Avoid call stack overflow with XML reader and recursive XIncludes

Don't process XIncludes in the result of another inclusion to avoid
infinite recursion resulting in a call stack overflow.

This is something the XInclude engine shouldn't allow but correct
handling of intra-document includes would require major changes.

Found by OSS-Fuzz.
1 file changed
tree: 6eb8e84dbfc8b574fe1dcec678415ad4703134bc
  1. bakefile/
  2. doc/
  3. example/
  4. fuzz/
  5. include/
  6. macos/
  7. optim/
  8. os400/
  9. python/
  10. result/
  11. test/
  12. vms/
  13. VxWorks/
  14. win32/
  15. xstc/
  16. .gitattributes
  17. .gitignore
  18. .gitlab-ci.yml
  19. .travis.yml
  20. acinclude.m4
  22. autogen.sh
  23. buf.c
  24. buf.h
  25. build_glob.py
  26. c14n.c
  27. catalog.c
  28. ChangeLog
  29. check-relaxng-test-suite.py
  30. check-relaxng-test-suite2.py
  31. check-xinclude-test-suite.py
  32. check-xml-test-suite.py
  33. check-xsddata-test-suite.py
  34. chvalid.c
  35. chvalid.def
  36. CMakeLists.txt
  37. config.h.cmake.in
  38. configure.ac
  40. Copyright
  41. dbgen.pl
  42. dbgenattr.pl
  43. debugXML.c
  44. dict.c
  45. DOCBparser.c
  46. elfgcchack.h
  47. enc.h
  48. encoding.c
  49. entities.c
  50. error.c
  51. genChRanges.py
  52. gentest.py
  53. genUnicode.py
  54. global.data
  55. globals.c
  56. hash.c
  57. HTMLparser.c
  58. HTMLtree.c
  59. INSTALL.libxml2
  60. legacy.c
  61. libxml-2.0-uninstalled.pc.in
  62. libxml-2.0.pc.in
  63. libxml.3
  64. libxml.h
  65. libxml.m4
  66. libxml.spec.in
  67. libxml2-config.cmake.cmake.in
  68. libxml2-config.cmake.in
  69. libxml2.doap
  70. libxml2.syms
  71. list.c
  73. Makefile.am
  74. Makefile.tests
  75. Makefile.win
  76. nanoftp.c
  77. nanohttp.c
  78. NEWS
  79. parser.c
  80. parserInternals.c
  81. pattern.c
  82. README
  83. README.cvs-commits
  84. README.tests
  85. README.zOS
  86. regressions.py
  87. regressions.xml
  88. relaxng.c
  89. rngparser.c
  90. runsuite.c
  91. runtest.c
  92. runxmlconf.c
  93. save.h
  94. SAX.c
  95. SAX2.c
  96. schematron.c
  97. testapi.c
  98. testAutomata.c
  99. testC14N.c
  100. testchar.c
  101. testdict.c
  102. testdso.c
  103. testHTML.c
  104. testlimits.c
  105. testModule.c
  106. testOOM.c
  107. testOOMlib.c
  108. testOOMlib.h
  109. testReader.c
  110. testrecurse.c
  111. testRegexp.c
  112. testRelax.c
  113. testSAX.c
  114. testSchemas.c
  115. testThreads.c
  116. testURI.c
  117. testXPath.c
  118. threads.c
  119. timsort.h
  120. TODO
  122. tree.c
  123. trio.c
  124. trio.h
  125. triodef.h
  126. trionan.c
  127. trionan.h
  128. triop.h
  129. triostr.c
  130. triostr.h
  131. uri.c
  132. valid.c
  133. xinclude.c
  134. xlink.c
  135. xml2-config.1
  136. xml2-config.in
  137. xml2Conf.sh.in
  138. xmlcatalog.c
  139. xmlIO.c
  140. xmllint.c
  141. xmlmemory.c
  142. xmlmodule.c
  143. xmlreader.c
  144. xmlregexp.c
  145. xmlsave.c
  146. xmlschemas.c
  147. xmlschemastypes.c
  148. xmlstring.c
  149. xmlunicode.c
  150. xmlwriter.c
  151. xpath.c
  152. xpointer.c
  153. xzlib.c
  154. xzlib.h