Avoid call stack overflow with XML reader and recursive XIncludes

Don't process XIncludes in the result of another inclusion to avoid
infinite recursion resulting in a call stack overflow.

This is something the XInclude engine shouldn't allow but correct
handling of intra-document includes would require major changes.

Found by OSS-Fuzz.
diff --git a/xmlreader.c b/xmlreader.c
index 01adf74..72e40b0 100644
--- a/xmlreader.c
+++ b/xmlreader.c
@@ -1585,7 +1585,8 @@
      * Handle XInclude if asked for
-    if ((reader->xinclude) && (reader->node != NULL) &&
+    if ((reader->xinclude) && (reader->in_xinclude == 0) &&
+        (reader->node != NULL) &&
 	(reader->node->type == XML_ELEMENT_NODE) &&
 	(reader->node->ns != NULL) &&
 	((xmlStrEqual(reader->node->ns->href, XINCLUDE_NS)) ||