blob: 57a46e4c36298609254175d37069848d37506c5d [file] [log] [blame]
$! Build the LIBXML library
$! Arguments:
$! "NOWARN" - suppress known/expected warnings
$! "DEBUG" - build everythign in debug
$! This procedure creates an object library XMLOLB:LIBXML.OLB directory.
$! After the library is built, you can link LIBXML routines into
$! your code with the command
$! Change History
$! --------------
$! Command file author : John A Fotheringham (
$! Last update : 2 Nov 2001
$!- configuration -------------------------------------------------------------
$!- compile command. If p1="nowarn" suppress the expected warning types
$ if p1.eqs."DEBUG" .or. p2.eqs."DEBUG"
$ then
$ debug = "Y"
$ cc_command = "CC/DEBUG/NOOPT"
$ else
$ debug = "N"
$ cc_command = "CC"
$ endif
$ if p1.eqs."NOWARN" then -
cc_command = cc_command + "/WARN=DISABLE=(FLOATOVERFL,NOMAINUFLO)"
$!- list of sources to be built into the LIBXML library. Compare this list
$! to the definition of "libxml2_la_SOURCES" in the file MAKEFILE.IN.
$! Currently this definition includes the list WITH_TRIO_SOURCES_TRUE
$ sources = "SAX.c entities.c encoding.c error.c parserInternals.c parser.c"
$ sources = sources + " tree.c hash.c list.c xmlIO.c xmlmemory.c uri.c valid.c"
$ sources = sources + " xlink.c HTMLparser.c HTMLtree.c debugXML.c xpath.c "
$ sources = sources + " xpointer.c xinclude.c nanohttp.c nanoftp.c "
$ sources = sources + " DOCBparser.c catalog.c globals.c threads.c"
$ sources = sources + " trio.c strio.c"
$!- list of main modules to compile and link. Compare this list to the
$! definition of bin_PROGRAMS in MAKEFILE.IN
$ bin_progs = "xmllint xmlcatalog"
$!- list of test modules to compile and link. Compare this list to the
$! definition of noinst_PROGRAMS in MAKEFILE.
$ test_progs = "testSAX testHTML testXPath testURI testDocbook testThreads"
$!- set up build logicals -----------------------------------------------------\
$ if f$trnlnm("XMLOLB").eqs.""
$ then
$ write sys$output ""
$ write sys$output " You need to define a XMLOLB logical directory to"
$ write sys$output " point to the directory containing your CMS object"
$ write sys$output " libraries. This should already contain LIBXML.OLB"
$ write sys$output " from the libxml package, and will be the directory"
$ write sys$output " the new LIBXSLT.OLB library will be placed in"
$ write sys$output ""
$ exit
$ endif
$ if f$trnlnm("xml_srcdir").eqs.""
$ then
$ globfile = f$search("[-...]globals.c")
$ if globfile.eqs.""
$ then
$ write sys$output "Can't locate globals.c. You need to manually define a XML_SRCDIR logical"
$ exit
$ else
$ srcdir = f$element(0,"]",globfile)+ "]"
$ define/process xml_srcdir "''srcdir'"
$ write sys$output "Defining xml_srcdir as ""''srcdir'"""
$ endif
$ endif
$ if f$trnlnm("libxml").eqs.""
$ then
$ globfile = f$search("[-...]globals.h")
$ if globfile.eqs.""
$ then
$ write sys$output "Can't locate globals.h. You need to manually define a LIBXML logical"
$ exit
$ else
$ includedir = f$element(0,"]",globfile)+ "]"
$ define/process libxml "''includedir'"
$ write sys$output "Defining libxml as ""''includedir'"""
$ endif
$ endif
$!- set up error handling (such as it is) -------------------------------------
$ exit_status = 1
$ saved_default = f$environment("default")
$ on error then goto ERROR_OUT
$ on control_y then goto ERROR_OUT
$!- move to the source directory and create any necessary subdirs and the
$! object library
$ set def xml_srcdir
$ if f$search("DEBUG.DIR").eqs."" then create/dir [.DEBUG]
$ if f$search("XMLOLB:LIBXML.OLB").eqs.""
$ then
$ write sys$output "Creating new object library XMLOLB:LIBXML.OLB"
$ library/create XMLOLB:LIBXML.OLB
$ endif
$ goto start_here
$ start_here: ! move this line to debug/rerun parts of this command file
$!- compile modules into the library ------------------------------------------
$ link_command = ""
$ write sys$output ""
$ write sys$output "Building modules into the LIBXML object library"
$ write sys$output ""
$ s_no = 0
$ sources = f$edit(sources,"COMPRESS")
$ source_loop:
$ next_source = f$element (S_no," ",sources)
$ if next_source.nes."" .and. next_source.nes." "
$ then
$ on error then goto ERROR_OUT
$ on control_y then goto ERROR_OUT
$ if next_source.eqs."xpath.c"
$ then
$ call build 'next_source' /IEEE_MODE=UNDERFLOW_TO_ZERO/FLOAT=IEEE
$ else
$ if next_source.eqs."trio.c"
$ then
$ call build 'next_source' /WARN=DISABLE=UNINIT1
$ else
$ call build 'next_source'
$ endif
$ endif
$ s_no = s_no + 1
$ goto source_loop
$ endif
$!- now build self-test programs ----------------------------------------------
$! these pograms are built as ordinary modules into XMLOLB:LIBXML.OLB. Here they
$! are built a second time with /DEFINE=(STANDALONE) in which case a main()
$! is also compiled into the module
$ lib_command = ""
$ link_command = "LINK"
$ write sys$output ""
$ write sys$output "Building STANDALONE self-test programs"
$ write sys$output ""
$!- now build main and test programs ------------------------------------------
$ lib_command = ""
$ link_command = "LINK"
$ write sys$output ""
$ write sys$output "Building main programs and test programs"
$ write sys$output ""
$ p_no = 0
$ all_progs = bin_progs + " " + test_progs
$ all_progs = f$edit(all_progs,"COMPRESS")
$ prog_loop:
$ next_prog = f$element (p_no," ",all_progs)
$ if next_prog.nes."" .and. next_prog.nes." "
$ then
$ on error then goto ERROR_OUT
$ on control_y then goto ERROR_OUT
$ call build 'next_prog'.c /IEEE_MODE=UNDERFLOW_TO_ZERO/FLOAT=IEEE
$ p_no = p_no + 1
$ goto prog_loop
$ endif
$!- Th-th-th-th-th-that's all folks! ------------------------------------------
$ goto exit_here ! move this line to avoid parts of this command file
$ exit_here:
$ exit
$ goto exit_out
$ purge/nolog [.debug]
$ set def 'saved_default
$ exit 'exit_status
$ exit_status = $status
$ write sys$output "''f$message(exit_status)'"
$ goto EXIT_OUT
$!- the BUILD subroutine. Compile then insert into library or link as required
$BUILD: subroutine
$ on warning then goto EXIT_BUILD
$ source_file = p1
$ name = f$element(0,".",source_file)
$ object_file = f$fao("[.debug]!AS.OBJ",name)
$!- compile
$ write sys$output "Compiling ",p1," ",p2,"..."
$ cc_command'p2' /object='object_file 'source_file'
$!- insert into library if command defined
$ if lib_command.nes."" then lib_command 'object_file'
$!- link module if command defined
$ if link_command.nes.""
$ then
$ text = f$element(0,".",p1) ! lose the ".c"
$ write sys$output "Linking ",text,"..."
$ opts = ""
$ if debug then opts = "/DEBUG"
$ link_command'opts' 'object_file',-
$ endif
$ exit $status