blob: 6cfc2337c4eaaf0f8a2fb252f229a1a5cfa2dbb9 [file] [log] [blame]
// automatically generated by the FlatBuffers compiler, do not modify
// ignore_for_file: unused_import, unused_field, unused_element, unused_local_variable
library keyword_test;
import 'dart:typed_data' show Uint8List;
import 'package:flat_buffers/flat_buffers.dart' as fb;
class Abc {
final int value;
const Abc._(this.value);
factory Abc.fromValue(int value) {
final result = values[value];
if (result == null) {
throw StateError('Invalid value $value for bit flag enum Abc');
return result;
static Abc? _createOrNull(int? value) =>
value == null ? null : Abc.fromValue(value);
static const int minValue = 0;
static const int maxValue = 2;
static bool containsValue(int value) => values.containsKey(value);
static const Abc $void = Abc._(0);
static const Abc where = Abc._(1);
static const Abc stackalloc = Abc._(2);
static const Map<int, Abc> values = {
0: $void,
1: where,
2: stackalloc};
static const fb.Reader<Abc> reader = _AbcReader();
String toString() {
return 'Abc{value: $value}';
class _AbcReader extends fb.Reader<Abc> {
const _AbcReader();
int get size => 4;
Abc read(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
Abc.fromValue(const fb.Int32Reader().read(bc, offset));
class Public {
final int value;
const Public._(this.value);
factory Public.fromValue(int value) {
final result = values[value];
if (result == null) {
throw StateError('Invalid value $value for bit flag enum Public');
return result;
static Public? _createOrNull(int? value) =>
value == null ? null : Public.fromValue(value);
static const int minValue = 0;
static const int maxValue = 0;
static bool containsValue(int value) => values.containsKey(value);
static const Public NONE = Public._(0);
static const Map<int, Public> values = {
0: NONE};
static const fb.Reader<Public> reader = _PublicReader();
String toString() {
return 'Public{value: $value}';
class _PublicReader extends fb.Reader<Public> {
const _PublicReader();
int get size => 4;
Public read(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
Public.fromValue(const fb.Int32Reader().read(bc, offset));
class KeywordsInUnionTypeId {
final int value;
const KeywordsInUnionTypeId._(this.value);
factory KeywordsInUnionTypeId.fromValue(int value) {
final result = values[value];
if (result == null) {
throw StateError('Invalid value $value for bit flag enum KeywordsInUnionTypeId');
return result;
static KeywordsInUnionTypeId? _createOrNull(int? value) =>
value == null ? null : KeywordsInUnionTypeId.fromValue(value);
static const int minValue = 0;
static const int maxValue = 2;
static bool containsValue(int value) => values.containsKey(value);
static const KeywordsInUnionTypeId NONE = KeywordsInUnionTypeId._(0);
static const KeywordsInUnionTypeId $static = KeywordsInUnionTypeId._(1);
static const KeywordsInUnionTypeId internal = KeywordsInUnionTypeId._(2);
static const Map<int, KeywordsInUnionTypeId> values = {
0: NONE,
1: $static,
2: internal};
static const fb.Reader<KeywordsInUnionTypeId> reader = _KeywordsInUnionTypeIdReader();
String toString() {
return 'KeywordsInUnionTypeId{value: $value}';
class _KeywordsInUnionTypeIdReader extends fb.Reader<KeywordsInUnionTypeId> {
const _KeywordsInUnionTypeIdReader();
int get size => 1;
KeywordsInUnionTypeId read(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
KeywordsInUnionTypeId.fromValue(const fb.Uint8Reader().read(bc, offset));
class KeywordsInTable {
KeywordsInTable._(this._bc, this._bcOffset);
factory KeywordsInTable(List<int> bytes) {
final rootRef = fb.BufferContext.fromBytes(bytes);
return, 0);
static const fb.Reader<KeywordsInTable> reader = _KeywordsInTableReader();
final fb.BufferContext _bc;
final int _bcOffset;
Abc get $is => Abc.fromValue(const fb.Int32Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 4, 0));
Public get private => Public.fromValue(const fb.Int32Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 6, 0));
int get type => const fb.Int32Reader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 8, 0);
bool get $default => const fb.BoolReader().vTableGet(_bc, _bcOffset, 10, false);
String toString() {
return 'KeywordsInTable{\$is: ${$is}, private: ${private}, type: ${type}, \$default: ${$default}}';
KeywordsInTableT unpack() => KeywordsInTableT(
$is: $is,
private: private,
type: type,
$default: $default);
static int pack(fb.Builder fbBuilder, KeywordsInTableT? object) {
if (object == null) return 0;
return object.pack(fbBuilder);
class KeywordsInTableT implements fb.Packable {
Abc $is;
Public private;
int type;
bool $default;
this.$is = Abc.$void,
this.private = Public.NONE,
this.type = 0,
this.$default = false});
int pack(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
fbBuilder.addInt32(0, $is.value);
fbBuilder.addInt32(1, private.value);
fbBuilder.addInt32(2, type);
fbBuilder.addBool(3, $default);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
String toString() {
return 'KeywordsInTableT{\$is: ${$is}, private: ${private}, type: ${type}, \$default: ${$default}}';
class _KeywordsInTableReader extends fb.TableReader<KeywordsInTable> {
const _KeywordsInTableReader();
KeywordsInTable createObject(fb.BufferContext bc, int offset) =>
KeywordsInTable._(bc, offset);
class KeywordsInTableBuilder {
final fb.Builder fbBuilder;
void begin() {
int addIs(Abc? $is) {
fbBuilder.addInt32(0, $is?.value);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addPrivate(Public? private) {
fbBuilder.addInt32(1, private?.value);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addType(int? type) {
fbBuilder.addInt32(2, type);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int addDefault(bool? $default) {
fbBuilder.addBool(3, $default);
return fbBuilder.offset;
int finish() {
return fbBuilder.endTable();
class KeywordsInTableObjectBuilder extends fb.ObjectBuilder {
final Abc? _$is;
final Public? _private;
final int? _type;
final bool? _$default;
Abc? $is,
Public? private,
int? type,
bool? $default,
: _$is = $is,
_private = private,
_type = type,
_$default = $default;
/// Finish building, and store into the [fbBuilder].
int finish(fb.Builder fbBuilder) {
fbBuilder.addInt32(0, _$is?.value);
fbBuilder.addInt32(1, _private?.value);
fbBuilder.addInt32(2, _type);
fbBuilder.addBool(3, _$default);
return fbBuilder.endTable();
/// Convenience method to serialize to byte list.
Uint8List toBytes([String? fileIdentifier]) {
final fbBuilder = fb.Builder(deduplicateTables: false);
fbBuilder.finish(finish(fbBuilder), fileIdentifier);
return fbBuilder.buffer;