vx_uint32 src_height = 320;
vx_int32 cell_width = 8;
vx_int32 cell_height = 8;
vx_int32 num_bins = 9;
const vx_size mag_dims[2] = { 80, 40 };
const vx_size bins_dims[3] = { 80, 40, 9 };
vx_hog_t params;
vx_tensor magnitudes;
vx_tensor bins;
vx_tensor features;
vx_graph graph = 0;
vx_node cell_node = 0;
vx_node feature_node = 0;
params.window_width = 64;
params.window_height = 32;
params.block_width = 16;
params.block_height = 16;
params.cell_width = 8;
params.cell_height = 8;
params.num_bins = 9;
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(input = vxCreateImage(context, src_width, src_height, VX_DF_IMAGE_U8), VX_TYPE_IMAGE);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(magnitudes = vxCreateTensor(context, 2, mag_dims, VX_TYPE_INT16, 8), VX_TYPE_TENSOR);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(bins = vxCreateTensor(context, 3, bins_dims, VX_TYPE_INT8, 0), VX_TYPE_TENSOR);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(graph = vxCreateGraph(context), VX_TYPE_GRAPH);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(cell_node = vxHOGCellsNode(graph, input, cell_width, cell_height, num_bins, magnitudes, bins), VX_TYPE_NODE);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(features = vxCreateTensor(context, 3, bins_dims, VX_TYPE_INT16, 8), VX_TYPE_TENSOR);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(feature_node = vxHOGFeaturesNode(graph, input, magnitudes, bins, &params, 1, features), VX_TYPE_NODE);
ASSERT(cell_node == 0);
ASSERT(feature_node == 0);
ASSERT(graph == 0);
ASSERT(input == 0);
static vx_status hogfeatures_ref(CT_Image img, vx_hog_t params, vx_tensor features)
vx_status status = 0;
vx_int32 width, height;
void* p_ct_base = ct_image_get_plane_base(img, 0);
vx_float32 gx;
vx_float32 gy;
vx_float32 orientation;
vx_float32 magnitude;
vx_int8 bin;
width = img->width;
height = img->height;
vx_int32 cell_height = params.cell_height;
vx_int32 cell_width = params.cell_width;
vx_int32 bins_num = params.num_bins;
vx_int32 num_windowsW = width / params.window_width;
vx_int32 num_windowsH = height / params.window_height;
vx_int32 num_blockW = width / params.cell_width - 1;
vx_int32 num_blockH = height / params.cell_height - 1;
vx_int32 num_block = num_blockW * num_blockH;
vx_int32 n_cellsx = width / cell_width;
vx_int32 cells_per_block_w = params.block_width / cell_width;
vx_int32 cells_per_block_h = params.block_height / cell_height;
vx_int16* mag_ref = (vx_int16 *)malloc(height / cell_height * width / cell_width * sizeof(vx_int16));
vx_int8* bins_ref = (vx_int8 *)malloc(height / cell_height * width / cell_width * bins_num );
vx_int16* features_ref = (vx_int16 *)malloc(num_windowsW * num_windowsH * params.window_width / params.block_stride *
params.window_height / params.block_stride *bins_num * sizeof(vx_int16));
vx_int16* features_p = (vx_int16 *)malloc(num_windowsW * num_windowsH * params.window_width / params.block_stride *
params.window_height / params.block_stride *bins_num * sizeof(vx_int16));
memset(mag_ref, 0, height / cell_height * width / cell_width * sizeof(vx_int16));
memset(bins_ref, 0, height / cell_height * width / cell_width * bins_num);
memset(features_ref, 0, num_windowsW * num_windowsH * params.window_width / params.block_stride *
params.window_height / params.block_stride *bins_num * sizeof(vx_int16));
float num_div_360 = (float)bins_num / 360.0f;
vx_size features_dim_num = 3, features_dims[6] = { num_windowsW, num_windowsH, params.window_width / params.block_stride *
params.window_height / params.block_stride *bins_num }, features_strides[6] = { 2, 2 * num_windowsW, 2 * num_windowsW * num_windowsH};
const size_t view_start[6] = { 0 };
vxCopyTensorPatch(features, features_dim_num, view_start, features_dims, features_strides, features_p, VX_READ_ONLY, VX_MEMORY_TYPE_HOST);
vx_int32 num_cellw = (vx_int32)floor(((vx_float64)width) / ((vx_float64)cell_width));
for (int j = 0; j < height; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
int x1 = i - 1 < 0 ? 0 : i - 1;
int x2 = i + 1 >= width ? width - 1 : i + 1;
vx_uint8 *gx1 = (vx_uint8*)((vx_uint8*)p_ct_base + j * img->stride + x1);
vx_uint8 *gx2 = (vx_uint8*)((vx_uint8*)p_ct_base + j * img->stride + x2);
gx = *gx2 - *gx1;
int y1 = j - 1 < 0 ? 0 : j - 1;
int y2 = j + 1 >= height ? height - 1 : j + 1;
vx_uint8 *gy1 = (vx_uint8*)((vx_uint8*)p_ct_base + y1 * img->stride + i);
vx_uint8 *gy2 = (vx_uint8*)((vx_uint8*)p_ct_base + y2 * img->stride + i);
gy = *gy2 - *gy1;
magnitude = sqrtf(powf(gx, 2) + powf(gy, 2));
orientation = fmod(atan2f(gy, gx + 0.00000000000001)
* (180 / 3.14159265), 360);
if (orientation < 0) {
orientation += 360;
bin = (vx_int8)floor(orientation * num_div_360);
vx_int32 cellx = i / cell_width;
vx_int32 celly = j / cell_height;
vx_int32 magnitudes_index = celly * num_cellw + cellx;
vx_int32 bins_index = (celly * num_cellw + cellx) * bins_num + bin;
*(mag_ref + magnitudes_index) += magnitude / (cell_width * cell_height);
*(bins_ref + bins_index) += magnitude / (cell_width * cell_height);
for (vx_int32 blkH = 0; blkH < num_blockH; blkH++)
for (vx_int32 blkW = 0; blkW < num_blockW; blkW++)
vx_float32 sum = 0;
for (vx_int32 y = 0; y < cells_per_block_h; y++)
for (vx_int32 x = 0; x < cells_per_block_w; x++)
vx_int32 index = (blkH + y)*n_cellsx + (blkW + x);
sum += (*(mag_ref + index)) * (*(mag_ref + index));
sum = sqrtf(sum + 0.00000000000001);
for (vx_int32 y = 0; y < cells_per_block_h; y++)
for (vx_int32 x = 0; x < cells_per_block_w; x++)
for (vx_int32 k = 0; k < bins_num; k++)
vx_int32 bins_index = (blkH + y)*n_cellsx * bins_num + (blkW + x)*bins_num + k;
vx_int32 block_index = blkH * num_blockW * bins_num + blkW * bins_num + k;
float hist = min((*(bins_ref + bins_index) / sum), params.threshold);
vx_int16 *features_ptr = features_ref + block_index;
*features_ptr = *features_ptr + hist;
for (int i = 0; i < num_windowsW * num_windowsH * params.window_width / params.block_stride *
params.window_height / params.block_stride *bins_num; i++)
vx_float32 features_ref_data = *(features_ref + i);
vx_float32 features_data = *(features_p + i);
if (features_ref_data / features_data < 0.95 || features_ref_data / features_data > 1.05)
status = VX_FAILURE;
return status;
typedef struct {
const char* testName;
CT_Image(*generator)(const char* fileName, int width, int height);
const char* fileName;
vx_hog_t hog_params;
} Arg_features;
ARG("case_hogfeature", hog_read_image, "lena_gray.bmp", {8, 8, 16, 16, 8, 9, 32, 32, 32, 0.2}), \
ARG("case_hogfeature", hog_read_image, "lena_gray.bmp", {4, 4, 8, 8, 4, 9, 32, 32, 32, 0.2}), \
ARG("case_hogfeature", hog_read_image, "lena_gray.bmp", {8, 8, 16, 16, 8, 6, 32, 32, 32, 0.2}), \
ARG("case_hogfeature", hog_read_image, "lena_gray.bmp", {4, 4, 8, 8, 4, 6, 32, 32, 32, 0.2}), \
ARG("case_hogfeature", hog_read_image, "lena_gray.bmp", {8, 8, 16, 16, 8, 6, 32, 32, 32, 0.1}), \
TEST_WITH_ARG(HogFeatures, testGraphProcessing, Arg_features,
vx_context context = context_->vx_context_;
vx_image src_image = 0;
vx_graph graph = 0;
vx_node cell_node = 0;
vx_node feature_node = 0;
vx_int32 cell_width = arg_->hog_params.cell_width;
vx_int32 cell_height = arg_->hog_params.cell_height;
vx_int32 bins_num = arg_->hog_params.num_bins;
CT_Image src = NULL;
vx_status status;
vx_uint32 src_width;
vx_uint32 src_height;
ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(src = arg_->generator(arg_->fileName, 0, 0));
src_width = src->width;
src_height = src->height;
const vx_size mag_dims[2] = { src_width / cell_width, src_height / cell_height };
const vx_size bins_dims[3] = { src_width / cell_width, src_height / cell_height, bins_num };
const vx_size features_dims[3] = { src_width / arg_->hog_params.window_stride, src_height / arg_->hog_params.window_stride,
arg_->hog_params.window_width / arg_->hog_params.block_stride * arg_->hog_params.window_height / arg_->hog_params.block_stride *bins_num };
vx_tensor magnitudes;
vx_tensor bins;
vx_tensor features;
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(src_image = ct_image_to_vx_image(src, context), VX_TYPE_IMAGE);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(magnitudes = vxCreateTensor(context, 2, mag_dims, VX_TYPE_INT16, 8), VX_TYPE_TENSOR);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(bins = vxCreateTensor(context, 3, bins_dims, VX_TYPE_INT8, 0), VX_TYPE_TENSOR);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(features = vxCreateTensor(context, 3, features_dims, VX_TYPE_INT16, 8), VX_TYPE_TENSOR);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(graph = vxCreateGraph(context), VX_TYPE_GRAPH);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(cell_node = vxHOGCellsNode(graph, src_image, cell_width, cell_height, bins_num, magnitudes, bins), VX_TYPE_NODE);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(feature_node = vxHOGFeaturesNode(graph, src_image, magnitudes, bins, &arg_->hog_params, 1, features), VX_TYPE_NODE);
VX_CALL(status = hogfeatures_ref(src, arg_->hog_params, features));
ASSERT(cell_node == 0);
ASSERT(feature_node == 0);
ASSERT(graph == 0);
ASSERT(src_image == 0);
TEST_WITH_ARG(HogFeatures, testImmediateProcessing, Arg_features,
vx_context context = context_->vx_context_;
vx_image src_image = 0;
vx_graph graph = 0;
vx_node cell_node = 0;
vx_node feature_node = 0;
vx_int32 cell_width = arg_->hog_params.cell_width;
vx_int32 cell_height = arg_->hog_params.cell_height;
vx_int32 bins_num = arg_->hog_params.num_bins;
CT_Image src = NULL;
vx_status status;
vx_uint32 src_width;
vx_uint32 src_height;
ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(src = arg_->generator(arg_->fileName, 0, 0));
src_width = src->width;
src_height = src->height;
const vx_size mag_dims[2] = { src_width / cell_width, src_height / cell_height };
const vx_size bins_dims[3] = { src_width / cell_width, src_height / cell_height, bins_num };
const vx_size features_dims[3] = { src_width / arg_->hog_params.window_stride, src_height / arg_->hog_params.window_stride,
arg_->hog_params.window_width / arg_->hog_params.block_stride * arg_->hog_params.window_height / arg_->hog_params.block_stride *bins_num };
vx_tensor magnitudes;
vx_tensor bins;
vx_tensor features;
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(src_image = ct_image_to_vx_image(src, context), VX_TYPE_IMAGE);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(magnitudes = vxCreateTensor(context, 2, mag_dims, VX_TYPE_INT16, 8), VX_TYPE_TENSOR);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(bins = vxCreateTensor(context, 3, bins_dims, VX_TYPE_INT8, 0), VX_TYPE_TENSOR);
ASSERT_VX_OBJECT(features = vxCreateTensor(context, 3, features_dims, VX_TYPE_INT16, 8), VX_TYPE_TENSOR);
VX_CALL(vxuHOGCells(context, src_image, cell_width, cell_width, bins_num, magnitudes, bins));
VX_CALL(vxuHOGFeatures(context, src_image, magnitudes, bins, &arg_->hog_params, 1, features));
ASSERT_NO_FAILURE(status = hogfeatures_ref(src, arg_->hog_params, features));
ASSERT(src_image == 0);