blob: 73415130b3efd409b2fe6dca4f2c4678800a7526 [file] [log] [blame]
#include "common.h"
#include "utilities.h"
#include "precisionConverter.h"
#include "stb_image.h"
//Local function that returns a pointer to a function that converts image data to a float
float(*convertToFloatFunc(vx_enum df))(const char*)
if (df == VX_TYPE_INT16)
return Q78ToFloat;
if (df == VX_TYPE_FLOAT16)
return FP16ToFloat;
if (df == VX_TYPE_FLOAT32)
return FP32ToFloat;
//Local function that returns a pointer to a function that converts float to the image format
void(*convertFromFloatFunc(vx_enum df))(float, char*)
if (df == VX_TYPE_INT16)
return floatToQ78;
if (df == VX_TYPE_FLOAT16)
return floatToFP16;
if (df == VX_TYPE_FLOAT32)
return floatToFP32;
/** @brief Loads image from a file and converts it to float.
* supported formats: jpeg, png, bmp, psd, tga, gif, hdr, pic, ppm, pgm
* @param fileName - full path to the image file
* @param width - image width as it appears in the file (output)
* @param height - image height as it appears in the file (output)
* @param channels - the number of the image channels as it appears in the file (output)
* @return image in float
float* loadImageFromFile(const char* fileName, int* width, int* height, int* channels)
WriteLog("Loading image from '%s'...\n", fileName);
unsigned char* image = stbi_load(fileName, width, height, channels, 0);
if (!image)
WriteLog("Failed to load image from file %s", fileName);
return NULL;
size_t imageSize = (*width) * (*height) * (*channels);
float* imageF = (float*) malloc((*width) * (*height) * (*channels) * sizeof(float));
for (size_t i = 0; i < imageSize; ++i)
imageF[i] = (float)image[i];
return imageF;
/** @brief Loads image from a file.
* supported formats: jpeg, png, bmp, psd, tga, gif, hdr, pic, ppm, pgm
* @param fileName - full path to the image file
* @param width - image width as it appears in the file (output)
* @param height - image height as it appears in the file (output)
* @param channels - the number of the image channels as it appears in the file (output)
* @return image in uint
unsigned char* loadImageFromFileUInt(const char* fileName, int* width, int* height, int* channels)
WriteLog("Loading image from '%s'...\n", fileName);
unsigned char* image = stbi_load(fileName, width, height, channels, 0);
if (!image)
WriteLog("Failed to load image from file %s", fileName);
return NULL;
return image;
/** @brief Frees the image loaded by loadImageFromFile
* @param image - image loaded by loadImageFromFile
* @return void
void freeImage(float* image)
if (image != NULL) free(image);
/** @brief Substracts mean image and then scale the image
* @param image - image in float
* @param width - image width
* @param height - image heigh
* @param channels - the number of the image channels
* @param meanValues - mean values to be subtracted from the image
* @param scale - scale factor
* @return void
void subtractMeanImageAndScale(float* image, int width, int height, int channels, const float* meanValues, float scale)
for (int h = 0; h < height; ++h)
for (int w = 0; w < width; ++w)
for (int c = 0; c < channels; ++c)
int offset = h * width * channels + w * channels + c;
image[offset] = (image[offset] - meanValues[c]) * scale;
/** @brief Substracts mean image
* @param image - image in float
* @param width - image width
* @param height - image heigh
* @param channels - the number of the image channels
* @param meanValues - mean values to be subtracted from the image
* @return void
void subtractMeanImage(float* image, int width, int height, int channels, const float* meanValues)
subtractMeanImageAndScale(image, width, height, channels, meanValues, 1.0);
/** @brief scale image
* @param image - image in float
* @param width - image width
* @param height - image heigh
* @param channels - the number of the image channels
* @param scale - scale factor
* @return void
void scaleImage(float* image, int width, int height, int channels, float scale)
float meanValues[10] = { 0.0 };
subtractMeanImageAndScale(image, width, height, channels, meanValues, scale);
/** @brief loads image into MDData/Tensor
* @param mddata - MDData/Tensor where to load the image
* @param image - image to be loaded into the MDData/Tensor
* @param width - image width in elements/pixels
* @param height - image height in elements/pixels
* @param channels - image channels number
* @return vx_status - VX_SUCCESS in case of success; other value in case of failure
vx_status imageToMDData(vx_tensor mddata, const float* image, int width, int height, int channels)
if (channels != 3 && channels != 1)
WriteLog("Trying to load image with %d channels. Currently only images with 1 or 3 channels are supported.\n", channels);
return VX_FAILURE;
vx_size dims_num = 0;
vx_size dimensionsArray[VX_MAX_TENSOR_DIMS_CT] = { 0 };
vx_status status = vxQueryTensor(mddata, VX_TENSOR_NUMBER_OF_DIMS, &dims_num, sizeof(dims_num));
status |= vxQueryTensor(mddata, VX_TENSOR_DIMS, dimensionsArray, sizeof(dimensionsArray));
if (status != VX_SUCCESS)
WriteLog("ERROR: cannot query MDData!\n");
return status;
if (dims_num < 3)
WriteLog("MDData has less than 3 dimensions. It cannot store an image\n");
return VX_FAILURE;
if (width != dimensionsArray[1] || height != dimensionsArray[0] || channels != dimensionsArray[2])
WriteLog("Image size %dx%dx%d does not suit MDData size %dx%dx%d\n", width, height, channels, dimensionsArray[1], dimensionsArray[0], dimensionsArray[1]);
return VX_FAILURE;
vx_enum dt;
status = vxQueryTensor(mddata, VX_TENSOR_DATA_TYPE, &dt, sizeof(dt));
if (status != VX_SUCCESS)
WriteLog("ERROR: cannot query MDData format!\n");
return status;
void* mddataBasePtr = NULL;
const vx_size viewStart[VX_MAX_TENSOR_DIMS_CT] = { 0 };
mddataBasePtr = malloc(width*height*3*sizeof(vx_int16));
if (!mddataBasePtr) { WriteLog("ERROR: malloc failed..."); return VX_FAILURE; }
size_t channelsOrderFix = channels == 1 ? 0 : 2;
void(*convertFromFloat)(float, char*) = convertFromFloatFunc(dt);
for (size_t h = 0; h < dimensionsArray[0]; ++h)
for (size_t w = 0; w < dimensionsArray[1]; ++w)
for (size_t d = 0; d < dimensionsArray[2]; ++d)
size_t imageOffset = h * dimensionsArray[1] * dimensionsArray[2] + w * dimensionsArray[2] + (channelsOrderFix - d);
size_t mddataOffset = sizeof(vx_int16) * (w + width * (h + height * d));
convertFromFloat(image[imageOffset], (char*)mddataBasePtr + mddataOffset);
vx_size strides[] = { sizeof(vx_int16), sizeof(vx_int16) * width, sizeof(vx_int16) * width * height };
status = vxCopyTensorPatch(mddata, 3, viewStart, dimensionsArray, strides, mddataBasePtr, VX_WRITE_ONLY, VX_MEMORY_TYPE_HOST);
if (status != VX_SUCCESS)
WriteLog("ERROR: cannot commit MDData patch!\n");
return status;
return VX_SUCCESS;
/** @brief loads classification text file. The file is a text file and has one class in each line
* @param fileFullPath - Full path to the classification file
* @param classesNum - Number of classes (lines) in the file (output).
* @return array of classes. class number is the index in the array
char** loadClassificationFile(const char* fileFullPath, size_t* classesNum)
FILE* fp = fopen(fileFullPath, "r");
if (fp == NULL)
WriteLog("ERROR: cannot open classification file %s\n", fileFullPath);
return NULL;
//Get file size
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); // seek to end of file
size_t fileSize = ftell(fp); // get current file pointer
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); // seek back to beginning of file
char* fileContent = (char*)malloc(fileSize + 1);
if (fread(fileContent, 1, fileSize, fp) != fileSize)
WriteLog("Failed to read all data from file %s\n", fileFullPath);
return NULL;
size_t classCount = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < fileSize; ++i)
if (fileContent[i] == '\n')
fileContent[i] = '\0';
if (fileContent[fileSize - 1] != '\0')
fileContent[fileSize] = '\0';
char** classArray = (char**)malloc(classCount * sizeof(char*));
size_t classIndex = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < fileSize + 1; ++i)
if (classIndex < classCount) classArray[classIndex++] = fileContent + i;
while (i < fileSize && fileContent[i] != '\0') ++i;
*classesNum = classCount;
return classArray;
/** @brief Deletes the classification data loaded by loadClassificationFile
* @param classArray - classification data to be deleted
* @return void
void deleteClassificationContect(char** classArray)
if (classArray == NULL) return;
if (*classArray != NULL) free(*classArray);
/** @brief Deletes the probabilities matrix created by getProbabilitiesFromMDData
* @param prob - The probabilities matrix
* @return void
void deleteProbStructure(float** prob)
if (prob == NULL) return;
if (*prob != NULL) free(*prob);
/** @brief Moves the highest sortNum probabilities to the beginning of the matrix
* @param prob - The probabilities matrix
* @param classesNum - The number of available classes
* @param sortNum - The number of the highest probabilities to be moved to the beginning
* @return void
void moveHighestProbToTheBegin(float** prob, size_t classesNum, size_t sortNum)
if (prob == NULL)
WriteLog("Error in moveHighestProbToTheBegin, received NULL pointer\n");
for (size_t sortIndex = 0; sortIndex < sortNum; ++sortIndex)
size_t highProbIndex = sortIndex;
for (size_t probIndex = sortIndex; probIndex < classesNum; ++probIndex)
if (prob[probIndex][1] > prob[highProbIndex][1]) highProbIndex = probIndex;
if (highProbIndex != sortIndex)
float tempClass = prob[sortIndex][0];
float tempProb = prob[sortIndex][1];
prob[sortIndex][0] = prob[highProbIndex][0];
prob[sortIndex][1] = prob[highProbIndex][1];
prob[highProbIndex][0] = tempClass;
prob[highProbIndex][1] = tempProb;