blob: e4fa6fa54aec9a6b3bc5a4029b41be5e5a5f1986 [file] [log] [blame]
name = "flexbuffers"
version = "2.0.0"
authors = ["Casper Neo <>", "FlatBuffers Maintainers"]
edition = "2018"
license = "Apache-2.0"
description = "Official FlexBuffers Rust runtime library."
homepage = ""
repository = ""
keywords = ["flatbuffers", "flexbuffers", "serialization", "zero-copy"]
categories = ["encoding", "data-structures", "memory-management"]
# Sets serde::Serializer::is_human_readable() to true.
# The default was changed from true to false in version "0.2.1".
# You basically never need this to be true unless writing data for old binaries.
serialize_human_readable = []
# Sets serde::Deserializer::is_human_readable() to true.
# The default was changed from true to false in version "0.2.1".
# You basically never need this to be true unless reading data from old binaries.
deserialize_human_readable = []
serde = "1.0.119"
serde_derive = "1.0.119"
byteorder = "1.4.2"
num_enum = "0.5.1"
bitflags = "1.2.1"