Patch to forbid epsilon-reduction of final states

When building the internal representation of a regexp, it is possible
that a lot of empty transitions are created. Therefore there is a step
to reduce them in the function xmlFAEliminateSimpleEpsilonTransitions.

There is an error there for this case:

* State 1 has a transition with an atom (in this case "a") to state 2.
* State 2 is final and has an epsilon transition to state 1.

After reduction it looked like:
* State 1 has a transition with an atom (in this case "a") to itself
  and is final.

In other words, the empty string is accepted when it shouldn't be.

The attached patch skips the reduction step for final states.
An alternative would be to insert or increment counters when reducing a
final state, but this seemed error prone and unnecessary, since there
aren't that many final states.

Fixes #282
diff --git a/xmlregexp.c b/xmlregexp.c
index 40dabb2..8d01c2b 100644
--- a/xmlregexp.c
+++ b/xmlregexp.c
@@ -1892,6 +1892,12 @@
  * then X and Y are semantically equivalent and X can be eliminated
  * If X is the start state then make Y the start state, else replace the
  * target of all transitions to X by transitions to Y.
+ *
+ * If X is a final state, skip it.
+ * Otherwise it would be necessary to manipulate counters for this case when
+ * eliminating state 2:
+ * State 1 has a transition with an atom to state 2.
+ * State 2 is final and has an epsilon transition to state 1.
 static void
 xmlFAEliminateSimpleEpsilonTransitions(xmlRegParserCtxtPtr ctxt) {
@@ -1904,7 +1910,8 @@
 	if (state->nbTrans != 1)
-	if (state->type == XML_REGEXP_UNREACH_STATE)
+       if (state->type == XML_REGEXP_UNREACH_STATE ||
+           state->type == XML_REGEXP_FINAL_STATE)
 	/* is the only transition out a basic transition */
 	if ((state->trans[0].atom == NULL) &&