blob: 1320c9be5ce1639678f0444bc1544d3ef2680f13 [file] [log] [blame]
import logging
import pytest
pathops = pytest.importorskip("pathops")
from fontTools.ttLib.removeOverlaps import _simplify, _round_path
def test_pathops_simplify_bug_workaround(caplog):
# Paths extracted from Noto Sans Ethiopic instance that fails skia-pathops
path = pathops.Path()
path.moveTo(550.461, 0)
path.lineTo(550.461, 366.308)
path.lineTo(713.229, 366.308)
path.lineTo(713.229, 0)
path.moveTo(574.46, 0)
path.lineTo(574.46, 276.231)
path.lineTo(737.768, 276.231)
path.quadTo(820.075, 276.231, 859.806, 242.654)
path.quadTo(899.537, 209.077, 899.537, 144.154)
path.quadTo(899.537, 79, 853.46, 39.5)
path.quadTo(807.383, 0, 712.383, 0)
# check that it fails without workaround
with pytest.raises(pathops.PathOpsError):
# check our workaround works (but with a warning)
with caplog.at_level(logging.DEBUG, logger="fontTools.ttLib.removeOverlaps"):
result = _simplify(path, debugGlyphName="a")
assert "skia-pathops failed to simplify 'a' with float coordinates" in caplog.text
expected = pathops.Path()
expected.moveTo(550, 0)
expected.lineTo(550, 366)
expected.lineTo(713, 366)
expected.lineTo(713, 276)
expected.lineTo(738, 276)
expected.quadTo(820, 276, 860, 243)
expected.quadTo(900, 209, 900, 144)
expected.quadTo(900, 79, 853, 40)
expected.quadTo(807.242, 0.211, 713, 0.001)
expected.lineTo(713, 0)
assert expected == _round_path(result, round=lambda v: round(v, 3))