blob: 41c05e3b8876ff9a7ac45d9d863182ce40fc37e6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "idl_gen_ts.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "flatbuffers/code_generators.h"
#include "flatbuffers/flatbuffers.h"
#include "flatbuffers/flatc.h"
#include "flatbuffers/idl.h"
#include "flatbuffers/util.h"
#include "idl_namer.h"
namespace flatbuffers {
namespace {
struct ImportDefinition {
std::string name;
std::string import_statement;
std::string export_statement;
std::string bare_file_path;
std::string rel_file_path;
std::string object_name;
const Definition *dependent = nullptr;
const Definition *dependency = nullptr;
struct NsDefinition {
std::string path;
std::string filepath;
std::string symbolic_name;
const Namespace *ns;
std::map<std::string, const Definition *> definitions;
Namer::Config TypeScriptDefaultConfig() {
return { /*types=*/Case::kKeep,
/*filename_extension=*/".ts" };
std::set<std::string> TypescriptKeywords() {
// List of keywords retrieved from here:
return {
"arguments", "break", "case", "catch", "class", "const",
"continue", "debugger", "default", "delete", "do", "else",
"enum", "export", "extends", "false", "finally", "for",
"function", "if", "import", "in", "instanceof", "new",
"null", "Object", "return", "super", "switch", "this",
"throw", "true", "try", "typeof", "var", "void",
"while", "with", "as", "implements", "interface", "let",
"package", "private", "protected", "public", "static", "yield",
enum AnnotationType { kParam = 0, kType = 1, kReturns = 2 };
template<typename T> struct SupportsObjectAPI : std::false_type {};
template<> struct SupportsObjectAPI<StructDef> : std::true_type {};
} // namespace
namespace ts {
// Iterate through all definitions we haven't generate code for (enums, structs,
// and tables) and output them to a single file.
class TsGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
typedef std::map<std::string, ImportDefinition> import_set;
TsGenerator(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &file_name)
: BaseGenerator(parser, path, file_name, "", "_", "ts"),
namer_(WithFlagOptions(TypeScriptDefaultConfig(), parser.opts, path),
TypescriptKeywords()) {}
bool generate() {
if (!parser_.opts.ts_omit_entrypoint) { generateEntry(); }
if (!generateBundle()) return false;
return true;
std::string GetTypeName(const EnumDef &def, const bool = false,
const bool force_ns_wrap = false) {
if (force_ns_wrap) { return namer_.NamespacedType(def); }
return namer_.Type(def);
std::string GetTypeName(const StructDef &def, const bool object_api = false,
const bool force_ns_wrap = false) {
if (object_api && parser_.opts.generate_object_based_api) {
if (force_ns_wrap) {
return namer_.NamespacedObjectType(def);
} else {
return namer_.ObjectType(def);
} else {
if (force_ns_wrap) {
return namer_.NamespacedType(def);
} else {
return namer_.Type(def);
// Save out the generated code for a single class while adding
// declaration boilerplate.
bool SaveType(const Definition &definition, const std::string &class_code,
import_set &imports, import_set &bare_imports) {
if (!class_code.length()) return true;
std::string code;
code += "// " + std::string(FlatBuffersGeneratedWarning()) + "\n\n" +
"/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars, @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion */\n\n";
for (auto it = bare_imports.begin(); it != bare_imports.end(); it++) {
code += it->second.import_statement + "\n";
if (!bare_imports.empty()) code += "\n";
for (auto it = imports.begin(); it != imports.end(); it++) {
if (it->second.dependency != &definition) {
code += it->second.import_statement + "\n";
if (!imports.empty()) code += "\n\n";
code += class_code;
auto dirs = namer_.Directories(*definition.defined_namespace);
auto basename = dirs + namer_.File(definition, SkipFile::Suffix);
return SaveFile(basename.c_str(), code, false);
void TrackNsDef(const Definition &definition, std::string type_name) {
std::string path;
std::string filepath;
std::string symbolic_name;
if (definition.defined_namespace->components.size() > 0) {
path = namer_.Directories(*definition.defined_namespace,
filepath = path + ".ts";
path = namer_.Directories(*definition.defined_namespace,
symbolic_name = definition.defined_namespace->components.back();
} else {
auto def_mod_name = namer_.File(definition, SkipFile::SuffixAndExtension);
symbolic_name = file_name_;
filepath = path_ + symbolic_name + ".ts";
if (ns_defs_.count(path) == 0) {
NsDefinition nsDef;
nsDef.path = path;
nsDef.filepath = filepath;
nsDef.ns = definition.defined_namespace;
nsDef.definitions.insert(std::make_pair(type_name, &definition));
nsDef.symbolic_name = symbolic_name;
ns_defs_[path] = nsDef;
} else {
ns_defs_[path].definitions.insert(std::make_pair(type_name, &definition));
IdlNamer namer_;
std::map<std::string, NsDefinition> ns_defs_;
// Generate code for all enums.
void generateEnums() {
for (auto it = parser_.enums_.vec.begin(); it != parser_.enums_.vec.end();
++it) {
import_set bare_imports;
import_set imports;
std::string enumcode;
auto &enum_def = **it;
GenEnum(enum_def, &enumcode, imports, false);
GenEnum(enum_def, &enumcode, imports, true);
std::string type_name = GetTypeName(enum_def);
TrackNsDef(enum_def, type_name);
SaveType(enum_def, enumcode, imports, bare_imports);
// Generate code for all structs.
void generateStructs() {
for (auto it = parser_.structs_.vec.begin();
it != parser_.structs_.vec.end(); ++it) {
import_set bare_imports;
import_set imports;
AddImport(bare_imports, "* as flatbuffers", "flatbuffers");
auto &struct_def = **it;
std::string declcode;
GenStruct(parser_, struct_def, &declcode, imports);
std::string type_name = GetTypeName(struct_def);
TrackNsDef(struct_def, type_name);
SaveType(struct_def, declcode, imports, bare_imports);
// Generate code for a single entry point module.
void generateEntry() {
std::string code;
// add root namespace def if not already existing from defs tracking
std::string root;
if (ns_defs_.count(root) == 0) {
NsDefinition nsDef;
nsDef.path = root;
nsDef.symbolic_name = file_name_;
nsDef.filepath = path_ + file_name_ + ".ts";
nsDef.ns = new Namespace();
ns_defs_[nsDef.path] = nsDef;
for (const auto &it : ns_defs_) {
code = "// " + std::string(FlatBuffersGeneratedWarning()) + "\n\n" +
"/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars, @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any, @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion */\n\n";
// export all definitions in ns entry point module
int export_counter = 0;
for (const auto &def : it.second.definitions) {
std::vector<std::string> rel_components;
// build path for root level vs child level
if (it.second.ns->components.size() > 1)
std::copy(it.second.ns->components.begin() + 1,
auto base_file_name =
namer_.File(*(def.second), SkipFile::SuffixAndExtension);
auto base_name =
namer_.Directories(it.second.ns->components, SkipDir::OutputPath) +
auto ts_file_path = base_name + ".ts";
auto base_name_rel = std::string("./");
base_name_rel +=
namer_.Directories(rel_components, SkipDir::OutputPath);
base_name_rel += base_file_name;
auto ts_file_path_rel = base_name_rel + ".ts";
auto type_name = def.first;
auto fully_qualified_type_name =
auto is_struct = parser_.structs_.Lookup(fully_qualified_type_name);
code += "export { " + type_name;
if (parser_.opts.generate_object_based_api && is_struct) {
code += ", " + type_name + parser_.opts.object_suffix;
code += " } from '";
std::string import_extension =
parser_.opts.ts_no_import_ext ? "" : ".js";
code += base_name_rel + import_extension + "';\n";
// re-export child namespace(s) in parent
const auto child_ns_level = it.second.ns->components.size() + 1;
for (const auto &it2 : ns_defs_) {
if (it2.second.ns->components.size() != child_ns_level) continue;
auto ts_file_path = it2.second.path + ".ts";
code += "export * as " + it2.second.symbolic_name + " from './";
std::string rel_path = it2.second.path;
code += rel_path + ".js';\n";
if (export_counter > 0) SaveFile(it.second.filepath.c_str(), code, false);
bool generateBundle() {
if (parser_.opts.ts_flat_files) {
std::string inputpath;
std::string symbolic_name = file_name_;
inputpath = path_ + file_name_ + ".ts";
std::string bundlepath =
GeneratedFileName(path_, file_name_, parser_.opts);
bundlepath = bundlepath.substr(0, bundlepath.size() - 3) + ".js";
std::string cmd = "esbuild";
cmd += " ";
cmd += inputpath;
// cmd += " --minify";
cmd += " --format=cjs --bundle --outfile=";
cmd += bundlepath;
cmd += " --external:flatbuffers";
std::cout << "Entry point " << inputpath << " generated." << std::endl;
std::cout << "A single file bundle can be created using fx. esbuild with:"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "> " << cmd << std::endl;
return true;
// Generate a documentation comment, if available.
static void GenDocComment(const std::vector<std::string> &dc,
std::string *code_ptr,
const char *indent = nullptr) {
if (dc.empty()) {
// Don't output empty comment blocks with 0 lines of comment content.
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
if (indent) code += indent;
code += "/**\n";
for (auto it = dc.begin(); it != dc.end(); ++it) {
if (indent) code += indent;
code += " *" + *it + "\n";
if (indent) code += indent;
code += " */\n";
static void GenDocComment(std::string *code_ptr) {
GenDocComment(std::vector<std::string>(), code_ptr);
// Generate an enum declaration and an enum string lookup table.
void GenEnum(EnumDef &enum_def, std::string *code_ptr, import_set &imports,
bool reverse) {
if (enum_def.generated) return;
if (reverse) return; // FIXME.
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
GenDocComment(enum_def.doc_comment, code_ptr);
code += "export enum ";
code += GetTypeName(enum_def);
code += " {\n";
for (auto it = enum_def.Vals().begin(); it != enum_def.Vals().end(); ++it) {
auto &ev = **it;
if (!ev.doc_comment.empty()) {
if (it != enum_def.Vals().begin()) { code += '\n'; }
GenDocComment(ev.doc_comment, code_ptr, " ");
// Generate mapping between EnumName: EnumValue(int)
if (reverse) {
code += " '" + enum_def.ToString(ev) + "'";
code += " = ";
code += "'" + namer_.Variant(ev) + "'";
} else {
code += " " + namer_.Variant(ev);
code += " = ";
// Unfortunately, because typescript does not support bigint enums,
// for 64-bit enums, we instead map the enum names to strings.
switch (enum_def.underlying_type.base_type) {
code += "'" + enum_def.ToString(ev) + "'";
default: code += enum_def.ToString(ev);
code += (it + 1) != enum_def.Vals().end() ? ",\n" : "\n";
code += "}";
if (enum_def.is_union) {
code += GenUnionConvFunc(enum_def.underlying_type, imports);
code += "\n";
static std::string GenType(const Type &type) {
switch (type.base_type) {
case BASE_TYPE_CHAR: return "Int8";
case BASE_TYPE_UTYPE: return GenType(GetUnionUnderlyingType(type));
case BASE_TYPE_UCHAR: return "Uint8";
case BASE_TYPE_SHORT: return "Int16";
case BASE_TYPE_USHORT: return "Uint16";
case BASE_TYPE_INT: return "Int32";
case BASE_TYPE_UINT: return "Uint32";
case BASE_TYPE_LONG: return "Int64";
case BASE_TYPE_ULONG: return "Uint64";
case BASE_TYPE_FLOAT: return "Float32";
case BASE_TYPE_DOUBLE: return "Float64";
case BASE_TYPE_STRING: return "String";
case BASE_TYPE_VECTOR: return GenType(type.VectorType());
case BASE_TYPE_STRUCT: return type.struct_def->name;
default: return "flatbuffers.Table";
std::string GenGetter(const Type &type, const std::string &arguments) {
switch (type.base_type) {
case BASE_TYPE_STRING: return GenBBAccess() + ".__string" + arguments;
case BASE_TYPE_STRUCT: return GenBBAccess() + ".__struct" + arguments;
if (!UnionHasStringType(*type.enum_def)) {
return GenBBAccess() + ".__union" + arguments;
return GenBBAccess() + ".__union_with_string" + arguments;
case BASE_TYPE_VECTOR: return GenGetter(type.VectorType(), arguments);
default: {
auto getter = GenBBAccess() + "." + "read" + GenType(type) + arguments;
if (type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_BOOL) { getter = "!!" + getter; }
return getter;
std::string GenBBAccess() const { return "!"; }
std::string GenDefaultValue(const FieldDef &field, import_set &imports) {
if (field.IsScalarOptional()) { return "null"; }
const auto &value = field.value;
if (value.type.enum_def && value.type.base_type != BASE_TYPE_UNION &&
value.type.base_type != BASE_TYPE_VECTOR) {
switch (value.type.base_type) {
std::string ret = "[";
for (auto i = 0; i < value.type.fixed_length; ++i) {
std::string enum_name =
AddImport(imports, *value.type.enum_def, *value.type.enum_def)
std::string enum_value = namer_.Variant(
ret += enum_name + "." + enum_value +
(i < value.type.fixed_length - 1 ? ", " : "");
ret += "]";
return ret;
// If the value is an enum with a 64-bit base type, we have to just
// return the bigint value directly since typescript does not support
// enums with bigint backing types.
return "BigInt('" + value.constant + "')";
default: {
EnumVal *val = value.type.enum_def->FindByValue(value.constant);
if (val == nullptr)
val = const_cast<EnumVal *>(value.type.enum_def->MinValue());
return AddImport(imports, *value.type.enum_def, *value.type.enum_def)
.name +
"." + namer_.Variant(*val);
switch (value.type.base_type) {
case BASE_TYPE_BOOL: return value.constant == "0" ? "false" : "true";
return "null";
case BASE_TYPE_VECTOR: return "[]";
return "BigInt('" + value.constant + "')";
default: {
if (StringIsFlatbufferNan(value.constant)) {
return "NaN";
} else if (StringIsFlatbufferPositiveInfinity(value.constant)) {
return "Infinity";
} else if (StringIsFlatbufferNegativeInfinity(value.constant)) {
return "-Infinity";
return value.constant;
std::string GenTypeName(import_set &imports, const Definition &owner,
const Type &type, bool input,
bool allowNull = false) {
if (!input) {
if (IsString(type) || type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
std::string name;
if (IsString(type)) {
name = "string|Uint8Array";
} else {
name = AddImport(imports, owner, *type.struct_def).name;
return allowNull ? (name + "|null") : name;
switch (type.base_type) {
case BASE_TYPE_BOOL: return allowNull ? "boolean|null" : "boolean";
case BASE_TYPE_ULONG: return allowNull ? "bigint|null" : "bigint";
std::string name;
if (type.element == BASE_TYPE_LONG || type.element == BASE_TYPE_ULONG) {
name = "bigint[]";
} else if (type.element != BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
name = "number[]";
} else {
name = "any[]";
if (parser_.opts.generate_object_based_api) {
name = "(any|" +
GetTypeName(*type.struct_def, /*object_api =*/true) + ")[]";
return name + (allowNull ? "|null" : "");
if (IsScalar(type.base_type)) {
if (type.enum_def) {
const auto enum_name =
AddImport(imports, owner, *type.enum_def).name;
return allowNull ? (enum_name + "|null") : enum_name;
return allowNull ? "number|null" : "number";
return "flatbuffers.Offset";
static Type GetUnionUnderlyingType(const Type &type)
if (type.enum_def != nullptr &&
type.enum_def->underlying_type.base_type != type.base_type) {
return type.enum_def->underlying_type;
} else {
return Type(BASE_TYPE_UCHAR);
static Type GetUnderlyingVectorType(const Type &vector_type)
return (vector_type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_UTYPE) ? GetUnionUnderlyingType(vector_type) : vector_type;
// Returns the method name for use with add/put calls.
std::string GenWriteMethod(const Type &type) {
// Forward to signed versions since unsigned versions don't exist
switch (type.base_type) {
case BASE_TYPE_UTYPE: return GenWriteMethod(GetUnionUnderlyingType(type));
case BASE_TYPE_UCHAR: return GenWriteMethod(Type(BASE_TYPE_CHAR));
case BASE_TYPE_USHORT: return GenWriteMethod(Type(BASE_TYPE_SHORT));
case BASE_TYPE_UINT: return GenWriteMethod(Type(BASE_TYPE_INT));
case BASE_TYPE_ULONG: return GenWriteMethod(Type(BASE_TYPE_LONG));
default: break;
return IsScalar(type.base_type) ? namer_.Type(GenType(type))
: (IsStruct(type) ? "Struct" : "Offset");
template<typename T> static std::string MaybeAdd(T value) {
return value != 0 ? " + " + NumToString(value) : "";
template<typename T> static std::string MaybeScale(T value) {
return value != 1 ? " * " + NumToString(value) : "";
void GenStructArgs(import_set &imports, const StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *arguments, const std::string &nameprefix) {
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (IsStruct(field.value.type)) {
// Generate arguments for a struct inside a struct. To ensure names
// don't clash, and to make it obvious these arguments are constructing
// a nested struct, prefix the name with the field name.
GenStructArgs(imports, *field.value.type.struct_def, arguments,
nameprefix + + "_");
} else {
*arguments += ", " + nameprefix + + ": " +
GenTypeName(imports, field, field.value.type, true,
void GenStructBody(const StructDef &struct_def, std::string *body,
const std::string &nameprefix) {
*body += " builder.prep(";
*body += NumToString(struct_def.minalign) + ", ";
*body += NumToString(struct_def.bytesize) + ");\n";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.rbegin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.rend(); ++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (field.padding) {
*body += " builder.pad(" + NumToString(field.padding) + ");\n";
if (IsStruct(field.value.type)) {
// Generate arguments for a struct inside a struct. To ensure names
// don't clash, and to make it obvious these arguments are constructing
// a nested struct, prefix the name with the field name.
*field.value.type.struct_def, body,
nameprefix.length() ? nameprefix + "_" + :;
} else {
auto element_type = field.value.type.element;
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_ARRAY) {
switch (field.value.type.element) {
std::string str_last_item_idx =
NumToString(field.value.type.fixed_length - 1);
*body += "\n for (let i = " + str_last_item_idx +
"; i >= 0; --i" + ") {\n";
std::string fname = nameprefix.length()
? nameprefix + "_" +
*body += " const item = " + fname + "?.[i];\n\n";
if (parser_.opts.generate_object_based_api) {
*body += " if (item instanceof " +
/*object_api =*/true) +
") {\n";
*body += " item.pack(builder);\n";
*body += " continue;\n";
*body += " }\n\n";
std::string class_name =
std::string pack_func_create_call =
class_name + ".create" + class_name + "(builder,\n";
pack_func_create_call +=
" " +
GenStructMemberValueTS(*field.value.type.struct_def, "item",
",\n ", false) +
"\n ";
*body += " " + pack_func_create_call;
*body += " );\n }\n\n";
default: {
std::string str_last_item_idx =
NumToString(field.value.type.fixed_length - 1);
std::string fname = nameprefix.length()
? nameprefix + "_" +
*body += "\n for (let i = " + str_last_item_idx +
"; i >= 0; --i) {\n";
*body += " builder.write";
*body += GenWriteMethod(
*body += "(";
*body += element_type == BASE_TYPE_BOOL ? "+" : "";
if (element_type == BASE_TYPE_LONG ||
element_type == BASE_TYPE_ULONG) {
*body += "BigInt(" + fname + "?.[i] ?? 0));\n";
} else {
*body += "(" + fname + "?.[i] ?? 0));\n\n";
*body += " }\n\n";
} else {
std::string fname =
nameprefix.length() ? nameprefix + "_" + :;
*body += " builder.write" + GenWriteMethod(field.value.type) + "(";
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_BOOL) {
*body += "Number(Boolean(" + fname + ")));\n";
} else if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_LONG ||
field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_ULONG) {
*body += "BigInt(" + fname + " ?? 0));\n";
*body += fname + ");\n";
std::string GenerateNewExpression(const std::string &object_name) {
return "new " + namer_.Type(object_name) + "()";
void GenerateRootAccessor(StructDef &struct_def, std::string *code_ptr,
std::string &code, const std::string &object_name,
bool size_prefixed) {
if (!struct_def.fixed) {
std::string sizePrefixed("SizePrefixed");
code += "static get" + (size_prefixed ? sizePrefixed : "") + "Root" +
GetPrefixedName(struct_def, "As");
code += "(bb:flatbuffers.ByteBuffer, obj?:" + object_name +
"):" + object_name + " {\n";
if (size_prefixed) {
code +=
" bb.setPosition(bb.position() + "
code += " return (obj || " + GenerateNewExpression(object_name);
code += ").__init(bb.readInt32(bb.position()) + bb.position(), bb);\n";
code += "}\n\n";
void GenerateFinisher(StructDef &struct_def, std::string *code_ptr,
std::string &code, bool size_prefixed) {
if (parser_.root_struct_def_ == &struct_def) {
std::string sizePrefixed("SizePrefixed");
code += "static finish" + (size_prefixed ? sizePrefixed : "") +
GetPrefixedName(struct_def) + "Buffer";
code += "(builder:flatbuffers.Builder, offset:flatbuffers.Offset) {\n";
code += " builder.finish(offset";
if (!parser_.file_identifier_.empty()) {
code += ", '" + parser_.file_identifier_ + "'";
if (size_prefixed) {
if (parser_.file_identifier_.empty()) { code += ", undefined"; }
code += ", true";
code += ");\n";
code += "}\n\n";
bool UnionHasStringType(const EnumDef &union_enum) {
return std::any_of(union_enum.Vals().begin(), union_enum.Vals().end(),
[](const EnumVal *ev) {
return !ev->IsZero() && IsString(ev->union_type);
std::string GenUnionGenericTypeTS(const EnumDef &union_enum) {
// TODO: make it work without any
// return std::string("T") + (UnionHasStringType(union_enum) ? "|string" :
// "");
return std::string("any") +
(UnionHasStringType(union_enum) ? "|string" : "");
std::string GenUnionTypeTS(const EnumDef &union_enum, import_set &imports) {
std::string ret;
std::set<std::string> type_list;
for (auto it = union_enum.Vals().begin(); it != union_enum.Vals().end();
++it) {
const auto &ev = **it;
if (ev.IsZero()) { continue; }
std::string type = "";
if (IsString(ev.union_type)) {
type = "string"; // no need to wrap string type in namespace
} else if (ev.union_type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
type = AddImport(imports, union_enum, *ev.union_type.struct_def).name;
} else {
for (auto it = type_list.begin(); it != type_list.end(); ++it) {
ret += *it + ((std::next(it) == type_list.end()) ? "" : "|");
return ret;
static bool CheckIfNameClashes(const import_set &imports,
const std::string &name) {
// TODO: this would be better as a hashset.
for (auto it = imports.begin(); it != imports.end(); it++) {
if (it-> == name) { return true; }
return false;
std::string GenSymbolExpression(const StructDef &struct_def,
const bool has_name_clash,
const std::string &import_name,
const std::string &name,
const std::string &object_name) {
std::string symbols_expression;
if (has_name_clash) {
// We have a name clash
symbols_expression += import_name + " as " + name;
if (parser_.opts.generate_object_based_api) {
symbols_expression += ", " +
GetTypeName(struct_def, /*object_api =*/true) +
" as " + object_name;
} else {
// No name clash, use the provided name
symbols_expression += name;
if (parser_.opts.generate_object_based_api) {
symbols_expression += ", " + object_name;
return symbols_expression;
std::string GenSymbolExpression(const EnumDef &enum_def,
const bool has_name_clash,
const std::string &import_name,
const std::string &name,
const std::string &) {
std::string symbols_expression;
if (has_name_clash) {
symbols_expression += import_name + " as " + name;
} else {
symbols_expression += name;
if (enum_def.is_union) {
symbols_expression += (", " + namer_.Function("unionTo" + name));
symbols_expression += (", " + namer_.Function("unionListTo" + name));
return symbols_expression;
template<typename DefinitionT>
ImportDefinition AddImport(import_set &imports, const Definition &dependent,
const DefinitionT &dependency) {
// The unique name of the dependency, fully qualified in its namespace.
const std::string unique_name = GetTypeName(
dependency, /*object_api = */ false, /*force_ns_wrap=*/true);
// Look if we have already added this import and return its name if found.
const auto import_pair = imports.find(unique_name);
if (import_pair != imports.end()) { return import_pair->second; }
// Check if this name would have a name clash with another type. Just use
// the "base" name (properly escaped) without any namespacing applied.
const std::string import_name = GetTypeName(dependency);
const bool has_name_clash = CheckIfNameClashes(imports, import_name);
// If we have a name clash, use the unique name, otherwise use simple name.
std::string name = has_name_clash ? unique_name : import_name;
const std::string object_name =
GetTypeName(dependency, /*object_api=*/true, has_name_clash);
const std::string symbols_expression = GenSymbolExpression(
dependency, has_name_clash, import_name, name, object_name);
std::string bare_file_path;
std::string rel_file_path;
const auto &dep_comps = dependent.defined_namespace->components;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dep_comps.size(); i++) {
rel_file_path += i == 0 ? ".." : (kPathSeparator + std::string(".."));
if (dep_comps.size() == 0) { rel_file_path += "."; }
bare_file_path +=
kPathSeparator +
SkipDir::OutputPath) +
namer_.File(dependency, SkipFile::SuffixAndExtension);
rel_file_path += bare_file_path;
ImportDefinition import; = name;
import.object_name = object_name;
import.bare_file_path = bare_file_path;
import.rel_file_path = rel_file_path;
std::string import_extension = parser_.opts.ts_no_import_ext ? "" : ".js";
import.import_statement = "import { " + symbols_expression + " } from '" +
rel_file_path + import_extension + "';";
import.export_statement = "export { " + symbols_expression + " } from '." +
bare_file_path + import_extension + "';";
import.dependency = &dependency;
import.dependent = &dependent;
imports.insert(std::make_pair(unique_name, import));
return import;
void AddImport(import_set &imports, std::string import_name,
std::string fileName) {
ImportDefinition import; = import_name;
import.import_statement =
"import " + import_name + " from '" + fileName + "';";
imports.insert(std::make_pair(import_name, import));
// Generate a TS union type based on a union's enum
std::string GenObjApiUnionTypeTS(import_set &imports,
const StructDef &dependent,
const IDLOptions &,
const EnumDef &union_enum) {
std::string ret = "";
std::set<std::string> type_list;
for (auto it = union_enum.Vals().begin(); it != union_enum.Vals().end();
++it) {
const auto &ev = **it;
if (ev.IsZero()) { continue; }
std::string type = "";
if (IsString(ev.union_type)) {
type = "string"; // no need to wrap string type in namespace
} else if (ev.union_type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
type = AddImport(imports, dependent, *ev.union_type.struct_def)
} else {
size_t totalPrinted = 0;
for (auto it = type_list.begin(); it != type_list.end(); ++it) {
ret += *it + ((totalPrinted == type_list.size()) ? "" : "|");
return ret;
std::string GenUnionConvFuncName(const EnumDef &enum_def) {
return namer_.Function("unionTo", enum_def);
std::string GenUnionListConvFuncName(const EnumDef &enum_def) {
return namer_.Function("unionListTo", enum_def);
std::string GenUnionConvFunc(const Type &union_type, import_set &imports) {
if (union_type.enum_def) {
const auto &enum_def = *union_type.enum_def;
const auto valid_union_type = GenUnionTypeTS(enum_def, imports);
const auto valid_union_type_with_null = valid_union_type + "|null";
auto ret = "\n\nexport function " + GenUnionConvFuncName(enum_def) +
"(\n type: " + GetTypeName(enum_def) +
",\n accessor: (obj:" + valid_union_type + ") => " +
valid_union_type_with_null +
"\n): " + valid_union_type_with_null + " {\n";
const auto enum_type = AddImport(imports, enum_def, enum_def).name;
const auto union_enum_loop = [&](const std::string &accessor_str) {
ret += " switch(" + enum_type + "[type]) {\n";
ret += " case 'NONE': return null; \n";
for (auto it = enum_def.Vals().begin(); it != enum_def.Vals().end();
++it) {
const auto &ev = **it;
if (ev.IsZero()) { continue; }
ret += " case '" + namer_.Variant(ev) + "': ";
if (IsString(ev.union_type)) {
ret += "return " + accessor_str + "'') as string;";
} else if (ev.union_type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
const auto type =
AddImport(imports, enum_def, *ev.union_type.struct_def).name;
ret += "return " + accessor_str + "new " + type + "())! as " +
type + ";";
} else {
ret += "\n";
ret += " default: return null;\n";
ret += " }\n";
ret += "}";
ret += "\n\nexport function " + GenUnionListConvFuncName(enum_def) +
"(\n type: " + GetTypeName(enum_def) +
", \n accessor: (index: number, obj:" + valid_union_type +
") => " + valid_union_type_with_null +
", \n index: number\n): " + valid_union_type_with_null + " {\n";
union_enum_loop("accessor(index, ");
ret += "}";
return ret;
return "";
// Used for generating a short function that returns the correct class
// based on union enum type. Assume the context is inside the non object api
// type
std::string GenUnionValTS(import_set &imports, const StructDef &dependent,
const std::string &field_name,
const Type &union_type,
const bool is_array = false) {
if (union_type.enum_def) {
const auto &enum_def = *union_type.enum_def;
const auto enum_type = AddImport(imports, dependent, enum_def).name;
const std::string union_accessor = "this." + field_name;
const auto union_has_string = UnionHasStringType(enum_def);
const auto field_binded_method = "this." + field_name + ".bind(this)";
std::string ret;
if (!is_array) {
const auto conversion_function = GenUnionConvFuncName(enum_def);
ret = "(() => {\n";
ret += " const temp = " + conversion_function + "(this." +
namer_.Method(field_name, "Type") + "(), " +
field_binded_method + ");\n";
ret += " if(temp === null) { return null; }\n";
ret += union_has_string
? " if(typeof temp === 'string') { return temp; }\n"
: "";
ret += " return temp.unpack()\n";
ret += " })()";
} else {
const auto conversion_function = GenUnionListConvFuncName(enum_def);
ret = "(() => {\n";
ret += " const ret: (" +
GenObjApiUnionTypeTS(imports, *union_type.struct_def,
parser_.opts, *union_type.enum_def) +
")[] = [];\n";
ret += " for(let targetEnumIndex = 0; targetEnumIndex < this." +
namer_.Method(field_name, "TypeLength") + "()" +
"; "
"++targetEnumIndex) {\n";
ret += " const targetEnum = this." +
namer_.Method(field_name, "Type") + "(targetEnumIndex);\n";
ret += " if(targetEnum === null || " + enum_type +
"[targetEnum!] === 'NONE') { "
"continue; }\n\n";
ret += " const temp = " + conversion_function + "(targetEnum, " +
field_binded_method + ", targetEnumIndex);\n";
ret += " if(temp === null) { continue; }\n";
ret += union_has_string ? " if(typeof temp === 'string') { "
"ret.push(temp); continue; }\n"
: "";
ret += " ret.push(temp.unpack());\n";
ret += " }\n";
ret += " return ret;\n";
ret += " })()";
return ret;
return "";
static std::string GenNullCheckConditional(
const std::string &nullCheckVar, const std::string &trueVal,
const std::string &falseVal = "null") {
return "(" + nullCheckVar + " !== null ? " + trueVal + " : " + falseVal +
std::string GenStructMemberValueTS(const StructDef &struct_def,
const std::string &prefix,
const std::string &delimiter,
const bool nullCheck = true) {
std::string ret;
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
auto &field = **it;
auto curr_member_accessor = prefix + "." + namer_.Method(field);
if (prefix != "this") {
curr_member_accessor = prefix + "?." + namer_.Method(field);
if (IsStruct(field.value.type)) {
ret += GenStructMemberValueTS(*field.value.type.struct_def,
curr_member_accessor, delimiter);
} else {
if (nullCheck) {
std::string nullValue = "0";
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_BOOL) {
nullValue = "false";
} else if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_LONG ||
field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_ULONG) {
nullValue = "BigInt(0)";
} else if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_ARRAY) {
nullValue = "[]";
ret += "(" + curr_member_accessor + " ?? " + nullValue + ")";
} else {
ret += curr_member_accessor;
if (std::next(it) != struct_def.fields.vec.end()) { ret += delimiter; }
return ret;
void GenObjApi(const Parser &parser, StructDef &struct_def,
std::string &obj_api_unpack_func, std::string &obj_api_class,
import_set &imports) {
const auto class_name = GetTypeName(struct_def, /*object_api=*/true);
std::string unpack_func = "\nunpack(): " + class_name +
" {\n return new " + class_name + "(" +
(struct_def.fields.vec.empty() ? "" : "\n");
std::string unpack_to_func = "\nunpackTo(_o: " + class_name + "): void {" +
+(struct_def.fields.vec.empty() ? "" : "\n");
std::string constructor_func = "constructor(";
constructor_func += (struct_def.fields.vec.empty() ? "" : "\n");
const auto has_create =
struct_def.fixed || CanCreateFactoryMethod(struct_def);
std::string pack_func_prototype =
"\npack(builder:flatbuffers.Builder): flatbuffers.Offset {\n";
std::string pack_func_offset_decl;
std::string pack_func_create_call;
const auto struct_name = AddImport(imports, struct_def, struct_def).name;
if (has_create) {
pack_func_create_call = " return " + struct_name + ".create" +
GetPrefixedName(struct_def) + "(builder" +
(struct_def.fields.vec.empty() ? "" : ",\n ");
} else {
pack_func_create_call = " " + struct_name + ".start" +
GetPrefixedName(struct_def) + "(builder);\n";
if (struct_def.fixed) {
// when packing struct, nested struct's members instead of the struct's
// offset are used
pack_func_create_call +=
GenStructMemberValueTS(struct_def, "this", ",\n ", false) + "\n ";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) continue;
const auto field_method = namer_.Method(field);
const auto field_field = namer_.Field(field);
const std::string field_binded_method =
"this." + field_method + ".bind(this)";
std::string field_val;
std::string field_type;
// a string that declares a variable containing the
// offset for things that can't be generated inline
// empty otw
std::string field_offset_decl;
// a string that contains values for things that can be created inline or
// the variable name from field_offset_decl
std::string field_offset_val;
const auto field_default_val = GenDefaultValue(field, imports);
// Emit a scalar field
const auto is_string = IsString(field.value.type);
if (IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type) || is_string) {
const auto has_null_default = is_string || HasNullDefault(field);
field_type += GenTypeName(imports, field, field.value.type, false,
field_val = "this." + namer_.Method(field) + "()";
if (field.value.type.base_type != BASE_TYPE_STRING) {
field_offset_val = "this." + namer_.Field(field);
} else {
field_offset_decl = GenNullCheckConditional(
"this." + namer_.Field(field),
"builder.createString(this." + field_field + "!)", "0");
// Emit an object field
else {
auto is_vector = false;
switch (field.value.type.base_type) {
const auto &sd = *field.value.type.struct_def;
field_type += AddImport(imports, struct_def, sd).object_name;
const std::string field_accessor =
"this." + namer_.Method(field) + "()";
field_val = GenNullCheckConditional(field_accessor,
field_accessor + "!.unpack()");
auto packing = GenNullCheckConditional(
"this." + field_field,
"this." + field_field + "!.pack(builder)", "0");
if (sd.fixed) {
field_offset_val = std::move(packing);
} else {
field_offset_decl = std::move(packing);
auto vectortype = field.value.type.VectorType();
auto vectortypename =
GenTypeName(imports, struct_def, vectortype, false);
is_vector = true;
field_type = "(";
switch (vectortype.base_type) {
const auto &sd = *field.value.type.struct_def;
const auto field_type_name =
GetTypeName(sd, /*object_api=*/true);
field_type += field_type_name;
field_type += ")[]";
field_val = GenBBAccess() + ".createObjList<" + vectortypename +
", " + field_type_name + ">(" +
field_binded_method + ", " +
NumToString(field.value.type.fixed_length) + ")";
if (sd.fixed) {
field_offset_decl =
"builder.createStructOffsetList(this." + field_field +
", " + AddImport(imports, struct_def, struct_def).name +
"." + namer_.Method("start", field, "Vector") + ")";
} else {
field_offset_decl =
AddImport(imports, struct_def, struct_def).name + "." +
namer_.Method("create", field, "Vector") +
"(builder, builder.createObjectOffsetList(" + "this." +
field_field + "))";
field_type += "string)[]";
field_val = GenBBAccess() + ".createScalarList<string>(" +
field_binded_method + ", this." +
namer_.Field(field, "Length") + "())";
field_offset_decl =
AddImport(imports, struct_def, struct_def).name + "." +
namer_.Method("create", field, "Vector") +
"(builder, builder.createObjectOffsetList(" + "this." +
namer_.Field(field) + "))";
field_type += GenObjApiUnionTypeTS(
imports, struct_def, parser.opts, *(vectortype.enum_def));
field_type += ")[]";
field_val = GenUnionValTS(imports, struct_def, field_method,
vectortype, true);
field_offset_decl =
AddImport(imports, struct_def, struct_def).name + "." +
namer_.Method("create", field, "Vector") +
"(builder, builder.createObjectOffsetList(" + "this." +
namer_.Field(field) + "))";
default: {
if (vectortype.enum_def) {
field_type += GenTypeName(imports, struct_def, vectortype,
false, HasNullDefault(field));
} else {
field_type += vectortypename;
field_type += ")[]";
field_val = GenBBAccess() + ".createScalarList<" +
vectortypename + ">(" + field_binded_method + ", " +
NumToString(field.value.type.fixed_length) + ")";
field_offset_decl =
AddImport(imports, struct_def, struct_def).name + "." +
namer_.Method("create", field, "Vector") +
"(builder, this." + field_field + ")";
auto vectortype = field.value.type.VectorType();
auto vectortypename =
GenTypeName(imports, struct_def, vectortype, false);
is_vector = true;
field_type = "(";
switch (vectortype.base_type) {
const auto &sd = *field.value.type.struct_def;
const auto field_type_name =
GetTypeName(sd, /*object_api=*/true);
field_type += field_type_name;
field_type += ")[]";
field_val = GenBBAccess() + ".createObjList<" + vectortypename +
", " + field_type_name + ">(" +
field_binded_method + ", this." +
namer_.Method(field, "Length") + "())";
if (sd.fixed) {
field_offset_decl =
"builder.createStructOffsetList(this." + field_field +
", " + AddImport(imports, struct_def, struct_def).name +
"." + namer_.Method("start", field, "Vector") + ")";
} else {
field_offset_decl =
AddImport(imports, struct_def, struct_def).name + "." +
namer_.Method("create", field, "Vector") +
"(builder, builder.createObjectOffsetList(" + "this." +
field_field + "))";
field_type += "string)[]";
field_val = GenBBAccess() + ".createScalarList<string>(" +
field_binded_method + ", this." +
namer_.Field(field, "Length") + "())";
field_offset_decl =
AddImport(imports, struct_def, struct_def).name + "." +
namer_.Method("create", field, "Vector") +
"(builder, builder.createObjectOffsetList(" + "this." +
namer_.Field(field) + "))";
field_type += GenObjApiUnionTypeTS(
imports, struct_def, parser.opts, *(vectortype.enum_def));
field_type += ")[]";
field_val = GenUnionValTS(imports, struct_def, field_method,
vectortype, true);
field_offset_decl =
AddImport(imports, struct_def, struct_def).name + "." +
namer_.Method("create", field, "Vector") +
"(builder, builder.createObjectOffsetList(" + "this." +
namer_.Field(field) + "))";
default: {
if (vectortype.enum_def) {
field_type += GenTypeName(imports, struct_def, vectortype,
false, HasNullDefault(field));
} else {
field_type += vectortypename;
field_type += ")[]";
field_val = GenBBAccess() + ".createScalarList<" +
vectortypename + ">(" + field_binded_method +
", this." + namer_.Method(field, "Length") + "())";
field_offset_decl =
AddImport(imports, struct_def, struct_def).name + "." +
namer_.Method("create", field, "Vector") +
"(builder, this." + field_field + ")";
field_type += GenObjApiUnionTypeTS(imports, struct_def, parser.opts,
field_val = GenUnionValTS(imports, struct_def, field_method,
field_offset_decl =
"builder.createObjectOffset(this." + field_field + ")";
default: FLATBUFFERS_ASSERT(0); break;
// length 0 vector is simply empty instead of null
field_type += is_vector ? "" : "|null";
if (!field_offset_decl.empty()) {
field_offset_decl =
" const " + field_field + " = " + field_offset_decl + ";";
if (field_offset_val.empty()) { field_offset_val = field_field; }
unpack_func += " " + field_val;
unpack_to_func += " _o." + field_field + " = " + field_val + ";";
// FIXME: if field_type and field_field are identical, then
// this generates invalid typescript.
constructor_func += " public " + field_field + ": " + field_type +
" = " + field_default_val;
if (!struct_def.fixed) {
if (!field_offset_decl.empty()) {
pack_func_offset_decl += field_offset_decl + "\n";
if (has_create) {
pack_func_create_call += field_offset_val;
} else {
if (field.IsScalarOptional()) {
pack_func_create_call +=
" if (" + field_offset_val + " !== null)\n ";
pack_func_create_call += " " + struct_name + "." +
namer_.Method("add", field) + "(builder, " +
field_offset_val + ");\n";
if (std::next(it) != struct_def.fields.vec.end()) {
constructor_func += ",\n";
if (!struct_def.fixed && has_create) {
pack_func_create_call += ",\n ";
unpack_func += ",\n";
unpack_to_func += "\n";
} else {
constructor_func += "\n";
if (!struct_def.fixed) {
pack_func_offset_decl += (pack_func_offset_decl.empty() ? "" : "\n");
pack_func_create_call += "\n ";
unpack_func += "\n ";
unpack_to_func += "\n";
constructor_func += "){}\n\n";
if (has_create) {
pack_func_create_call += ");";
} else {
pack_func_create_call += "return " + struct_name + ".end" +
GetPrefixedName(struct_def) + "(builder);";
obj_api_class = "\n";
obj_api_class += "export class ";
obj_api_class += GetTypeName(struct_def, /*object_api=*/true);
obj_api_class += " implements flatbuffers.IGeneratedObject {\n";
obj_api_class += constructor_func;
obj_api_class += pack_func_prototype + pack_func_offset_decl +
pack_func_create_call + "\n}";
obj_api_class += "\n}\n";
unpack_func += ");\n}";
unpack_to_func += "}\n";
obj_api_unpack_func = unpack_func + "\n\n" + unpack_to_func;
static bool CanCreateFactoryMethod(const StructDef &struct_def) {
// to preserve backwards compatibility, we allow the first field to be a
// struct
return struct_def.fields.vec.size() < 2 ||
std::all_of(std::begin(struct_def.fields.vec) + 1,
[](const FieldDef *f) -> bool {
return f->value.type.base_type != BASE_TYPE_STRUCT;
// Generate an accessor struct with constructor for a flatbuffers struct.
void GenStruct(const Parser &parser, StructDef &struct_def,
std::string *code_ptr, import_set &imports) {
if (struct_def.generated) return;
std::string &code = *code_ptr;
// Special case for the root struct, since no one will necessarily reference
// it, we have to explicitly add it to the import list.
if (&struct_def == parser_.root_struct_def_) {
AddImport(imports, struct_def, struct_def);
const std::string object_name = GetTypeName(struct_def);
const std::string object_api_name = GetTypeName(struct_def, true);
// Emit constructor
GenDocComment(struct_def.doc_comment, code_ptr);
code += "export class ";
code += object_name;
if (parser.opts.generate_object_based_api)
code += " implements flatbuffers.IUnpackableObject<" + object_api_name +
"> {\n";
code += " {\n";
code += " bb: flatbuffers.ByteBuffer|null = null;\n";
code += " bb_pos = 0;\n";
// Generate the __init method that sets the field in a pre-existing
// accessor object. This is to allow object reuse.
code +=
" __init(i:number, bb:flatbuffers.ByteBuffer):" + object_name + " {\n";
code += " this.bb_pos = i;\n";
code += " = bb;\n";
code += " return this;\n";
code += "}\n\n";
// Generate special accessors for the table that when used as the root of a
// FlatBuffer
GenerateRootAccessor(struct_def, code_ptr, code, object_name, false);
GenerateRootAccessor(struct_def, code_ptr, code, object_name, true);
// Generate the identifier check method
if (!struct_def.fixed && parser_.root_struct_def_ == &struct_def &&
!parser_.file_identifier_.empty()) {
code +=
"static bufferHasIdentifier(bb:flatbuffers.ByteBuffer):boolean "
code += " return bb.__has_identifier('" + parser_.file_identifier_;
code += "');\n}\n\n";
// Emit field accessors
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) continue;
std::string offset_prefix = "";
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_ARRAY) {
offset_prefix = " return ";
} else {
offset_prefix = " const offset = " + GenBBAccess() +
".__offset(this.bb_pos, " +
NumToString(field.value.offset) + ");\n";
offset_prefix += " return offset ? ";
// Emit a scalar field
const auto is_string = IsString(field.value.type);
if (IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type) || is_string) {
const auto has_null_default = is_string || HasNullDefault(field);
GenDocComment(field.doc_comment, code_ptr);
std::string prefix = namer_.Method(field) + "(";
if (is_string) {
code += prefix + "):string|null\n";
code +=
prefix + "optionalEncoding:flatbuffers.Encoding" + "):" +
GenTypeName(imports, struct_def, field.value.type, false, true) +
code += prefix + "optionalEncoding?:any";
} else {
code += prefix;
if (field.value.type.enum_def) {
code += "):" +
GenTypeName(imports, struct_def, field.value.type, false,
field.IsOptional()) +
" {\n";
} else {
code += "):" +
GenTypeName(imports, struct_def, field.value.type, false,
has_null_default) +
" {\n";
if (struct_def.fixed) {
code +=
" return " +
"(this.bb_pos" + MaybeAdd(field.value.offset) + ")") +
} else {
std::string index = "this.bb_pos + offset";
if (is_string) { index += ", optionalEncoding"; }
code +=
offset_prefix + GenGetter(field.value.type, "(" + index + ")");
if (field.value.type.base_type != BASE_TYPE_ARRAY) {
code += " : " + GenDefaultValue(field, imports);
code += ";\n";
// Emit an object field
else {
switch (field.value.type.base_type) {
const auto type =
AddImport(imports, struct_def, *field.value.type.struct_def)
GenDocComment(field.doc_comment, code_ptr);
code += namer_.Method(field);
code += "(obj?:" + type + "):" + type + "|null {\n";
if (struct_def.fixed) {
code += " return (obj || " + GenerateNewExpression(type);
code += ").__init(this.bb_pos";
code +=
MaybeAdd(field.value.offset) + ", " + GenBBAccess() + ");\n";
} else {
code += offset_prefix + "(obj || " + GenerateNewExpression(type) +
code += field.value.type.struct_def->fixed
? "this.bb_pos + offset"
: GenBBAccess() + ".__indirect(this.bb_pos + offset)";
code += ", " + GenBBAccess() + ") : null;\n";
auto vectortype = field.value.type.VectorType();
auto vectortypename =
GenTypeName(imports, struct_def, vectortype, false);
auto inline_size = InlineSize(vectortype);
auto index = "this.bb_pos + " + NumToString(field.value.offset) +
" + index" + MaybeScale(inline_size);
std::string ret_type;
bool is_union = false;
switch (vectortype.base_type) {
case BASE_TYPE_STRUCT: ret_type = vectortypename; break;
case BASE_TYPE_STRING: ret_type = vectortypename; break;
ret_type = "?flatbuffers.Table";
is_union = true;
default: ret_type = vectortypename;
GenDocComment(field.doc_comment, code_ptr);
std::string prefix = namer_.Method(field);
// TODO: make it work without any
// if (is_union) { prefix += "<T extends flatbuffers.Table>"; }
if (is_union) { prefix += ""; }
prefix += "(index: number";
if (is_union) {
const auto union_type =
vectortypename = union_type;
code += prefix + ", obj:" + union_type;
} else if (vectortype.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
code += prefix + ", obj?:" + vectortypename;
} else if (IsString(vectortype)) {
code += prefix + "):string\n";
code += prefix + ",optionalEncoding:flatbuffers.Encoding" +
"):" + vectortypename + "\n";
code += prefix + ",optionalEncoding?:any";
} else {
code += prefix;
code += "):" + vectortypename + "|null {\n";
if (vectortype.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
code += offset_prefix + "(obj || " +
code += ").__init(";
code += vectortype.struct_def->fixed
? index
: GenBBAccess() + ".__indirect(" + index + ")";
code += ", " + GenBBAccess() + ")";
} else {
if (is_union) {
index = "obj, " + index;
} else if (IsString(vectortype)) {
index += ", optionalEncoding";
code += offset_prefix + GenGetter(vectortype, "(" + index + ")");
switch (field.value.type.base_type) {
code += " : false";
code += " : BigInt(0)";
default: {
if (IsScalar(field.value.type.element)) {
if (field.value.type.enum_def) {
code += field.value.constant;
} else {
code += " : 0";
} else {
code += ": null";
code += ";\n";
auto vectortype = field.value.type.VectorType();
auto vectortypename =
GenTypeName(imports, struct_def, vectortype, false);
auto type = GetUnderlyingVectorType(vectortype);
auto inline_size = InlineSize(type);
auto index = GenBBAccess() +
".__vector(this.bb_pos + offset) + index" +
std::string ret_type;
bool is_union = false;
switch (vectortype.base_type) {
case BASE_TYPE_STRUCT: ret_type = vectortypename; break;
case BASE_TYPE_STRING: ret_type = vectortypename; break;
ret_type = "?flatbuffers.Table";
is_union = true;
default: ret_type = vectortypename;
GenDocComment(field.doc_comment, code_ptr);
std::string prefix = namer_.Method(field);
// TODO: make it work without any
// if (is_union) { prefix += "<T extends flatbuffers.Table>"; }
if (is_union) { prefix += ""; }
prefix += "(index: number";
if (is_union) {
const auto union_type =
vectortypename = union_type;
code += prefix + ", obj:" + union_type;
} else if (vectortype.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
code += prefix + ", obj?:" + vectortypename;
} else if (IsString(vectortype)) {
code += prefix + "):string\n";
code += prefix + ",optionalEncoding:flatbuffers.Encoding" +
"):" + vectortypename + "\n";
code += prefix + ",optionalEncoding?:any";
} else {
code += prefix;
code += "):" + vectortypename + "|null {\n";
if (vectortype.base_type == BASE_TYPE_STRUCT) {
code += offset_prefix + "(obj || " +
code += ").__init(";
code += vectortype.struct_def->fixed
? index
: GenBBAccess() + ".__indirect(" + index + ")";
code += ", " + GenBBAccess() + ")";
} else {
if (is_union) {
index = "obj, " + index;
} else if (IsString(vectortype)) {
index += ", optionalEncoding";
code += offset_prefix + GenGetter(vectortype, "(" + index + ")");
code += " : ";
if (field.value.type.element == BASE_TYPE_BOOL) {
code += "false";
} else if (field.value.type.element == BASE_TYPE_LONG ||
field.value.type.element == BASE_TYPE_ULONG) {
code += "BigInt(0)";
} else if (IsScalar(field.value.type.element)) {
if (field.value.type.enum_def) {
code += field.value.constant;
} else {
code += "0";
} else {
code += "null";
code += ";\n";
GenDocComment(field.doc_comment, code_ptr);
code += namer_.Method(field);
const auto &union_enum = *(field.value.type.enum_def);
const auto union_type = GenUnionGenericTypeTS(union_enum);
code += "<T extends flatbuffers.Table>(obj:" + union_type +
"):" + union_type +
"|null "
code += offset_prefix +
GenGetter(field.value.type, "(obj, this.bb_pos + offset)") +
" : null;\n";
code += "}\n\n";
// Adds the mutable scalar value to the output
if (IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type) && parser.opts.mutable_buffer &&
!IsUnion(field.value.type)) {
std::string type =
GenTypeName(imports, struct_def, field.value.type, true);
code += namer_.LegacyTsMutateMethod(field) + "(value:" + type +
"):boolean {\n";
const std::string write_method =
"." + namer_.Method("write", GenType(field.value.type));
if (struct_def.fixed) {
code += " " + GenBBAccess() + write_method + "(this.bb_pos + " +
NumToString(field.value.offset) + ", ";
} else {
code += " const offset = " + GenBBAccess() +
".__offset(this.bb_pos, " + NumToString(field.value.offset) +
code += " if (offset === 0) {\n";
code += " return false;\n";
code += " }\n\n";
// special case for bools, which are treated as uint8
code +=
" " + GenBBAccess() + write_method + "(this.bb_pos + offset, ";
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_BOOL) { code += "+"; }
code += "value);\n";
code += " return true;\n";
code += "}\n\n";
// Emit vector helpers
if (IsVector(field.value.type)) {
// Emit a length helper
code += namer_.Method(field, "Length");
code += "():number {\n" + offset_prefix;
code +=
GenBBAccess() + ".__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset) : 0;\n}\n\n";
// For scalar types, emit a typed array helper
auto vectorType = field.value.type.VectorType();
if (IsScalar(vectorType.base_type) && !IsLong(vectorType.base_type)) {
code += namer_.Method(field, "Array");
code +=
"():" + GenType(vectorType) + "Array|null {\n" + offset_prefix;
code += "new " + GenType(vectorType) + "Array(" + GenBBAccess() +
".bytes().buffer, " + GenBBAccess() +
".bytes().byteOffset + " + GenBBAccess() +
".__vector(this.bb_pos + offset), " + GenBBAccess() +
".__vector_len(this.bb_pos + offset)) : null;\n}\n\n";
// Emit the fully qualified name
if (parser_.opts.generate_name_strings) {
code += "static getFullyQualifiedName():string {\n";
code +=
" return '" +
struct_def.defined_namespace->GetFullyQualifiedName( +
code += "}\n\n";
// Emit the size of the struct.
if (struct_def.fixed) {
code += "static sizeOf():number {\n";
code += " return " + NumToString(struct_def.bytesize) + ";\n";
code += "}\n\n";
// Emit a factory constructor
if (struct_def.fixed) {
std::string arguments;
GenStructArgs(imports, struct_def, &arguments, "");
code += "static create" + GetPrefixedName(struct_def) +
code += arguments + "):flatbuffers.Offset {\n";
GenStructBody(struct_def, &code, "");
code += " return builder.offset();\n}\n\n";
} else {
// Generate a method to start building a new object
code += "static start" + GetPrefixedName(struct_def) +
"(builder:flatbuffers.Builder) {\n";
code += " builder.startObject(" +
NumToString(struct_def.fields.vec.size()) + ");\n";
code += "}\n\n";
// Generate a set of static methods that allow table construction
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) continue;
const auto argname = GetArgName(field);
// Generate the field insertion method
code += "static " + namer_.Method("add", field);
code += "(builder:flatbuffers.Builder, " + argname + ":" +
GetArgType(imports, struct_def, field, false) + ") {\n";
code += " builder.addField" + GenWriteMethod(field.value.type) + "(";
code += NumToString(it - struct_def.fields.vec.begin()) + ", ";
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_BOOL) { code += "+"; }
code += argname + ", ";
if (!IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type)) {
code += "0";
} else if (HasNullDefault(field)) {
code += "null";
} else {
if (field.value.type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_BOOL) { code += "+"; }
code += GenDefaultValue(field, imports);
code += ");\n}\n\n";
if (IsVector(field.value.type)) {
auto vector_type = field.value.type.VectorType();
auto type = GetUnderlyingVectorType(vector_type);
auto alignment = InlineAlignment(type);
auto elem_size = InlineSize(type);
// Generate a method to create a vector from a JavaScript array
if (!IsStruct(vector_type)) {
const std::string sig_begin =
"static " + namer_.Method("create", field, "Vector") +
"(builder:flatbuffers.Builder, data:";
const std::string sig_end = "):flatbuffers.Offset";
std::string type =
GenTypeName(imports, struct_def, vector_type, true) + "[]";
if (type == "number[]") {
const auto &array_type = GenType(vector_type);
// the old type should be deprecated in the future
std::string type_old = "number[]|Uint8Array";
std::string type_new = "number[]|" + array_type + "Array";
if (type_old == type_new) {
type = type_new;
} else {
// add function overloads
code += sig_begin + type_new + sig_end + ";\n";
code +=
"/**\n * @deprecated This Uint8Array overload will "
"be removed in the future.\n */\n";
code += sig_begin + type_old + sig_end + ";\n";
type = type_new + "|Uint8Array";
code += sig_begin + type + sig_end + " {\n";
code += " builder.startVector(" + NumToString(elem_size);
code += ", data.length, " + NumToString(alignment) + ");\n";
code += " for (let i = data.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n";
code += " builder.add" + GenWriteMethod(vector_type) + "(";
if (vector_type.base_type == BASE_TYPE_BOOL) { code += "+"; }
code += "data[i]!);\n";
code += " }\n";
code += " return builder.endVector();\n";
code += "}\n\n";
// Generate a method to start a vector, data to be added manually
// after
code += "static ";
code += namer_.Method("start", field, "Vector");
code += "(builder:flatbuffers.Builder, numElems:number) {\n";
code += " builder.startVector(" + NumToString(elem_size);
code += ", numElems, " + NumToString(alignment) + ");\n";
code += "}\n\n";
// Generate a method to stop building a new object
code += "static end" + GetPrefixedName(struct_def);
code += "(builder:flatbuffers.Builder):flatbuffers.Offset {\n";
code += " const offset = builder.endObject();\n";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
auto &field = **it;
if (!field.deprecated && field.IsRequired()) {
code += " builder.requiredField(offset, ";
code += NumToString(field.value.offset);
code += ") // " + + "\n";
code += " return offset;\n";
code += "}\n\n";
// Generate the methods to complete buffer construction
GenerateFinisher(struct_def, code_ptr, code, false);
GenerateFinisher(struct_def, code_ptr, code, true);
// Generate a convenient CreateX function
if (CanCreateFactoryMethod(struct_def)) {
code += "static create" + GetPrefixedName(struct_def);
code += "(builder:flatbuffers.Builder";
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) continue;
code += ", " + GetArgName(field) + ":" +
GetArgType(imports, struct_def, field, true);
code += "):flatbuffers.Offset {\n";
code += " " + object_name + ".start" + GetPrefixedName(struct_def) +
std::string methodPrefix = object_name;
for (auto it = struct_def.fields.vec.begin();
it != struct_def.fields.vec.end(); ++it) {
const auto &field = **it;
if (field.deprecated) continue;
const auto arg_name = GetArgName(field);
if (field.IsScalarOptional()) {
code += " if (" + arg_name + " !== null)\n ";
code += " " + methodPrefix + "." + namer_.Method("add", field) + "(";
code += "builder, " + arg_name + ");\n";
code += " return " + methodPrefix + ".end" +
GetPrefixedName(struct_def) + "(builder);\n";
code += "}\n";
if (!struct_def.fixed && parser_.services_.vec.size() != 0) {
auto name = GetPrefixedName(struct_def, "");
code += "\n";
code += "serialize():Uint8Array {\n";
code += " return!.bytes();\n";
code += "}\n";
code += "\n";
code += "static deserialize(buffer: Uint8Array):" +
namer_.EscapeKeyword(name) + " {\n";
code += " return " + AddImport(imports, struct_def, struct_def).name +
".getRootAs" + name + "(new flatbuffers.ByteBuffer(buffer))\n";
code += "}\n";
if (parser_.opts.generate_object_based_api) {
std::string obj_api_class;
std::string obj_api_unpack_func;
GenObjApi(parser_, struct_def, obj_api_unpack_func, obj_api_class,
code += obj_api_unpack_func + "}\n" + obj_api_class;
} else {
code += "}\n";
static bool HasNullDefault(const FieldDef &field) {
return field.IsOptional() && field.value.constant == "null";
std::string GetArgType(import_set &imports, const Definition &owner,
const FieldDef &field, bool allowNull) {
return GenTypeName(imports, owner, field.value.type, true,
allowNull && field.IsOptional());
std::string GetArgName(const FieldDef &field) {
auto argname = namer_.Variable(field);
if (!IsScalar(field.value.type.base_type)) { argname += "Offset"; }
return argname;
std::string GetPrefixedName(const StructDef &struct_def,
const char *prefix = "") {
return prefix +;
}; // namespace ts
} // namespace ts
static bool GenerateTS(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &file_name) {
ts::TsGenerator generator(parser, path, file_name);
return generator.generate();
static std::string TSMakeRule(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &file_name) {
std::string filebase =
ts::TsGenerator generator(parser, path, file_name);
std::string make_rule =
generator.GeneratedFileName(path, filebase, parser.opts) + ": ";
auto included_files = parser.GetIncludedFilesRecursive(file_name);
for (auto it = included_files.begin(); it != included_files.end(); ++it) {
make_rule += " " + *it;
return make_rule;
namespace {
class TsCodeGenerator : public CodeGenerator {
Status GenerateCode(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &filename) override {
if (!GenerateTS(parser, path, filename)) { return Status::ERROR; }
return Status::OK;
Status GenerateCode(const uint8_t *, int64_t,
const CodeGenOptions &) override {
return Status::NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
Status GenerateMakeRule(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &filename,
std::string &output) override {
output = TSMakeRule(parser, path, filename);
return Status::OK;
Status GenerateGrpcCode(const Parser &parser, const std::string &path,
const std::string &filename) override {
if (!GenerateTSGRPC(parser, path, filename)) { return Status::ERROR; }
return Status::OK;
Status GenerateRootFile(const Parser &parser,
const std::string &path) override {
return Status::NOT_IMPLEMENTED;
bool IsSchemaOnly() const override { return true; }
bool SupportsBfbsGeneration() const override { return false; }
bool SupportsRootFileGeneration() const override { return false; }
IDLOptions::Language Language() const override { return IDLOptions::kTs; }
std::string LanguageName() const override { return "TS"; }
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<CodeGenerator> NewTsCodeGenerator() {
return std::unique_ptr<TsCodeGenerator>(new TsCodeGenerator());
} // namespace flatbuffers