blob: 289fa59c3e2c945b0ca397f85a74b39ef0df374f [file] [log] [blame]
local m = {}
local ba = require("flatbuffers.binaryarray")
local bpack = ba.Pack
local bunpack = ba.Unpack
local type_mt = {}
function type_mt:Pack(value)
return bpack(self.packFmt, value)
function type_mt:Unpack(buf, pos)
return bunpack(self.packFmt, buf, pos)
function type_mt:ValidNumber(n)
if not self.min_value and not self.max_value then return true end
return self.min_value <= n and n <= self.max_value
function type_mt:EnforceNumber(n)
-- duplicate code since the overhead of function calls
-- for such a popular method is time consuming
if not self.min_value and not self.max_value then
if self.min_value <= n and n <= self.max_value then
error("Number is not in the valid range")
function type_mt:EnforceNumbers(a,b)
-- duplicate code since the overhead of function calls
-- for such a popular method is time consuming
if not self.min_value and not self.max_value then
if self.min_value <= a and a <= self.max_value and self.min_value <= b and b <= self.max_value then
error("Number is not in the valid range")
function type_mt:EnforceNumberAndPack(n)
return bpack(self.packFmt, n)
function type_mt:ConvertType(n, otherType)
assert(self.bytewidth == otherType.bytewidth, "Cannot convert between types of different widths")
if self == otherType then
return n
return otherType:Unpack(self:Pack(n))
local bool_mt =
bytewidth = 1,
min_value = false,
max_value = true,
lua_type = type(true),
name = "bool",
packFmt = "<I1",
Pack = function(self, value) return value and "1" or "0" end,
Unpack = function(self, buf, pos) return buf[pos] == "1" end,
ValidNumber = function(self, n) return true end, -- anything is a valid boolean in Lua
EnforceNumber = function(self, n) end, -- anything is a valid boolean in Lua
EnforceNumbers = function(self, a, b) end, -- anything is a valid boolean in Lua
EnforceNumberAndPack = function(self, n) return self:Pack(n) end,
local uint8_mt =
bytewidth = 1,
min_value = 0,
max_value = 2^8-1,
lua_type = type(1),
name = "uint8",
packFmt = "<I1"
local uint16_mt =
bytewidth = 2,
min_value = 0,
max_value = 2^16-1,
lua_type = type(1),
name = "uint16",
packFmt = "<I2"
local uint32_mt =
bytewidth = 4,
min_value = 0,
max_value = 2^32-1,
lua_type = type(1),
name = "uint32",
packFmt = "<I4"
local uint64_mt =
bytewidth = 8,
min_value = 0,
max_value = 2^64-1,
lua_type = type(1),
name = "uint64",
packFmt = "<I8"
local int8_mt =
bytewidth = 1,
min_value = -2^7,
max_value = 2^7-1,
lua_type = type(1),
name = "int8",
packFmt = "<i1"
local int16_mt =
bytewidth = 2,
min_value = -2^15,
max_value = 2^15-1,
lua_type = type(1),
name = "int16",
packFmt = "<i2"
local int32_mt =
bytewidth = 4,
min_value = -2^31,
max_value = 2^31-1,
lua_type = type(1),
name = "int32",
packFmt = "<i4"
local int64_mt =
bytewidth = 8,
min_value = -2^63,
max_value = 2^63-1,
lua_type = type(1),
name = "int64",
packFmt = "<i8"
local float32_mt =
bytewidth = 4,
min_value = nil,
max_value = nil,
lua_type = type(1.0),
name = "float32",
packFmt = "<f"
local float64_mt =
bytewidth = 8,
min_value = nil,
max_value = nil,
lua_type = type(1.0),
name = "float64",
packFmt = "<d"
-- register the base class
setmetatable(bool_mt, {__index = type_mt})
setmetatable(uint8_mt, {__index = type_mt})
setmetatable(uint16_mt, {__index = type_mt})
setmetatable(uint32_mt, {__index = type_mt})
setmetatable(uint64_mt, {__index = type_mt})
setmetatable(int8_mt, {__index = type_mt})
setmetatable(int16_mt, {__index = type_mt})
setmetatable(int32_mt, {__index = type_mt})
setmetatable(int64_mt, {__index = type_mt})
setmetatable(float32_mt, {__index = type_mt})
setmetatable(float64_mt, {__index = type_mt})
m.Uint8 = uint8_mt
m.Uint16 = uint16_mt
m.Uint32 = uint32_mt
m.Uint64 = uint64_mt
m.Int8 = int8_mt
m.Int16 = int16_mt
m.Int32 = int32_mt
m.Int64 = int64_mt
m.Float32 = float32_mt
m.Float64 = float64_mt
m.UOffsetT = uint32_mt
m.VOffsetT = uint16_mt
m.SOffsetT = int32_mt
local GenerateTypes = function(listOfTypes)
for _,t in pairs(listOfTypes) do
t.Pack = function(self, value) return bpack(self.packFmt, value) end
t.Unpack = function(self, buf, pos) return bunpack(self.packFmt, buf, pos) end
-- explicitly execute after GenerateTypes call, as we don't want to define a Pack/Unpack function for it.
m.Bool = bool_mt
return m