blob: ee97f8fde70839715410c06043a869b500a1c873 [file] [log] [blame]
load("@aspect_rules_js//js:defs.bzl", "js_test")
load("@aspect_rules_js//npm:defs.bzl", "npm_link_package")
load("//:typescript.bzl", "flatbuffer_ts_library")
load("//tests:defs.bzl", "flatbuffers_as_external_repo_test")
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:private"])
# This is a copy of //ts:node_modules/flatbuffers. The rules_js-based tests
# require this target to live in the same or a parent package. Since we don't
# want to put rules_js targets in the root package, we create a copy here.
name = "node_modules/flatbuffers",
src = "//ts:flatbuffers",
root_package = "tests/ts",
name = "typescript_ts_fbs",
srcs = ["typescript_keywords.fbs"],
deps = [
TEST_DATA = glob([
# Here we're running the tests against the checked-in generated files. These
# are kept up-to-date with a CI-based mechanism. The intent of running these
# tests here via bazel is not to validate that they're up-to-date. Instead, we
# just want to make it easy to run these tests while making other changes. For
# example, this is useful when making changes to the rules_js setup to validate
# that the basic infrastructure is still working.
name = "%s_test" % test,
chdir = package_name(),
data = data + [
entry_point = "%s.js" % test,
) for test, data in (
("JavaScriptTest", TEST_DATA),
("JavaScriptUnionVectorTest", TEST_UNION_VECTOR_DATA),
# TODO(philsc): Figure out how to run this test with flexbuffers available.
# At the moment the flexbuffer library is not exposed as a bazel target.
#("JavaScriptFlexBuffersTest", TBD_DATA)
("JavaScriptComplexArraysTest", TEST_COMPLEX_ARRAYS_DATA),
name = "bazel_repository_test",
directory = "bazel_repository_test_dir",