Change OCL_ICD_LAYERS to OPENCL_LAYERS to conform to the specification. (#145)

diff --git a/ b/
index e0a5d26..1c37d05 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
-For now, runtime configuration of layers is done using the `OCL_ICD_LAYERS` environment
+For now, runtime configuration of layers is done using the `OPENCL_LAYERS` environment
 variable. A colon (Linux) or semicolon (Windows) list of layers to use can be provided
 through this environment variable.
@@ -142,4 +142,4 @@
 | OCL_ICD_FILENAMES                 | Specifies a list of additional ICDs to load.  The ICDs will be enumerated first, before any ICDs discovered via default mechanisms. | `export`<br/><br/>`set OCL_ICD_FILENAMES=vendor_a.dll;vendor_b.dll` |
 | OCL_ICD_VENDORS                   | On Linux and Android, specifies a directory to scan for ICDs to enumerate in place of the default `/etc/OpenCL/vendors'. |  `export OCL_ICD_VENDORS=/my/local/icd/search/path` |
-| OCL_ICD_LAYERS                    | Specifies a list of layers to load. |  `export`<br/><br/>`set OCL_ICD_LAYERS=libLayerA.dll;libLayerB.dll` |
+| OPENCL_LAYERS                    | Specifies a list of layers to load. |  `export`<br/><br/>`set OPENCL_LAYERS=libLayerA.dll;libLayerB.dll` |
diff --git a/loader/icd.c b/loader/icd.c
index 7e7b3b5..aa677b0 100644
--- a/loader/icd.c
+++ b/loader/icd.c
@@ -361,12 +361,12 @@
 #if defined(CL_ENABLE_LAYERS)
 void khrIcdLayersEnumerateEnv(void)
-    char* layerFilenames = khrIcd_secure_getenv("OCL_ICD_LAYERS");
+    char* layerFilenames = khrIcd_secure_getenv("OPENCL_LAYERS");
     char* cur_file = NULL;
     char* next_file = NULL;
     if (layerFilenames)
-        KHR_ICD_TRACE("Found OCL_ICD_LAYERS environment variable.\n");
+        KHR_ICD_TRACE("Found OPENCL_LAYERS environment variable.\n");
         next_file = layerFilenames;
         while (NULL != next_file && *next_file != '\0') {